The pagan tribes of Borneo - Get a Free Blog Here

The pagan tribes of Borneo - Get a Free Blog Here

The pagan tribes of Borneo - Get a Free Blog Here


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in small groups <strong>of</strong> twenty or thirty persons, which<br />

wander in the jungle. Each such group is generally<br />

made up <strong>of</strong> a chief and his descendants. <strong>The</strong><br />

group will spend a few weeks or months at a time<br />

in one spot (to which generally they are attracted<br />

by the presence <strong>of</strong> wild sago), dwelling in rude<br />

shelters <strong>of</strong> sticks and leaves, aud then moving on,<br />

but generally remaining within some one area,<br />

such as the basin <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the upper tributaries<br />

<strong>of</strong> a large river. <strong>The</strong>y are found throughout the<br />

interior <strong>of</strong> <strong>Borneo</strong>, but are difficult to meet with,<br />

as they remain hidden in the depths <strong>of</strong> the forests.<br />

Unlike all the other peoples, they cultivate no padi<br />

(rice), and they do not make boats or travel on the<br />

rivers. <strong>The</strong>y support themselves by hunting with<br />

the blow-pipe, by gathering the wild jungle fruits,<br />

and by collecting the jungle products and bartering<br />

them with the more settled peoples. In physical<br />

characters they closely resemble the Kenyahs, being<br />

well-built and vigorous ; their skin is <strong>of</strong> very light<br />

yellow colour, and their features are regular and<br />

well shaped. Mentally they are characterised by<br />

extreme shyness and timidity and reserve. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

are quite in<strong>of</strong>fensive and never engage in open<br />

warfare; though they will avenge injuries by stealthy<br />

attacks on individuals with the blow-pipe and<br />

poisoned darts. <strong>The</strong>ir only handicrafts are the<br />

making <strong>of</strong> baskets, mats, blow-pipes, and the<br />

implements used for working the wild sago ; but<br />

in these and in the use <strong>of</strong> the blow-pipe they are<br />

very expert. All other manufactured articles used<br />

by them—cloths, swords, spears—are obtained by<br />

barter from the other peoples. Unlike all the other<br />

peoples, they have no form <strong>of</strong> sepulture, but simply<br />

leave the corpse <strong>of</strong> a comrade in the rude shelter<br />

in which he died. <strong>The</strong>y sing and declaim rude<br />

melancholy songs or dirges with peculiar skill and<br />

striking effect. <strong>The</strong>ir language is distinctive, but

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