The pagan tribes of Borneo - Get a Free Blog Here

The pagan tribes of Borneo - Get a Free Blog Here

The pagan tribes of Borneo - Get a Free Blog Here


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CHAP.<br />

boats. A password is agreed upon, which serves<br />

as a means <strong>of</strong> making members <strong>of</strong> the party known<br />

to one another upon any chance meeting in the<br />

dark.<br />

Scouts are sent out at dusk and, if their reports<br />

are favourable, the attack is made just before<br />

dawn. About half the warriors are provided with<br />

large bundles <strong>of</strong> dry shavings, and some will carry<br />

torches. When the attacking party has quietly<br />

surrounded the house or houses, the bundles <strong>of</strong><br />

shavings are ignited, and their bearers run in and<br />

throw them under the house among the timbers on<br />

which it is supported. <strong>The</strong>n ensues a scene <strong>of</strong> wild<br />

confusion. <strong>The</strong> calm stillness <strong>of</strong> the tropical dawn<br />

is broken by the deep war-chorus <strong>of</strong> the attacking<br />

party, by the shouts and screams <strong>of</strong> the people <strong>of</strong><br />

the house suddenly roused from sleep, by the cries<br />

and squeals <strong>of</strong> the frightened animals beneath the<br />

house, and the beating <strong>of</strong> the alarm signal on the<br />

tawak. If the house is ignited, the encircling<br />

assailants strive to intercept the fleeing inhabitants.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se, if the flames do not drive them out before<br />

they have time to take any concerted measures,<br />

will hurl their javelins and discharge their firearms<br />

(if they have any) at their assailants ; then they will<br />

descend, bringing the women and children with<br />

them, and make a desperate attempt to cut their<br />

way through and escape to the jungle or, sometimes,<br />

to their boats. Kayans conducting a successful<br />

attack <strong>of</strong> this kind will make as many prisoners<br />

as possible, and will as a rule kill only those men<br />

who make desperate resistance, though occasionally<br />

others, even women and children, may be wantonly<br />

killed in the excitement <strong>of</strong> the moment. It is not<br />

unusual in the case <strong>of</strong> an able-bodied man who has<br />

surrendered, but shown signs <strong>of</strong> attempting to<br />

escape or <strong>of</strong> renewing his resistance, to deal him<br />

a heavy blow on the knee-cap, and so render him

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