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3. The Structure of Individual Sections of Zechariah 89 4a* as your fathers b 1 to whom prophets called c 1 thus says Yahweh of hosts d 1 Return e 1 from evil ways and doings f 1 (cf. d?) did not hear or turn (an ear) (oracle of Yahweh) 5a 2 fathers where? b 2 prophets forever ? 6c 3 ? my words and statutes b 3 which I commanded prophets a 3 overtook fathers d 2 they returned g 1 (f?) (c?) as Yahweh of hosts purposed to do to us e 2 according to our ways and doings g 2 so has he done with us This seems to have a clear logic about it, and some apparently clear patterns emerge, e.g. abcba in vv. 5-6a. This is a logical subsection and seems likely to be intended as a chiasmus. The overall thought is consonant with the layout given. Following the same notation for vv. 1-3, we could add: lb the prophet 2a° your fathers 3c~ 2 thus says Yahweh of hosts d" 1 return to me c" 1 oracle of Yahweh of hosts d° I will return to you c° says Yahweh of hosts 4a J your fathers. .. This presents us with a very tightly structured whole. 1 Virtually every 1. We might ask whether Beuken's view that 1.3-6 has the form of a Levitical sermon (cf. 2 Chron. 30.6-9; Haggai-Sacharja, pp. 84-115, esp. 91-92) makes any appreciable difference to this investigation. I am unable to accept his thesis as a whole, but it is quite possible that Zechariah or his editor(s) did base some of their writing on traditional forms. Would this mean that regular patterns would be produced unconsciously? In principle we should hope to be able to detect an underlying pattern and its modification, and to form some opinion of original author and later redactor. However, in practice the evidence that reaches us is capable of too many different reconstructions for this to be done precisely. We must maintain our primary interest in the structure intended by the writer(s), irrespective of his/their

90 Structure and the Book ofZechariah word is made to contribute to the overall effect. If those scholars are right who argue for the work of one or more editors here, then we must be ready for some artistic editing. 1 For further treatment of this section in relation to the whole chapter, see below. The Structure ofZechariah 1.7-17 There are signs that this passage has been worked over. 2 The transition from v. 7 to v. 8 is not smooth: 'the word of Yahweh came to me saying, I saw...'; neither is that from v. 9 to v. 10, where the man who stood between the myrtle trees answers without having been asked. 'The angel who spoke with me' is introduced abruptly and it is not clear whether he is meant to be 'the man who stood between the myrtle trees' (cf v. 11 'the angel of Yahweh who stood...' with vv. 12-13 'the angel of Yahweh said...' and 'Yahweh answered gracious.. .words to the angel who spoke with me'). Verses 16-17 are often regarded as additions to the original text. See Chapter 2 above. The intended structure of vv. 8-13 is not easy to determine. There are two important focuses: v. 11, where the information is given that the earth is at rest, and v. 13, where the angel receives comforting words which are explained in vv. 14-15. The section falls formally into two sections, each beginning with a question, and may be represented thus: Question Answer Leading to 9 What? 10 Sent to patrol earth 11 Report: earth at rest 12 How long? 13 Comforting words 14-15 Viz. wrath to jealousy sources, but try to be aware of the possibilities that Beuken's researches open. 1. H.-G. Schottler concludes that 1.1-6 is a constructed literary unity: '. .. ein einheitlicher Text im Sinne der Literarkritik. Die Unebenheiten dieser konstruierten Textfolge sind somit form- und redaktionsgeschichtlich zu erklaren und nicht als literarkritische Signale zu werten' (Gott inmitten seines Volkes: Die Neuordnung des Gottesvolkes nach Sacharja 1-6 [Trier: Paulinus-Verlag, 1987], p. 48). 2. But see Rudolph, Haggai, p. 79, who says of the many 'more logical' readings proposed: 'Dabei wird iibersehen, dass eine visionare Schau ihre eigenen Gesetze hat und nicht iiberall mil der logischen Elle gemessen werden darf. Ich habe deshalb keinen Anlass gesehen, etwas zu andern'.

90 Structure and the Book ofZechariah<br />

word is made to contribute to the overall effect. If those scholars are<br />

right who argue for the work of one or more editors here, then we<br />

must be ready for some artistic editing. 1<br />

For further treatment of this section in relation to the whole<br />

chapter, see below.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Structure ofZechariah 1.7-17<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are signs that this passage has been worked over. 2 <strong>The</strong> transition<br />

from v. 7 to v. 8 is not smooth: 'the word of Yahweh came to<br />

me saying, I saw...'; neither is that from v. 9 to v. 10, where the<br />

man who stood between the myrtle trees answers without having been<br />

asked. '<strong>The</strong> angel who spoke with me' is introduced abruptly and it is<br />

not clear whether he is meant to be 'the man who stood between the<br />

myrtle trees' (cf v. 11 'the angel of Yahweh who stood...' with<br />

vv. 12-13 'the angel of Yahweh said...' and 'Yahweh answered<br />

gracious.. .words to the angel who spoke with me'). Verses 16-17 are<br />

often regarded as additions to the original text. See Chapter 2 above.<br />

<strong>The</strong> intended structure of vv. 8-13 is not easy to determine. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

are two important focuses: v. 11, where the information is given that<br />

the earth is at rest, and v. 13, where the angel receives comforting<br />

words which are explained in vv. 14-15. <strong>The</strong> section falls formally<br />

into two sections, each beginning with a question, and may be<br />

represented thus:<br />

Question Answer Leading to<br />

9 What? 10 Sent to patrol earth 11 Report: earth at rest<br />

12 How long? 13 Comforting words 14-15 Viz. wrath to jealousy<br />

sources, but try to be aware of the possibilities that Beuken's researches open.<br />

1. H.-G. Schottler concludes that 1.1-6 is a constructed literary unity: '. .. ein<br />

einheitlicher Text im Sinne der Literarkritik. Die Unebenheiten dieser konstruierten<br />

Textfolge sind somit form- und redaktionsgeschichtlich zu erklaren und nicht als<br />

literarkritische Signale zu werten' (Gott inmitten seines Volkes: Die Neuordnung des<br />

Gottesvolkes nach Sacharja 1-6 [Trier: Paulinus-Verlag, 1987], p. 48).<br />

2. But see Rudolph, Haggai, p. 79, who says of the many 'more logical'<br />

readings proposed: 'Dabei wird iibersehen, dass eine visionare Schau ihre eigenen<br />

Gesetze hat und nicht iiberall mil der logischen Elle gemessen werden darf. Ich habe<br />

deshalb keinen Anlass gesehen, etwas zu andern'.

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