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2. Division of Zechariah 77 10.1-11.3, 1 and note the difference that would result by excluding 11.1-3. Zech. 11.1-3 must also be considered separately. 11.4-14 + 15-17 Despite the acute problems of interpretation, there is no dispute about the fact that vv. 4-17 belong together, and that the section falls into two unequal parts: vv. 4-14, 15-17. The word TU> in v. 15 makes the connection explicit (see also below on 13.7-9). 72.7-73.6 The word KtoD which begins both 9.1 and 12.1, coupled with m.T -Qi and mrr DR3, make this the clearest possible beginning of a new section. Most modern commentators see it as extending to the end of 13.1. Yet 13.1 does introduce the theme of cleansing, not explicitly stated in 12.1-14, and this is continued in a different way in 13.2-6. The twin DTH rrm of 13.2 reads strangely after 13.1 Kinn DVH, and it may be that v. 1 was added after vv. 2-6 had been placed in their present position. On the other hand the same phrases occur frequently throughout the section: »inn ova rrm (12.3, 9; 13.2, 4). ninn nva (12.4, 6, 8, 11; 13.1). Several commentators subdivide the passage somewhere in the middle: after v. 7, 8, or 9. 2 It seems that the most likely place is between vv. 9 and 10, where a new theme, compassion and mourning, begins. The best solution for us is to consider the following units: 12.1-14; 12.1-13.1; 12.1-13.6. This means that the main analysis will be carried out on the last (inclusive) unit. 73.7-9 This section, in its present place, is a clearly defined unit: poetry bounded by prose, with a consistent theme, different from both 13.1-6 and 14.Iff.; it begins with an imperative and reaches a fitting climax in v. 9. The only question is whether it originally belonged in a different place, viz. after 11.4-17. 3 There is no harm in investigating 1. This does not mean giving support to Lamarche's division 10.3b-11.3, which will be considered below. 2. Verse 7: Otzen, G.A. Smith; v. 8: Mitchell, R.L. Smith; v. 9: Baldwin, Mason, Perowne; Willi-Plein treats vv. 4-11 and 12-14 together, regarding torn ova as a leitmotif (pp. 57-58). 3. Mason, Mitchell, Rudolph, G.A. Smith. The view of Keil that 13.7-14.21 forms a complete section which is an expansion of 12.1-13.6 is interesting and may

78 Structure and the Book ofZechariah 11.4-17 + 13.7-9 as a unit. A negative result would not be surprising, but if these combined units were to exhibit a clear unified structure it would strengthen the case of those who advocate rearrangement. 1 We should also investigate the whole of 11.4-13.9. Assuming that 13.7-9 was given its present place for intelligent reasons, its relation to the preceding sections must be of interest. 14.1-21 It is as obvious that this section must be treated a whole as it is that it shows signs of being added to. This is true even if vv. 16-21 are an independent unit. The theme of the whole is the universal reign of Yahweh, which involves the defeat of Jerusalem by her enemies (v. 2), the defeat of the enemies (vv. 3, 12-15), and finally their worshipping Yahweh in Jerusalem (v. 16). With this are combined several eschatological and even apocalyptic motifs. So numerous are the introductory formulae that almost any verse from v. 4 (or even v. 2) onwards could be deleted as a later addition! The most obvious break occurs after v. 15, as nearly all commentators acknowledge. Those who subdivide further usually do so after v. 5 and/or v. II. 2 It remains for these results to be summarized: be considered later. It has not found modern supporters as far as I am aware. 1. We might still have to entertain a counter-claim that the unit was deliberately split by the author or editor. 2. Verse 5 and v. 11: R.L. Smith; Gaide has an unusual arrangement: vv. 1-6, La dernitre nuit; 7-15, Lejour sans declin; those who make no division except after v. 15 include Baldwin, Lacocque, Lamarche. Willi-Plein again has a novel suggestion: vv. 1-9, 10-19,20-21.

78 Structure and the Book ofZechariah<br />

11.4-17 + 13.7-9 as a unit. A negative result would not be surprising,<br />

but if these combined units were to exhibit a clear unified structure it<br />

would strengthen the case of those who advocate rearrangement. 1 We<br />

should also investigate the whole of 11.4-13.9. Assuming that 13.7-9<br />

was given its present place for intelligent reasons, its relation to the<br />

preceding sections must be of interest.<br />

14.1-21<br />

It is as obvious that this section must be treated a whole as it is that it<br />

shows signs of being added to. This is true even if vv. 16-21 are an<br />

independent unit. <strong>The</strong> theme of the whole is the universal reign of<br />

Yahweh, which involves the defeat of Jerusalem by her enemies<br />

(v. 2), the defeat of the enemies (vv. 3, 12-15), and finally their<br />

worshipping Yahweh in Jerusalem (v. 16). With this are combined<br />

several eschatological and even apocalyptic motifs. So numerous are<br />

the introductory formulae that almost any verse from v. 4 (or even<br />

v. 2) onwards could be deleted as a later addition!<br />

<strong>The</strong> most obvious break occurs after v. 15, as nearly all commentators<br />

acknowledge. Those who subdivide further usually do so after<br />

v. 5 and/or v. II. 2<br />

It remains for these results to be summarized:<br />

be considered later. It has not found modern supporters as far as I am aware.<br />

1. We might still have to entertain a counter-claim that the unit was deliberately<br />

split by the author or editor.<br />

2. Verse 5 and v. 11: R.L. Smith; Gaide has an unusual arrangement: vv. 1-6,<br />

La dernitre nuit; 7-15, Lejour sans declin; those who make no division except after<br />

v. 15 include Baldwin, Lacocque, Lamarche. Willi-Plein again has a novel suggestion:<br />

vv. 1-9, 10-19,20-21.

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