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1. Investigating Structure 37 should be taken to avoid selectivity in pointing to correspondences between one part of a passage and another. Attention may be drawn to the following repetitions in ch. 5: •jan v. 7 'turn justice to wormwood' v. 8 'turns deep darkness into morning' (cf. ~|Btf v. 8) pan 'ishuf? vv. 7-8 "Ui> v. 5 (with the centre of the chiasmus) v. 17 'I will pass through the midst of you' K6u v. 1; cf. M&, see below; cf. D'pn, v. 2 D"O vv. 11, 17 -iKtf v. 3; cf. tv-iKtf v. 15 *pv vv. 6, 15 DS0n vv. 7, 15 mp vv. 8, 16 irp vv. 12, 16 -u»J vv. 10, 12, 15 •7'DtoQ V. 13, Cf.? VOD V. 8 an, nan vv. 13, 14 This is not the place to put forward an alternative theory about the structure of this passage. I simply note that we cannot be satisfied with an analysis which leaves so much of the data unaccounted for. A much more wide-ranging and thorough investigation is needed. Verses 10-12 is considered by de Waard to be a chiastic unit to which v. 13 has been added secondarily. Thus we have: 1 a no justice in the gate v. 10 b oppressing the poor v. lla b 1 oppressing the poor v. 12ba a 1 c no justice in the gate v. 12bp This looks fine, but 'in the gate' occurs also in v. 15; 'hate' occurs in bothv. 10 andv. 15, as well as in v. 21 (otherwise only 6.8 in Amos). De Waard's solution is to put vv. 4-6 opposite vv. 14-15 and simply to note the secondary relationship among vv. lOa, 12b and 15b 'in the gate'. He does not draw attention to 'hate', nor to 'vineyards' in vv. lib, 17a. We are entitled to ask about the lack of verbal 1. He adds: '. .. when one considers in detail the objects mentioned in this structure a-b-c-b'-a', one gets the following chiastic figure: pnx-D'nn ~m (a-b') and D'jvnu-Vi (b-a')'. This is an interesting observation, which could perhaps be confirmed by a detailed study of chiasmus achieved by recognized word pairs.

38 Structure and the Book ofZechariah correspondence between vv. 1 and 16-17. The word nrp occurs in v. 1 but not elsewhere, although vv. 16-17 contain nson (3x) and baR. However there is not a single word that is common to both sections. 1 In de Waard's final pattern he has: A vv.1-3 A 1 vv. 16-17 B vv. 4-6 B 1 vv. 14-15 C v. 7 C vv. 10-12 (13) D v. 8abc D' v. 9 E v. 8d On the whole these are fairly evenly matched sections except for C (v. 7), which is much smaller than vv. 10-13 or even vv. 10-12. A more convincing explanation of the text as it stands seems to me to be as follows: A a Lamentation over the house of Israel (v\. 1-3) b She is fallen, decimated a is the house of Israel B a Thus says Yahweh to the home of Israel (vv. 4-5) c Seek me and live d not Bethel, Gilgal, Beersheba (d e f e' d') B' c' Seek Yahweh and live (v. 6) a'? lest fire.. .house of Joseph d' (lest) devour and.. .no extinguisher for Bethel Thus a threat has been placed over Israel, and an invitation or exhortation issued to 'seek Yahweh and live'. There follows a characterization of Israel, in terms which deliberately contrast with the description of Yahweh (vv. 7, 8-9). Verses 10-12 elaborates on the sins of Israel; v. 13 seems to be a gloss. There follows another 'B' section, vv. 14-15, which takes up some of the words used previously: hate evil—not 'the one who reproves in the gate' (v. 10); establish justice—do not turn it to wormwood (v. 7); perhaps Yahweh will be gracious to the remnant (vv. 3, 15) of Joseph (vv. 6, 15). 1. nrp, 8.10 otherwise in Amos, with -[an, which we noted in 5.7, 8. It is also found in 4.11; 6.12. nsoo occurs three times in 5.16-17 but nowhere else—nor the root—in Amos.

38 Structure and the Book ofZechariah<br />

correspondence between vv. 1 and 16-17. <strong>The</strong> word nrp occurs in<br />

v. 1 but not elsewhere, although vv. 16-17 contain nson (3x) and<br />

baR. However there is not a single word that is common to both<br />

sections. 1<br />

In de Waard's final pattern he has:<br />

A vv.1-3 A 1 vv. 16-17<br />

B vv. 4-6 B 1 vv. 14-15<br />

C v. 7 C vv. 10-12 (13)<br />

D v. 8abc D' v. 9<br />

E v. 8d<br />

On the whole these are fairly evenly matched sections except for C<br />

(v. 7), which is much smaller than vv. 10-13 or even vv. 10-12.<br />

A more convincing explanation of the text as it stands seems to me<br />

to be as follows:<br />

A a Lamentation over the house of Israel (v\. 1-3)<br />

b She is fallen, decimated<br />

a is the house of Israel<br />

B a Thus says Yahweh to the home of Israel (vv. 4-5)<br />

c Seek me and live<br />

d not Bethel, Gilgal, Beersheba (d e f e' d')<br />

B' c' Seek Yahweh and live (v. 6)<br />

a'? lest fire.. .house of Joseph<br />

d' (lest) devour and.. .no extinguisher for Bethel<br />

Thus a threat has been placed over Israel, and an invitation or<br />

exhortation issued to 'seek Yahweh and live'. <strong>The</strong>re follows a characterization<br />

of Israel, in terms which deliberately contrast with the<br />

description of Yahweh (vv. 7, 8-9). Verses 10-12 elaborates on the<br />

sins of Israel; v. 13 seems to be a gloss.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re follows another 'B' section, vv. 14-15, which takes up some<br />

of the words used previously: hate evil—not 'the one who reproves in<br />

the gate' (v. 10); establish justice—do not turn it to wormwood<br />

(v. 7); perhaps Yahweh will be gracious to the remnant (vv. 3, 15) of<br />

Joseph (vv. 6, 15).<br />

1. nrp, 8.10 otherwise in Amos, with -[an, which we noted in 5.7, 8. It is also<br />

found in 4.11; 6.12. nsoo occurs three times in 5.16-17 but nowhere else—nor the<br />

root—in Amos.

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