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3. The Structure of Individual Sections of Zechariah 199 Very few words seem likely to be significant. We may immediately dispose of the common words: mrr, n», ">tf«, vb, ^i), 1 '3, DW, I 1 ?, in, im», *?:>, bfc, D» and p. Other repeated words are as follows. "IQH is a common word but needs to be taken into consideration here. It occurs in the main introductory formula in v. 4, 'Thus said Yahweh my God', as well as in two other types of formula: 'And Yahweh said to me' (vv. 13, 15) and 'And I said' (vv. 9, 12). They each occur in some sort of introductory role and thus have a bearing on the structure. The remaining instances are in v. 5 where the sellers of the sheep 'say "Blessed be Yahweh... " ' and the final part of 13.9, 'I have said "he is my people" and he will say "Yahweh is my God"'. There is a nice contrast between the hypocritical words of the traders concerning Yahweh and the confession of faith of the restored flock. Yi^K, 11.4, 13.9. The use of this is striking and forms an inclusio around the whole section which suggests that we should also see what difference it would make to include 12.1-13.6 in our table. The opening phrase of 11.4 is TI^K mrr ~QK ro while the end of 13.9 has TI^K mrr -IDK' Kim. We have seen that the word DTI"?** is not frequent in the book of Zechariah. Moreover the forms 'your God' or 'their God' are the normal ones. There could be a deliberate change here in order to get 'my God'. nto and |»s would normally be important. In this context they are largely 'technical' words. However, we note them, and particularly the verbal forms of nto. nnn ]&«i, 11.4, 7, is a distinctive, if cryptic, phrase. Mart's two occurrences are close together and the second interprets the first. ill) might be noted since it occurs to mark a new phase of Yahweh's dealings with the people, but the first occurs in an interpretation, the second in a command to symbolic action. pK may be ignored. Its use is different in each of its occurrences. 'DDK run should be noted as a strong introductory phrase, vv. 6, 16. Both occur in the theological interpretation of what is commanded. T is concentrated in v. 6 (3x) referring to being in the hand/power of another; 13.7 'turn my hand against' is similar enough to consider. nrmn nfen n« ntfK, v. 9, is similar to irun TS KTK, v. 6. 1. This word actually assists in forming a distinctive phrase: "?y 2TI, 11.17; 13.7!

200 Structure and the Book ofZechariah \NS*\ "3i> p[*7] must be considered, whether we accept the usual emendation or not, vv. 7,11. We should also bear in mind the »w» in 14.21. J npb is used in conjunction with *?pa in vv. 7 and 10. We should probably also consider inao which is also used similarly, cf. v. 10: 'And I took my staff, Grace, and I broke it', and which has a similar sound to npto. rip 1 ? and "?pD may be linked because of their common consonants. The verb is also used with 'the thirty pieces of silver', v. 13, and the implements of a worthless shepherd, v. 15. Thus, in this chapter all references may be taken to be connected with leadership under Yahweh's authority. D*:0 and in« do not seem to be significant here. top occurs in 11.7 (2x); 13.9. No correspondence is apparent: 'Call one "Grace"...', 'Call upon my name...' DM and *73n occur simply where they have to occur, vv. 7 (2x), 10, 14. We should consider them along with *?pa and so on. "iro, vv. 8, 9 (2x), 16, is a fairly rare word (nowhere else in Zechariah and only 28 times elsewhere in the OT). The participial forms mrDjm and nnrom are distinctive and both contexts relate to the shepherds' lack of care for the sheep. vfrt, 11.8, 12, 13; 13.8, 9. It is difficult to know how, if at all, these are to be related: 'destroyed three shepherds', 'thirty pieces of silver' (2x), 'the third which remains' (2x). We should probably plot it but not expect much from it. See below on «]03. tfEU and ma occur twice each in a single verse (8 and 9, respectivel and may be ignored. *?D« plus "ifen, vv. 9, 16, must be considered. The phrase is used of the sheep who devour the flesh of one another and of the worthless shepherd who devours the flesh of the fat ones of the flock. See TD above. jna, vv. 10, 14. See rip 1 ? above. ~ns, vv. 10, 11, 14, belongs with ina, which it interprets. fTD is used with nna in v. 10, but with the meaning 'be cm off in 13.8. It may be ignored. Dtf only occurs in 11.10 and 13.9, but the contexts are worth considering. The first is the striking phrase 'covenant with all the peoples', 2 1. Since it is unlikely that we shall reach agreement on the interpretation of this phrase, I propose to operate with it as an algebraic variable for as long as possible. 2. BHS proposes reading nun, but without manuscript support. We cannot accept this, even though it is difficult to understand the MT. Baldwin takes it to refer

3. <strong>The</strong> Structure of Individual Sections of Zechariah 199<br />

Very few words seem likely to be significant. We may immediately<br />

dispose of the common words: mrr, n», ">tf«, vb, ^i), 1 '3, DW, I 1 ?, in,<br />

im», *?:>, bfc, D» and p. Other repeated words are as follows.<br />

"IQH is a common word but needs to be taken into consideration<br />

here. It occurs in the main introductory formula in v. 4, 'Thus said<br />

Yahweh my God', as well as in two other types of formula: 'And<br />

Yahweh said to me' (vv. 13, 15) and 'And I said' (vv. 9, 12). <strong>The</strong>y<br />

each occur in some sort of introductory role and thus have a bearing<br />

on the structure. <strong>The</strong> remaining instances are in v. 5 where the sellers<br />

of the sheep 'say "Blessed be Yahweh... " ' and the final part of 13.9,<br />

'I have said "he is my people" and he will say "Yahweh is my God"'.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a nice contrast between the hypocritical words of the traders<br />

concerning Yahweh and the confession of faith of the restored flock.<br />

Yi^K, 11.4, 13.9. <strong>The</strong> use of this is striking and forms an inclusio<br />

around the whole section which suggests that we should also see what<br />

difference it would make to include 12.1-13.6 in our table. <strong>The</strong><br />

opening phrase of 11.4 is TI^K mrr ~QK ro while the end of 13.9 has<br />

TI^K mrr -IDK' Kim. We have seen that the word DTI"?** is not frequent<br />

in the book of Zechariah. Moreover the forms 'your God' or 'their<br />

God' are the normal ones. <strong>The</strong>re could be a deliberate change here in<br />

order to get 'my God'.<br />

nto and |»s would normally be important. In this context they are<br />

largely 'technical' words. However, we note them, and particularly<br />

the verbal forms of nto.<br />

nnn ]&«i, 11.4, 7, is a distinctive, if cryptic, phrase.<br />

Mart's two occurrences are close together and the second interprets<br />

the first.<br />

ill) might be noted since it occurs to mark a new phase of Yahweh's<br />

dealings with the people, but the first occurs in an interpretation, the<br />

second in a command to symbolic action.<br />

pK may be ignored. Its use is different in each of its occurrences.<br />

'DDK run should be noted as a strong introductory phrase, vv. 6, 16.<br />

Both occur in the theological interpretation of what is commanded.<br />

T is concentrated in v. 6 (3x) referring to being in the hand/power<br />

of another; 13.7 'turn my hand against' is similar enough to consider.<br />

nrmn nfen n« ntfK, v. 9, is similar to irun TS KTK, v. 6.<br />

1. This word actually assists in forming a distinctive phrase: "?y 2TI, 11.17;<br />


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