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3. The Structure of Individual Sections of Zechariah 197 Secondly, although the sub-divisions generally conform to the larger established units, they are unsatisfactory in a number of ways. There is no clear principle underlying them; they distract attention away from the concern for peace which is implied in both v. 9 and v. 10, and even more from the surprising element of the humility of Zion's king. In the case of Zechariah 10, which he calls 'The Divine Warrior Hymn applied to the Inner-Community Polemic', he puts forward a similar scheme: 1 1-3 (m versus leaders) 4-6 Combat-victory 4 Yahweh equips himself with Israel as his host 5-6a Ritual conquest 6b-10 Salvation: restoration of the scattered people 11 Procession re-enacting the victory of the Divine Warrior over Yamm (= Assyria-Egypt) 12 Victory shout This, I believe, confirms what was said above. In particular, the titles for vv. 4, 5-6a, 11 and 12 are highly imaginative. I can only conclude that Hanson's attempt to break new ground in this way is a mistake. Similar remarks could be made about the other sections with which he deals. 2 /. Willi-Plein' s Prophetic am Ende Willi-Plein investigates Zechariah 9-14 from the standpoint of textual, literary and form criticism—and beyond. She concludes that the book forms a coherent unit as we now have it, and presents a diagram 3 to show how the parts of the book relate to the whole. Although the questions she asks and the criteria she employs (e.g. sentence structure and metre, rather than use of vocabulary) are somewhat different from my own, it is interesting to see a certain correspondence in the results: 1. Dawn of Apocalyptic, pp. 325-34. 2. Zech. 11.1-3, pp. 334-337, 'A Taunt against Foreign Nations Redirected against Israel's Leaders'; Zech. 11.4-7 + 13.7-9, pp. 337-354, 'A Commissioning Narrative transformed into a Prophecy of Doom'; Zech. 12.1-13.6, pp. 354-68, 'An Apocalypse molded by the Inner-Community Struggle', and Zech. 14.1-21, pp. 369-401, 'An Apocalypse structured upon the Ritual Pattern of the Conflict Myth and reflecting bitter Inter-Community Conflict'. 3. Prophetic am Ende, p 97.

198 Structure and the Book ofZechariah ? ? 1 2 11) 3) 4) 12) 5) 10) 6) 12) 7) 8 9 14 v.i-o 9.9-10 011 17 10.1-2 10.3a, 6, 8-10, 12 10.3, 5-12 11.1-3 11.4-16 11.17 12.1-13.1 .z-o — 13.7-9 14.1, 2, 5t , (9a) rh 14 Tu/ithnut Q"> Relevant to the present chapter is the correspondence between 10.3- 12 (only when vv. 5 and 11 are added) and both 9.1-8 and 9-10. Although I do not feel that the pruning of ch. 10, on the basis of form-critical (Yahweh-speech, and analysis into 'Wort + Auslegung', principally) and metrical considerations, is likely to produce reliable results, 1 yet it might be that the work of a different editor would show different characteristics in all these areas. There is slightly stronger reason, therefore, for arguing that an editor added 10.5 and 11, in order deliberately to form links with 9.1-8, 9-10. Willi-Plein would claim to have shown that this editor is different from the original writer, which my own investigation leaves*open. Zechariah 11.4-17 + 13.7-9 Since the brief section 13.7-9 is often related to ch. 11 and even moved to be continuous with it, 2 it is convenient to treat them both together. We shall easily see what words are repeated within 13.7-9 itself. 1. Esp. pp. 49-52. 2. So most commentators this century, e.g. Mitchell (Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi and Jonah, pp. 314-16), Mason (Haggai, Zechariah andMalachi, pp. 110- 11), Rudolph (Haggai, pp. 211-13), and even Chary (Les propetes et le culte, p. 194); but not Saeb0 ('Die deuterosacharjanische Frage', pp. 276., q.v. for further details), or Stuhlmueller. R.C. Dentan actually says: 'A/y shepherd in this oracle has no connection with the shepherd of 11.15-17' (IB, VI, p. 1109)!

3. <strong>The</strong> Structure of Individual Sections of Zechariah 197<br />

Secondly, although the sub-divisions generally conform to the<br />

larger established units, they are unsatisfactory in a number of ways.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no clear principle underlying them; they distract attention<br />

away from the concern for peace which is implied in both v. 9 and<br />

v. 10, and even more from the surprising element of the humility of<br />

Zion's king.<br />

In the case of Zechariah 10, which he calls '<strong>The</strong> Divine Warrior<br />

Hymn applied to the Inner-Community Polemic', he puts forward a<br />

similar scheme: 1<br />

1-3 (m versus leaders)<br />

4-6 Combat-victory<br />

4 Yahweh equips himself with Israel as his host<br />

5-6a Ritual conquest<br />

6b-10 Salvation: restoration of the scattered people<br />

11 Procession re-enacting the victory of the Divine Warrior over Yamm<br />

(= Assyria-Egypt)<br />

12 Victory shout<br />

This, I believe, confirms what was said above. In particular, the<br />

titles for vv. 4, 5-6a, 11 and 12 are highly imaginative. I can only<br />

conclude that Hanson's attempt to break new ground in this way is a<br />

mistake. Similar remarks could be made about the other sections with<br />

which he deals. 2<br />

/. Willi-Plein' s Prophetic am Ende<br />

Willi-Plein investigates Zechariah 9-14 from the standpoint of textual,<br />

literary and form criticism—and beyond. She concludes that the book<br />

forms a coherent unit as we now have it, and presents a diagram 3 to<br />

show how the parts of the book relate to the whole. Although the questions<br />

she asks and the criteria she employs (e.g. sentence structure and<br />

metre, rather than use of vocabulary) are somewhat different from<br />

my own, it is interesting to see a certain correspondence in the results:<br />

1. Dawn of Apocalyptic, pp. 325-34.<br />

2. Zech. 11.1-3, pp. 334-337, 'A Taunt against Foreign Nations Redirected<br />

against Israel's Leaders'; Zech. 11.4-7 + 13.7-9, pp. 337-354, 'A Commissioning<br />

Narrative transformed into a Prophecy of Doom'; Zech. 12.1-13.6, pp. 354-68,<br />

'An Apocalypse molded by the Inner-Community Struggle', and Zech. 14.1-21,<br />

pp. 369-401, 'An Apocalypse structured upon the Ritual Pattern of the Conflict<br />

Myth and reflecting bitter Inter-Community Conflict'.<br />

3. Prophetic am Ende, p 97.

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