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3. The Structure of Individual Sections of Zechariah 149 In principle this does not look significantly different from my own enquiry and results. It is different, in that: 1. I have not put such confidence in form-critical criteria. 2. I have not so much been concerned with separating the editors and deciding their order and dates, as with the purpose and methods which have produced the final text. 3. I have, for the most part, been concerned to find a basis from which to work that would be agreed by the majority of scholars, so that the method which I am trying to establish might not rest on the conclusions of one individual scholar. 4. I have departed from normal practice in this section because of a particular phenomenon (superimposed chiasmus) 1 that seemed to demand explanation (i.e. my treatment of this section is atypical; Schottler's is typical). 5. I have worked on the assumption that when a redactor makes an alteration or addition, then at least he thinks there is a good reason for it. This explains some differences, for example, the assigning of v. 15a to the status of later gloss in Schottler's analysis above. We must consider this section in conjunction with other parts of Zechariah in Chapter 4, but we have, I believe, some significant discoveries to take forward to that chapter: an editorial reworking (I still have not proved that it is a different editor) of 6.9-15, a concern to tie this in with the introduction to the whole of Zechariah 1-6 and links with the final editing of chs. 7-8. Zechariah 7-8 This section is so large that it is advisable to eliminate common words before presenting a table. I shall therefore, after some preliminary remarks, discuss all repeated words and their function first, then give the table, and finally discuss the possible structures that emerge. Preliminary Observations The general structure and movement of these chapters are clear. They begin with a group of men who come to 'entreat the favour of 1. See pp. 57-59.

150 Structure and the Book ofZechariah Yahweh' (mrr '3S n'n) and to ask a question about fasting: should they go on fasting in the fifth month as has been the custom for so many years? This is countered with a question about their motive in fasting (not only in the fifth but also in the seventh month). The answer to the question comes only at the end of ch. 8: the fasts of the fifth, and seventh, and also the previously unmentioned fourth and tenth months 1 will become 'seasons of joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts'. This, then, already forms an inclusio around the intervening material. But there is a further inclusio of the whole when the phrase 'entreat the favour of Yahweh' reappears twice (vv. 21-22). A climax is achieved in vv. 20-21: not only the inhabitants of Bethel, but many cities will go to entreat the favour of Yahweh; this is further enlarged in vv. 22-23'many peoples and strong nations' will also come, even ten times the number of Jews will come from outside, since they have heard that 'God is with you' (v. 23, cf. 8.3). There may be further intentional correspondence between the picture of Jerusalem in the centre of many people and cities, and with many inhabitants, in vv. 6- 7, and Jerusalem as the centre, in effect, of the world in vv. 20-23. Within these two inclusios we have a further one formed by mention of the appeal of the former prophets: 'Render true judgments. . .not devise evil in your heart...' (7.9-10), and the renewed appeal in 8.16-17. Repeated Words and their Function rufo is used as follows: 7.1 in dating the oracle; 7.3, 5, referring to the period of the exile during which the fast has been kept. The word is not taken up at the end, although there is some contrasting resonance between the years of exile and the seasons of gladness to come (v. 19). This is not concrete enough to lay any weight on. nm~iK occurs in dating the oracle in 7.1, 'fourth year.. .fourth day' and (*D»m) in adding the fourth month in the reply in 8.19. We may ignore this. rr-or *?K mrr -01 rrn occurs in 7.1 and 7.8. It is the most important of a number of introductory formulae in this section. Thus v. 8 is marked off as a new beginning. It forms a contrast with the previous reference to the words of Yahweh by the 'hand' of the former 1. This again is reminiscent of the 'growing phrase' (Magonet) noted in 2.1-4 above p. 98 n. 1.

3. <strong>The</strong> Structure of Individual Sections of Zechariah 149<br />

In principle this does not look significantly different from my own<br />

enquiry and results. It is different, in that:<br />

1. I have not put such confidence in form-critical criteria.<br />

2. I have not so much been concerned with separating the editors<br />

and deciding their order and dates, as with the purpose<br />

and methods which have produced the final text.<br />

3. I have, for the most part, been concerned to find a basis from<br />

which to work that would be agreed by the majority of scholars,<br />

so that the method which I am trying to establish might<br />

not rest on the conclusions of one individual scholar.<br />

4. I have departed from normal practice in this section because<br />

of a particular phenomenon (superimposed chiasmus) 1 that<br />

seemed to demand explanation (i.e. my treatment of this<br />

section is atypical; Schottler's is typical).<br />

5. I have worked on the assumption that when a redactor makes<br />

an alteration or addition, then at least he thinks there is a<br />

good reason for it. This explains some differences, for<br />

example, the assigning of v. 15a to the status of later gloss in<br />

Schottler's analysis above.<br />

We must consider this section in conjunction with other parts of<br />

Zechariah in Chapter 4, but we have, I believe, some significant<br />

discoveries to take forward to that chapter: an editorial reworking (I<br />

still have not proved that it is a different editor) of 6.9-15, a concern<br />

to tie this in with the introduction to the whole of Zechariah 1-6 and<br />

links with the final editing of chs. 7-8.<br />

Zechariah 7-8<br />

This section is so large that it is advisable to eliminate common words<br />

before presenting a table. I shall therefore, after some preliminary<br />

remarks, discuss all repeated words and their function first, then give<br />

the table, and finally discuss the possible structures that emerge.<br />

Preliminary Observations<br />

<strong>The</strong> general structure and movement of these chapters are clear. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

begin with a group of men who come to 'entreat the favour of<br />

1. See pp. 57-59.

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