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3. The Structure of Individual Sections of Zechariah 115 There appears to be some textual corruption, and it is not clear whether 4b|3 should be construed as: 1. Yahweh's continuing declaration of his action (which seems to be the meaning of the MT). 1 2. A continuation of the narrative: 'they clothed him in rich apparel'. This has not yet been commanded and may be considered premature. It also requires a major change in the text. 3. A continuation of the imperative: 'and clothe him', 2 which makes the best sense, especially if we are prepared to move 4b to the end of v. 5. The present text is the most difficult and we should retain it. This gives us the following pattern: (-) & l b l c l d l v^n D'Rxn D'ljnn won am V^K -inK'i (-) a 2 d 2 b 2 -pii; -p'wa 'mmm (+) a 3 d 3 b 3 m^nn -jnn eJaSii 1DK1 (+) a 4 b 4 c 2 d 4 i0»o by -nno *p]x va'to' (+) a 4 b 4 c 2 d 4 itfKt ha -nnon *p2*n iQ'ftn (+) a 3 (d 3 )b j D'-in itt^'i This strange section exhibits the following characteristics: 1. The two negative actions 'taking off filthy clothes' and 'taking away sin' are put first. One is a physical action and one is a 'spiritual' one. 2. The reports of the two positive physical actions (putting on a clean gown, and 'garments' ) are put together last. 3. In the middle are the anticipations of these two actions spoken by Yahweh (and T ?). 4. D'lJD forms an inclusio for this section (b 1 ) within the DnDB/iofi already mentioned. The remaining part of vv. 1-7 (viz. vv. 5bp~7) is again enclosed by IDS (5.#16) and D'inan. A symmetry is again noticeable: 1. GKC 113z, infinitive absolute with 2 m. sing, object as in 4ba. This would represent the continuation of a finite verb. 2. GKC recommends in« iBJa'jm ('with Wellhausen, after the LXX'); see above.

116 Structure and the Book ofZechariah Thus says Yahweh of hosts, p If you will walk (ipn) in my ways q and if you will keep my charge ('rnotzta Tatf) r then also you will judge my house q and you will also keep (TOtf) my courts p and I will also give you access (?) (O'D'ain) Such unusual words are used that it is unlikely that the resulting structure is accidental. The remainder of ch. 3 does not show a structure obviously similar to anything we have met before. The phrase trnn p«n pa n« TBtal is obviously a further interpretation of "j]iu 7^12 Trawi (4ba). There are extra ingredients which are unexpected: 'I am bringing my servant "the branch" (no:*)', 'the stone which I have set before Joshua', and 'upon one stone with seven D*3*i> I am inscribing its inscription'. All three are introduced and given some emphasis by run. The stone is mentioned again in ch. 4 and the 'branch' in chs. 4 and 6. There seems at least to be a deliberate intention to link these symbols with each other and with the cleansing action of Yahweh on Jerusalem's behalf. 1 It remains to ask whether we have ignored significant marker words. The only possibilities are the following '3S 1 ?, vv. 8-9. As Joshua stood before Yahweh, and Satan before Joshua, here Joshua's companions dwell/sit before him, and Yahweh puts a stone before him. It does seem to be indicative of signifcant relationships throughout the chapter. pi), vv. 4, 9, serves to link the interpretation in vv. 8-10 with the preceding vision. As previously, a key word is taken up by the final editor. ]ru is used in vv. 7, 9 with D'obnn and (strictly speaking, as in MT, DTI? niozJ). There may be some linking function: both have the first person singular qal perfect with Yahweh as the speaker, and both are addressed to Joshua. in» occurs in two different forms, which makes it unlikely to be a marker word, despite its prominent position at the end of v. 9. p&, nns, or and nnn are too close together to be significant for the overall structure. 1. Cf. esp. 13.1.

3. <strong>The</strong> Structure of Individual Sections of Zechariah 115<br />

<strong>The</strong>re appears to be some textual corruption, and it is not clear<br />

whether 4b|3 should be construed as:<br />

1. Yahweh's continuing declaration of his action (which seems<br />

to be the meaning of the MT). 1<br />

2. A continuation of the narrative: 'they clothed him in rich<br />

apparel'. This has not yet been commanded and may be considered<br />

premature. It also requires a major change in the text.<br />

3. A continuation of the imperative: 'and clothe him', 2 which<br />

makes the best sense, especially if we are prepared to move<br />

4b to the end of v. 5.<br />

<strong>The</strong> present text is the most difficult and we should retain it. This<br />

gives us the following pattern:<br />

(-) & l b l c l d l v^n D'Rxn D'ljnn won<br />

am V^K -inK'i<br />

(-) a 2 d 2 b 2 -pii; -p'wa 'mmm<br />

(+) a 3 d 3 b 3 m^nn -jnn eJaSii<br />

1DK1<br />

(+) a 4 b 4 c 2 d 4 i0»o by -nno *p]x va'to'<br />

(+) a 4 b 4 c 2 d 4 itfKt ha -nnon *p2*n iQ'ftn<br />

(+) a 3 (d 3 )b j D'-in itt^'i<br />

This strange section exhibits the following characteristics:<br />

1. <strong>The</strong> two negative actions 'taking off filthy clothes' and<br />

'taking away sin' are put first. One is a physical action and<br />

one is a 'spiritual' one.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> reports of the two positive physical actions (putting on a<br />

clean gown, and 'garments' ) are put together last.<br />

3. In the middle are the anticipations of these two actions<br />

spoken by Yahweh (and T ?).<br />

4. D'lJD forms an inclusio for this section (b 1 ) within the<br />

DnDB/iofi already mentioned.<br />

<strong>The</strong> remaining part of vv. 1-7 (viz. vv. 5bp~7) is again enclosed by<br />

IDS (5.#16) and D'inan. A symmetry is again noticeable:<br />

1. GKC 113z, infinitive absolute with 2 m. sing, object as in 4ba. This would<br />

represent the continuation of a finite verb.<br />

2. GKC recommends in« iBJa'jm ('with Wellhausen, after the LXX'); see above.

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