Lauren Boardman Anna Sumerlin Brittany Raphael Hannah Lloyd ...

Lauren Boardman Anna Sumerlin Brittany Raphael Hannah Lloyd ...

Lauren Boardman Anna Sumerlin Brittany Raphael Hannah Lloyd ...


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1. Program title<br />

- “Yoga for All”<br />

Written Proposal<br />

<strong>Lauren</strong> <strong>Boardman</strong><br />

<strong>Anna</strong> <strong>Sumerlin</strong><br />

<strong>Brittany</strong> <strong>Raphael</strong><br />

<strong>Hannah</strong> <strong>Lloyd</strong><br />

2. Mission statement<br />

- Yoga for All includes teens of all abilities in an inclusive setting where they can<br />

increase their fitness, well being and overall quality of life.<br />

3. Program overview<br />

- The purpose of our program is to teach all people the benefits of yoga, teach a<br />

variety of poses, and give people a healthy outlet to relieve stress and improve<br />

overall well-being. The weekly program will be held in a local parks and recreation<br />

agency. For example, in Ithaca it would be held at the Ithaca Youth Bureau. The<br />

program would take place Wednesday and Saturday from 4:15 -5:00. The activities<br />

will include breathing and relaxation techniques, stretching and a variety of different<br />

poses. This program would be specifically designed for ages 12-18 of all abilities.<br />

4. Funding sources<br />

- We are submitting this proposal to the Board of the Ithaca Youth Bureau in hopes<br />

that they will accept it and implement it as a new program. We are approaching the<br />

board because we feel like it would enhance the many inclusive programs that the<br />

youth bureau already offers and would be a new type of program to compliment the<br />

programs already offered. It will be a desirable program<br />

- We are presenting this proposal to the Board of Directors at the Ithaca YMCA in<br />

hopes that they will provide a rent-free yoga studio for our program. Any YMCA<br />

member who fits the age range would also be able to sign up for the program.<br />

- We are going to look for any grants that would be available to fund our program at<br />

the time it is offered.<br />

5. Program Justification/rationale<br />

- The Ithaca community has many teenagers with disabilities that would benefit from<br />

this type of program. Yoga is something that can be varied to all different abilities<br />

and would be a very good program for inclusion because of the fact that it is an<br />

individual activity and people can push themselves to different levels. Yoga already<br />

fits in well with the Ithaca culture and a more inclusive environment would expose<br />

people who may not have experience with people with disabilities and allow for<br />


6. Program goals<br />

- To improve the well being of all participants by providing an inclusive environment<br />

- To improve flexibility<br />

- To improve strength<br />

- To improve overall physical fitness<br />

- To improve balance<br />

- To improve mindfulness and spirit<br />

- To increase stamina<br />

- To strengthen muscles<br />

- Greater lung capacity<br />

- Reduced levels of stress, tension and anxiety<br />

- Improved mental clarity and focus<br />

- Improved sense of well being<br />

- Increased feelings of connection, less isolation<br />

- More restful sleep<br />

(May All Be Happy, 2008)<br />

7. Anticipated benefits for participants with and without disabilities, families,<br />

community<br />

- This yoga program would benefit people with and without disabilities by improving<br />

well being, flexibility, self-awareness and socialization. This program will allow<br />

parents to bring their children to a safe environment where they will benefit from<br />

physical activity. For the community, it would show everyone how much people with<br />

disabilities are capable of and how important it is that they are included in programs<br />

and that we can learn from them too.<br />

8. Program plan<br />

a. Individual needs/interests/abilities assessment<br />

Each participant will be required to fill out an intake form. This way the teachers will<br />

be aware ahead of time about individual needs since each participant will have such<br />

varying abilities. Our intake form is designed so that the instructor can plan ahead<br />

for what accommodations and adaptations will be needed for individuals. Certain<br />

questions on the intake form can be used as a means of evaluating individual<br />

progress throughout the course. In addition, if needs are assessed and it is<br />

determined that adaptations and accommodations will be needed; an interview will<br />

be scheduled with the family to discuss how instructor can best suit the needs of the<br />

individual participating in the program. For intake form see attached, appendix A.<br />

b. Staffing<br />

The staff needed for this program would include one yoga teacher who is also<br />

trained in teaching those with disabilities. Additional staff might be necessary for<br />

those who need one- on-one assistance. We would recruit instructors by advertising<br />

at local schools, yoga studios and organizations that serve youth with disabilities.

This option would be provided for. If any participant already has a full time aide<br />

they are permitted to attend the program free of charge.<br />

c. Staff training<br />

The instructor will be required to have a Registered Yoga Teacher Certificate from<br />

the Yoga Alliance, a nationally recognized organization. In addition to this the<br />

teacher will be required to have some sort of past experience in inclusion and/or<br />

inclusion training. If the teacher has no past experience they will be required to go<br />

through a course similar to Inclusion U or the equivalent that is offered in the area<br />

to receive an inclusion certificate.<br />

Staff Training Plan<br />

I. Historical background of inclusion (15 minutes)<br />

History of institutionalization<br />

Deinstitutionalization<br />

Normalization theory<br />

II. Importance of inclusion (40 minutes)<br />

What is inclusion?<br />

Inclusion terms<br />

What is NOT inclusion<br />

Benefits of inclusion<br />

Segregated vs. inclusive programs<br />

Barriers of inclusion (attitudinal, architectural, programmatic,<br />

administrative)<br />

III. Rationale for inclusion (10 minutes)<br />

Self-Determination<br />

IV. Person first language (10 minutes)<br />

What is person first language?<br />

Examples<br />

What NOT to say<br />

V. Inclusion strategies (30 minutes)<br />

Behavioral Techniques<br />

VI. Types of adaptive equipment (10 minutes)<br />

Incorporating chairs for all participants<br />

VII. Ways of adapting to create yoga experience for all (20 minutes)<br />

Adapting poses<br />

Breathing techniques<br />

How to incorporate aides properly (fading)<br />

VIII. Social inclusion (30 minutes)<br />

Principles of social inclusion<br />

Cooperation<br />

Friendship Development<br />

(Heyne, 2009)

d. Networking<br />

We will collaborate with local schools and other recreation programs. We will call<br />

the local superintendant to get in contact with schools and ask their permission to<br />

advertise on their grounds. The local schools can advertise the programs and hand<br />

out information to those who wish to learn more about it. The other recreational<br />

programs at the youth bureau can also advertise the program and possibly provide<br />

new ideas for implementation.<br />

e. Equipment/materials<br />

- Yoga mats<br />

- Yoga blocks<br />

- Stretching bands<br />

- Chairs<br />

f. Budget and budget justification<br />

Since we plan on using the YMCA for our program most of the materials will already<br />

be present. The YMCA already provides yoga classes, but not specifically for those<br />

with disabilities. We would already have use of their mats, blocks, and stretching<br />

bands. In addition to the already provided equipment we would need to buy and<br />

adaptive equipment necessary. Participants of the program would pay a fee of $50<br />

for the six week session. Scholarships are available through the youth bureau for<br />

those in need. The fee charged will cover the staff and any left over money will go<br />

to the Ithaca youth bureau. The estimated advertising costs around $50 dollars. This<br />

includes the flyers distributed to schools, the YMCA, and the youth bureau.<br />

COSTS<br />

Yoga Mats – provided<br />

Yoga Blocks – provided<br />

Stretching bands – provided<br />

Chairs – borrowed from YMCA<br />

Advertising costs - $ 50 dollars<br />

Instructor fee - $35 dollars per session * 12 total sessions = $420.00<br />

TOTAL COSTS = $470.00<br />


# Participants = 12 * $ 50.00 each = $600.00<br />

TOTAL REVENUE = $600.00<br />

TOTAL PROFIT = $130.00

g. Timeline for assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation<br />

September/ October<br />

- Flyers will be handed out to local schools and youth serving organization in<br />

early September<br />

- When people register they will fill out the intake form.<br />

November/December<br />

- Registration will end November 14 th .<br />

- Beginning November 15 th , program administrators will assess the needs of<br />

each participant and come up with a plan for implementation for successful<br />

inclusion.<br />

- Program will run from beginning of November to mid-December. It will start<br />

November 28 th and will end January 3 rd .<br />

January<br />

- Program will end January 3 rd .<br />

- Participants and parents will be asked to fill out evaluation forms.<br />

- Staff will also be asked to meet and discuss program success and brainstorm<br />

for future improvements<br />

9. Implementation Procedures<br />

a. Barriers that need to be overcome and how you plan to overcome them<br />

The internal barriers that would need to be overcome are staffing and staff training.<br />

Since this yoga program is designed to be inclusive, we would need to be certain<br />

that the teacher had the proper training for facilitating an inclusive environment.<br />

The external barriers that need to be overcome are stereotypes but we will try to<br />

overcome this by using ice breakers and using techniques of social inclusion.<br />

There will not be architectural barriers because we are using an accessible facility.<br />

b. Curriculum and instructional strategies<br />

Instructor will teach a variety of poses to all participants and will know how to adapt<br />

them so participants can either do them from the yoga mat or from a chair or<br />

wheelchair.<br />

Some poses and stretches that will be taught<br />

- Cat Pose<br />

o Grip your chair or place your hands on your thighs<br />

o Exhale as you round your upper body forward, dropping your chin<br />

toward your chest, arching your spine like a cat<br />

o Hold in this position for a few deep breaths<br />

- Cow Pose<br />

o Inhale, lengthen through your spine

o Exhale, lift your knee as high as it will go comfortably. Reach your<br />

hands around your shin or the back of your leg so you can support<br />

your leg as you stretch<br />

o Hold for 3-5 breaths. Continue breathing deeply as you hold the<br />

stretch<br />

o Gently come out of the stretch<br />

- Side Stretch<br />

o Inhale and lift one arm up over your head, bring your other arm to<br />

your hip, or on your arm rest for support<br />

o Exhale your body to the opposite side<br />

o Hold the pose for 3-5 breaths as you continue to breathe deeply<br />

o Inhale come back to center and switch sides<br />

- Leg Stretch<br />

o Inhale, lengthen through your spine<br />

o Exhale, lift your knee as high as it will go comfortably. Reach your<br />

hands around your shin or the back of your leg so you can support<br />

your leg as you stretch<br />

o Hold for 3-5 breaths. Continue breathing deeply as you hold the<br />

stretch<br />

o Gently come out of the stretch<br />

(May All Be Happy, 2008)<br />

c. Social inclusion strategies<br />

For the purposes of our program yoga will be done as a group in a circle instead of<br />

separate rows. On the first day of the program we will go around in a circle and<br />

everyone will introduce themselves and we will play an icebreaker game. Everyone<br />

will also make name tags so people can interact and learn each other’s names. The<br />

teacher will stress that each person has individual levels of abilities and therefore<br />

everyone should strive for what they believe they are capable of doing. It will also be<br />

stressed that if someone needs help they can ask anyone. If a participant has an aide<br />

the aide will be talked to before the class about possibly using fading so the<br />

participant can accomplish more on their own.<br />

d. Programmatic adaptations and modifications<br />

Modified poses will be used throughout the program. Also some poses will require<br />

all participants to be in a chair so everyone has the same experience with those<br />

certain poses. Other than that no other adaptations or equipment is needed.<br />

Visual Impairments<br />

For people with visual impairments we will explain the steps very clearly and<br />

loud for them to be able to hear. We can also use physical guidance if necessary.<br />

Hearing Impairments

By observing and watching people with hearing impairments will be able to<br />

follow along by mimicking what the instructor does.<br />

Physical Disabilities<br />

People with physical disabilities will be able to relax and sit comfortably on the<br />

mats and stretch out. They will have the option of sitting in a chair or staying in a<br />

wheelchair if they use one<br />

Cognitive Disabilities<br />

We will clearly explain the steps for each pose and will be able to answer any<br />

questions that arise.<br />

e. Program monitoring<br />

At various times, an inclusion specialist employed by the youth bureau would be<br />

asked to come in and check on the program and make sure that everything is being<br />

facilitated properly and that inclusion is successful. The inclusion specialist will also<br />

report about the yoga teacher and if they are doing a good job running the program.<br />

Yoga instructor will be certified and will not require much monitoring.<br />

10. Evaluation<br />

a. Instruments and processes for data collection and analysis<br />

We will evaluate the program through an evaluation form that all participants will be<br />

asked to complete at the end of the program. There will also be a parent/guardian<br />

evaluation form for each participant’s parent/guardian to fill out. Both forms are<br />

attached.<br />

b. Methods and sources for dissemination – with whom will you share the<br />

results? How will the results be shared?<br />

The information collected from the evaluations will be shared with parents after the<br />

results are complied. They will be available for pick up at the Racker Center, YMCA,<br />

and Ithaca Youth Bureau. Depending on the results, we plan to publish an article<br />

discussing the benefits of inclusive yoga programming and the benefits we observed.

Proposal<br />

Bibliography<br />

Heyne, L. (2009). “Inclusive community leisure services syllabus.”<br />

Pizer, A. (n.d.). What are the Health Benefits . In Benefits of Yoga . Retrieved September 8, 2008,<br />

from http://yoga.about.com/od/beginningyoga/a/benefits.htm<br />

May All Be Happy. (2008). "Wheelchair Yoga” Web. 10 Dec. 2009.<br />

http://mayallbehappy.org/wheelchair-yoga/<br />

Registration Forms<br />

Anderson, L., & Kress, C. B. (2003). Inclusion: Including People with Disabilties in Parks and<br />

Recreation Opportunities . State College, PA: Venture Publishing Inc.<br />

Registration Form. (n.d.). Wilderness Inquiry.<br />

http://www.wildernessinquiry.org/<br />


Name _____________________<br />

Date of Birth ___________________<br />

Gender (please circle) Female Male<br />

Yoga for All Registration Form<br />

Please rate your upper body strength from 1-5 with 1 being not very strong and 5 being very strong<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

Can you stand without support? Yes No<br />

Rate your flexibility from 1-5 with 1 being not very strong and 5 being very strong<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

Please rate your general physical fitness level from 1-5 with 1 being not very strong and 5 being very<br />

strong<br />

Do you take any medications? Yes No<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

Do you have any sensory, physical, cognitive or emotional disabilities? (please circle)<br />

Yes No<br />

If yes please list them and state how they affect you<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Do you use any assistive devices? If yes please list them below<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________<br />

Please circle any of the following that you have experienced:<br />

Arthritis<br />

Acid reflux<br />

Asthma<br />

Developmental disabilities<br />

Diabetes<br />

Head injury<br />

Incontinence<br />

Mental illness<br />

Seizure<br />

Stroke<br />

Do you have health insurance? Yes No<br />

If so, what is the policy number _______________________________<br />

Emergency contact info<br />

Name ______________________<br />

Relationship to participant __________________<br />

Address __________________________<br />

Phone _____________________

Today's Date_____________<br />

What do you like about yoga class?<br />

What do you dislike about yoga class?<br />

Did the staff create a positive experience for you?<br />


Yoga for All Evaluation Form<br />

Is the instructor clear in giving instructions and demonstrating poses during class?<br />

Do you feel challenged physically in class? Do you feel like physical ability has improved for you<br />

personally?<br />

What would you add to the class that would make it a more positive experience?<br />

What, if anything, would you change about the class?

If there was one thing you would like to see in class whether it is a specific pose or exercise; a routine or<br />

instruction, what would it be?<br />

Please list three things you learned in this class:<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Do you feel that you made new friends through this program?<br />

Do you feel like your flexibility has improved?<br />

Not at all A little Somewhat A lot<br />

Do you feel like your strength has improved?<br />

Not at all A little Somewhat A lot<br />

Do you feel like your balance has improved?<br />

Not at all A little Somewhat A lot<br />

Do you feel like your stamina has improved?<br />

Not at all A little Somewhat A lot

Do you feel like your muscle strength has improved?<br />

Not at all A little Somewhat A lot<br />

Additional Comments:<br />

Thank you for your feedback!

Today's Date_____________<br />


Yoga for All Evaluation Form<br />

(Parent/Guardian)<br />

Do you feel that this program was beneficial to your child? (Please Circle)<br />

What do you feel worked well?<br />

If anything, what do you feel did not work?<br />

Please provide any suggestion for improvement:<br />

YES NO<br />

Thank you!

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