QuickTime Kit Reference Update - filibeto.org

QuickTime Kit Reference Update - filibeto.org QuickTime Kit Reference Update - filibeto.org


10.3 Symbol Changes movieWithData:error: movieWithDataReference:error: movieWithFile:error: movieWithPasteboard:error: movieWithQuickTimeMovie:disposeWhenDone:error: movieWithURL:error: Instance Methods addImage:forDuration:withAttributes: appendSelectionFromMovie: attributeForKey: canUpdateMovieFile currentFrameImage currentTime delegate deleteSegment: duration 38 Classes 2007-07-18 | © 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Creates a QTMovie object initialized with the data specified by data. Creates a QTMovie object intitalized with the data specified by the data reference dataReference. Creates a QTMovie object initialized with the data in the file specified by the name fileName. Creates a QTMovie object initialized with the contents of the pasteboard specified by pasteboard. Creates a QTMovie object initialized with the data from an existing QuickTime movie movie. Creates a QTMovie object initialized with the data in the URL specified by url. Adds an image for the specified duration to the receiver, using attributes specified in the attributes dictionary. Appends to a QTMovie the current selection in movie. Returns the current value of the movie attribute attributeKey. Indicates whether a movie file can be updated with changes made to the movie object. Returns an NSImage for the frame at the current time in a QTMovie. Returns the current time of a QTMovie object as a structure of type QTTime. Returns the delegate of a QTMovie object. Deletes from a QTMovie the segment delimited by segment. Returns the duration of a QTMovie object as a structure of type QTTime.

10.3 Symbol Changes frameImageAtTime: gotoBeginning gotoEnd gotoNextSelectionPoint gotoPosterTime gotoPreviousSelectionPoint initWithAttributes:error: initWithData:error: initWithDataReference:error: initWithFile:error: initWithMovie:timeRange:error: initWithPasteboard:error: initWithQuickTimeMovie:disposeWhenDone:error: initWithURL:error: insertEmptySegmentAt: insertSegmentOfMovie:fromRange:scaledToRange: insertSegmentOfMovie:timeRange:atTime: Returns an NSImage for the frame at the time time in a QTMovie. Repositions the play position to the beginning of the movie. Repositions the play position to the end of the movie. Repositions the movie to the next selection point. Repositions the play position to the movie’s poster time. Repositions the movie to the previous selection point. Initializes a QTMovie object with the attributes specified in attributes. Initializes a QTMovie object with the data specified by data. Initializes a QTMovie object with the data reference setting specified by dataReference. Initializes a QTMovie object with the data in the file specified by the name fileName. Initializes a QTMovie object with some or all of the data from an existing QTMovie object movie. Initializes a QTMovie object with the contents of the pasteboard specified by pasteboard. Initializes a QTMovie object with the data from an existing QuickTime movie movie. Initializes a QTMovie object with the data in the URL specified by url. inserts into a QTMovie an empty segment delimited by the range range. Inserts the specified segment from the movie into the receiver, scaled to the range dstRange. Inserts into a QTMovie at time time the selection in movie delimited by the time range range. Classes 39 2007-07-18 | © 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

10.3 Symbol Changes<br />

movieWithData:error:<br />

movieWithData<strong>Reference</strong>:error:<br />

movieWithFile:error:<br />

movieWithPasteboard:error:<br />

movieWith<strong>QuickTime</strong>Movie:disposeWhenDone:error:<br />

movieWithURL:error:<br />

Instance Methods<br />

addImage:forDuration:withAttributes:<br />

appendSelectionFromMovie:<br />

attributeForKey:<br />

can<strong>Update</strong>MovieFile<br />

currentFrameImage<br />

currentTime<br />

delegate<br />

deleteSegment:<br />

duration<br />

38 Classes<br />

2007-07-18 | © 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.<br />

Creates a QTMovie object initialized with<br />

the data specified by data.<br />

Creates a QTMovie object intitalized<br />

with the data specified by the data<br />

reference data<strong>Reference</strong>.<br />

Creates a QTMovie object initialized with<br />

the data in the file specified by the name<br />

fileName.<br />

Creates a QTMovie object initialized with<br />

the contents of the pasteboard specified<br />

by pasteboard.<br />

Creates a QTMovie object initialized with<br />

the data from an existing <strong>QuickTime</strong><br />

movie movie.<br />

Creates a QTMovie object initialized with<br />

the data in the URL specified by url.<br />

Adds an image for the specified duration<br />

to the receiver, using attributes specified<br />

in the attributes dictionary.<br />

Appends to a QTMovie the current<br />

selection in movie.<br />

Returns the current value of the movie<br />

attribute attributeKey.<br />

Indicates whether a movie file can be<br />

updated with changes made to the movie<br />

object.<br />

Returns an NSImage for the frame at the<br />

current time in a QTMovie.<br />

Returns the current time of a QTMovie<br />

object as a structure of type QTTime.<br />

Returns the delegate of a QTMovie object.<br />

Deletes from a QTMovie the segment<br />

delimited by segment.<br />

Returns the duration of a QTMovie object<br />

as a structure of type QTTime.

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