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united states - Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys ... united states - Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys ...

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Port Moller qcadrzngle White, 9. 2., snd. :.;lllieras, 9. I,., e:s,, 1975, Assessnent of geot'nsm.,si resources cxth ii~nif ed States -1375: .* 2. Geol. Su-~ey Clrc . 126, 155 P. Wilson, F. B., and Rmer, 3. L,, 1975, 2adiometri: age nap cf Alaska--Aleutian Islands: .Alaska Div. Geol. Geophys.%nreys open-file report UP-8 j, iC p. + map. Wilson, P. E., a& Tbmer, 3. L., 1975, iladiometric age *sap of Alaska--southwestern Alasks: A.l~ske Div. Geol. Geophys. Surveys open-file rezort .\~F-zk, 2 p. + nap. Pribilof Islands quadrangle Anderson, G. S., 1976, 'dater-resources rec3nr~issance of St. George Island, Pribilof Islands, - FE Cobb, E. Ff., ed., The United States Geologi ozl SUI-lay in .Unska: accmrplishment s during 1975: 5. S . Geol. Surrey Cira. 733) F. 43. . . Anderson, G. S., 1976, tSat~r-resources recoraaissance of St. George Island, Trobilof Islands, Alaska: Natl. Tech. Inf. Senice PB-250 565 /AS, 20 p. (t~ater-?esources LEV. 76-6. ) Bailey, K. A*, Cooper, A. K., Marlou, M. S., and Scholl, D. W., 1976, Prelimiriary residue1 m~etic mr, of the eastern Eering Shelf and parts of west?rn Alaska: U.9. Geol. Survey M1sc:Field Studies Map !!T-716, i sheet, scale l:',5OO,OGO. Marlow, M, S., Cocper, A. K., Zcholl, 3. Fi., and Alpha, T. R., 1976, Twenty-fcur channel seissic reflection data acquired on the F./V S. P. Lee in the Bering Ses, September 1375, afid structure ccntours of accu;tic baselcent beneath the southern Berlcg Sea shelf: U.S. Geol. Survey open-flle regor2 76-652, 4 p. (unnumbered), 1 sheet, and 15 nicrofiln cards. Marlow, M. S., ".!cLean, a ~h, Vauier, T, f., Sck011, D. W., Oad~cr., J. V., and Pcvers, 3ichaad, 1975, Prelir;li,mry report sn the regional geglogj, oil ac3 gas potential and envimnmental hazards of the 3erir-g Sea shelf south of St. Uvrence Island, Alsska: U.S. .Geol. Surrey cpen-file report 76-75?, 98 p. Schumacher, Glenn, 1976, Bethymetrlc raps c? the Aleutian Trench ar,d %ring S~E: U.S. Geol. Su-wey cpez-file re;ort 76-821, 2 sheets, scale 1:2,5CO,Ci)O. Schumacher, G. M., 1976, 3atw,etri:: z.,e?s sf the Gulf of Alaska! g.9. -0co1. Surrey open-Tile reprt 76-222, 2 sheets, scale 1: 2,502,000.

Pribilof Islands quadrangle Silberman, M. L, : and Ho2kins, D, M., 1976, Potassium-argon ages af basenent rocks from St. George Isl~c2, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Susrey operr-file reporc 76-733, 16 p. U. S. Geological Sur~ey, 1975, Gsological 2urtey re.e;earch 1975 ! U ,S . Geological Sulvey Prof. Paper 975, 373 p. White, D. 3., and K i l l i ~ ~ s D. , L,, eds., 1975, Assessmefit of gsothaml resources cf the Unitcd States-1975: U.9. kol. Survey Circ. 726, 155 P* Wilson, F. H., and Turner, D. L., 1975, Radiometric aye map of Alaska--Aleutian Islsnds: Alaska 3iv. Geol. &ophys.Sumeys open-file report MF-83, 10 p. i map. Prince .W~srt q~adrangle Alaska Divieion of G*oLogi:eL and Geophys? csl Sumeys , 1976, Biennial report, 1974-75: College, Alaska, 53 p. , . Bird, M, L., and Clark, A. L., 1976, Micmprobe stcdy cf olivine chsomitites of the Goodnews Bay ultramafic complex, Alaska, and the occurrence of platinum: U.S. Gaol. Surrey Sour. ilesesrch, v. 4, no. 6, p. 717-725. Eakins, G. R., 1975, Uranium investigations in southeastem Alaska! Alaska Div. kol. Ceophys. Surveys Geol. Rept. 44, 62 p. Schumacher, - - G. M., 1976, Mtwetric aaps of the Gulf of Alaska: U.S. ~eol; Survey open-file report 76-822, 2 sheets, scale 1: 2,500,000. Shme, D. B., ed,, 1976, G20log.j and resources of fluorine in the United States: U.S. Geol. %,-ley Prof. Faper 333, 99 2. U.S. Geological Surrey, 1975, Geological Surrey research 1975 : U .S . Geological Sl~mey Frof . Feper 975, 373 p . Rat Islznds quadrangle Cooper, A. K., Bailey, K. A., Howell, J. I., Marlow, M. So, end SchoU, D. *A., 1976, Pre1iminar:j residual magnetic Rep of the Bering See %sin and the Kanchezks ?eninsula: U.S. Geol. Sun.?y Misc. Field Ztudies Mag MF-715, 1 sntet, sc~le 1:2,500,000. Hcaley, D. L., an6 Kiblhr, J. D., 1974, Complete 2ougucr acd free-air gravity anomaly =$s of the Rat Islands west of hchitka I slsnd, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Ceophya. Inv. Map G?-909, 1 sheet, scale l:25O,OOO.

Port Moller qcadrzngle<br />

White, 9. 2., snd. :.;lllieras, 9. I,., e:s,, 1975, Assessnent <strong>of</strong> geot'nsm.,si<br />

resources cxth ii~nif ed States -1375: .*<br />

2. Geol. Su-~ey Clrc . 126,<br />

155 P.<br />

Wilson, F. B., and Rmer, 3. L,, 1975, 2adiometri: age nap cf<br />

<strong>Alaska</strong>--Aleutian Islands: .<strong>Alaska</strong> Div. Geol. Geophys.%nreys<br />

open-file report UP-8 j, iC p. + map.<br />

Wilson, P. E., a& Tbmer, 3. L., 1975, iladiometric age *sap <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Alaska</strong>--southwestern Alasks: A.l~ske Div. Geol. Geophys.<br />

<strong>Surveys</strong> open-file rezort .\~F-zk, 2 p. + nap.<br />

Pribil<strong>of</strong> Islands quadrangle<br />

Anderson, G. S., 1976, 'dater-resources rec3nr~issance <strong>of</strong> St. George<br />

Island, Pribil<strong>of</strong> Islands, - FE Cobb, E. Ff., ed., The United States<br />

Geologi ozl SUI-lay in .Unska: accmrplishment s during 1975: 5. S .<br />

Geol. Surrey Cira. 733) F. 43.<br />

. .<br />

Anderson, G. S., 1976, tSat~r-resources recoraaissance <strong>of</strong> St. George<br />

Island, Trobil<strong>of</strong> Islands, <strong>Alaska</strong>: Natl. Tech. Inf. Senice<br />

PB-250 565 /AS, 20 p. (t~ater-?esources LEV. 76-6. )<br />

Bailey, K. A*, Cooper, A. K., Marlou, M. S., and Scholl, D. W., 1976,<br />

Prelimiriary residue1 m~etic mr, <strong>of</strong> the eastern Eering Shelf<br />

and parts <strong>of</strong> west?rn <strong>Alaska</strong>: U.9. Geol. Survey M1sc:Field<br />

Studies Map !!T-716, i sheet, scale l:',5OO,OGO.<br />

Marlow, M, S., Cocper, A. K., Zcholl, 3. Fi., and Alpha, T. R., 1976,<br />

Twenty-fcur channel seissic reflection data acquired on the F./V<br />

S. P. Lee in the Bering Ses, September 1375, afid structure ccntours<br />

<strong>of</strong> accu;tic baselcent beneath the southern Berlcg Sea shelf:<br />

U.S. Geol. Survey open-flle regor2 76-652, 4 p. (unnumbered), 1<br />

sheet, and 15 nicr<strong>of</strong>iln cards.<br />

Marlow, M. S., ".!cLean, a ~h, Vauier, T, f., Sck011, D. W., Oad~cr.,<br />

J. V., and Pcvers, 3ichaad, 1975, Prelir;li,mry report sn the<br />

regional geglogj, oil ac3 gas potential and envimnmental<br />

hazards <strong>of</strong> the 3erir-g Sea shelf south <strong>of</strong> St. Uvrence Island,<br />

Alsska: U.S. .Geol. Surrey cpen-file report 76-75?, 98 p.<br />

Schumacher, Glenn, 1976, Bethymetrlc raps c? the Aleutian Trench ar,d<br />

%ring S~E: U.S. Geol. Su-wey cpez-file re;ort 76-821, 2 sheets,<br />

scale 1:2,5CO,Ci)O.<br />

Schumacher, G. M., 1976, 3atw,etri:: z.,e?s sf the Gulf <strong>of</strong> <strong>Alaska</strong>! g.9.<br />

-0co1. Surrey open-Tile reprt 76-222, 2 sheets, scale 1: 2,502,000.

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