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united states - Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys ... united states - Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys ...

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McCarthy quadrangle Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, 1976, Biennial repoA, 1974-75i College, Usska, 53 p, . . , Albert, 1:. R. 3., 1976 LANDSAT data inte~~etation of the Nabesna and McCarthy quabrangles, in Cobb, E. H., ed., 'he United Staces Geological Sumey in 4laskz accompli shnents during 1975 : U. S . GeoL. Sumey Circ. 733, p. 13-50. Albert, N. R, D., and Chavez, P. S., 1976, Computer-enhanced LANDSAT inagery as a tool for mineral e,xplcration in klaska: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report 76-65, 22 p. . . Armstrong, A. K., and MacKevett, E. M., Jr., 1976, Relations betwzen Triassic csrbonate sabkhas and Kennecott-type coppr depsits, Wrangell Mountains, in Cobb, Z. H., ed., The Unlted Stz~es Geological Survey in Alzke: acconplishmonts during 1975: U.S. Gaol. Surtey Circ. 733, p. 50-51. Brry, A. L., Calrflple, G. B., knphere, M. A., and Von Essen, J. C., 1976, summary of tuiscel~neous potassium-argon age aeasurements, U.S. Geolcgical Surrey, Menlo ?ark, California, for the years 1972-74; U.S. Gaol. Survey Circ. 727, 13 p. Case, J. Z., and hiacYevett, 2. M., Jr., 1976, Aemmagne%ic nap 2nd geologic intenretation of aeromagnetkc map, McCarthy quadrangie, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey ?disc. Field Studies Map W-773D, 2 sheets, scale 1:250,300. &cKevett, E , 14. , Jr . , 1976, Geologic rap of the McCarthy quedrcngle , Alaska: U.S. Geol. Surrey Msc. Field Studies Map !Q-773-A, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000. IdacKevett, E. M., Jr., 1976, Mineral deposits end occurrences in the McCa*hy quadrangle, Aleska: U.S. Geol. Surrey Misc. Field Studits Mep MF-733B, 2 sheets, scsls 1:250,000. O'Leary, 2. M., McDanal, S. K., say, G. W,, XcDaugal, C. M., and ?,obinsac, Keith, 1976, Speczrographic ar,d chamical lnaiyses of geochemicel smples from the 14cCarthy quadrangle, Al%skz: U.S. Geol. Su-ney open-fil? recorf 76-&4, 36 p. ?121%er, George, Jones, D. L,, Zudson, Travis, and Berq, E. C., 15-76, The arder Ranges fault syste~ in ths Saiat Elias Mouctains ~.nd Alexander ArckL?elago, in Cobb, 5. H., ed, , The Unite5 Stztes Geological Sumey in &ka: accom;?iishmen-i;s &ring 1975 : U .rj . Geol. Sumey Circ . 733, 2. 1k-16. Silberman, M. 3., Potter, 3. 'A*, 17, and Nissenbmm, ArLe, 1$';d, Stable isotopt, sUic?e rninerzlogy, fluid inclusion, and K-!+r age study of the massive sulfide deposits at Kennecotz, in Cobb, 2. E., ed., The United Sates Geologicel Survey in-hska: accomplishments during 1975: u.5. Gml. Su-nsey Circ. 733, p. 51-52.

Trabant, D. C,, 1976, Alaska glaciology studies, in Cobb, z. H., ed., The United States Geological Sumey in Alaskz accom~lishments during 197.5: U.S. Geol. Sumey Circ. 733, p. $5-47. , . , . U.S. Geological Surrey, 1975, Gedlogicsl Surrey =search 1975: U .S . Geological Sumey prof. Paper 975, 373 p. U. S . Geological Sumey, 1976, Scientists eye steaming ~ount Yrangell, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Earthquake Inf. Bull., v. 8, n, 1, p. 24-25. U. S. Geological Sunrey, 1976, Aerom~etic sumey, McCarthy guadmngle, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file map 76-170, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000. 'Vhite, D. 2.) and Williams, D. L., sds., 197.5, Assesslrent of geothermal resources of the United Statrs-1975: V.S. Geol. Surrey Circ. 726, 155 P* Wilson, F. H., and Turner, D. L., 1975, Radiometric age map of Alaska--south-central Alaskz: Alaska Div. Geol. Gecphys, Surreys open-fils report AOF-85, L2 p. + map. McGrath quadrengle Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surreys, 19-76) Biennial report, 1974-75: College, Alaska, 53 p. Berry, A. L., Dalrymple, G. 8.) Lanphere, M. A,, and Van %sen, J. C., 1976, Summa,y of miscellaneous potassium-argon age measurements, U. S . Geological Surrey, Idenlo Psrk, CaliforrAa, for the years 1972-74: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 727, 13 p. Cobb, 5. H., 1976, Surmcay~ of rer'ercnces to nineral occurrences jothe? t,W sineral fuels and constmcr,ion 3eterials) in the Iliam=, Lake Clark, Line Xills, and t4cGrath qua

McCarthy quadrangle<br />

<strong>Alaska</strong> <strong>Division</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Geological</strong> and <strong>Geophysical</strong> <strong>Surveys</strong>, 1976, Biennial<br />

repoA, 1974-75i College, Usska, 53 p,<br />

. . ,<br />

Albert, 1:. R. 3., 1976 LANDSAT data inte~~etation <strong>of</strong> the Nabesna<br />

and McCarthy quabrangles, in Cobb, E. H., ed., 'he United Staces<br />

<strong>Geological</strong> Sumey in 4laskz accompli shnents during 1975 : U. S .<br />

GeoL. Sumey Circ. 733, p. 13-50.<br />

Albert, N. R, D., and Chavez, P. S., 1976, Computer-enhanced LANDSAT<br />

inagery as a tool for mineral e,xplcration in klaska: U.S. Geol.<br />

Survey open-file report 76-65, 22 p.<br />

. .<br />

Armstrong, A. K., and MacKevett, E. M., Jr., 1976, Relations betwzen<br />

Triassic csrbonate sabkhas and Kennecott-type coppr depsits,<br />

Wrangell Mountains, in Cobb, Z. H., ed., The Unlted Stz~es <strong>Geological</strong><br />

Survey in Alzke: acconplishmonts during 1975: U.S. Gaol.<br />

Surtey Circ. 733, p. 50-51.<br />

Brry, A. L., Calrflple, G. B., knphere, M. A., and Von Essen, J. C.,<br />

1976, summary <strong>of</strong> tuiscel~neous potassium-argon age aeasurements,<br />

U.S. Geolcgical Surrey, Menlo ?ark, California, for the years<br />

1972-74; U.S. Gaol. Survey Circ. 727, 13 p.<br />

Case, J. Z., and hiacYevett, 2. M., Jr., 1976, Aemmagne%ic nap 2nd<br />

geologic intenretation <strong>of</strong> aeromagnetkc map, McCarthy quadrangie,<br />

<strong>Alaska</strong>: U.S. Geol. Survey ?disc. Field Studies Map W-773D, 2<br />

sheets, scale 1:250,300.<br />

&cKevett, E , 14. , Jr . , 1976, Geologic rap <strong>of</strong> the McCarthy quedrcngle ,<br />

<strong>Alaska</strong>: U.S. Geol. Surrey Msc. Field Studies Map !Q-773-A, 1<br />

sheet, scale 1:250,000.<br />

IdacKevett, E. M., Jr., 1976, Mineral deposits end occurrences in the<br />

McCa*hy quadrangle, Aleska: U.S. Geol. Surrey Misc. Field Studits<br />

Mep MF-733B, 2 sheets, scsls 1:250,000.<br />

O'Leary, 2. M., McDanal, S. K., say, G. W,, XcDaugal, C. M., and<br />

?,obinsac, Keith, 1976, Speczrographic ar,d chamical lnaiyses <strong>of</strong><br />

geochemicel smples from the 14cCarthy quadrangle, Al%skz: U.S.<br />

Geol. Su-ney open-fil? recorf 76-&4, 36 p.<br />

?121%er, George, Jones, D. L,, Zudson, Travis, and Berq, E. C., 15-76,<br />

The arder Ranges fault syste~ in ths Saiat Elias Mouctains ~.nd<br />

Alexander ArckL?elago, in Cobb, 5. H., ed, , The Unite5 Stztes<br />

<strong>Geological</strong> Sumey in &ka: accom;?iishmen-i;s &ring 1975 : U .rj .<br />

Geol. Sumey Circ . 733, 2. 1k-16.<br />

Silberman, M. 3., Potter, 3. 'A*, 17, and Nissenbmm, ArLe, 1$';d,<br />

Stable isotopt, sUic?e rninerzlogy, fluid inclusion, and K-!+r<br />

age study <strong>of</strong> the massive sulfide deposits at Kennecotz, in<br />

Cobb, 2. E., ed., The United Sates Geologicel Survey in-hska:<br />

accomplishments during 1975: u.5. Gml. Su-nsey Circ. 733, p. 51-52.

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