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united states - Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys ... united states - Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys ...

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wainwright quadrangle hppei, 3. D., ~ n d WcHendriz, A, G., 1976, Free-ai? g~~vlty znoiraPj maF of the eastern Chukchi and southern Bering Sea*: U.S. GeoL. Su~rry Elisc. Field Studies !+lap MF-785, 1 sheet, scale l:;I,CCG,OGO. Selat~,&er, G. bl., 1376, ?atbetric map3 cf ,?hukchi Ses sn3 P-rctic Gcean: U.S. Ced. Surrey open-file rzpc1.t 76-82:, 2 sheets, scale 1:2,5~0,00c. BeFbn, H. M., ant1 Lathram, 2. H. , 1976, P~elldnarj geologic mar, of oorthe--n Alas~a: U.S. Geol. Sur~ey 2 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000. hfisc. Field Studies Map ~7-7851, Cnmes, F.. D., 1976, Active Uskan placer cperstions, 1975: U.S. B ur. Xnes open-file report 98-76, 91 p. Childers, J. I!. , 1976, Streamflo;1, chemel erosion, an6 icirgs along TAX route, in Cobb, E. I?., ed., The United States G:zological 3ui-vey in 4lGka: accomplishments during 1975; U.S. Geol. Sur;ey circ. 733, p. 8. Cobb, E. li., 1376, Summel-y of refel-ences to nineral cccurrences (other than nineral fuel; en2 construction materials) i:i tnz Chanblar and Wisemn q~adrsngles , Alaska: U . S. Geol. Sumey opcn-f ile rep0i-t 75-340, zoj p, Mull, C. G., Tzilleur, I. L., Mayfisl6, 13. F., and Pessel, C. I?., 1976, New structural and stratigraphic interpretations, cer~tral and Tn.estsrn B:+ooks 3ange a~",rc*dc Slope, in Cobb, i;'. H., ed., *;*ne United States Geologizal Suney in Alaska: acomplishents 3~ring 1975: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 733, p. 24-26. Slcan, C. E., Zenone, Chester, and Mayo, L. R., 1976, Icings along the trans-.i!.lzska pi~eline route: 3.3. Geol. Surrey Prof. Ta3er 979, 3' 2. U. S. Geologicel. Stirstey, 1975, Geologicai Survey =search 1975: ?j .$ . Geologicsl Su-rvey Pmf. Paper 975, 373 p. Wilson, F. B., 2nd Turner, D. L., 1975, Radiometric age m~g of Alaska--northern Alaska: Alaska 3iv. Geol. Geqhys. Su~~eys open-fil= report AOF-86, 11 p. + nap.

Alaska Division 09 Geolegical and Geophysical Surveys, 1976, Bienniel report, 1974-75: College, Alask~, 53 p. Blasko, 3. T., 1976, Oil and gas seeps in Alaskk; north-czntrtil Gulf of Aleska: U.S. Bur, Mines Rept. Inv. 8126, 123 p. Ems, T. R, , and ~iafker, Gearge, 1976, Stxcturel style hif part of the Outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of Alaska Tertiary Province, - in Cobb, 2. H., ed,, The Ucited States Geological Surrey in hlsska: accornplishients during 1975: U.S. Geol, Survey Circ. 733, 2. 13-14. Frost, B. R., i976, Fieconnaiss~cce geology along the Variegated Glacie~, Saint Tliac Mountains: Alsskz Div. Geol. 5eoptys. Sur-~eys Geol. Regt. 51, p. 1-4, khr, J. C., ?nd Blackford, Michael, 1976, &if of .Uaskz seisraicity, - i:1 Cob'n, E. iI., ed., The U~iteci States Geological Sun-c;. Ln >?laska: accomplis:::l:?nts ciuri~g 1975: 7.S. Geol. ar-ri:y Cir~. 733, 2. TL. Lyle, W. Id., 5r,d ~eb.cl-, X. P. ., 1976, St~atig~aptiic ;tuc- 37, Molnia, B. F., tsrlson, 7. R., ar2 Emns, T. 3,) 1976, Report on t!~e ea7riroll;nental geology, OCS area, cz;tern Gulf of Alssks: U.S. Geol. Suney open-file report 75-206, 46 p. PLar'ker, George, and Addicstt, 2. 0.) 1976, Gl&ciomarina dewsits or' Miocene through Yolocele age in the Y~katags Fomtion alone the Culf of .Alaska margin, Alaska: U..?. Gzol. Survey open-file repoyt 7C-&, 36 e. Plar"lter, .G+arge, Jenss, D. L., ,%Asan, Travis, an6 Bsrg, 2. C., 1576, Tke Eorcer 3anges fault systen in the Saint 2lias Mountains aci Alexander A;chi;elago, in Cobb, Z. 3.) ed., p,e Unit& zbtes Geological Survey in Alz~a: accompiis~~ents dl~ring 1975 : ir . S . (;eol.Sux"~ey Circ. 733, p. 14-16. ieim?itz, zrk, sad Pl~fker, George, 1976, Marine gald plecers ~ l c the r ~ Gulf of Alzska margin: U.S. C?ol. Sd~rey 3ull. 1415, 16 p. Sthuscher, O. I.[., 1976, &thymetric zslgs or' thr 2dif cf Aleske; r.2, Geoi. Sunrc:, open-file report 76-222, 2 shee~s, scale 1:2,j50,OGO.

wainwright quadrangle<br />

hppei, 3. D., ~ n d WcHendriz, A, G., 1976, Free-ai? g~~vlty znoiraPj<br />

maF <strong>of</strong> the eastern Chukchi and southern Bering Sea*: U.S. GeoL.<br />

Su~rry Elisc. Field Studies !+lap MF-785, 1 sheet, scale l:;I,CCG,OGO.<br />

Selat~,&er, G. bl., 1376, ?atbetric map3 cf ,?hukchi Ses sn3 P-rctic<br />

Gcean: U.S. Ced. Surrey open-file rzpc1.t 76-82:, 2 sheets, scale<br />

1:2,5~0,00c.<br />

BeFbn, H. M., ant1 Lathram, 2. H. , 1976, P~elldnarj geologic mar, <strong>of</strong><br />

oorthe--n Alas~a: U.S. Geol. Sur~ey<br />

2 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.<br />

hfisc. Field Studies Map ~7-7851,<br />

Cnmes, F.. D., 1976, Active Uskan placer cperstions, 1975: U.S.<br />

B ur. Xnes open-file report 98-76, 91 p.<br />

Childers, J. I!. , 1976, Streamflo;1, chemel erosion, an6 icirgs along<br />

TAX route, in Cobb, E. I?., ed., The United States G:zological<br />

3ui-vey in 4lGka: accomplishments during 1975; U.S. Geol. Sur;ey<br />

circ. 733, p. 8.<br />

Cobb, E. li., 1376, Summel-y <strong>of</strong> refel-ences to nineral cccurrences (other<br />

than nineral fuel; en2 construction materials) i:i tnz Chanblar<br />

and Wisemn q~adrsngles , <strong>Alaska</strong>: U . S. Geol. Sumey opcn-f ile rep0i-t<br />

75-340, zoj p,<br />

Mull, C. G., Tzilleur, I. L., Mayfisl6, 13. F., and Pessel, C. I?., 1976,<br />

New structural and stratigraphic interpretations, cer~tral and<br />

Tn.estsrn B:+ooks 3ange a~",rc*dc Slope, in Cobb, i;'. H., ed., *;*ne<br />

United States Geologizal Suney in <strong>Alaska</strong>: acomplishents 3~ring<br />

1975: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 733, p. 24-26.<br />

Slcan, C. E., Zenone, Chester, and Mayo, L. R., 1976, Icings along<br />

the trans-.i!.lzska pi~eline route: 3.3. Geol. Surrey Pr<strong>of</strong>. Ta3er<br />

979, 3' 2.<br />

U. S. Geologicel. Stirstey, 1975, Geologicai Survey =search 1975: ?j .$ .<br />

Geologicsl Su-rvey Pmf. Paper 975, 373 p.<br />

Wilson, F. B., 2nd Turner, D. L., 1975, Radiometric age m~g<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Alaska</strong>--northern <strong>Alaska</strong>: <strong>Alaska</strong> 3iv. Geol. Geqhys. Su~~eys<br />

open-fil= report AOF-86, 11 p. + nap.

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