Prophetics As An Art and Science

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Etiquette<br />

Many people despise prophecy because they had unpleasant past<br />

experiences with it. The gifts of the Spirit should be used with the utmost<br />

care; they should be used in the Phenomenon of Love.<br />

Concerning prophecy the spirits of the prophets are subject to the<br />

prophets (1 Corinthians 14:32).<br />

These are some of the ways when it is inappropriate to give a prophetic<br />

word:<br />

Never give a word if you are angry, or have strong negative feelings<br />

towards the person or whatever you are giving the prophetic word to.<br />

Do not use prophecy to validate our own personal doctrines or beliefs.<br />

It is not necessary to say things like "Thus saith the Lord," Old Testament<br />

Prophets would say this so that the people would know the word was from<br />

Yahweh, <strong>and</strong> not one of the many pagan gods of the l<strong>and</strong>. When the word<br />

is reviewed/judged it will usually be obvious whether it was from the Lord<br />

or not.<br />

Do not say "The Lord made me do this." God has given you a free will.<br />

There are times when the Holy Spirit will take over, but this is not normally<br />

the case.<br />

These are some of the ways in which prophetic words should be given:<br />

It is important to make sure your demeanor matches that of the Holy<br />

Spirit's. This means matching the tone as well as what the Holy Spirit is<br />

telling you. There is seldom a need to yell, this is usually only a turn-off.<br />

Everything you say, must be done in love. If you do not do it in Love you<br />

profit nothing (1 Corinthians 13:2). In other words, your message will be<br />

worthless.<br />

It is good practice to write down the prophecy <strong>and</strong> submit it to the church<br />

leadership for them to judge. It is not necessary to st<strong>and</strong> up <strong>and</strong> interrupt a<br />

church service to give your prophecy.<br />

What to do with Negative or Judgmental words:<br />

New Testament prophecy is to encourage, strengthen, <strong>and</strong> edify the body<br />

(1 Corinthians 14:3). Negative words do the very opposite of this. Death<br />

<strong>and</strong> Live are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21)<br />

Just because a word ends on a positive note, do not always mean it is an<br />

encouraging word.<br />


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