Prophetics As An Art and Science

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Acknowledgments<br />

Thank you to everyone who has shown so much support for me as I have<br />

attempted to hear God speaking. You have been very underst<strong>and</strong>ing when I<br />

made mistakes, <strong>and</strong> very encouraging when I got it right. I would not be even be<br />

as far as I am today if it wasn’t for all of my friends <strong>and</strong> family who allowed me<br />

to prophesy words of life over you. God bless you forever, <strong>and</strong> reveal to you just<br />

how unimaginably great your destiny truly is. I pray that He touches you in a<br />

tangible way, that you would never be the same, for everything you have done<br />

for me.<br />

© March 2013<br />


Introduction<br />

This book was compiled from a group of subjects of different ways to<br />

hear God speaking to you. A Comprehensive Study of the <strong>Art</strong> & <strong>Science</strong> of<br />

Prophecy. The ways God will speak to you are literally endless, but these<br />

methods are perhaps some of the most common, <strong>and</strong> easiest to underst<strong>and</strong>. It is<br />

meant to be used more as a reference manual, but is also organized in an order<br />

of chapters that will hopefully be the reader the most beneficial, if you should<br />

chose to read it clear through, cover to cover. You may not agree with<br />

everything, but you will gain a new perspective of prophecy while reading this<br />

book.<br />


Dedication<br />

Firstly to Yahweh who created us ultimately to fill us with His pleasure.<br />

Secondly to everyone who is hungry, not just to know the deeper things of God,<br />

but to experience Him on a perpetually more intimate level.<br />


What is written within this book is based on my own experiences.<br />

You practice at their own risk. I’ve made my own mistakes along the way.<br />

Perhaps there is no hard fast answer in the study of <strong>Prophetics</strong>?<br />


Index<br />

Keys<br />

Fruit<br />

5 Fold<br />

Charisma<br />

Etiquette<br />

Reinforcement<br />

Meditation<br />

Rabbinical<br />

Cabbalah<br />

Imagination<br />

Numerology<br />

Gematria<br />

Cryptography<br />

Pictograms<br />

Shapes<br />

Colors<br />

Interpretation<br />

Oneirology<br />

Puns<br />

Finality<br />

Geography<br />

Homonyms<br />

HaShem<br />

Onomastics<br />

Prophetology<br />

Prayer<br />

Worship<br />

Listening<br />

Communication<br />

Deliverance<br />

Test<br />

Application<br />

Apologetics<br />

Evangelism<br />

Practice<br />

Theories<br />

Unknowns<br />

Obtainment<br />


Apostolic<br />

Resources<br />


Keys<br />

This is a collection of miscellaneous notes taken about the subject of<br />

Prophecy, <strong>and</strong> its various aspects, to help better underst<strong>and</strong> what it is <strong>and</strong><br />

how to use it.<br />

Some Keys to Prophecy:<br />

Obedience to God, <strong>and</strong> being held accountable.<br />

o Obey the Law/His Word (obey even when you're afraid, if you step<br />

out in faith God will meet you half way)<br />

Love the Lord your God with all your heart<br />

Galatians 5:14 Love your neighbor as yourself<br />

For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, in this: "You<br />

shall love your neighbor as yourself.”<br />

Romans 13:8-10 by loving others, we are loving God, & by<br />

loving God we are fulfilling all 10 comm<strong>and</strong>ments.<br />

Exodus 20:1-17 Obey the 10 Comm<strong>and</strong>ments<br />

1 Corinthians 14<br />

o Follow after love, <strong>and</strong> earnestly desire spiritual gifts, but especially<br />

that you may prophesy.<br />

Desire it that you may first glorify God, not yourself.<br />

<strong>An</strong>d second that you may edify (build up), exhort (call near), &<br />

Console (cheer up) others.<br />

Prerequisites:<br />

o Read, learning, studying, watching<br />

o Training, practice<br />

o Probationary trial<br />

o Apprenticeship, Mentoring<br />

Learn/Know the Bible by reading, listening to, & memorizing it.<br />

1 Peter 1:10 Seek out God<br />

o Concerning this salvation, the prophets sought <strong>and</strong> searched<br />

diligently, who prophesied the grace that would come to you.<br />

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing<br />

o This is talking to God; you need to talk to him, if you expect him to<br />

talk to you.<br />

o When He talks to you, you need to listen by reading/listening to His<br />

word (the Bible)<br />

Luke 11:9 Be persistent for the Gifts of the Spirit.<br />


o I tell you, keep asking, <strong>and</strong> it will be given you. Keep seeking, <strong>and</strong><br />

you will find. Keep knocking, <strong>and</strong> it will be opened to you.<br />

Matthew 21:22 All things, whatever you will ask in prayer,<br />

believing, you will receive.<br />

Luke 11:9-10 so I say to you: <strong>As</strong>k <strong>and</strong> it will be given to you;<br />

seek <strong>and</strong> you will find; knock <strong>and</strong> the door will be opened to<br />

you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks<br />

finds; <strong>and</strong> to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.<br />

Learn from Old Testament Prophets, or current day Christians who<br />

possess the Spiritual Gift of Prophecy.<br />

o Moses was the example of the Old Testament.<br />

o Jesus was the example of the New Testament, <strong>and</strong> the best<br />

example.<br />

Prophets can learn from more experienced Prophets<br />

o Such as Samuel <strong>and</strong> his school of Prophets<br />

Keep a Spiritual Journal<br />

o Document things like prayers, dreams (night visions), vision (waking<br />

dreams), & other spiritual life experiences. This is what the Old<br />

Testament prophets did <strong>and</strong> partly why we have it in the Bible.<br />

Be humble, God uses the weak things of the world. This way the Glory<br />

goes to God, <strong>and</strong> people won't tend to believe this act of God was by the<br />

will of some great person.<br />

Acts 10:34 God is not a respecter of persons, what he does for one he is<br />

willing to do for all.<br />

1 Corinthians 14:31 You may all Prophecy.<br />

<strong>As</strong>k for other Spiritual Gift to help assist you, such as Discernment,<br />

Wisdom, Underst<strong>and</strong>ing, Revelation, Knowledge, & Interpretation.<br />

o 1 Corinthians 14:29 Judge what a person has prophesied<br />

Test what you are being told against Scripture to make sure it<br />

doesn’t go against GOD’s word, otherwise it’s something form<br />

your own imagination.<br />

God equips those who are available, not vice versa.<br />

Take EVERYTHING in the Bible Literally as well as symbolically.<br />

Sanctify your imagination!!!<br />

o Connections: (Matthew 12:34)<br />

Eyes to Mind (imagination) (physical & spiritual eyes) "Visual-<br />

Eyes"<br />

Mind to Heart (nervous system)<br />

Heart to Mouth (there is a major vain that runs form heart to<br />

your tongue)<br />


Ear to the Mouth (faith comes by hearing & hearing by the<br />

word of God)<br />

Faith paints a [mental] picture.<br />

The Gift of Prophecy is like a muscle, it has to be exercised to be<br />

strengthened. If you over exert it you will injure it. Even giving it time to<br />

rest it will grow. Feed it <strong>and</strong> it will grow.<br />

o Matthew 4:4, Man cannot live on bread alone, but on the Word of<br />

God.<br />

When prophesying:<br />

o Give a special touch on the shoulder, head, <strong>and</strong> forehead. This is<br />

the laying on of h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> is typically used to impart.<br />

o Speak as to paint a mental picture, (be descriptive in your speech).<br />

o Attach high value to the word, 1 Peter 4:11.<br />

o Add Dramatic Pause <strong>and</strong> Tones with your voice for additional<br />

Impact.<br />

o Commit to fulfilling the prophecy if needed. Such as continued<br />

Encouragement.<br />

Don't just believe or think a prophecy into existence,<br />

o Speak it out<br />

o Write it down<br />

o Put it to music<br />

o Sing it out<br />

o Act it out<br />

Overmastering fear is a major accomplishment towards the Prophetic, but<br />

Perfect Love cast out all fear 1 John 4:18. Know that God loves you.<br />

o Also many people fear what they do not know/underst<strong>and</strong> which is<br />

a major part of the Prophetic. To overcome this you need to be<br />

curious (search out knowledge).<br />

Do not assume anything that you do not know for certain. It’s ok if your<br />

prophecy is somewhat vague.<br />

o 1 Corinthians 13:9 “For we know if part <strong>and</strong> we prophesy in part.”<br />

o Be vague if you have a vague underst<strong>and</strong>ing of what you’ve been<br />

told.<br />

o You can always ask God “what does this mean?”<br />

If God tells you something you must have faith, believe, <strong>and</strong> be confident<br />

that it will happen no matter how impossible it seems.<br />

o No IF’s or MAYBE’s<br />

Do not expect to underst<strong>and</strong> what God tells you, maybe ever. You may<br />

not live to see its fulfillment, some of the Old Testament prophets passed<br />

before their End Time prophecies did.<br />


o Our timing is not the same as God’s timing.<br />

o God is God of the last second.<br />

He may be doing this to test your faith.<br />

o Matthew 10:27 What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light;<br />

<strong>and</strong> what you hear whispered in the ear, proclaim on the<br />

housetops.<br />

o God may only be whispering something to you, make sure you are<br />

always listening.<br />

That “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12)<br />

Or He “roars from Zion” (Joel 3:16)<br />

When you receive a prophetic word, you are to judge the word, not the<br />

prophet. The word can be:<br />

o Totally correct<br />

o Correct, but it was understood or interpreted incorrectly<br />

o Partially correct <strong>and</strong> the other part was incorrect.<br />

o False<br />

When you prophesy to someone on a personal level God reveals to them<br />

through you, their:<br />

o History<br />

o Destiny<br />

o Purpose<br />

o Identity<br />

o <strong>An</strong>d the secrets of their heart, by revealing these thing God is<br />

revealed to them through you.<br />

Once our senses are spiritually opened we not only hear form the Holy<br />

Spirit, but other spirits in this realm, so we must test them by asking them<br />

who is the true son of God 1 John 4:1-3. These sources are:<br />

o The Holy Spirit<br />

o <strong>An</strong>gles - to teach us the things of God<br />

o Our own spirit, soul, or mind - normally selfish, carnal, or material<br />

thoughts<br />

o Demonic spirits - things like belittling you, causing doubt, thinking<br />

evil of someone, etc…<br />

Revelation 19:10 All prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ.<br />

Prophets usually do not even consider themselves to be prophets.<br />

Be Alert & sensitive to what the Holy Spirit may be communicating to you.<br />

o Keep out on the current news <strong>and</strong> headlines.<br />

o Watch for these throughout your day, week, month, year….<br />

déjà vu,<br />

reoccurrences<br />


Themes<br />

Perception (Your "sixth sense")<br />

A guy feeling<br />

Instinct<br />

Advanced knowledge (this is the gift of Knowledge)<br />

Insight<br />

Intellect<br />

o Watch for something to jump out at you or really catch your<br />

attention.<br />

Especially when reading the Bible.<br />

Verses must be read in contexts, or they will be<br />

interpreted incorrectly.<br />

This also means knowing ancient Cultures <strong>and</strong> History<br />

during Bible times.<br />

o Know the Biblical meanings of:<br />

Symbols<br />

Shapes<br />

Colors<br />

Letter (specifically the ancient Hebrew letters)<br />

Numbers<br />

You will need to have a Biblical World View.<br />

o With this view type you can then use sources such as:<br />

Numerology<br />

Gematria<br />

<strong>As</strong>trology<br />

<strong>As</strong>tronomy<br />

Symbolism<br />

Other Jewish Holy Books<br />

Other religions Holy Books<br />

o Easier sources include:<br />

Bible<br />

Statics<br />

Patterns<br />

Forecasts (i.e.: Weather)<br />

History Books<br />

Encyclopedias<br />

Search Engines or Meta Crawlers<br />

o Occurring Things such as these are worth paying attention to:<br />

Intuition<br />

ESP<br />


Repeating Dreams<br />

déjà vu<br />

Gut Feelings<br />

Conscious<br />

Subconscious<br />

Read the Bible first before checking other sources.<br />

o Newspaper, Magazines, RSS feeds, Internet, TV News.<br />

Sources out of Israel are generally the most helpful.<br />

The entire Bible is prophecy, not just 1 /3 that is commonly believed.<br />

o Bible Code, for example<br />

o Surface text along with hidden layers or meaning<br />

All Biblical Prophecies should actually have as many as three<br />

fulfillments/layers<br />

Be faithful in the small ways God speaks to you, <strong>and</strong> He will speak to you<br />

in the greater ways Luke 16:10. These are some popular way God<br />

communicates to us:<br />

o Silence – sometimes silence is the best answer, maybe you already<br />

knew what to do, but were asking anyway because you didn't like<br />

the answer?<br />

o Creation – Romans 1:20<br />

o Impressions – a feeling you get about something<br />

o A quickening of Scripture – also works with other words, songs,<br />

lyrics, memories, or pictures suddenly brought into your mind, or<br />

heard aloud, or seen in the physical<br />

o Sings along the way<br />

o Glimpse – instantly seeing a picture or someone or something<br />

o Knowing something in your "knower." – You know, that you know,<br />

that you know.<br />

o Open <strong>and</strong> Closed "Doors"<br />

o The voices <strong>and</strong> counsel of others – many times God will speak to<br />

you through other, whether they are believers or not.<br />

o Coincidences – These are also known as Divine Appointments<br />

o Dreams<br />

o Inner Audible Voice – sounds audible but no one else hears it,<br />

almost like your hallucinating/delirious<br />

o Audible Voice<br />

o Visions – like seeing the spirit realm super imposed on top of the<br />

physical realm<br />

o Smelling, Tasting, Feeling, other senses – something that is not<br />

there in the physical<br />


o Trances – half awake half asleep state<br />

o Open Vision – seeing the spirit realm with your eyes open<br />

o Signs <strong>and</strong> Wonders – Supernatural Events<br />

o <strong>An</strong>gelic Encounters/Visitation<br />

o Being caught up in the spirit – being transported anywhere on Earth<br />

or Space.<br />

o Visitations from Jesus Himself<br />

God foretold the end from the beginning<br />

o This is the story of creation. He told all of human history in the first<br />

week of creation.<br />

o 2 Peter 3:8<br />

But don`t forget this one thing, beloved, that one day is with<br />

the Lord as a thous<strong>and</strong> years, <strong>and</strong> a thous<strong>and</strong> years as one<br />

day.<br />

When God tells you that you will live to see something happen, it usually<br />

means this will be the last major thing in your life you experience before<br />

He takes you home.<br />

o This was the case with Moses see the promise l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Simeon see<br />

the Messiah<br />

Know the Feasts of the LORD<br />

o Leviticus 23<br />

o This is GOD’s timetable, major events will happen on these days.<br />

Know the Sabbaths<br />

o this is Saturday<br />

Know when the day actually starts <strong>and</strong> ends<br />

o Sunset to sunset<br />

Know when the New Moon is<br />

o When the Moon starts visibly waxing in light, not when it’s<br />

completely dark.<br />

Know when the Jubilee year is. (Leviticus 25)<br />

Know when the Sabbatical year is. (Leviticus 25)<br />

Know that the first year was 1, not 0<br />

o There was also no year 0AD. It when from 1BC directly to 1AD<br />

The year 1001 is the start of the second millennium<br />

o 2001 starts the third millennium<br />

o 3001 starts the fourth millennium<br />

o 4001 starts the fifth millennium<br />

o 5001 starts the sixth millennium<br />

o 6001 (2001AD) start the 7 th millennium<br />


Many times you can find an application, underst<strong>and</strong>ing of, or<br />

interpretation of a prophecy or anything you believe God may be speaking<br />

to you in different way such as:<br />

o Something that happens on the Gregorian Calendar date may apply<br />

to the Hebrew calendar date (1/15/2012 = 1/15/5772 or Jan 15,<br />

2012 = Aviv 15, 5772)<br />

o If you wake up <strong>and</strong> notice the time on your clock says 5:17, God<br />

might be trying to tell you May 17th or a Bible verse like John 5:17.<br />

See whether it applies or not.<br />

Prophecies can also be found by studying these Hebrew text :<br />

o <strong>An</strong>agrams (such as the anagrammatic answer to Pilate's famous<br />

question, "Quid est veritas?" (What is truth?), namely, "Est vir qui<br />

adest" (It is the man who is here))<br />

o Onomastics (such as the names of descendants of a family tree<br />

when stung together in Genealogies)<br />

o Palindromes (like what Einstein did to find e=mc 2 when he noticed<br />

light in Hebrew spelled backwards was ray)<br />

o Pictograms (what is the hidden meaning of the Hebrew letters<br />

meanings when put together)<br />

o Etymology (origin of words <strong>and</strong> the way in which their meanings<br />

have changed throughout history)<br />

o Idioms (A modern, everyday form of symbolism)<br />

o Parables (like an analogy in story from, so the listener has to focus<br />

on the main points behind the story <strong>and</strong> therefore better<br />

remembers them)<br />

o Metaphors (This is basically symbolism)<br />

o Acrostic (This has an application in what is known as Bible Code)<br />

o Mnemonics/Acronym (This was used on the sign that was nailed on<br />

Jesus's Cross during His crucifixion: "Jesus, The Nazarene, <strong>An</strong>d King<br />

of, The Jews." in its original Hebrew "םידוהיה ךלמהו ירצונה ושי" is an<br />

acronym for the name of God, YHVH, or הוהי)<br />

o Equidistance Letter Sequence (Like in Bible Code inside a Matrix)<br />

o Homonym (two words having the same pronunciation but different<br />

meanings)<br />

Zechariah Missile/woman in a basket, or Obama falls like<br />

Lightning<br />

This can be done by reading the Hebrew Old Testament<br />

without the niqqud<br />

God may tell you something that you are not expecting, when you are not<br />

expecting it.<br />


o A lot of times it may even be something that you’d really rather not<br />

do.<br />

At least while you’re still new to prophecy.<br />

Prophecy is known to be hereditary.<br />

o “Sons of the prophets” (2 Kings 6:1)<br />

If prophecy is one of the highest achievement a human can obtain then is<br />

high Priest the second highest?<br />

o Like in Exodus 7:1 when Moses went to Pharaoh <strong>and</strong> God seemed to<br />

move both Moses <strong>and</strong> Aaron up one level.<br />

If Prophets are rich, or at least content with their lot, <strong>and</strong> they are<br />

humble. This might infer that Prophets were very grateful people.<br />

If Prophets are considered to be heroes, isn't this a reflection of Messiah<br />

himself?<br />

o Who care very deeply about people?<br />

o You could you say they were very selfless people, as opposed to<br />

being selfish people.<br />

Proverbs 18:21 The Tongue has the Power of Life <strong>and</strong> Death, <strong>and</strong> those<br />

who love it will eat its fruit.<br />

o Romans 4:17 Speak things that are not as if they are, <strong>and</strong> they will<br />

be/already are.<br />

John 5:19 this is what our Heavenly Father does, <strong>and</strong> is what<br />

we too can do.<br />

When it doesn’t make any sense, step out in faith, these are usually the<br />

most profound & accurate prophecies.<br />

Speak with Authority, <strong>and</strong> act upon it as if it has already happened. Speak<br />

in the Affirmative <strong>and</strong> in the Positive.<br />

o Speak words like: Amen, Declare, Decree, Proclaim, Comm<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong><br />

Order.<br />

o Being redeemed Sons & Daughters of the Messiah <strong>and</strong> rightful heirs<br />

to the Kingdom we therefore have Authority to make these<br />

comm<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

Prophets are Motivational Speakers <strong>and</strong> Leaders.<br />

o Motivational Speakers add pauses or emphasis words for dramatic<br />

effect.<br />

o When reading scripture replace words like “they” or “them” with<br />

“you,” “I,” “we,” or “us” to make it personal.<br />

There are different levels of the seer/prophet. (Prophecy at the very least<br />

will Encourage & Comfort, <strong>and</strong> at the other limitless end, it Transforms &<br />

Creates)<br />


o Simple Prophecy - giving small words of encouragement, comfort,<br />

<strong>and</strong> edification.<br />

o Someone with a Prophetic <strong>An</strong>ointing, the Gift of Prophecy, or the<br />

Spirit of Prophecy - is anyone's for the asking.<br />

o Prophetic Ministry - someone who devotes much of their time<br />

ministering to people prophetically.<br />

o The Seer or Prophet - someone who holds the office of a Seer or<br />

Prophet, very often their very lives may be a prophecy, <strong>and</strong> are<br />

more likely than other levels to give prophecies of judgments<br />

whether they want to or not.<br />

Biblical titles for types of prophets:<br />

o Navi - one who proclaims, is a spokesman with a supernatural<br />

message that bubbles forth (Navi as in Navigator or one who leads<br />

the way)<br />

o Roeh - seer<br />

o Chozeh - a watchman, primarily defensive to protect crops, people,<br />

cities, etc… 3 different names for watchman are:<br />

Natsar<br />

Shamar<br />

Tsaphah<br />

o Nataph - to publicly preach God's Word that drops as dew from<br />

Heaven, or to speak by Heavenly inspiration<br />

o Prophetes - a Greek word for one who speaks for another, to<br />

foretells or interpret. One who prophecies; the word literally means<br />

(pro) beforeh<strong>and</strong>, & (phemi) saying.<br />

Some Types of Prophets:<br />

o Contemporary/Presbytery<br />

o Watchman/Guardian<br />

o Seer<br />

o Old Testament/New Testament<br />

o Church/Local/Community<br />

o Regional/National/International/Global<br />

o Traveling/Itinerary/Wondering<br />

o Prayer Warrior/Intercessory<br />

o Psalmist<br />

Types of the Word of God:<br />

o Logos, this is the written word of God in the Holy Bible. It is most<br />

obvious in the Old Testament prophecies, but is all throughout the<br />

Bible<br />


o Rhema, this is a Word of God that He speaks to you through a<br />

variety of ways. Rhema Words from God will never go against a<br />

Logos Word.<br />

Similarities between people who move in the Spirit <strong>and</strong> Crazies (is<br />

foolishness to the world):<br />

o Hearing voices <strong>and</strong> seeing things that others do not.<br />

o Repeatedly keeps trying, no matter how much they fail.<br />

o They talk to people who appear not to be there to others.<br />

o They do not care about what others think about them, or their<br />

appearance.<br />

Some of the reasons God has His people prophesy are for objectives:<br />

o Destiny<br />

o Ministry<br />

o Correction<br />

o Blessing<br />

o Admonishment<br />

o Change<br />

o Creation<br />

o Healing<br />

o Empower<br />

o Possession & Dispossession<br />

o Instruction<br />

o Counsel<br />

o Impartation<br />

o Confirmation<br />

Jeremiah 1:1-10 & Isiah 49:1-5 Prophets are typically born to be a prophet<br />

(to hold that office of ministry), but anyone can have the gift of prophecy,<br />

or the Spirit of prophecy come upon them.<br />

Prophecies that are stagnate or redundant assume the prophet has been<br />

out of touch with the Lord <strong>and</strong> therefore been forced to fall back on<br />

gifting <strong>and</strong> experience to meet the needs of who they are ministering to.<br />

Such as if the prophet says something very similar to most of the people<br />

there or make reoccurring visits with the same words every time.<br />

Prophecy is Foretelling <strong>and</strong> Forth telling<br />

o Foretelling is to predict the future<br />

o Forth telling is to cause/comm<strong>and</strong> the future<br />

Prophesy is having Insight <strong>and</strong> Foresight<br />

o Insight is knowing something instantly<br />

o Foresight is know something pertaining to the future<br />


The prophet takes the role of God to Men, <strong>and</strong> the role of Men to God.<br />

Feeling compassion for Man, <strong>and</strong> having sympathy for God.<br />

Prophets are generally made to be spectacle, whether that's a good thing<br />

or not.<br />

True Prophets profit the people, false Prophets do not (Jeremiah 23:32)<br />

Kabbalist, even though they do not believe in the New Testament, believe<br />

wisdom is in knowing the Gematria value of the Hebrew letters<br />

(Revelation 13:18)<br />

o They also calculate this value differently, by spelling out the name of<br />

each letter in a word then adding up those letter for the gr<strong>and</strong> total.<br />

For example the Hebrew letter Yod would not equal 10, but Yod +<br />

Dalth (10+4). However there are a few different spelling for each<br />

letter.<br />

Prophecy is not just precognition of the future, but can be Retro<br />

cognition, or seeing into the distant past.<br />

God is spirit <strong>and</strong> when He speaks we have to hear Him with our physical<br />

sense of hearing, other times we sense Him with our physical sense of<br />

seeing, <strong>and</strong> not hearing. This is why some prophets were known as seers,<br />

because they sensed His words with a different physical sense.<br />


Fruit<br />

God is usually more concerned with your character than your ministry. People<br />

will know you by your Fruit (The Fruit of the Spirit). I believe it is better to<br />

have the Fruit of the Spirit as your basis, then the Gifts of the Spirit.<br />

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is:<br />

Love (charity)<br />

Joy<br />

Peace<br />

Patience (forbearance, or long suffering)<br />

Kindness (benignity)<br />

Goodness (modesty)<br />

Faithfulness (chastity)<br />

Gentleness (Mildness)<br />

& Self-Control (contentness).<br />

Against such things there is no law.<br />

Here are some suggested ways you can show love to people:<br />

Spend time serving <strong>and</strong> ministering to the people you want to love more,<br />

but not so much time they begin to get on your nerves.<br />

Look for the good qualities in people.<br />

Start saying things like "I love this," or “I love that." Talk about the things<br />

you love all the time, make a list of the things you love about God <strong>and</strong><br />

people.<br />

See people as your personal Love Trainers just like Physical Trainers,<br />

disguised as ordinary everyday people. Some trainers are easier than<br />

others.<br />

Try to imagine what people are feeling <strong>and</strong> going through when they need<br />

loved the most.<br />

Read or Listen to Heart wrenching stories <strong>and</strong> testimonials of people <strong>and</strong><br />

situations to increase your love.<br />

Listen to music that moves you.<br />

Watch videos that move you to love others.<br />

Listen without interrupting. (Proverbs 18)<br />

Speak without accusing. (James 1:19)<br />

Give without sparing. (Proverbs 21:26)<br />

Pray without ceasing. (Colossians 1:9)<br />

<strong>An</strong>swer without arguing. (Proverbs 17:1)<br />


Share without pretending. (Ephesians 4:15)<br />

Enjoy without complaint. (Philippians 2:14)<br />

Trust without wavering. (Corinthians 13:7)<br />

Forgive without punishing. (Colossians 3:13)<br />

Promise without forgetting. (Proverbs 13:12)<br />

Honor without fail. (Hebrews 13:4)<br />


5 Fold<br />

The 5 Fold Ministry<br />

Each is represented by a finger, the Prophet is the Pointer finger,<br />

because it gives directions, <strong>and</strong> leads the way. Maybe you do not have,<br />

or operate in an office of ministry, but everyone has a ministry. I believe<br />

Yahshua will ultimately fulfill ministries of the King, Judge, Messiah,<br />

Bridegroom, <strong>and</strong> Nazarite. These are the others of the Five Fold<br />

ministry:<br />

Evangelical = middle finger, far reaching<br />

Pastor = ring finger, relationships<br />

Teacher = pinky, small enough to get in your ear<br />

Apostle = thumb, versatile <strong>and</strong> interacts with all other fingers.<br />

Guild lines to being a Godly Leader:<br />

1 Leaders have leaders.<br />

2 Success by <strong>As</strong>sociation.<br />

3 Leaders are Servants of all. Lead by example. Actions speak louder<br />

than words.<br />

4 Doing what is Right even more than doing things Right.<br />

5 A good leader is a Leader of Leaders not a Leader of followers.<br />

6 Not what you know, but also who you know.<br />

7 Not as interested in what’s happening now, than what happening<br />

next!<br />

8 3 ways to motivate people: Guilt, Flattery, & Inspiration!<br />

9 Be Clear & Concise to get a point across.<br />

10 Know your team, what makes them happy, sad, angry, annoyed….<br />

They remember Names.<br />

11 Positive view of the Future. Expect it to Happen. Leaders show<br />

people the future.<br />

12 Optimism is contagious. See what’s right!<br />

13 Leaders have a never-ending thirst for Knowledge <strong>and</strong> Skill.<br />

14 Have many Counselors.<br />

15 Always accepts accolades on behalf of others.<br />

16 Never give up, keep on keeping on.<br />


17 Their words evoke Confidence <strong>and</strong> Encouragement. Speak<br />

Enthusiastically of the Future. Speak of possible Success. Underscore the<br />

Positive.<br />

18 See the Good in others <strong>and</strong> bring it to the surface. More<br />

concerned with what someone Will Be.<br />

19 See a weakness as a future Strength. Questions as future Wisdom.<br />

20 Self-fulfilling Prophecies: “You’ll be our top performer” “I think you<br />

could do this if you tried” “I believe in you.”<br />

21 Relaxation is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.<br />

22 Quick to say “Thank You” “I appreciate You”<br />

23 Support People.<br />

24 A carefully chosen, well-placed joke or humorous story can<br />

instantly reverse the negative mood of a meeting.<br />

25 Have a good work ethic. Be Punctual & Diligent. Their Efficient.<br />

26 Keep your Word.<br />

27 Good leaders make personal sacrifices for the group.<br />

28 Leaders have a heart for honoring others.<br />

29 Real leaders are Dreamers, risk takers. They want to see<br />

movement.<br />

30 Leaders Listen carefully to words, inflection, <strong>and</strong> emotions<br />

expressed by others.<br />

31 Leaders are Watchers --they’re Alert!<br />

32 Time is their most precious commodity, valued even above wealth.<br />

33 Don’t use 10 words when 1 will do. Presentation is well-planned,<br />

relevant, concise, <strong>and</strong> Interesting.<br />

34 Prioritize, A firm grasp on When is just as important as who, what,<br />

where, why, <strong>and</strong> how.<br />

35 Underst<strong>and</strong> the importance of Timing. Timing is everything!<br />

36 Do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today.<br />

37 Followers know that you care about them, their families, <strong>and</strong> their<br />

Futures.<br />

38 The best leaders are not interested in taking credit, or drawing<br />

attention to themselves.<br />

39 Involve Everyone.<br />

40 Live outside the box, are Creative, see things that don’t exist <strong>and</strong><br />

bring them to life. Willing to go where no one has gone before. See<br />

everything as Possible.<br />

41 Celebrate Victories <strong>and</strong> share set-backs.<br />

42 The bigger the Leader the smaller the ego.<br />

43 Leaders pour themselves into something worthwhile.<br />


44 Leaders know when they don’t know something. Wisest leaders<br />

have the wisest Advisors.<br />

45 By helping other they benefit themselves.<br />

46 More interested in fixing problems than passing the blame.<br />

47 Seeking for ways to have an impact on their market.<br />

48 Leaders help to eliminate stress & misunderst<strong>and</strong>ings. Leaders are<br />

Peacemakers.<br />

49 Define Expectations clearly. Expectations never exceed their<br />

Explanations.<br />

50 Never ask someone to do what you yourself are not able to do, if<br />

needed.<br />

51 Leaders are cheer-leaders. Keep encouraging.<br />

52 Good leaders are the 1st to arrive <strong>and</strong> the last to leave a situation.<br />

The last to complain & the 1st to cooperate.<br />

53 Constructive criticism is best mixed with Constructive<br />

Encouragement.<br />

54 Good Leaders don’t need to be told when they are wrong, more<br />

often than not, they will tell you.<br />

55 Every leader’s goal should be to train his or her replacement.<br />

56 People are different; don’t offer Tim the same encouragement that<br />

motivates John.<br />

57 Examine yourself to avoid being swayed by flattery or wounded by<br />

criticism. Be honest with yourself.<br />

58 Affirm Team member’s value.<br />

59 Critique is more effective when it is s<strong>and</strong>wiched between<br />

compliments.<br />

60 Never berate or belittle. Reprove in private, with kindness.<br />

61 Go the extra mile.<br />

62 Take care of yourself. Spend time with God, Family, & Friends.<br />

63 If you don’t know the answer; know where to find it. Search &<br />

Read.<br />

64 People respond best to Positive Reinforcement. Let people know<br />

what they are doing right –Specifically.<br />

65 Leaders give People the Power. Motivation, Encouragement,<br />

Inspiration, Support—these are the weapons of the Greatest Generals.<br />

66 Leaders don’t just lead the team; they are a part of the team.<br />

Always offer a helping h<strong>and</strong>.<br />

67 Place Values & Virtues over Success.<br />

68 The Importance of Prayer <strong>and</strong> Intercession.<br />

69 There is Always room for additions <strong>and</strong> improvements.<br />


70 When you feel you have mastered these topic that’s when you<br />

need to start over learning them.<br />


Charisma<br />

Spiritual gifts (or Charismata) are endowments given by the Holy Spirit. These<br />

are the supernatural graces which individual Christians need to fulfill the<br />

mission of the church.<br />

Romans<br />

12:6-8<br />

Prophecy<br />

Serving<br />

Teaching<br />

Exhortation<br />

Giving<br />

Leadership<br />

Mercy<br />

1 Corinthians<br />

12:8-10<br />

Word of<br />

wisdom<br />

Word of<br />

knowledge<br />

Faith<br />

Gifts of<br />

healings<br />

Miracles<br />

Prophecy<br />

Distinguishing<br />

between spirits<br />

Tongues<br />

Interpretation<br />

of tongues<br />

1 Corinthians<br />

12:28<br />

Apostle<br />

Prophet<br />

Teacher<br />

Miracles<br />

Kinds of<br />

healings<br />

Helps<br />

Administration<br />

Tongues<br />

25<br />

Ephesians<br />

4:11<br />

Apostle<br />

Prophet<br />

Evangelist<br />

Pastorteacher<br />

1 Peter 4:11<br />

Whoever<br />

speaks<br />

Whoever<br />

renders<br />

service<br />

Charisma has two general definitions:<br />

Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.<br />

A divinely conferred power or talent.<br />

The English term charisma is from the Greek χάρισμα khárisma, which means<br />

"favor freely given" or "God's gifts of grace (The Gifts of the Holy Spirit)." The<br />

term <strong>and</strong> its plural χαρίσματα (charismata) derive from χάρις (charis), which<br />

means "grace." Some derivatives from that root have similar meanings to the<br />

modern sense of personality charisma, such as "filled with attractiveness or<br />

charm," "kindness," "to bestow a favor or service," or "to be favored or<br />

blessed."<br />

These are some guideline how to being charismatic.

Charismatic people instantly make us feel important. Charismatic people<br />

instantly make us feel special. Charismatic people light up a room just by<br />

walking in.<br />

We can't always define it, but some people have it: They are supernaturally<br />

charismatic.<br />

Charismatic people build <strong>and</strong> maintain great relationships, consistently &<br />

positively influence the people around them, making them feel better about<br />

themselves. The kind of people everyone wants to be around, <strong>and</strong> wants to be.<br />

Successful does not equal Charisma. Charisma equals Success.<br />

Here are 8 habits of remarkably charismatic people:<br />

1. They have 2 ears <strong>and</strong> only one mouth.<br />

They listen way more than they speak. <strong>As</strong>k questions, maintain eye contact,<br />

smile, frown, <strong>and</strong> nod. Respond--not so much verbally, but nonverbally.<br />

Listening is all it takes to show the other person they're important.<br />

Then when you do speak, don't offer advice unless you're asked. Listening<br />

shows you care a lot more than offering advice, because when you offer advice<br />

in most cases you make the conversation about you, not them.<br />

Only speak when you have something important to say, important as in what's<br />

important to the other person.<br />

2. They give their undivided attention to others.<br />

Remarkably charismatic people listen closely to everyone, <strong>and</strong> they make all of<br />

us, regardless of our position or social status, feel like we have something in<br />

common with them, because we do.<br />

Don't check your phone. Don't glance at your monitor. Don't focus on anything<br />

else, even for a moment. Give them your undivided attention.<br />

3. They give before they receive, <strong>and</strong> often they never<br />

receive.<br />


Never think about what you can get, focus on what you can provide. Giving is<br />

the best way to show people you care about them.<br />

4. They are the most humble.<br />

The only people who are impressed by arrogant, pretentious, self-important<br />

people are other arrogant, pretentious, self-important people.<br />

But we admire a person who is excellent at something, <strong>and</strong> remains humble.<br />

Share your screw-ups. Admit your mistakes. <strong>An</strong>d laugh at yourself.<br />

5. They are teachable.<br />

You don't know what other people know, <strong>and</strong> everyone, no matter who they<br />

are, knows things you don't know.<br />

That makes other people more important than you is that they're people you<br />

can learn from.<br />

6. They shine the spotlight on others.<br />

No one receives enough praise. No one. Tell people what they did well.<br />

It's your job to know what they did well. Find out ahead of time.<br />

People will appreciate your praise, they'll appreciate the fact you care enough<br />

to pay attention to what they're doing.<br />

7. They choose their words.<br />

The words you use impact the attitude of others. One word can totally change a<br />

person's day or even their life for the better or for the worse.<br />

For example, you don't have to go to a meeting; you get to go meet with other<br />

people. You don't have to create a presentation for a new client; you get to<br />

share cool stuff with other people. You don't have to go to the gym; you get to<br />

work out <strong>and</strong> improve your health <strong>and</strong> fitness.<br />


We all want to associate with happy, enthusiastic, fulfilled people. The words<br />

you choose can help other people feel better about themselves, <strong>and</strong> make you<br />

feel better about yourself too.<br />

8. They don't discuss the failings of others.<br />

People don't respect people who gossip.<br />

Don't laugh at another person's expense. When you do, the people around you<br />

wonder if you sometimes laugh at them. Often time that person may even over<br />

hear you or find out about it.<br />

While you should never laugh at other people, you should always laugh at<br />

yourself. Then other will not laugh at you either, but with you.<br />


Etiquette<br />

Many people despise prophecy because they had unpleasant past<br />

experiences with it. The gifts of the Spirit should be used with the utmost<br />

care; they should be used in the Phenomenon of Love.<br />

Concerning prophecy the spirits of the prophets are subject to the<br />

prophets (1 Corinthians 14:32).<br />

These are some of the ways when it is inappropriate to give a prophetic<br />

word:<br />

Never give a word if you are angry, or have strong negative feelings<br />

towards the person or whatever you are giving the prophetic word to.<br />

Do not use prophecy to validate our own personal doctrines or beliefs.<br />

It is not necessary to say things like "Thus saith the Lord," Old Testament<br />

Prophets would say this so that the people would know the word was from<br />

Yahweh, <strong>and</strong> not one of the many pagan gods of the l<strong>and</strong>. When the word<br />

is reviewed/judged it will usually be obvious whether it was from the Lord<br />

or not.<br />

Do not say "The Lord made me do this." God has given you a free will.<br />

There are times when the Holy Spirit will take over, but this is not normally<br />

the case.<br />

These are some of the ways in which prophetic words should be given:<br />

It is important to make sure your demeanor matches that of the Holy<br />

Spirit's. This means matching the tone as well as what the Holy Spirit is<br />

telling you. There is seldom a need to yell, this is usually only a turn-off.<br />

Everything you say, must be done in love. If you do not do it in Love you<br />

profit nothing (1 Corinthians 13:2). In other words, your message will be<br />

worthless.<br />

It is good practice to write down the prophecy <strong>and</strong> submit it to the church<br />

leadership for them to judge. It is not necessary to st<strong>and</strong> up <strong>and</strong> interrupt a<br />

church service to give your prophecy.<br />

What to do with Negative or Judgmental words:<br />

New Testament prophecy is to encourage, strengthen, <strong>and</strong> edify the body<br />

(1 Corinthians 14:3). Negative words do the very opposite of this. Death<br />

<strong>and</strong> Live are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21)<br />

Just because a word ends on a positive note, do not always mean it is an<br />

encouraging word.<br />


Giving Warning or Judgment words:<br />

Many times God will give us Warning words so that we can pray over them,<br />

that they will not come to pass, <strong>and</strong> could even be turned into a blessing<br />

instead.<br />

If you are receiving a large number of negative words, you maybe the<br />

problem.<br />

Do not prophesy the problem, but prophesy the answer to what God is<br />

warning of.<br />

If the warning is reoccurring, it may be best to relinquish the word to your<br />

prophetic leadership, <strong>and</strong> pray for the Holy Spirit to give them wisdom<br />

about these matters.<br />

Lastly it is important to have accountability to leadership, so that you can<br />

be held responsible, <strong>and</strong> for correction. Even those in Apostolic ministries,<br />

or in very high up in leadership still submit to God like everyone is, the<br />

congregation they serve, <strong>and</strong> a peer of at least the same level of authority.<br />


Reinforcement<br />

You can memorize these verses to be used as reinforcement in obtaining<br />

your goals pertaining to the gifts of prophecy.<br />

Visions<br />

Gen 46:2 during the night God spoke to him in a vision. "Jacob! Jacob!" he<br />

called. "Here I am," Jacob replied.<br />

Num 24:4 the message of one who hears the words of God, who sees a<br />

vision from the Almighty, who bows down with eyes wide open:<br />

Jer 24:1 After King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon exiled Jehoiachin son of<br />

Jehoiakim, king of Judah, to Babylon along with the officials of Judah <strong>and</strong> all<br />

the craftsmen <strong>and</strong> artisans, the LORD gave me this vision. I saw two<br />

baskets of figs placed in front of the LORD's Temple in Jerusalem.<br />

Dan 2:19 that night the secret was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then<br />

Daniel praised the God of heaven.<br />

Dan 8:15 as I, Daniel, was trying to underst<strong>and</strong> the meaning of this vision,<br />

someone who looked like a man stood in front of me.<br />

Dan 9:23 the moment you began praying, a comm<strong>and</strong> was given. <strong>An</strong>d now I<br />

am here to tell you what it was, for you are very precious to God. Listen<br />

carefully so that you can underst<strong>and</strong> the meaning of your vision<br />

Amo 7:4 Then the Sovereign LORD showed me another vision. I saw him<br />

preparing to punish his people with a great fire. The fire had burned up the<br />

depths of the sea <strong>and</strong> was devouring the entire l<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Hab 2:3 this vision is for a future time. It describes the end, <strong>and</strong> it will be<br />

fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take<br />

place. It will not be delayed.<br />

Act 11:5 "I was in the town of Joppa," he said, "<strong>and</strong> while I was praying, I<br />

went into a trance <strong>and</strong> saw a vision. Something like a large sheet was let<br />

down by its four corners from the sky. <strong>An</strong>d it came right down to me.<br />


Dreams<br />

Gen 41:15 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, "I had a dream last night, <strong>and</strong> no<br />

one here can tell me what it means. But I have heard that when you hear<br />

about a dream you can interpret it."<br />

Jdg 7:14 His companion answered, "Your dream can mean only one thing--<br />

God has given Gideon son of Joash, the Israelite, victory over Midian <strong>and</strong> all<br />

its allies!"<br />

Pro 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a<br />

tree of life.<br />

Dan 2:24 Then Daniel went in to see Arioch, whom the king had ordered to<br />

execute the wise men of Babylon. Daniel said to him, "Don't kill the wise<br />

men. Take me to the king, <strong>and</strong> I will tell him the meaning of his dream."<br />

Dan 2:28 But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, <strong>and</strong> he has<br />

shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the future. Now I will tell<br />

you your dream <strong>and</strong> the visions you saw as you lay on your bed.<br />

Dan 2:36 "That was the dream. Now we will tell the king what it means.<br />

Dan 2:45 That is the meaning of the rock cut from the mountain, though<br />

not by human h<strong>and</strong>s, that crushed to pieces the statue of iron, bronze, clay,<br />

silver, <strong>and</strong> gold. The great God was showing the king what will happen in<br />

the future. The dream is true, <strong>and</strong> its meaning is certain."<br />

Dan 7:1 Earlier, during the first year of King Belshazzar's reign in Babylon,<br />

Daniel had a dream <strong>and</strong> saw visions as he lay in his bed. He wrote down<br />

the dream, <strong>and</strong> this is what he saw.<br />

Joe 2:28 "Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all<br />

people. Your sons <strong>and</strong> daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream<br />

dreams, <strong>and</strong> your young men will see visions.<br />

Mat 2:19 When Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to<br />

Joseph in Egypt.<br />

Mat 2:22 but when he learned that the new ruler of Judea was Herod's son<br />

Archelaus, he was afraid to go there. Then, after being warned in a dream,<br />

he left for the region of Galilee.<br />


Interpretation<br />

Ecc 8:1 How wonderful to be wise, to analyze <strong>and</strong> interpret things.<br />

Wisdom lights up a person's face, softening its harshness.<br />

Dan 1:17 God gave these four young men an unusual aptitude for<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ing every aspect of literature <strong>and</strong> wisdom. <strong>An</strong>d God gave Daniel<br />

the special ability to interpret the meanings of visions <strong>and</strong> dreams.<br />

Dan 5:12 this man Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar, has<br />

exceptional ability <strong>and</strong> is filled with divine knowledge <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>ing.<br />

He can interpret dreams, explain riddles, <strong>and</strong> solve difficult problems. Call<br />

for Daniel, <strong>and</strong> he will tell you what the writing means."<br />

1Cr 12:10 He gives one person the power to perform miracles, <strong>and</strong> another<br />

the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to discern<br />

whether a message is from the Spirit of God or from another spirit. Still<br />

another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, while<br />

another is given the ability to interpret what is being said.<br />

1Cr 12:30 Do we all have the gift of healing? Do we all have the ability to<br />

speak in unknown languages? Do we all have the ability to interpret<br />

unknown languages? Of course not!<br />

Seer<br />

1Sa 9:19 <strong>An</strong>d Samuel answered Saul, <strong>and</strong> said, I [am] the seer: go up before<br />

me unto the high place; for ye shall eat with me to day, <strong>and</strong> tomorrow I will<br />

let thee go, <strong>and</strong> will tell thee all that [is] in your heart.<br />

2Sa 24:11 For when David was up in the morning, the word of the LORD<br />

came unto the prophet Gad, David's seer, saying,<br />

Eph 1:18 I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can<br />

underst<strong>and</strong> the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy<br />

people who are his rich <strong>and</strong> glorious inheritance.<br />


2 Kings 6:20 after they entered the city, Elisha said, "LORD, open the eyes<br />

of these men so they can see." Then the LORD opened their eyes <strong>and</strong> they<br />

looked, <strong>and</strong> there they were, inside Samaria.<br />

Prophecy<br />

John 16:24 until now you have not asked for anything in my name. <strong>As</strong>k <strong>and</strong><br />

you will receive, <strong>and</strong> your joy will be complete.<br />

1Cr 13:2 <strong>and</strong> though I have [the gift of] prophecy, <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> all<br />

mysteries, <strong>and</strong> all knowledge; <strong>and</strong> though I have all faith, so that I could<br />

remove mountains, <strong>and</strong> have not charity, I am nothing.<br />

2Pe 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do<br />

well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the<br />

day dawn, <strong>and</strong> the day star arise in your hearts:<br />

2Pe 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any<br />

private interpretation.<br />

Rev 19:10 <strong>An</strong>d I fell at his feet to worship him. <strong>An</strong>d he said unto me, See<br />

[thou do it] not: I am thy fellow servant, <strong>and</strong> of thy brethren that have the<br />

testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of<br />

prophecy.<br />

Prophesy<br />

Numbers 11:27 <strong>and</strong> there ran a young man, <strong>and</strong> told Moses, <strong>and</strong> said, Eldad<br />

<strong>and</strong> Medad do prophesy in the camp.<br />

1Sa 10:5 After that thou shalt come to the hill of God, where [is] the<br />

garrison of the Philistines: <strong>and</strong> it shall come to pass, when thou art come<br />

thither to the city, that thou shalt meet a company of prophets coming<br />

down from the high place with a psaltery, <strong>and</strong> a tabret, <strong>and</strong> a pipe, <strong>and</strong> a<br />

harp, before them; <strong>and</strong> they shall prophesy:<br />

1Sa 10:6 <strong>An</strong>d the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, <strong>and</strong> thou shalt<br />

prophesy with them, <strong>and</strong> shalt be turned into another man.<br />


1Ki 22:18 <strong>and</strong> the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee<br />

that he would prophesy no good concerning me, but evil?<br />

Ezekiel 11:4 Therefore prophesy against them, prophesy, O son of man.<br />

Ezekiel 36:6 Prophesy therefore concerning the l<strong>and</strong> of Israel, <strong>and</strong> say unto<br />

the mountains, <strong>and</strong> to the hills, to the rivers, <strong>and</strong> to the valleys, Thus says<br />

the Lord GOD; Behold, I have spoken in my jealousy <strong>and</strong> in my fury, because<br />

ye have borne the shame of the heathen:<br />

Ezekiel 37:9 then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son<br />

of man, <strong>and</strong> say to the wind, thus says the Lord GOD; Come from the four<br />

winds, O breath, <strong>and</strong> breathe upon these slain, that they may live.<br />

Ezekiel 37:12 Therefore prophesy <strong>and</strong> say unto them, Thus says the Lord<br />

GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, <strong>and</strong> cause you to<br />

come up out of your graves, <strong>and</strong> bring you into the l<strong>and</strong> of Israel.<br />

Joe 2:28 <strong>An</strong>d it shall come to pass afterward, [that] I will pour out my spirit<br />

upon all flesh; <strong>and</strong> your sons <strong>and</strong> your daughters shall prophesy, your old<br />

men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:<br />

Amos 3:8 the lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord GOD hath<br />

spoken, who can but prophesy?<br />

Act 2:17 <strong>An</strong>d it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, I will pour out<br />

of my Spirit upon all flesh: <strong>and</strong> your sons <strong>and</strong> your daughters shall<br />

prophesy, <strong>and</strong> your young men shall see visions, <strong>and</strong> your old men shall<br />

dream dreams:<br />

Act 2:18 <strong>An</strong>d on my servants <strong>and</strong> on my h<strong>and</strong>maidens I will pour out in<br />

those days of my Spirit; <strong>and</strong> they shall prophesy:<br />

1Cr 13:9 for we know in part <strong>and</strong> we prophesy in part.<br />

1Cr 14:1 Follow after charity, <strong>and</strong> desire spiritual [gifts], but rather that ye<br />

may prophesy.<br />


1Cr 14:31 for ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, <strong>and</strong> all<br />

may be comforted.<br />

1Cr 14:39 wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, <strong>and</strong> forbid not to speak<br />

with tongues.<br />

1 Peter 4:11 If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any<br />

man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God gives: that God in all<br />

things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise <strong>and</strong><br />

dominion for ever <strong>and</strong> ever. Amen.<br />

Rev 10:11 <strong>and</strong> he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many<br />

peoples, <strong>and</strong> nations <strong>and</strong> tongues, <strong>and</strong> kings.<br />

Rev 11:3 <strong>An</strong>d I will give [power] unto my two witnesses, <strong>and</strong> they shall<br />

prophesy a thous<strong>and</strong> two hundred [<strong>and</strong>] threescore days, clothed in<br />

sackcloth.<br />


Meditation<br />

One of the easiest ways to hear from God by meditating on Him. Meditation<br />

means to think deeply on something.<br />

Focus on Jesus<br />

Visualize what He looks, & sounds like.<br />

Quote what He said in the Bible, <strong>and</strong> repeat it over <strong>and</strong> over until it<br />

becomes real to you. This is known as Contemplative Prayer.<br />

Play out in your mind what He has done, or what He will do, or is<br />

doing now.<br />

Imitation He is right there in the room with you.<br />

Engage your other senses with what you imagine Him to be.<br />

<strong>As</strong>k Him questions or tell Him things about your Life.<br />

Most of all, imagine what it is like to be loved by Yahshua, as if He is<br />

right there beside you.<br />

Find a comfortable place to wait upon the Lord.<br />

Your Bed, or a chair, are good places.<br />

Try to find a quiet place alone with God.<br />

Your room, or a prayer closet maybe<br />

If you want play some Soaking music, or soft worship music to set the<br />

mood. <strong>An</strong>y music would work really.<br />

Just be silent before the Lord, or sign along in praise if you enjoy it.<br />

Relax <strong>and</strong> inhale <strong>and</strong> exhale slowly & deeply.<br />

If your thoughts w<strong>and</strong>er, bring them back to God.<br />

If you have a stray through turn it into something positive. For<br />

example if you think I need to buy milk for the kids tomorrow. Turn<br />

it into a pray of Thanksgiving for your children <strong>and</strong> God's provision.<br />

Meditating on Jesus helps to create intimacy with Him. There are several<br />

others ways to do this as well that will also help center your focus on Him in<br />

return.<br />

Tell Him your feelings, how your life is better because of Him.<br />

Tell Him the things He does that you're grateful for.<br />

Tell Him how much you love Him on a daily basis.<br />

Talk about anything <strong>and</strong> everything, joys <strong>and</strong> concerns.<br />

Let yourself be vulnerable to Him.<br />


Don't do all the talking, ask Him questions too.<br />

Be dependable, do what you say you are going to do, or what you're<br />

asked.<br />

Reflect all the times He has come through in the past.<br />

Let Him know that you enjoy Him <strong>and</strong> make Him feel desirable.<br />

Learn as much as you can about Him.<br />

Set aside quality time with just the two of you.<br />


Rabbinical<br />

Frequently <strong>As</strong>ked Questions asked to a Rabbi in Israel who specializes in<br />

Prophetology.<br />

A prophet needs have these characteristics to convince others:<br />

o Courageous/Hero<br />

o Wealthy<br />

o Wise<br />

o Humble (essential characteristic)<br />

o Good Speaker/Presenter<br />

Moses & Amos were exceptions<br />

o Positive personality<br />

Rules a Prophet must follow:<br />

o A prophet cannot tell a prophecy that was meant for another<br />

prophet<br />

o Cannot suppress a prophecy<br />

If they do, God will inform another prophet(s) to have that<br />

prophet<br />

o Cannot extrapolate on their prophecy<br />

A Death Penalty crime<br />

o Prophesying something you did not even hear (made up).<br />

o Cannot do something another prophet tells you to do, if it goes<br />

against your own prophecy<br />

A prophet that doesn’t a sign or miracle in the name of an idol or false<br />

God is a false prophet<br />

o Don’t even take notice of their sign<br />

Must predict a future event or perform a miracle to establish oneself as a<br />

prophet<br />

Seer’s see future events, <strong>and</strong> Prophets hear future events form GOD<br />

Prophets answered people’s everyday questions with 100% accuracy to<br />

prove they were prophets<br />


Prophecies or Visions are given while asleep or in a trance state<br />

A Bad prophecy may not come true, if the people repent<br />

o Good Prophecies always come true<br />

This way we have a way to test <strong>and</strong> see if they are a true<br />

prophet<br />

Prophecies can cause physical weakness, or shaking of the bones<br />

Prophets believe the Universe was Created<br />

2 contributing factors of prophecy: Intellect <strong>and</strong> Imagination<br />

You can find what a prophetic analogy really means by switching the<br />

Hebrew letters of the metaphor around to find the real meaning (an<br />

anagram of analogies).<br />

Prophets seem to be inspired by God to help/protect/speak up at certain<br />

moments even if it means their putting the well-being in danger (for the<br />

good of other human or even animals)<br />

2 categories of prophecies, dreams <strong>and</strong> visions. Dreams being the lesser<br />

<strong>and</strong> visions being the greater of the two.<br />

These have different levels of these two categories:<br />

o Prerequisites<br />

o dream/vision of parable<br />

o more explicit parable<br />

o a human speaks to you<br />

o then an angel speaks to you<br />

o <strong>An</strong>d the last level God speaks to you.<br />

Frequently <strong>As</strong>ked Questions:<br />

Was a miracle or sign a Prophet would use to show their authority be<br />

predicting a past event that only one person knew about, to that person,<br />

or did they only make future predictions?<br />

Here are a few answers: In the book of Ezekiel, the prophet writes down<br />

on the 10th of Tevet that the king of Babylon laid siege to Jerusalem, even<br />


though he himself was already in exile. Seems like predicting anything to<br />

which that person could not have had access was good enough to<br />

demonstrate prophecy.<br />

Can prophecy be hereditary? If a parent had prophecy was it more likely<br />

their child would also, or does that not make a difference?<br />

There are several examples in the Talmud of prophets whose parents<br />

were prophets; particularly if you accept Rambam's view that prophecy<br />

depends on things we're born with (like intellect <strong>and</strong> imagination), we'd<br />

imagine there'd be a hereditary component.<br />

Did Prophets learn from other prophets back then, like Samuel for<br />

instance?<br />

There were "schools" of prophets, as in the time of Samuel, when he sent<br />

Saul near a group of "benei haneviim," literally children of prophets, but<br />

really students.<br />

Is the 7,000 year theory a fundamental to prophecy?<br />

The 7000 year theory is just one str<strong>and</strong> of Midrash; it is not an essential<br />

belief of Judaism or of prophecy<br />

Were the High Sabbaths special in some way to Prophecy?<br />

I think with holidays of various sorts-- it might be that the celebrations<br />

would bring people closer to God, including the prophet, so s/he would be<br />

more likely to get prophecy, but there's no necessary connection.<br />

Did the prophets <strong>and</strong> their scribes actually speak <strong>and</strong> write the name of Gd<br />

in their prophecies back then?<br />

Absolutely, people used to write the name of God <strong>and</strong> speak it; we refrain<br />

from doing so for fear of misusing it, but there's no fundamental reason<br />

not to use the Name in appropriate settings (such as, today, prayer, Torah<br />

reading, etc.)<br />

What is the connection between prophecy <strong>and</strong> music?<br />

There might be several connections between prophecy <strong>and</strong> music, but the<br />

most obvious one is that music calms the prophet, puts him/her in a<br />

mental state more conducive to receiving prophecy.<br />


Can there be multiple layers or fulfillments to a prophecy?<br />

There certainly can be multiple layers or fulfillments to a prophecy; my<br />

only point was that if you can generate all sorts of messages from a<br />

prophecy, it makes it more difficult (impossible) to know what a prophecy<br />

meant-- if you want to look at a prophecy after the fact <strong>and</strong> realize other<br />

levels of fulfillment, I get that. <strong>An</strong>d if a prophecy is worded ambiguously,<br />

so that it shows that it might be open to multiple meanings, I get that. But<br />

Rambam, it seemed to me, was allowing us to assume many meanings<br />

where nothing in the text pointed that way.<br />

If prophecy is the highest achievement a human can obtain then is High-<br />

Priest the second highest? Like in Exodus 7:1 when Moses went to<br />

Pharaoh <strong>and</strong> God seemed to move both Moses <strong>and</strong> Aaron up one<br />

level? <strong>An</strong>d what do you believe would be the third highest in the<br />

hierarchy?<br />

I'm not personally comfortable with Rambam's claim that prophecy is<br />

"highest." I don't personally see God as ranking human achievement that<br />

way-- was Moshe the "best" person ever, or the greatest prophet? I'm<br />

confident of the second, not as much of the first. So, too, I see no reason<br />

to assume priests are "better" than the rest of us, just different, with a<br />

different role to play, different challenges, <strong>and</strong> different st<strong>and</strong>ards that<br />

define success. It is true that we see a High Priest as having always been<br />

somewhat of a prophet, so he could "read" the Urim <strong>and</strong> Tumim on his<br />

breastplate. But that doesn't make him better, just filling his particular<br />

role.<br />

Do prophets ultimately direct people back to the Torah?<br />

Prophets always direct people back to the Torah; that's one of their main<br />

purposes, <strong>and</strong> I think they themselves were diligent in their observance.<br />

Do you think Prophets were very observant people who paid a lot of<br />

attention to minute details?<br />

<strong>As</strong> to whether that involved paying a lot of attention to minute details,<br />

that depends on how we view observance-- I think they paid attention to<br />

as much of the whole system as they could, prioritizing when necessary.<br />

Are Prophets very developed in their intellect <strong>and</strong> in their imagination,<br />

meaning their logic <strong>and</strong> creativity?<br />


I think Rambam would say those are people with highly developed<br />

imaginations, so that sometimes they get divine influx that turns out to be<br />

right.<br />

Can you tell me any specifics that the navi had in common about their<br />

messages/prophecies, but not so much what they had in common about<br />

themselves personally. Or were they all different?<br />

The running theme in prophets is that people should serve God instead of<br />

worshiping idols, getting too attached to the nations around them,<br />

focusing on treating each other (<strong>and</strong> especially the poor <strong>and</strong> the<br />

underclass) well. They say it in many different ways, but what the main<br />

point is -- serve God, by doing what God wants, not by deciding that it's all<br />

about Temple <strong>and</strong> sacrifice or that it's ok to lie, cheat, <strong>and</strong> steal while<br />

serving God, <strong>and</strong> also that it's not ok to worship idols. There are many<br />

individual differences, <strong>and</strong> sub themes that are specific to one or another<br />

prophet.<br />


Cabbalah<br />

The first letter in each of these four methods of interpretation, PRDS, combine<br />

to spell out the Hebrew word for Paradise. In other words, these Jewish levels<br />

of interpretation are designed to take the student back into the garden, past<br />

the flaming sword, to reach the tree of life.<br />

Peshat – the Simple Level<br />

Peshat refers to the elementary level. The plain writing of the Scriptures, the<br />

surface text. No particular portion of Scripture is to be intelligently<br />

comprehended, apart from its place in the whole. We cannot fully underst<strong>and</strong><br />

the reading of a single verse until we have become familiar with the entire Bible.<br />

You must read the Bible continually until every individual chapter is finally<br />

opened to you. Many people read it through the year, or more often than that.<br />

Only then can one move to the next level of biblical interpretation. We must<br />

first master the peshat or simple level of underst<strong>and</strong>ing.<br />

The Jewish commentary that deals with the peshat level is called the Mishnah,<br />

meaning “second to the Torah.” Often call the Mishnah Torah, as the<br />

interpretation of the Oral Law by Rambam. It offers simple explanations of the<br />

various Mosaic Laws <strong>and</strong> rituals.<br />

The four Gospels were written to conform to these Jewish levels of biblical<br />

studies. The gospel of Mark fits the Peshat view. Mark lays out the historical<br />

facts on the life of Jesus Christ.<br />

Remez – The Hint Level<br />

Remez is the hint level, what we might call practical application of Scripture. If I<br />

quote a portion of Scripture, but do not tell you where it is located, you are<br />

supposed to know. I don’t need to tell you because you can take the hint. If you<br />

already have a knowledge of Scripture. A word to the wise is sufficient.<br />

This is also the allegorical <strong>and</strong> philosophical level. It goes beyond the basic<br />

knowledge, <strong>and</strong> imparts wisdom – the ability to apply knowledge to our daily<br />

lives.<br />


The Gamara is the commentary used in the Remez, or hint level of<br />

interpretation. When coupled with the Mishnah, the two commentaries make<br />

up the Talmud. The Remez level was written for the aristocracy <strong>and</strong> was higher<br />

in its goals <strong>and</strong> more polished in its content. It was the level of the doctor,<br />

lawyer, philosopher, <strong>and</strong> teacher. This level did not replace the simple Peshat,<br />

but rather added a philosophical flavoring to it. It's interesting that there are<br />

two Talmud's, the Babylonian Talmud <strong>and</strong> the Jerusalem Talmud, one from a<br />

Gentile region <strong>and</strong> the other from a Jewish region. The only difference to these<br />

two Talmud's is the Gamara commentary, which Luke answers. It's also<br />

interesting that there are strong arguments as to whether Luke was a Jew or a<br />

Gentile. Perhaps he had heritage in both? But it does seem that Luke's Gospel<br />

would point to the Gamara.<br />

The Gospel of Luke was written to conform to this philosophical level. You can<br />

tell from reading Luke’s style of writing that it is more sophisticated <strong>and</strong> detailed<br />

than Mark’s simple style.<br />

Luke records the genealogy of Mary. Which the aristocratic community would<br />

normally be interested in the pedigree of the mother. Mark, writing in the style<br />

of the common man, does not bother with genealogy. In Mark, Jesus is<br />

presented as a servant, whereas Luke presents the lineage of Mary back to<br />

Adam, demonstrating that Jesus Christ is the predicted Messiah “Ben-Adom,” or<br />

the Son of Adam.<br />

Drosh – the Regal Level<br />

The commentary for the Drosh level is called Midrash. The term was taken from<br />

the process of thrashing grain, or separating the kernel from the chaff. It is an<br />

even more sophisticated method of interpretation than the remez level. Drosh<br />

deals with parables or riddles.<br />

Solomon <strong>and</strong> Hiram the king of Tyre, enjoyed sending each other riddles. It was<br />

the game of kings. Solomon’s wisdom gave him a keen ability to find the<br />

meanings of riddles, thus gaining him even more fame as the wisest man of his<br />

generation. Allegories of the Remez level are simply symbolic stories that teach<br />

practical lessons. Riddles on the other h<strong>and</strong>, are more difficult to underst<strong>and</strong>.<br />

For royal reasons, Matthew is placed first in the New Testament, ahead of Mark,<br />

Luke, & John. Matthew’s introduction of the New Testament presents the regal,<br />

or kingly side of Christ. Revelation, the last book of the New Testament finally<br />

unveils Christ as the King of kings.<br />


The Drosh level of biblical interpretation is decidedly political. The Jews have<br />

held to the divine promise that they were chosen to produce the Messiah, the<br />

son of David.<br />

The concept that Christ would become King of kings is the subject of the Drosh<br />

level of interpretation. Drosh not only represents the highest form of wisdom<br />

or what we would call advanced practical application, but also flows over into<br />

the prophetic implications of Scripture.<br />

The prophetic significance of the Drosh interpretation points to the<br />

establishment of God's earthly kingdom. The Sohd level is also prophetic, but is<br />

distinctly heavenly realm.<br />

Matthew’s Drosh level presents the regal view of Christ by giving the royal<br />

generations from Abraham, David <strong>and</strong> Solomon. The riddle aspects of Drosh<br />

can be seen in Matthew’s parables about the metaphysical realm. For example,<br />

in Matthew 13 the disciples question the use of these riddles. They ask Jesus to<br />

speak plainly so that the multitudes might underst<strong>and</strong>. To this, Jesus replies<br />

that the parable was designed so that the average person could not underst<strong>and</strong>.<br />

In Matthew 24 <strong>and</strong> 25, Jesus discusses the prophetic aspects of Drosh. He is<br />

speaking of His future kingdom, <strong>and</strong> the events that will attend its<br />

establishment.<br />

Sohd – the Secret Level<br />

The Sohd level of biblical interpretation goes beyond the physical realm. It<br />

takes us into heavenly places to view God’s glory. We can see the Sohd level in<br />

events like the story of the flaming sword at the east gate of Eden; Moses’<br />

encounter with God in the burning bush, then on top Mount Sinai for 40 days;<br />

the pillar of cloud by day <strong>and</strong> fire by night that led the Israelites through the<br />

wilderness; Elijah’s heavenly chariot; Ezekiel’s view of a celestial vehicle;<br />

Daniel’s encounters with angels; & John’s description of the New Jerusalem.<br />

The Zohar is the commentary regarding the Sohd. The rabbis describe it as one<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ing in the darkness of the early morning <strong>and</strong> seeing the finger-like radiance<br />

of the sun that announces its imminent rising. Once the sun lifts above the<br />

eastern horizon, the radiance disappears. It is the radiance or aura that speaks<br />

of Sohd, the secret level. It can best be seen if one does not look directly at it,<br />

but rather catches it out of the corner of the eye.<br />


John's Gospel presents the Sohd level of Jesus. He opens by telling us that Jesus<br />

was the personification of the “Word” of God that He is the “Light” that shines<br />

in the darkness, but the darkness cannot comprehend it. This is the level that<br />

Jewish Mystics or Kabbalahist's focus on, a group of Rabbi's unlike any of the<br />

other Rabbi's, much the same was the Gospel of John is unlike the Synoptic<br />

Gospels. The secret level focuses heavily on Words, Light, Letters, Number,<br />

Names, Concealing, Revealing, Giving, & Receiving. At this level they divide<br />

everything up into 4 levels with a the fifth level always being hidden, much the<br />

same way the Book of Revelation is considered a Gospel, or a fifth Book of the<br />

Good News of Jesus Christ. It is traditional accepted that you must first study<br />

the Peshat level, then the Remez, Drosh, <strong>and</strong> finally the Sohd level, but the<br />

Rabbis who teach this level say it is actually best to underst<strong>and</strong> the hidden level<br />

then you can underst<strong>and</strong> the pain text more easily. To really underst<strong>and</strong> the<br />

Book of Revelation, you will need to know what the Mystics call the language of<br />

Roots <strong>and</strong> Branches, where a cryptic saying or word is actually referring to<br />

something in the Spiritual realm. The language of Roots <strong>and</strong> Branches is what<br />

Jesus was hinting at when he said I am the vine <strong>and</strong> you are the branches in<br />

John 15:5.<br />

Jews themselves are literally a prophetic nation & people. They are "the people<br />

of the Book" or "the people of the Word." They do not realize it, but Jesus is<br />

actually the Word (John 1:1)<br />


Imagination<br />

The Power of Imagination is the essence of Prophetic Thinking:<br />

We all work with one infinite power.<br />

Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting.<br />

We are like magnets – like attract like. You become AND attract what you<br />

think.<br />

Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy.<br />

Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions<br />

(good or bad) that speeds the creation.<br />

Those who speak most of illness have illness; those who speak most of<br />

prosperity have it, etc.<br />

Choose your thoughts carefully; you are a masterpiece of your life.<br />

Your thoughts cause your feelings.<br />

Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track.<br />

Thoughts that bring about bad feelings means you are not on the right<br />

track.<br />

Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the<br />

process of becoming.<br />

You get exactly what you are FEELING.<br />

Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances.<br />

You can begin feeling whatever you want (even if it’s not there). Your<br />

atmosphere will correspond to the nature of your feelings.<br />

What you focus on with your thought <strong>and</strong> feeling is what you attract into<br />

your experience.<br />


What you think <strong>and</strong> what you feel <strong>and</strong> what actually manifests is ALWAYS a<br />

match – no exception.<br />

It’s important to feel GOOD!<br />

You can change your emotion immediately by thinking of something joyful,<br />

or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience.<br />

Start by using this sentence for all of your wants: “I’m so happy <strong>and</strong> grateful<br />

now that…. ”<br />

You don’t need to know HOW the universe is going to rearrange itself.<br />

You might get an inspired thought or idea to help you move towards what<br />

you desire faster.<br />

The universe likes SPEED. Don’t delay, don’t second-guess, don’t doubt..<br />

When the opportunity or impulse is there, ACT!<br />

You will attract everything you require – money, people, connections. PAY<br />

ATTENTION to what’s being set in front of you.<br />

You can start with nothing, <strong>and</strong> out of nothing or no way – a WAY will be<br />

provided.<br />

Size is nothing to the universe (unlimited abundance if that’s what you<br />

wish) we make the rules on size <strong>and</strong> time.<br />

No rules according to the universe. You provide the feelings of having it<br />

now <strong>and</strong> the universe will respond.<br />

Most people offer the majority of their thought in response to what they<br />

are observing (bills in the mail, being late, having bad luck…etc.)<br />

You have to find a different approach to what is through a different<br />

vantage point.<br />

What can you do right now to turn your life around?? — Gratitude.<br />

Gratitude will bring more into our lives immediately.<br />

What we think about <strong>and</strong> THANK about is what we bring about.<br />

Play the picture in your mind – focus on the end result.<br />


VISUALIZE!!! Rehearse your future.<br />

VISUALIZE!!! See it, feel it! This is where action begins.<br />

<strong>An</strong> affirmative thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative one.<br />

Our job is not to think about the “How”. The “How” will show up out of the<br />

commitment <strong>and</strong> belief in the “what.”<br />

If you turn it over to God, you will be surprised <strong>and</strong> dazzled by what is<br />

delivered, this is where miracles happen.<br />

Turn it over to God daily, but it should never be a chore.<br />

Feel exhilarated by the whole process.<br />

The only difference between people who are really living this way is they<br />

have habituated ways of being.<br />

Create a Vision Board, pictures of what you want to attract, every day look<br />

at it <strong>and</strong> get into the feeling state of already having acquired these wants.<br />

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”<br />

Albert Einstein.<br />

Decide what you want, believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, <strong>and</strong><br />

believe it’s possible for you – <strong>and</strong> the feeling of having it already.<br />

Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind.<br />

When you have an inspired thought, you must trust it <strong>and</strong> act on it.<br />

Life is abundant in ALL areas…<br />

Go for the sense of inner joy <strong>and</strong> peace then all outside things appear.<br />

We are co-creators with God.<br />

No one else can think or feel for you. It is YOU, ONLY YOU.<br />

Learn to become still, <strong>and</strong> take your attention away from what you don’t<br />

want, <strong>and</strong> place your attention on what you wish to experience.<br />

When the voice <strong>and</strong> vision on the inside become more profound <strong>and</strong> clear<br />

than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life.<br />


You are not here to try to get the world to be just as the world wants it. You<br />

are here to create the world around you as it is in Heaven, a Kingdom<br />

Culture.<br />

All of this abundance begins to shine through a mind that is aware of its<br />

own infinite nature. There’s enough for everyone. See it. Believe it. It will<br />

show up for you.<br />


Numerology<br />

<strong>As</strong> you will notice many of the numbers have conflicting symbolic meanings<br />

behind them, both positive <strong>and</strong> negative. These are only meant to be a<br />

general guide. All symbols always need to be interpreted in light of the<br />

context of the dream or vision, <strong>and</strong> what the symbol means to the dreamer as<br />

guided by the Holy Spirit.<br />

No. Meaning<br />

1 Unity, God, Beginning, New<br />

2 Union, Marriage, Relationship, Division, Separation<br />

3 Divine Perfection, Trinity<br />

4 Creation, The World, Earth<br />

5 Grace, Ministry, Service<br />

6 Man, Flesh, Carnal, Idol<br />

7 Completeness, Divine Perfection, Rest, Holy, Holiday, Finished<br />

8 Eternity; New birth; New beginnings<br />

9 Judgment, Fruit of the Spirit, Finality<br />

10 Testing, Trial, Divine Order Perfection, Tithe, Testimony, Law<br />

11 Disorder or Chaos, Transition, Deliverance<br />

12 Governmental Perfection, Apostolic<br />

13 Rebellion, Rejection, Backsliding, Disciple<br />

14 Double measure of Spiritual Perfection<br />

15 Devine Grace (3x5)<br />

16 Love<br />

17 Prophecy<br />

18 Bondage<br />


20 Manhood<br />

22 The Cross; Crucifixion<br />

24 Heavenly Government (2x12)<br />

30 Consecration<br />

33 Promise<br />

34 Naming a Son<br />

40 Disciplining,<br />

44 World Chaos (4x11)<br />

50 Jubilee; Deliverance, Pentecost<br />

66 Idol Worship<br />

70 A Generation<br />

100 Final Test, Testing of Testing, Recompense<br />

120 A Lifetime; Divine period of Probation<br />

153 The Harvest, Ingathering<br />

200 Insufficiency<br />

666 <strong>An</strong>tichrist, Satan, Mark of the Beast<br />

777 Trinity<br />

888 Jesus<br />

1,000 1 Millennium, 1 Day<br />

144,000 Those numbered of Israel<br />


Gematria<br />

The additional columns Original OT Order, NT Order, Revelation, & Jewish<br />

Holidays were extra categories that fit in the Hebrew alphabet mold of 22<br />

letters <strong>and</strong> their meanings, or 27 letters if you count the final letters. In the<br />

original Old Testament it appears that Job was not included <strong>and</strong> several books<br />

were combined into 1 book. For example 1 & 2 Samuel were original just<br />

Samuel.<br />

When a Hebrew word's Gematria have the same numerical value it is not<br />

coincidence, but means they have a similarity or are complementary to each<br />

other.<br />

Is it ironic how each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew aleph-bet have a meaning<br />

that corresponds to the 22 chapters in the book of Revelation, or the original<br />

order of the Tanakh? Their meanings also appear to relate to the books of the<br />

New Testament when the 5 final letters are also counted.<br />

Lett<br />

er<br />

Ord<br />

er<br />

Name Gematr<br />

ia<br />

Original OT<br />

Order<br />

54<br />

NT Order Revelati<br />

on<br />

א 1 Alef (Aleph) 1 Genesis Matthew 1<br />

ב 2 Bet (Beit,<br />

Vet)<br />

2 Exodus Mark 2<br />

ג 3 Gimel 3 Leviticus Luke 3<br />

ד 4 Dalet<br />

(Daleth)<br />

ה 5 Hey (Hei,<br />

He)<br />

4 Numbers John 4<br />

5 Deuterono<br />

my<br />

Acts 5<br />

ו 6 Vav 6 Psalms Romans 6<br />

ז 7 Zayin (Zain) 7 Proverbs 1 Corinthians 7<br />

ח 8 Het (Chet,<br />

Khet, Cheit)<br />

8 Ecclesiaste<br />

s<br />

2 Corinthians 8

ט 9 Tet (Teit) 9 Song of<br />

Solomon<br />

י 10 Yod (Yud) 10 Jeremiah &<br />

Lamentatio<br />

ns<br />

כ 11 Kaf (Khaf,<br />

Kaph)<br />

20 Judges &<br />

Ruth<br />

ל 12 Lamed 30 12 Minor<br />

Prophets<br />

55<br />

Galatians 9<br />

Ephesians 10<br />

Philippians 11<br />

Colossians 12<br />

מ 13 Mem 40 Joshua 1 Thessalonians 13<br />

נ 14 Nun 50 1 & 2<br />

Samuel<br />

2 Thessalonians 14<br />

ס 15 Samekh 60 1 & 2 Kings 1 Timothy 15<br />

ע 16 Ayin (Ain) 70 Ezra &<br />

Nehemiah<br />

פ 17 Peh (Pei,<br />

Pey, Feh)<br />

צ 18 Tzadi<br />

(Tzady)<br />

80 1<br />

Chronicles<br />

90 2<br />

Chronicles<br />

2 Timothy 16<br />

Titus 17<br />

Philemon 18<br />

ק 19 Kuf (Qof) 100 Daniel Hebrews 19<br />

ר 20 Reish (Resh) 200 Ester Jacob (James) 20<br />

ש 21 Shin (Sin) 300 Isaiah 1 Peter 21<br />

ת 22 Tav 400 Ezekiel 2 Peter 22<br />

ך 23 Kaf Sofit 500 1<br />

John<br />

ם 24 Mem Sofit 600 2<br />


ן 25 Nun Sofit 700 3<br />

John<br />

ף 26 Pei Sofit 800 Jude<br />

ץ 27 Tzadei Sofit 900 Revelation<br />

א 1 Elef<br />

(Deuterono<br />

my 32:30)<br />

1000<br />

The Hebrew spelling for Alef, the first letter of their alef-beth, is ףלא which is the<br />

same Hebrew spelling of the word Thous<strong>and</strong>, showing how the cycle begins to<br />

repeat over & over.<br />

There are 7 main types of Gematroit that have been used to interpret the<br />

Torah:<br />

Ragil Gematria<br />

Letter Ragil Gematria<br />

א 1<br />

ב 2<br />

ג 3<br />

ד 4<br />

ה 5<br />

ו 6<br />

ז 7<br />

ח 8<br />

ט 9<br />

י 10<br />


כ 20<br />

ל 30<br />

מ 40<br />

נ 50<br />

ס 60<br />

ע 70<br />

פ 80<br />

צ 90<br />

ק 100<br />

ר 200<br />

ש 300<br />

ת 400<br />

ך 500<br />

ם 600<br />

ן 700<br />

ף 800<br />

ץ 900<br />

א 1000<br />

Katan Gematria - small value, made by taking the 1 digit <strong>and</strong> truncating the<br />

following. For example כ= 20 now equals 2, or הstill only equals 5, or ך= 500<br />

now equals 5.<br />

Letter Katan Gematria<br />

א 1<br />


ב 2<br />

ג 3<br />

ד 4<br />

ה 5<br />

ו 6<br />

ז 7<br />

ח 8<br />

ט 9<br />

י 1<br />

כ 2<br />

ל 3<br />

מ 4<br />

נ 5<br />

ס 6<br />

ע 7<br />

פ 8<br />

צ 9<br />

ק 1<br />

ר 2<br />

ש 3<br />

ת 4<br />

ך 5<br />

ם 6<br />

ן 7<br />


ף 8<br />

ץ 9<br />

HaKlali - value squared<br />

This is the Ragil value of the word squared<br />

Ex: 0^<br />

) 022 + 022 + 1 + 5(<br />

= ץראה=<br />

(1,106) ^2 = 1,223,236<br />

Kolel - The Ragil value of the word + the numbers of the letters, or + 1 for the<br />

entire word<br />

Ex: ץראה= 5 + 1 + 200 + 900 = 1,106 + 4 = 1,110<br />

Or: ץראה= 5 + 1 + 200 + 900 = 1,106 + 1 = 1,107<br />

HaKadmi - regular plus the value of the preceding letters<br />

Letter Hakadmi Gematria Value<br />

א 1 + (0) 1<br />

ב 2 + (1) 3<br />

ג 3 + (1+2) 6<br />

ד 4 + (1+2+3) 10<br />

ה 5 + (1+2+3+4) 15<br />

ו 6 + (1+2+3+4+5) 21<br />

ז 7 + (1+2+3+4+5+6) 28<br />

ח 8 + (1+2+3+4+5+6+7) 36<br />

ט 9 + (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8) 45<br />

י 10 + (1+2+3+…+7+8+9) 55<br />

כ 20 + (1+2+3+...+8+9+10) 75<br />

ל 30 + (1+2+3+…+9+10+11) 105<br />

מ 40 + (1+2+3+…+10+11+12) 145<br />


נ 50 + (1+2+3+…+11+12+13) 195<br />

ס 60 + (1+2+3+…+12+13+14) 255<br />

ע 70 + (1+2+3+…+13+14+15) 325<br />

פ 80 + (1+2+3+…+14+15+16) 405<br />

צ 90 + (1+2+3+…+15+16+17) 495<br />

ק 100 + (1+2+3+…+16+17+18) 595<br />

ר 200 + (1+2+3+…+17+18+19) 795<br />

ש 300 + (1+2+3+…+18+19+20) 1095<br />

ת 400 + (1+2+3+…+19+20+21) 1495<br />

ך 500 + (1+2+3+…+20+21+22) 1995<br />

ם 600 + (1+2+3+…+21+22+23) 2595<br />

ן 700 + (1+2+3+…+22+23+24) 3295<br />

ף 800 + (1+2+3+…+23+24+25) 4095<br />

ץ 900 + (1+2+3+…+24+25+26) 4995<br />

HaPerati - each letter squared<br />

Ex: ץראה= (5*5) + (1*1) (200*200) + (900*900)<br />

= 25 + 1 + 40,000 + 810,000<br />

= 850,026<br />


Miluy - sun of the spelling of each letters name using Ragil Gematria. There are<br />

however various spellings for the same word in Hebrew since it is a phonic<br />

language, but these are the common spellings.<br />

Letter Name Miluy Gematria Value<br />

א ףֶלאָ 1+30+800 813<br />

ב תיֽב 2+10+400 412<br />

ג לֶמיּג 3+10+40+30 83<br />

ד תֶלָּד 4+30+400 434<br />

ה אֽה 5+1 6<br />

ו וָּו 6+6 12<br />

ז ןּיַז 7+10+700 717<br />

ח תיֽח 8+10+400 418<br />

ט תיֽט 9+10+400 419<br />

י דוֹי 10+6+4 20<br />

כ ףָּכ 20+800 820<br />

ל דֶמָּל 30+40+4 74<br />

מ םֽמ 40+600 640<br />

נ ןוּנ 50+6+700 756<br />

ס ךֶמָּס 60+40+500 600<br />

ע ןּיַע 70+10+700 780<br />

פ אֽפ 80+1 81<br />

צ יּדָּצ 90+4+1 104<br />

ק ףוּק 100+6+800 906<br />

ר שׁי ֽר 200+10+300 510<br />

ש ןי ּש 300+10+700 1,010<br />


ת ו ָּת 400+6 406<br />

ך ףָּכ 20+800 820<br />

ם םֽמ 40+600 640<br />

ן ןוּנ 50+6+700 756<br />

ף אֽפ 80+1 81<br />

ץ יּדָּצ 90+4+10 104<br />

Also in Gematria there are 4 different methods of calculating the value of the<br />

letter<br />

Letter of God's Name<br />

YHWH<br />

Point at the tip of the letter<br />

yod<br />

Type of Value Corresponding World<br />

N/A Adam Kadmon (Primordial<br />

Man)<br />

י Absolute Atzilut (Emanation)<br />

ה Ordinal Beri'ah (Creation)<br />

ו Reduced Yetzirah (Formation)<br />

ה Integral<br />

Reduced<br />

Letter Absolute<br />

Value<br />

Ordinal<br />

Value<br />

Reduced<br />

Value<br />

62<br />

<strong>As</strong>iyah (Action)<br />

Integral Reduced Value<br />

א 1 1 1 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ב 2 2 2 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ג 3 3 3 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left

ד 4 4 4 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ה 5 5 5 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ו 6 6 6 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ז 7 7 7 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ח 8 8 8 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ט 9 9 9 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

י 10 10 1 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

כ 20 11 2 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ל 30 12 3 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

מ 40 13 4 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

נ 50 14 5 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ס 60 15 6 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ע 70 16 7 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

פ 80 17 8 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

צ 90 18 9 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />


ק 100 19 1 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ר 200 20 2 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ש 300 21 3 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ת 400 22 4 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ך 500 23 5 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ם 600 24 6 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ן 700 25 7 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ף 800 26 8 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

ץ 900 27 9 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

א 1000 1 Sum of digits in word until<br />

only one digit is left<br />

In the Integral Reduced method, the total numerical value of a word is reduced<br />

to one digit. Should the sum of these numbers be double digits, the integer<br />

digits of the total are repeatedly added to each other to produce a single-digit<br />

figure. The same value will be arrived at regardless of whether it is the absolute<br />

values, the ordinal values, or the reduced values that are being counted.<br />

Absolute Value Example: ץראה= 5 + 1 + 5 + 900<br />

= 911 or 9 + 1 + 1<br />

= 11 or 1 + 1<br />

= 2<br />

Ordinal Value Example: ץראה= 5 +1 + 5 + 27<br />

= 38 or 3 + 8<br />


= 11 or 1 + 1<br />

= 2<br />

Reduced Value Example: ץראה= 5 + 1 + 5 + 9<br />

= 20 or 2 + 0<br />

= 2<br />


Cryptography<br />

Al-bam -is a method of alphabetic transformation. The basic "direct"<br />

transformation pattern, wherein the alef-beit is divided into two equal<br />

groups of eleven letters which are then paired (first to first, second to<br />

second, etc…) to transform one into the other.<br />

The name al-bam is a reference to the first two of these transformation<br />

pairs: alef-lamed <strong>and</strong> beit-mem, <strong>and</strong> corresponds to the Sephirot within<br />

the Partsuf of Chochmah--Abba.<br />

Al-bam<br />

א alef ל lamed<br />

ב beit מ mem<br />

ג gimmel נ nun<br />

ד dalet ס samech<br />

ה hei ע ayin<br />

ו vav פ pei<br />

ז zayin צ tzadik<br />

ח chet ק kuf<br />

ט tet ר reish<br />

י yud ש shin<br />

כ kaf ת tav<br />

At-bash - is a basic "reflective" transformation pattern, wherein the first<br />

<strong>and</strong> last letters of the alef-beit transform into one another, as do the<br />

second <strong>and</strong> second-to-last, <strong>and</strong> so on.<br />


It is a reference to the first two of these transformation pairs: alef-tav <strong>and</strong><br />

beit-shin, <strong>and</strong> corresponds to the Sephirot within the Partsuf of Binah--<br />

Imma.<br />

At-bash<br />

א alef ת tav<br />

ב beit ש shin<br />

ג gimmel ר reish<br />

ד dalet ק kuf<br />

ה hei צ tzadik<br />

ו vav פ pei<br />

ז zayin ע ayin<br />

ח chet ס samech<br />

ט tet נ nun<br />

י yud מ mem<br />

כ kaf ל lamed<br />

In Jeremiah 25:26 the seemingly unknown king of Sheshach (ךשש) is<br />

actually the king of Babel (לבב) when decrypted using the At-bash system.<br />

The final kaf (ך) <strong>and</strong> the regular kaf (כ) would be considered the same with<br />

this method.<br />

This is believed to be of the method that was used to read the h<strong>and</strong><br />

writing on the wall in Daniel 5:25-28.<br />

אנמ אנמ לקת סרפ(MeNE<br />

MeNE TeKeL PaRSH),<br />

but by transposing the letters you get the:<br />

תטי תטי כדא חגוmeaning Numbered, Numbered, Weighed, Broken.<br />

Broken can also be translated as Persians.<br />

Daniel who was carried off in the Babylonian captivity, was known to have<br />

read diligently the scriptures, especially the Book of Jeremiah, so he may<br />


have known this system already (Daniel 9:2 & 1 Peter 1:10) since it is one<br />

Jeremiah also used.<br />

Ach-bi - is a method of alphabetic transformation wherein the alef-beit is<br />

divided into two equal groups of eleven letters. Within each group, the<br />

letters pair "reflectively"--the first with the last, the second with the<br />

second-to-last, etc. It is a reference to the first two of these<br />

transformation pairs: alef-kaf <strong>and</strong> beit-yud.<br />

This is the alphabetic transformation whose elements correspond to the<br />

Sephirot within the Partsuf of Knowledge (Da'at.)<br />

The three transformation systems, al-bam, at-bash, <strong>and</strong> ach-bi<br />

(corresponding to wisdom (chochmah), underst<strong>and</strong>ing (Binah), <strong>and</strong><br />

knowledge (Da'at) form a "transformation ring," which means that if you<br />

transform a letter using all three you will come back to your original<br />

letter. E.g., alef in al-bam transforms into lamed; lamed in at-bash<br />

transforms into kaf--, which using ach-bi, transforms back to alef.<br />

Ach-bi<br />

א alef כ kaf ל lamed ת tav<br />

ב beit י yud מ mem ש shin<br />

ג gimmel ט tet נ nun ר reish<br />

ד dalet ח chet ס samech ק kuf<br />

ה hei ז zayin ע ayin צ tzadik<br />

ו vav ו vav פ pei פ pei<br />

Ayik-becher - is a method of alphabetic transformation wherein the 27<br />

letters of the full alef-beit (including the five letters with a final form<br />

(mem, nun, tzadik, pei, <strong>and</strong> chaf, referred to as mantzapach, for short) are<br />

initially divided into three equal groups of nine letters, which are then<br />

tripled together in "direct order."<br />


The first letter in each group--alef, yud, <strong>and</strong> kuf (whose numerical values<br />

are 1, 10 <strong>and</strong> 100); the second in each group--beit, kaf, <strong>and</strong> reish (whose<br />

numerical values are 2, 20 <strong>and</strong> 200); etc.<br />

The transformation pattern is one of "revolution" within each triplet, i.e.<br />

alef transforms into yud which transforms into kuf which transforms into<br />

alef (which can now be considered as equaling 1000), etc. The name ayikbecher<br />

is a reference to the first two of these transformation triplets.<br />

This is the alphabetic transformation whose elements correspond to the<br />

Sephirot within the Partsuf of Arich <strong>An</strong>pin (the nine "chambers" of the<br />

super conscious)<br />

Ayik-becher<br />

א alef י yud ק kuf<br />

ב beit כ kaf ר reish<br />

ג gimmel ל lamed ש shin<br />

ד dalet מ mem ת tav<br />

ה hei נ nun ךfinal kaf<br />

ו vav ס samech ם Final mem<br />

ז zayin ע ayin ן Final nun<br />

ח chet פ pei ף Final pei<br />

ט tet צ tzadik ץfinal tzadik<br />

Achas-beta - is a method of alphabetic transformation wherein the first<br />

21 letters of the alef-beit are initially divided into three equal groups of<br />

seven letters, which are then tripled together in "direct order."<br />

The first letter in each group--alef, chet, <strong>and</strong> samech; the second in each<br />

group--beit, tet, <strong>and</strong> ayin; etc. The final letter tav is added to the seventh<br />

triplet. The transformation pattern is one of "revolution" within each<br />

triplet, i.e. alef transforms into chet which transforms into samech which<br />

transforms into alef, etc. Tav will always remain Tav in this system.<br />


The name achas-beta is a reference to the first two of these<br />

transformation triplets.<br />

This is the alphabetic transformation whose elements correspond to the<br />

Sephirot within the Partsuf of Ze'ir <strong>An</strong>pin (the seven emotive attributes).<br />

Achas-beta<br />

א alef ח chet ס samech<br />

ב beit ט tet ע ayin<br />

ג gimmel י yud פ pei<br />

ד dalet כ kaf צ tzadik<br />

ה hei ל lamed ק kuf<br />

ו vav מ mem ר reish<br />

ז zayin נ nun ש shin<br />

ת tav ת tav ת tav<br />

At-bach - is a method of alphabetic transformation that is initially divided<br />

into three groups, in accordance with either of these two systems.<br />

At-bach Sytem #1:<br />

9, 9, <strong>and</strong> 4 when the five letters with a final form (mem, nun, tzadik, pei,<br />

<strong>and</strong> chaf, referred to as mantzapach, for short) are not considered.<br />

The transformation pattern is "reflective" within each group. The name<br />

At-Bach is a reference to the first two of these transformations: alef-tet<br />

<strong>and</strong> beit-chet.<br />

This is the alphabetic transformation whose elements correspond to the<br />

Sephirot within the Partsuf of Kingdom (malchut)--Nukva Deze'ir <strong>An</strong>pin.<br />

At-bach<br />


א alef ט tet י yud צ tzadik ק kuf ת tav<br />

ב beit ח chet כ kaf פ pei ר reish ש shin<br />

ג gimmel ז zayin ל lamed ע ayin<br />

ד dalet ו vav מ mem ס samech<br />

ה hei הhei נ nun נnun<br />

At-back System #2:<br />

9, 9, <strong>and</strong> 9 when the five letters with a final form are considered.<br />

The transformation pattern is "reflective" within each group. In a group of<br />

nine, the first <strong>and</strong> last letters transform one into the other, as do the<br />

second <strong>and</strong> eighth, the third <strong>and</strong> seventh, <strong>and</strong> the fourth <strong>and</strong> sixth. The<br />

fifth letter possesses no partner within the group. The "logic" behind this<br />

transformation pattern is that in each of the groups of nine letters the<br />

sum of each pair equals 10, 100, or 1000 (all identical when calculated as<br />

reduced value).<br />

At-bach<br />

א alef ט tet י yud צ tzadik ק kuf ת tav<br />

ב beit ח chet כ kaf פ pei ר reish ש shin<br />

ג gimmel ז zayin ל lamed ע ayin ךfinal kaf ם Final mem<br />

ד dalet ו vav מ mem ס samech ף Final pei ץfinal tzadik<br />

ה hei הhei נ nun נnun ן Final nun ן Final nun<br />

Aramaic<br />

In the portions of the Bible that were originally written in Aramaic (not<br />

Arabic) they appear to have a reinforcing message when translated into<br />

Hebrew.<br />

Differences<br />


Aramaic attaches the definitive construct state at the end of a<br />

substantive.<br />

While Hebrew uses a prefixed attached he (ה) for the definite article,<br />

Aramaic uses a suffixed, attached aleph (א) at the end of nouns for the<br />

same purpose.<br />

Aramaic uses different letters to represent the same sounds.<br />

Aramaic is not a Canaanite language <strong>and</strong> thus did not experience the<br />

Canaanite vowel shift from A to O.<br />

The preposition Dalet functions as a conjunction <strong>and</strong> is often used instead<br />

of the construct to indicate the genitive/possessive relationship.<br />

Undisputed occurrences<br />

Genesis 31:47 – translation of a Hebrew place-name.<br />

Jeremiah 10:11 – a single sentence denouncing idolatry occurs in the<br />

middle of a Hebrew text.<br />

Daniel 2:4b–7:28 – five stories about Daniel <strong>and</strong> his colleagues, <strong>and</strong> an<br />

apocalyptic vision.<br />

Ezra 4:8–6:18 <strong>and</strong> Ezra 7:12–26 – quotations of documents from the 5th<br />

century BCE concerning the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem.<br />

Other suggested occurrences<br />

Genesis 15:1 – the word הזחמב(ba-maħaze, "in a vision"). According to the<br />

Zohar (I:88b), this word is “Aramaic,” as the usual Hebrew word would be<br />

הארמב(ba-mar’e).<br />

Numbers 23:10 – the word עבר(rôḇa‘, usually translated as "stock" or<br />

"fourth part"). Rabbi J.H. Hertz, in his commentary on this verse, cites an<br />

unnamed scholar's claim that this is an Aramaic word meaning "dust."<br />

Job 36:2a – Rashi, in his commentary on this verse, states that this phrase<br />

is in Aramaic.<br />

Bible Code<br />


In more recent times, a cryption known as Bible Code has become very<br />

popular. In this cryption every nth letter is selected from a string of text<br />

from the original Bible language (primarily Hebrew but can also be used<br />

with the Aramaic <strong>and</strong> Greek portions). Then these letters are placed next<br />

to each other in their respective order to spell out a new sentence. In<br />

Bible Code the hidden message needs to relate to the surface text to be<br />

creditable. These hidden message are usually prophecies of events of the<br />

future.<br />

There are a few software programs out know that automatically search<br />

for these hidden messages for you if you supply them with the key terms<br />

you are looking for. It is up to the read to determine if the message<br />

matches the surface text though. www.biblecodedigest.com is an<br />

excellent resources for researching Bible Codes.<br />

Many people will say that 1/3 of the Bible is prophecy, but if you consider<br />

Bible Code, isn't all of the Bible a prophecy?<br />


Pictograms<br />


Letter Symbolic Meaning Literal Meaning Sound<br />

Alef Strength, leader, first Ox, bull Vowel<br />

Bet Household, in, into, family Tent, house B, V<br />

Gimel To lift up, pride, animal, traveler Camel G<br />

Dalet Pathway, gate, portal, to enter door D<br />

Hey The, to reveal Behold H<br />

Vav <strong>An</strong>d, to add, to secure Nail, peg V<br />

Zayin Cut, to cut off Weapon Z<br />

Chet Private, to separate Fence, inner room CH<br />

Tet To surround Snake, surround T<br />

Yood Work, a deed, to make, arm H<strong>and</strong> (closed h<strong>and</strong>) Y<br />

Kaf To cover, to open, allow Palm (open h<strong>and</strong>) K, CH<br />

Lamed Control, authority, the tongue Cattle goad L<br />

Mem Liquid, massive, chaos Water M<br />

Noon Activity, life Fist N<br />

Samech Support, twist slowly, turn Prop S<br />

Ayin To see, know, experience Eye '<br />

Pey To speak, a word, to open Mouth P<br />

Tsadik Catch, desire, need Fishhook TS<br />

Koof Behind, the last, the least Back of head Q, K<br />

Reysh A person, the highest Head R<br />

Sheen To consume, to destroy Teeth S, SH<br />

Tav To seal, to covenant Sign T<br />


Shapes<br />

<strong>As</strong> you will notice many of the numbers have conflicting symbolic meanings<br />

behind them, both positive <strong>and</strong> negative. These are only meant to be a<br />

general guide. All symbols always need to be interpreted in light of the<br />

context of the dream or vision, <strong>and</strong> what the symbol means to the dreamer as<br />

guided by the Holy Spirit.<br />

Circles can represent Completeness, Eternity (Never Ending), or<br />

Perfection.<br />

Triangles can represent the Trinity, Hierarchies, or Support.<br />

Squares can represent the Four Corners of the Earth, a House, or Building.<br />

Lines can represent Boundaries, Limits, or a Distance.<br />

Stars can represent <strong>An</strong>gels, Light or Revelation, or Glory.<br />

A solid shape or one that is filled in may represent Fullness or Completeness,<br />

Strength, or being filled with the Spirit.<br />


Colors<br />

<strong>As</strong> you will notice many of the numbers have conflicting symbolic meanings<br />

behind them, both positive <strong>and</strong> negative. These are only meant to be a<br />

general guide. All symbols always need to be interpreted in light of the<br />

context of the dream or vision, <strong>and</strong> what the symbol means to the dreamer as<br />

guided by the Holy Spirit.<br />

Colors Blessing/Positives Curses/Negatives<br />

White Holiness, Purity, Light, Holy,<br />

Righteousness, Innocence<br />

Silver Redemption False humility<br />

Gray Age, Wisdom Weakness, Unclear, Hidden<br />

Blue Prophecy, Revelation, Male,<br />

Healing, Visitation<br />

Red Redemption, Atonement,<br />

Sacrifice<br />

77<br />

Depression<br />

<strong>An</strong>ger, Wrath, Hatred, War,<br />

Bloodshed<br />

Pink Fresh, Chaste, Female Immoral, Sexual<br />

Orange Fire Danger, Warning<br />

Yellow Courage, Caution Fear, Timid, Cowardliness<br />

Purple Authority, Royal, Kingship,<br />

Nobel, Majestic<br />

False authority<br />

Black Dark, Evil, Grief, Mourning,<br />

Gloom, Death<br />

Green Growth, Life, Renewal Misfortune, Envy,<br />

Inexperienced<br />

Brown Compassion, Pastoral Humanism

Gold/Amber The Glory of God<br />


Interpretation<br />

<strong>As</strong> you will notice many of the numbers have conflicting symbolic meanings<br />

behind them, both positive <strong>and</strong> negative. These are only meant to be a<br />

general guide. All symbols always need to be interpreted in light of the<br />

context of the dream or vision, <strong>and</strong> what the symbol means to the dreamer as<br />

guided by the Holy Spirit.<br />

What is the dream/vision/prophecy about?<br />

Is the dreamer Observing, Participating, or Acting out the dream or vision<br />

themselves?<br />

Is the dream/vision positive or negative?<br />

What are the main key points of the dream/vision/prophecy?<br />

When you wake form your dream try not to move, but remain perfectly<br />

still.<br />

o Close your eyes <strong>and</strong> begin to play back the dream in your memory.<br />

Weep a Journal right next to your bed or on your person, by doing so it is<br />

an act of faith that you are expecting to have a dream & visions, <strong>and</strong> you<br />

will.<br />

o Also keep a pen <strong>and</strong> a small light next to your bed.<br />

By taking a short nap then waking up to get a snake or go to the<br />

bathroom, or just to fall back asleep with actually make it easier to have<br />

dreams.<br />

o Or wake up on your own periodically throughout the night, or by<br />

sleeping in installments, usually makes it easier to have <strong>and</strong> recall<br />

dreams.<br />

By drinking milk, eating ice cream, something with a lot of cheese (pizza)<br />

right before bed tend to stimulate the parts of the brain that cause<br />

dreams.<br />

Throughout your waking day r<strong>and</strong>omly ask yourself "am I dreaming?" This<br />

will help build a habit, <strong>and</strong> you will start asking yourself this while really<br />

dreaming in order to realize if you truly are dreaming, thereby making it<br />

much easier to recall your dreams for interpretation.<br />

There are in the simplest forms, 3 types of Dreams:<br />

o Dreams from God<br />

Usually reparative, very clear/vivid, including messages such<br />

as encouragement, warnings, instructions, inventions, ideas.<br />

o Dreams from the enemy<br />

Usually very dark, monochrome, discouraging, violent, or<br />

sexual.<br />


o Neutral Dreams<br />

Non-sense dreams<br />

ALWAYS ask the Holy Spirit "what does this dream means?"<br />

To decipher the meaning of objects <strong>and</strong> symbols, a principle of biblical<br />

interpretation called the “law of first mention” can be used. It states that<br />

the first mention of an object, number, color or symbol in the Bible sets<br />

up a pattern of interpretation for it that holds true throughout the rest of<br />

Scripture.<br />

This is a list of what some basic items in a dream or vision may represent,<br />

different things to different people. God will show you a symbol that brings to<br />

you mind the message He is trying to convey to you. These are just some<br />

example:<br />

Actor/actress: famous people may symbolize their roles or the meaning of their<br />

name, could be a meant to pray for them<br />

Accelerator: a decision to pursue a goal in full force. You are "speeding"<br />

towards a goal. Alternatively, the an accelerator dream may point to a need to<br />

slow down<br />

Accent: the manner in which thoughts or feelings are being conveyed. The<br />

ethnicity of the accent symbolizes how you perceive yourself<br />

Adolescent: an aspect of yourself that is underdeveloped or irrational. It may<br />

also reflect a naive eagerness<br />

Aggression: confrontation with problems. You may also have deep rooted<br />

hostility towards a person or situation<br />

Airplane: International ministries, or could symbolize the company<br />

Airport: transition, networking <strong>and</strong> connections, travel<br />

Alarm: urgency<br />

Alligators: Lizards can represent demonic enemies<br />

Almonds: quality, substance, richness<br />

Ambulance: urgent decision, doing whatever it takes<br />


<strong>An</strong>cestor: inherited traits or traditions<br />

<strong>An</strong>swering Machine: Messages coming to you<br />

<strong>An</strong>kles: flexibility, movement, connection<br />

<strong>An</strong>tenna: listening, receptivity<br />

Ape/monkey: mocking spirit, primal instincts, fun<br />

Appointment: a warning of something coming<br />

Ark: preservation<br />

Arm: strength<br />

Arrow: direction<br />

<strong>As</strong>tronaut: exploring the unknown<br />

Athlete: being the best at something<br />

Attic: the past, neglected, stored<br />

ATV: a ministry to several different kinds of people<br />

Awakening: a new level of awareness<br />

Baby: something new coming in life such as a job, relationship, gifting, idea<br />

Back: the past, vulnerability<br />

Back Alley: doing something you know is wrong<br />

Back yard: past, play time<br />

Balance Beam: showing off<br />

Balloons: celebration<br />

Bank: money, finances, provision<br />

Bankruptcy: depleted, old season comes to an end, new start<br />

Bard Wire: difficulty getting through<br />


Barcode: automation<br />

Barefoot: being vulnerable<br />

Basement: hidden, foundational issues or values<br />

Basket: something in life given to you freely<br />

Bat: demonic attack, fear<br />

Bathroom: cleansing, healing<br />

Battleship: spiritual warfare<br />

Bear: demonic attack, unusual strength<br />

Beard: assertiveness<br />

Beaver: busy, engineering, building<br />

Bed/bedroom: intimacy, closeness, rest<br />

Bee work, being busy, sweetness, pain<br />

Beggar: dependence<br />

Bicycle: leisure, recreation, local evangelical ministry<br />

Billboard: getting attention<br />

Blackbird/raven: undercover, demonic attack, negative influence, pest<br />

Black cat: witchcraft spirit<br />

Blanket: security, protection<br />

Bloody h<strong>and</strong>s: guilt or responsibility<br />

Blouse: gifting, anointing, covering<br />

Blueprints: careful planning<br />

Boat: organizations or personal ministry to the unreachable people.<br />

Bodyguard: guardian, guardian angel, parent<br />


Books: information, revelation, education, writing, read<br />

Boots: Evangelism<br />

Boy: a masculine aspect that has not reached its full potential yet<br />

Branches: fellow Christians<br />

Bridge: transition, change<br />

Bull: stubbornness, mean, attack, power<br />

Bus: city or regional ministry<br />

Butterfly: transformation, beauty, delicate<br />

Calf: love <strong>and</strong> nurturing<br />

Camel: foreigner, travel<br />

C<strong>and</strong>le: light, guide to others, guidance, hope<br />

Car: family/personal/job ministry<br />

Cash: power, provision<br />

Castel: reference to God's Kingdom<br />

Cat: independence, strong-willed, sly, creative<br />

Cattle: wealth<br />

Cave: isolation, alone time, hidden<br />

Ceiling: upper limited, rising higher<br />

Cemetery: old things, dying to the past<br />

Chains: bondage to something<br />

Chair: rest<br />

Chest: nurture, compassionate, provider, sensitive<br />

Chicken: food, provision, afraid<br />


City: society<br />

Cliff: risk, edge, larger vision<br />

Clock: timing, the numbers shown<br />

Closet: stored away, hidden, time of personal prayer<br />

Coat: gifting, talents, mantle, calling<br />

Coffin: loss, dying to the old, starting over<br />

Coins/change: money, change in life<br />

Comets: Major or rare events in life<br />

Contact lens/Glasses: vision, insight needs some type of help to see more<br />

clearly, world view<br />

Cookie Cutter: monotony<br />

Cow: provision, slow-moving, possessions<br />

Credit card: finances, borrowed, debt<br />

Criminal: conviction by the Holy Spirit<br />

Crossroad: change, decisions, change<br />

Crown: rewards, leadership<br />

Cup: refreshing<br />

Dam: things being held back, power<br />

Dart: attack<br />

Deaf: No to pay attention to what God is telling you.<br />

Death/dying: dying to self, moving to something new<br />

Debt: trap or impaired, repayment<br />

Deer: gentle spirit, thirsty for spiritual things, prey, swift<br />

Desert: wilderness<br />


Diamond: under pressure, high-value, beauty<br />

Dinosaur: ancient ways<br />

Doctor: healing ministry, Jesus (healer), medical calling<br />

Dog: friends, love, companionship<br />

Dolphin: fun, able to refresh others<br />

Donkey: carries the load, stubborn<br />

Door: opportunity, transition<br />

Doorbell: something unexpected<br />

Dove: Holy Spirit, Comfort<br />

Dragon: demonic attack<br />

Eagle: prophetic<br />

Ear: perception, listener<br />

Earplugs: refusal to listen<br />

Earthquake: troubled times, radical change, warning of a coming disaster<br />

Egg: fertility<br />

Elbow: flexibility, hard working<br />

Elephant: memories, big impact<br />

Elevator: new levels, advancement, decrease<br />

Eraser: forgiveness, new start<br />

Exam: a time of trial or testing<br />

Eyes: spiritual perception, seer, clarity<br />

Face: true self, identity, self-image<br />

Factory: productivity<br />


Family: family values, generational callings<br />

Farm: nurturing, hard working<br />

Fashion: elegance, beauty, influence<br />

Feathers: angelic, inspiration<br />

Feet: foundation, daily life or "walk", support<br />

Fence: division, protection, defense<br />

Fingerprint: your identity in Christ<br />

Fingers: direction, connection<br />

Fire: enthusiasm, destruction, Holy Spirit, passion<br />

Fish: people, outreach<br />

Flashlight: guidance, revelation<br />

Flies: demonic attack<br />

Floods: major move of the Spirit, cleansing, warning of disaster<br />

Floor: a starting point, the beginning<br />

Flowers: growth, beauty, encouragement<br />

Flying: going higher in the Spirit realm, overcoming a problem with much<br />

satisfaction<br />

Fog: unclear time<br />

Food: provision<br />

Footprints: following<br />

Forehead: steadfast, belief systems, stubborn<br />

Foreign coins: influence or connection in those countries<br />

Fox: attack that can be undetected, rob your efforts, attractiveness<br />

Frog: attack against sexuality, lust, able to adapt<br />


Front: vision, future<br />

Fruit: spiritual food, gifts, characteristics<br />

Garage: storage<br />

Garbage: things in your life that do not glorify God<br />

Garden: growth, provision, character<br />

Gardener: Holy Spirit, Jesus,<br />

Gas station: refreshing, refuel, being filled <strong>and</strong> renewed<br />

Gate: new opportunity, spiritual connections<br />

Giant: major problems, major protection<br />

Gifts: talents, gifts, promotional times, surprises, God's presence<br />

Giraffe: high-minded, thinker, rise above<br />

Girl: something feminine not yet come into maturity<br />

Glass: pure, transparent<br />

Goat: negative person, false friend, untrustworthy<br />

Gold: purity, Glory, refining, finances<br />

Grass: growth<br />

Gravy: something easy<br />

Gun: authority, spiritual warfare, protection<br />

Hail: judgment<br />

Hair: strength, beauty<br />

Hallway: transition<br />

Halo: holy<br />

H<strong>and</strong>: relationship, reaching out, works<br />


Hat: covering, protection<br />

Head: wisdom, knowledge, stubborn, pride<br />

Heart: compassion, love<br />

Heel: vulnerability, healing<br />

Helmet: Salvation<br />

Hill: an obstacle in your life<br />

Hippopotamus: big mouth<br />

Honey: the sweetness of God<br />

Horizon: the future<br />

Hornet: demonic attacks, pain<br />

Horse: powerful, fast, endurance, hard working<br />

Hospital: healing, healing ministry<br />

Hot air balloon: slow-moving time, leisure, rise above things, peace<br />

Hotel/motel: temporary time, transition<br />

House: family or domestic ministry<br />

Hummingbird: gentleness, delicacy, energetic<br />

Ice: a move of the Spirit that will come later, slippery time, danger<br />

Iceberg: hidden potential<br />

Incense: prayer <strong>and</strong> intercession<br />

Index finger: prophetic, give direction<br />

Insects: demonic attack, nuisance<br />

Isl<strong>and</strong>: being isolated<br />

Jellyfish: passive aggressiveness<br />


Jet: Spiritual warfare, or military calling.<br />

Jewels: gifting, life calling/purpose, family <strong>and</strong> generational inheritances,<br />

spiritual gifts, Jews<br />

Judge: God, mediator, justice, law<br />

Ketchup: running behind<br />

Keys: opportunities, strategies, authority<br />

King: someone who is in control, Jesus<br />

Kiss: tenderness, passion, love, lust<br />

Kitchen: place of preparation<br />

Knee: prayer, flexibility, humility<br />

Knife: spiritual warfare, attack, sharp<br />

Laboratory: experimenting, studying<br />

Ladder: advancement, promotion, opportunities<br />

Lamb: sacrifice, baby Christian, Jesus<br />

Lamp: guidance<br />

Laser: a great deal of focus, concentration<br />

Lawyer: justice, defender, mediator, advocate<br />

Leash: being controlled or restrained<br />

Leaves: medication, healing<br />

Legs: strength, power, Roman Empire<br />

Lettuce: “Let us”<br />

Library: learning, wisdom, knowledge<br />

Lighthouse: guidance<br />

Lion: Lion of Judah, Jesus, King, power, strength<br />


Lips: tenderness, speech, talker<br />

Living room: relational, fellowship, community<br />

Lock: opportunity for later, blocked, guarded<br />

Locust: spiritual attack on provision<br />

Maid: service, hospitality, helper<br />

Mansion: influence, riches, Kingdom of God, Heaven<br />

Map: strategy, plan, guidance<br />

Marketplace: business, interaction, financial gain<br />

Marriage: covenant, commitment, family<br />

Mask: a hidden identity<br />

Meat: Spiritual food for more mature, deeper things of God<br />

Microscope: detail, examining<br />

Microwave: fast food, fast lifestyle<br />

Middle finger: evangelistic, sales oriented, offensive<br />

Mirror: self-image, self-esteem, vision<br />

Money: finances, provision, wealth, favor, power<br />

Monkey: mocking spirit, primal instincts, fun<br />

Monster: demonic attack<br />

Moon: guidance during dark times, reflection<br />

Moss: idleness<br />

Motorcycle: prophetic ministry,<br />

Mountain: higher calling or destiny, intimate time with God<br />

Mouth: speech, articulation, communication, gossip, prophecy<br />


Moving van: transition, relocation<br />

Mule: slow-moving, stubborn, carries burdens<br />

Murder: putting an end to something before it's time<br />

Nails: beauty, fashion, construction<br />

Naked: open, transparent, vulnerable<br />

Names: could be referring to the meaning of the name<br />

Neck: stubborn, risk<br />

Necklace: spiritual gifting, generational blessing, fashion, beauty<br />

News: information about what is most important<br />

Night: dark time<br />

Nose: discernment, wisdom gift, prying, inquisitive<br />

Notebook: what is important to you<br />

Oasis: rest<br />

Ocean: many people, deep<br />

Octopus: controlling spirit or person, multitasking<br />

Oil: Holy Spirit, anointing, healing<br />

Outhouse: a less than desirable option to getting rid of your problems<br />

Oven: making something ready<br />

Overalls: hard work, willing to get dirty<br />

Owl: wisdom, discernment, occult<br />

Ox: hard work, power, slow but steady, strength<br />

Panther: power, independence<br />

Painting: past memories you cherish<br />


Pants: control, responsibility<br />

Parachute: exit strategy, backup plan, faith<br />

Paralysis: being helpless, dependent<br />

Path: life journey, direction, road less traveled<br />

Peacock: creativity, beauty, pride<br />

Peanuts: settling for less, not worth as much<br />

Pearl: great value<br />

Perfume: being pleasant, making someone else feel special<br />

Photo: visions, memories<br />

Pictures: visions, memories<br />

Pig: unclean spirit, messy, financial provision<br />

Pigeon: unclean, messenger<br />

Pillow: intimacy, rest, comfort<br />

Pilot: leader, Holy Spirit, guidance<br />

Pinky finger: teacher, instructor<br />

Planting: spreading the Gospel to others in the very early stages of life<br />

Plow: preparing for something new, groundbreaker<br />

Polar bear: attack that appears holy<br />

Police: authority, protection<br />

Ponytail: being under control, disciplined<br />

Porch: community, recreation, leisure<br />

Porcupine: person that won't let you get close to them, wounds others<br />

Pregnant: something new is coming like a gifting, job, new ideas<br />


Prison: what you want to do is being restricted<br />

Pruning: being cut back in an area of life so that it will grow more later<br />

Rabbit: multiplication, fast growth, surprise blessing, sexual attack<br />

Raccoon: theft, false identity<br />

Radio: hearing God's voice<br />

Rain: blessing, unclear time<br />

Rainbow: covenant, promise<br />

Ram: pushy person, sacrifice<br />

Rapture: being saved at the last second<br />

Records: things that are recorded in the books of Heaven<br />

Recycle: do the same thing for a slightly different purpose<br />

Reptiles: cold blooded or mean, demonic attack<br />

Reverse: going in the wrong direction, backsliding<br />

Rhinoceros: stubbornness, demonic attack, thick skinned, unfindable<br />

Ring: covenant, marriage, friendship<br />

Ring finger: compassionate, pastoral<br />

River: Holy Spirit<br />

Road: journey of life<br />

Robe: calling or unique gifting<br />

Rock: permanent, steadfast, strong, solid<br />

Rocket: advancement in higher things of the spirit, spiritual warfare, fast<br />

movement<br />

Rollercoaster: fast exciting time<br />

Roof: covering, leadership, authority, protection<br />


Roses: beauty, fragrance, love<br />

Sailboat: spirit driven<br />

Salon: the desire to impress others<br />

Salt: have good charter<br />

S<strong>and</strong>: masses of people, beach, recreation, fun time<br />

Scar: reminders of past mistakes to learn from<br />

School: learning, education, spiritual training<br />

Scorpion: demonic attack<br />

Sea: masses of people<br />

Secret: mysteries of God for you to search out<br />

Seed: growth, God’s word, faith<br />

Shark: malicious talk, person with bad intent, demonic attack, terror<br />

Shawl: special ability or spiritual gifts particularly prayer<br />

Sheep: fellow Christians<br />

Shirt: special characteristics<br />

Shoes: our daily life <strong>and</strong> “walk”, evangelism<br />

Shopping center: business, hanging out, fashion, vanity<br />

Shoulders: government, burden barrier, strength<br />

Shower: cleansing, healing<br />

Silver: redemptive<br />

Skunk: unpleasant time, bad character<br />

Sky: focus on Heavenly things, limitless potential<br />

Sleeping: unaware of what is going on<br />


Slippers: comfort<br />

Smoke: presence of fire, move of God, sign of danger<br />

Snail: slow moving<br />

Snake: deception<br />

Snow: purity, cleansing<br />

Soldier: spiritual warfare<br />

Spider: demonic attack<br />

Squirrel: sneaky, dishonest<br />

Stars: the angelic<br />

Stairs: advancement, increase or decrease<br />

Stomach: ability or inability to h<strong>and</strong>le<br />

Stove: preparation<br />

Submarine: deep in the spirit, intercessor<br />

Sugar: the goodness of God<br />

Suit: business, formal, influence<br />

Suitcase: travel, change, baggage<br />

Swimming pool: move in the spirit, recreation, spiritual life<br />

Sword: spiritual warfare, prophecy<br />

Table: relationship<br />

Tablet: reference to the 10 comm<strong>and</strong>ments<br />

Target: righteousness, avoiding sin<br />

Taxi: temporary<br />

Teeth: wisdom, underst<strong>and</strong>ing, strength, to devour<br />


Telephone: communication<br />

Television: “tell a vision”, communications, worldwide impact, media<br />

connections, influence<br />

Theatre: creativity, big influence<br />

Thief: demonic attack<br />

Thigh: strength, covenant<br />

Thumb: apostolic<br />

Tires: keeps things rolling, filled with the spirit<br />

Toes: balance, extremes<br />

Toilet: cleansing<br />

Tongue: speech, talking, gossip, blessing & cursing, life & death<br />

Train: move of God<br />

Train tracks: staying on the straight <strong>and</strong> narrow<br />

Treasure: riches, finances, hidden things<br />

Trees: leaders, people, provision, earthly kingdoms<br />

Truck: pick-up<br />

Tsunami: large move of the Spirit, big impact, disaster<br />

Turkey: lacking wisdom<br />

Twins: rivalry, a double blessing<br />

Umbrella: protective covering<br />

Underwater: being overwhelmed<br />

Underwear: protection, covering<br />

Uniforms: authority, service<br />

Upstairs: higher level, increase<br />


Vacuum: someone without Jesus as their savior<br />

Valley: difficult time<br />

Vine: Jesus<br />

Wallet: identity, favor, finances, possessions<br />

Walls: boundaries, obstacles to overcome<br />

Warehouse: provision<br />

Watch: timing, be aware, staying alert<br />

Water: Holy Spirit, the spiritual realm<br />

Wedding: covenant, commitment, life-calling, marriage<br />

Weeds: the unsaved<br />

Whale: big impact in the spirit<br />

Wind: Holy Spirit, move of the Spirit, change<br />

Window: vision, escape, provision<br />

Wings: angelic<br />

Wolf: demonic attack<br />

Wood: works of little worth<br />

Wrist: flexibility<br />

Yourself: having similar chartists or features as you<br />


Oneirology<br />

By practicing Lucid Dreaming you will become more aware of your<br />

Dreams <strong>and</strong> remember them more easily.<br />

Dreams can come the Holy Spirit, but they can also come from evil spirits,<br />

<strong>and</strong> be from your own thoughts <strong>and</strong> emotions. By Lucid Dreaming it also<br />

makes the dream more likely to come from your own thoughts <strong>and</strong><br />

emotions, something to be aware of. If you begin to have repeated<br />

dreams, this almost is God trying to get your attention about something,<br />

such as in the case of Pharaoh's dream in Genesis 37. However it could<br />

also just be a fantasy from your own soulish being that you tend to think<br />

about often. Many times repeating nightmares, or if the dream is<br />

monochrome, or it could be from an evil spirit, but many times God will<br />

also give you a fearful dream in order to warning you of something in<br />

your present or future that you are not fully aware of.<br />

There are many different types of dreams, such as:<br />

Day Dreams, these are dreams, fantasies that come to mind during your<br />

waking hours. They stimulate your imagination <strong>and</strong> creativity, much like<br />

sleeping Dreams.<br />

[Sleeping] Dreams, are typical dreams that everyone has every night<br />

whether they recall them at all or not when they wake. Many times people<br />

wake up knowing they had a dream, but cannot remember what it was.<br />

This is what happened in Daniel 2:5.<br />

Waking Dreams, this is another title for a vision. This is just one step above<br />

a Day Dream which is a good starting point for people interested in dreams.<br />

Night Visions, this is essentially a Trance. A Trance is easiest to go into<br />

when a person is in a "twilight" state for lack of a better word. The state of<br />

being half awake, & half asleep. Just coming out of sleep, or just falling<br />

asleep.<br />

Nested Dreams, this where you are dreaming <strong>and</strong> during the dream you<br />

dream that you have woken up from <strong>and</strong> begin to do something different<br />

than what you were doing in the first dream. These dreams can be nested<br />

within other dreams several layers deep, but most people tend to only have<br />

one nested dream with in a dream before waking up.<br />

Vision within a Dream, A vision is basically a dream only you are physically<br />

awake during the vision. It's seeing a picture or movie being shown or<br />

played out right before you even though it's not physically there. When<br />

this happens during a dream it is known as a Vision within a Dream, which<br />

is very similar to Nested Dreams, or a dream within a dream.<br />


Nightmares are also considered dreams, but these are dreams that tend<br />

you leave you with a sense of fear, or uneasiness about them.<br />

Night terrors are heighted nightmares that involve thrashing, sweeting,<br />

yelling, or waking up suddenly.<br />

Some of the common dreams people have:<br />

Being chased by something - The enemy is attempting to take something<br />

from you.<br />

Not wearing any pants or cloths in public - God is exposing you to the<br />

people, making you vulnerable to others.<br />

Your teeth falling out - God is telling you to get wisdom.<br />

Falling Dreams - God is telling you that you are not in control, but He is.<br />

Pregnant - God is giving you something new.<br />

Dreams about being lost - God is calling you into a relationship with Him.<br />

These are the basic steps to use in order to recall your dreams that you<br />

can interpret them once you have recorded in some kind of dream journal<br />

or log. This way they can also be researched later on down the road <strong>and</strong><br />

may be looking for confirmation:<br />

Throughout the day, repeatedly ask yourself "Am I dreaming" <strong>and</strong> perform<br />

some reality checks whenever you remember. With practice, if it happens<br />

enough, you will automatically remember it during your dreams <strong>and</strong> do it.<br />

Do at least three reality checks every time something seems out of the<br />

ordinary, strongly frustrating, or nonsensical, <strong>and</strong> that habit will carry on<br />

into your dreams. In a dream, these will tell you that you are sleeping,<br />

allowing you to become lucid. In order to remember to do reality checks in<br />

dreams, you need to establish a habit of doing reality checks in real life.<br />

One way to do a reality check is to look for "dream signs" (elements that<br />

frequently occur during your dreams, look for these in your dream journal),<br />

or things that would not normally exist in real life, <strong>and</strong> then conduct the<br />

reality checks. When these actions become habit, a person will begin to do<br />

them in her or his dreams, <strong>and</strong> can come to the conclusion that he/she is<br />

dreaming. Frequently doing reality checks can stabilize dreams. This is also<br />

known as DILD (Dream Induced Lucid Dreams). These are some suggestions<br />

you could try:<br />


Looking at a digital clock to see if it stays constant;<br />

Looking at a body of text, looking away, <strong>and</strong> then looking back to see<br />

if it has changed;<br />

Jumping in the air; you are usually able to fly during dreams<br />

Poking yourself; when dreaming, your "flesh" might be more elastic<br />

than in real life;<br />

Try leaning against a wall. In dreams, you will often fall through walls.<br />

Keep a dream journal. This is perhaps the most important step towards<br />

lucid dreaming. Keep it close by your bed at night, <strong>and</strong> write in it<br />

immediately after waking. This is an act of faith, showing that you are<br />

expecting to have dreams you will remember enough to record. You can<br />

also keep a voice recorder, or smart phone if you find it easier to repeat<br />

your dream out loud. This helps you recognize your common dream<br />

elements (people from your past, specific places, etc.), <strong>and</strong> also tells your<br />

brain that you are serious about remembering your dreams! It will also help<br />

you to recognize things that are unique to your dreams. You will be able to<br />

recognize your own "dream signs." These will be recurring things or events<br />

that you may notice in your dreams.<br />

Learn the best time to have a lucid dream. By being aware of your personal<br />

sleep schedule, you can arrange your sleep pattern to help induce lucid<br />

dreams.<br />

Go to bed at the same time every night, get in a routine.<br />

Go to bed early so that you get plenty of sleep. By getting enough<br />

sleep every night you should wake up just before your alarm going<br />

off, if you use one. Also by waking up before your alarm, your focus<br />

will not suddenly shift so that you forget what you were just doing<br />

(dreaming).<br />

A nap a few hours after waking in the morning is the most common<br />

time to have a lucid dream.<br />

You may want to wake up, eat breakfast, then go back to bed<br />

for a little bit.<br />

Actually a nap at any point of the day will usually help stimulate<br />

dreams, but just after waking (whatever time of the day it is) is<br />

the ideal time.<br />

Lucid dreams are strongly associated with REM sleep. REM sleep is<br />

more abundant just before the final awakening. This means they<br />

most commonly occur right before waking up.<br />


Dreams tends to run in 60-minute cycles during sleep. If you are<br />

working on dream recall, it may be helpful to try waking yourself up<br />

during one of these cycles (interrupted dreams are often the ones we<br />

remember).<br />

When trying to induce lucid dreaming there is a technique that you might<br />

find helpful.<br />

Set your alarm clock to wake you up 4.5, 6, or 7.5 hours after falling asleep.<br />

I recommend using an alarm clock that starts out quite <strong>and</strong> gradually<br />

gets louder, then shuts itself off after about 10-30 seconds of noise.<br />

You can usually find these as apps for smart phones.<br />

Abrupt, loud sounds usually startle you more <strong>and</strong> cause you to lose<br />

focus of what you were thinking about.<br />

When you are awakened by your alarm clock, try to remember the dream<br />

as much as possible.<br />

Remain totally still once you wake up, or at least as much as possible.<br />

If you start moving this forces more blood to the rest of the body, <strong>and</strong><br />

you will find you cannot remember your dream nearly as easily.<br />

<strong>As</strong>k yourself "what was I just doing?" as if it wasn't a dream, but<br />

reality. This will make the dream more real to you <strong>and</strong> much easier<br />

to recall, before it fades away.<br />

When you think you have remembered as much as you can, record the<br />

specifics then return to rest. Now imagining that you are in your previous<br />

dream, <strong>and</strong> becoming aware that you are dreaming. Say to yourself, "I will<br />

be aware that I'm dreaming," or something similar. Then go to sleep.<br />

Prolong lucid dreams by spinning your body or falling backwards in the<br />

dream (suspected of prolonging REM), <strong>and</strong> rubbing your h<strong>and</strong>s (prevents<br />

you from feeling the sensation of lying in bed). Take care while spinning.<br />

Remind yourself even as you spin or fall that you are dreaming, as you will<br />

find yourself in a completely different location when you stop spinning or<br />

hit the ground <strong>and</strong> may lose the dream otherwise. If you feel a dream<br />

'shakes' or is about to fade out, look down to the ground <strong>and</strong> visualize your<br />

surroundings, reminding yourself you are dreaming.<br />


Puns<br />

These are a few English word puns <strong>and</strong> saying. Sometime God will speak<br />

to you through these words puns by using a verse with its alternate word<br />

pun <strong>and</strong> meaning. The Hebrew language has many more word puns, it's<br />

fitting since the Hebrew are a people of the Word after all.<br />

Sayings:<br />

You are what you eat (Bread, Word of God).<br />

It's not so much what you know, but who you know.<br />

Let's Hear it; We Got [Holy] Spirit!<br />

Pray for <strong>and</strong> not Prey on people.<br />

You have to Altar your life, if you want to Alter your Life.<br />

Prophets can work for a Non-Profit Organization.<br />

Cryptic Interchangeable words:<br />

Father, God, YHVH, Jehovah, Master, Lord, Savior<br />

Jesus, Rock, Lamb, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Bridegroom, Son, Light of the<br />

World, Bread of Life, Branch, Root of David, King, Lord, Corner<br />

Stone/Rejected Stone, First Born, Son of Man, The Head<br />

Holy Spirit, Wind, Spirit, Ghost, Dove, Unnamed Servant, Eleazar, Comforter<br />

<strong>An</strong>gels, Stars, MESSANGERS<br />

Heaven, Hebron, Abraham's Bosom, Paradise<br />

Water, People<br />

1 Day, 1000 Years<br />

Hour, Tribulation<br />

Man, Israel<br />

1 & 2 Comings?<br />

Father, Child of God, Sons & Daughters<br />

Gentiles, Nations<br />

Talents, Skills, Abilities, Money, Currency<br />

Debt, Trespass, Transgression, Sin<br />

Member, Body Part<br />

Body of Christ, Church, <strong>As</strong>sembly<br />

Ungodly, Tares, Wood, Stones, Hay, Stubble, Chaff<br />

Godly, Wheat, Gold, Silver, Precious stones<br />

Testing, Fire<br />

Tribulation, Labor, Child Birth, Birth of a Nation<br />


Clay, Flesh<br />

Jokes:<br />

"David's Triumph was heard throughout the l<strong>and</strong>."<br />

How do you make Holy water? You boil the Hell out of it.<br />

"Of course I'm a Christian! I'm a Republican!"<br />

"Healing without laying on of h<strong>and</strong>s, that's wireless healing! That's Wi-Fi<br />

Healing!"<br />

Who is the shortest man in the Bible? Bildad the Shuhite<br />

Which biblical character was the youngest to speak foul language? Job,<br />

because he cursed the day he was born.<br />

Who was the greatest female financier in the Bible? Pharaoh's daughter,<br />

she went down to the bank of the Nile <strong>and</strong> drew out little prophet.<br />

What kind of man was Boaz before he got married? Ruth-less.<br />

Why on Noah's ark couldn't they eat apples? Because they only came in<br />

pears.<br />

When was the first meat mentioned in the Bible? When Noah took Ham<br />

into the ark.<br />

Lot's last words to his wife? ...Honey, is everyone following?<br />

How long did Cain dislike his brother? <strong>As</strong> long as he was Abel.<br />

Where is the first example of cannibalism in the Bible? Two Kings Ate One!<br />

(8:1)<br />

What do they call pastors in Germany? German Shepherds.<br />

Which servant of Jehovah was the most flagrant lawbreaker in the Bible?<br />

Moses, because he broke all 10 comm<strong>and</strong>ments at once.<br />

Which Bible character had no parents? Joshua, son of Nun.<br />

Where was the woman at the well from? Some area, in Israel.<br />

Obey the Golden Rule. Whoever has the gold, makes the rules.<br />

Sometimes I wake up grumpy. Other times I let her sleep in.<br />

Sometime my wife beats me up in the morning. Other times we get up at<br />

the same time.<br />

You have a destiny for Heaven's sake, <strong>and</strong> it is for Heaven's sake.<br />

Some of the toughest men I know are women.<br />

It wasn't Adam <strong>and</strong> Steve, Women aren't just hairy men.<br />

A 9 year old asks a 100 year old: "How'd you get to be that old?" The 100<br />

year old says: "You just gotta wait."<br />

Behind every successful man, is a surprised mother in-law.<br />

A Norwegian man married a Palestine woman when they had a baby they<br />

named it Yeah-sure You-bet-cha<br />


Where two or three are gathered together, there's an argument.<br />

If you smile more, you'll have more face value.<br />

I tell ya, Mark 5 is still in the Bible.<br />

Everybody turn to 2 Kings 6:17. 2 Kings come just after 1 Kings in your<br />

Bible.<br />

Everybody who's awake raise your h<strong>and</strong>. Ok now everyone who's not<br />

awake raise your h<strong>and</strong>.<br />

I might say something's that might offend you, but that's ok, you can repent<br />

later.<br />

I was a youth pastor for a little bit awhile back, thank God I was delivered<br />

from that.<br />

[Applause], Thank you everybody, that one was for free.<br />

Are you gonna go to sleep? No I'm gonna pray for you guys, <strong>and</strong> it's gonna<br />

take me awhile so don't bother me.<br />

We believe in forgiveness here.<br />

Don't everybody clap at once.<br />

This bridge needs your prayers!<br />

Dress modestly, nobody wear a dress or anything like that, especially you<br />

Dave.<br />

Because I care about you guys, I'm not going to sing.<br />

We're going to have revival! Weather God show up or not.<br />

Can I get a Yee-HA! (Or an Oh-Yeah!)<br />

<strong>An</strong>ything I can do, you can do better!<br />

Faith is spelled: R-I-S-K!<br />

A good marriage would be between a blind wife <strong>and</strong> a deaf husb<strong>and</strong><br />

If you are a missionary surrounded by cannibals, you need to have a sense<br />

of humor, so they won't eat you because you taste too funny.<br />

[Knock, knock] who’s there? Armageddon. Armageddon who?<br />

Armageddon tired of people talking about this doom <strong>and</strong> gloom end of the<br />

world.<br />


Finality<br />

Just like Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob all gave a prophetic blessing to their children<br />

just before they passed. I believe people many times also speak out a<br />

prophecy that many times is known as their "famous last words," whether<br />

good or bad. I also believe that a baby's first words are a prophecy relating to<br />

their own life that they will live out. In the same way the "last words" a<br />

person says or even the way they die or transition into eternal life (or eternal<br />

death) can sometimes paint a prophetic picture of how that person will be in<br />

eternity. These are some examples:<br />

John Lennon (Singer):<br />

Some years before, during his interview with an American Magazine, he said:<br />

'Christianity will end, it will disappear. I do not have to argue about that...I am<br />

certain. Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, today we are more<br />

famous than Him' (1966).<br />

Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was<br />

shot six times.<br />

Tancredo Neves (President of Brazil):<br />

During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500,000 votes from his party,<br />

not even God would remove him from Presidency.<br />

Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then<br />

he died.<br />

Cazuza (Bi-sexual Brazilian composer, singer <strong>and</strong> poet):<br />

During a show in Canecio (Rio de Janeiro), while smoking his cigarette, he puffed<br />

out some smoke into the air <strong>and</strong> said: 'God, that's for you.'<br />

He died at the age of 32 of LUNG CANCER in a horrible manner.<br />

The man who built the Titanic:<br />

After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic<br />

would be. With an ironic tone he said: 'Not even God can sink it'.<br />

The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic.<br />

Marilyn Monroe (Actress):<br />

She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show. He said the<br />

Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her. After hearing what the Preacher<br />

had to say, she said: 'I don't need your Jesus'.<br />

A week later, she was found dead in her apartment.<br />


Bon Scott (Singer):<br />

The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC. On one of his 1979 songs he sang: 'Don't stop me;<br />

I'm going down all the way, down the highway to hell'.<br />

On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked<br />

by his own vomit.<br />

In 2005 at Campinas, Brazil a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend:<br />

The mother accompanied her to the car <strong>and</strong> was so worried about the<br />

drunkenness of her friends <strong>and</strong> she said to the daughter holding her h<strong>and</strong>, who<br />

was already seated in the car: 'My Daughter, Go with God <strong>and</strong> May He Protect<br />

You.' She responded: 'Only If He (God) Travels in the Trunk, because inside Here<br />

...It's already full'.<br />

Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident,<br />

everyone had died, <strong>and</strong> the car could not be recognized what type of car it had<br />

been, but surprisingly, the trunk was intact. The police said there was no way<br />

the trunk could have remained intact. To their surprise, inside the trunk was a<br />

crate of eggs, none was broken.<br />

Christine Hewitt (Jamaican Journalist <strong>and</strong> Entertainer):<br />

Said the Bible (Word of God) was the worst book ever written.<br />

In June 2006 she was found burnt beyond recognition in her motor vehicle.<br />

Many more important people have forgotten that there is no other name that<br />

was given so much authority as the name of Jesus. Many have died, but only<br />

Jesus died <strong>and</strong> rose again, <strong>and</strong> he is still alive.<br />

Galatians 6:7 'Be not deceived; God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man sow,<br />

that shall he also reap.<br />


Geography<br />

When there is a prophecy concerning a Biblical location it will normally be<br />

concerning the original location primarily, or it’s ancient name.<br />

Find more locations at www.biblemap.org<br />

Abimael (Obal, Sheleph &<br />

Uzal)<br />

Yemen<br />

Alex<strong>and</strong>ria Mediterranean coast of Egypt<br />

Ammon (Moab &<br />

Edom)<br />

Jordan<br />

Amor(ites) Eastern Israel<br />

<strong>An</strong>tioch Northwest Syria (Coastal) - present day<br />

"Hatay"<br />

Arabia Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar <strong>and</strong> some of Iraq<br />

<strong>and</strong> Jordan<br />

Aram Syria<br />

Arkites Lebanon<br />

<strong>As</strong>hkenaz Germany<br />

<strong>As</strong>shur(ites) Northern Iraq<br />

<strong>As</strong>syria Iraq<br />

Athens (Berea, Corinth,<br />

Philippi &<br />

Thessalonica)<br />

Greece<br />

Babylon Iraq<br />

Berea (Athens, Corinth,<br />

Philippi &<br />

Thessalonica)<br />

Greece<br />

Canaan(ites) Northern Israel <strong>and</strong> Southern Lebanon<br />


Caphtor(ites) Crete<br />

Corinth (Berea, Athens,<br />

Philippi &<br />

Thessalonica)<br />

Greece<br />

Cush Ethiopia <strong>and</strong> some of Sudan, Somalia <strong>and</strong><br />

Yemen (<strong>and</strong> possibly more of northern Africa)<br />

Cyrene Northwest Libya<br />

Damascus Syria<br />

Decapolis Northwestern Jordan <strong>and</strong> a small part of Israel<br />

Dedan (Ophir, Jobab &<br />

Sheba)<br />

Edom (Moab &<br />

Ammon)<br />

Saudi Arabia<br />

Jordan<br />

Elishah Sicily<br />

Ephesus (Pergamum &<br />

Smyrna)<br />

Western Turkey<br />

Girgashites Western Jordan<br />

Gomer Ukraine (some suggest Germany)<br />

Haran (& Padan-aram) Eastern Syria<br />

Iconium (& Lystra) Central Turkey<br />

Javan Greece<br />

Jebus Jerusalem<br />

Jobab (Ophir, Dedan &<br />

Sheba)<br />

Saudi Arabia<br />

Kittim Cyprus<br />

Lysta (& Iconium) Central Turkey<br />

Magog (Rus & Rosh) Russia<br />


Meshech/Mosoch Moscow<br />

Midian Western Saudi Arabia <strong>and</strong> Southern Jordan<br />

Mizraim Egypt<br />

Moab (Ammon &<br />

Edom)<br />

Ophir (Dedan, Jobab &<br />

Sheba)<br />

Obal (Abimael, Sheleph, &<br />

Uzal)<br />

Jordan<br />

Saudi Arabia<br />

Yemen<br />

Padan-aram (& Haran) Eastern Syria<br />

Pergamum (Ephesus &<br />

Smyrna)<br />

Western Turkey<br />

Persia Iran <strong>and</strong> some of Iraq<br />

Philippi (Berea, Corinth,<br />

Athens &<br />

Thessalonica)<br />

Greece<br />

Philistia Palestine<br />

Phoenicia Lebanon<br />

Phut/Put Libya <strong>and</strong> some of Egypt <strong>and</strong> North Africa<br />

Riphath Europe<br />

Rus (Magog & Rosh) Russia<br />

Rosh (Magog & Rus) Russia<br />

Salem (& Zion) Jerusalem, Israel<br />

Scythia Southern Russia<br />

Sheba (Ophir, Jobab &<br />

Dedan)<br />

Saudi Arabia<br />

Shechem Nablus<br />


Sheleph (Abimael, Obal, &<br />

Uzal)<br />

Yemen<br />

Shinar Iraq - <strong>An</strong>cient Babel <strong>and</strong> present day "Babylon"<br />

Sidon (& Tyre) Western Lebanon (Coastal)<br />

Sinites Chinese<br />

Smyrna Izmir, Western Turkey<br />

Tarshish Carthage (or possibly Great Britain)<br />

Tarsus Eastern Turkey<br />

Thessalonica (Berea,<br />

Corinth, Philippi &<br />

Athens)<br />

Greece<br />

Tiras Italy<br />

Togarmah Parts of Turkey, Turkomen, Turkestan <strong>and</strong><br />

Armenia<br />

Tubal Turkey (or possibly Tobolosk)<br />

Tyre (& Sidon) Western Lebanon (Coastal)<br />

Ur Southeastern Iraq<br />

Uzal (Abimael, Obal, &<br />

Sheleph)<br />

Yemen<br />

Zion (& Salem) Jerusalem, Israel<br />


Homonyms<br />

Sometimes while reading the Bible (or even just as the Holy Spirit speaks<br />

throughout the day) you will find words that may have a double meaning by<br />

applying a words homonym <strong>and</strong> meaning to that phrase or verse. This<br />

practice could also be applied in many cases to Synonyms as well. This<br />

example list includes Homonyms, Homophones, Heteronyms, & Homographs.<br />

Homonyms can also cross over into another language <strong>and</strong> create what is called<br />

a Cognate.<br />

Sound Spelling Meaning<br />

homonym same same different<br />

heteronym different same different<br />

homograph not specified same different<br />

homophone same different different<br />

Add Ad<br />

Aid Aide<br />

Arrow Aero<br />

Ail Ale<br />

Air Heir Hair<br />

Ark Arch<br />

Altar Alter<br />

Aloud Allowed<br />

Aisle Isle<br />

Allusion Illusion Elusion<br />

<strong>As</strong>cent <strong>As</strong>sent Accent<br />


Ate Eight<br />

Awe All<br />

Eye I<br />

Accept Except<br />

Access Excess<br />

Addition Edition<br />

Affect Effect<br />

Are Our Hour<br />

<strong>As</strong>sure Ensure Insure<br />

Baal Bail Bale<br />

Bald Bawled<br />

B<strong>and</strong> Banned<br />

Bard Barred<br />

Bate Bait<br />

Base Bass<br />

Bases Basis<br />

Bear Bare<br />

Bark Braque<br />

Barren Baron<br />

Baul Bawl<br />

Beach Beech<br />

Birth Berth<br />

Beat Beet<br />

Berry Bury<br />


Better Bettor<br />

Bite Byte<br />

Block Bloc<br />

Boar Boer Boor Bore<br />

Bowl Bole<br />

Boos Booze<br />

Borough Burrow<br />

Build Billed<br />

Blew Blue<br />

Board Bored<br />

Boulder Bolder<br />

Bow Bow<br />

Boy Buoy<br />

Bread Bred<br />

Breadth Breath<br />

Bridal Bridle<br />

Buy By Bye Bi<br />

Cash Cache<br />

Capital Capitol<br />

Cannon Canon<br />

Canvas Canvass<br />

Carat Caret Carrot<br />

Cast Caste<br />

Casual Causal<br />


Cease Seize<br />

Cede Seed<br />

Ceiling Sealing<br />

Cell Sell<br />

Cellar Seller<br />

Census Senses<br />

Cent Scent Sent<br />

Cents Sense<br />

Cereal Serial<br />

Chews Choose<br />

Chord Cord<br />

Chute Shoot<br />

Cite Site<br />

Climactic Climatic<br />

Close Clothes Cloths<br />

Course Course<br />

Coma Comma<br />

Comm<strong>and</strong> Commend<br />

Commence Comments<br />

Complacent Complaisant<br />

Complement Compliment<br />

Confidant Confident<br />

Confidentially Confidently<br />

Conscience Conscious<br />


Consul Council Counsel<br />

Coo Coup<br />

Cooperation Corporation<br />

Costume Custom<br />

Courtesy Curtsy<br />

Credible Creditable<br />

Critic Critique<br />

Cue Queue<br />

Currant Current<br />

Dammed Damned<br />

Days Daze<br />

Deceased Diseased<br />

Decent Descent Dissent<br />

Decree Degree<br />

Decry Descry<br />

Defer Differ<br />

Deference Difference<br />

Deposition Disposition<br />

Depraved Deprived<br />

Deer Dear<br />

Die Dye<br />

Deprecate Depreciate<br />

Desert Dessert<br />

Device Devise<br />


Dew Due<br />

Do Dough Doe<br />

Dock Doc<br />

Discreet Discrete<br />

Diverse Divers<br />

Draft Draught<br />

Dual Duel<br />

Eligible Illegible<br />

Elusive Illusive<br />

Emerge Immerge<br />

Emigrate Immigrate<br />

Emanate Eminent Imminent<br />

Envelop Envelope<br />

Essay <strong>As</strong>say<br />

Ewe Yew You<br />

Exalt Exult<br />

Exceed Accede<br />

Eyelet Islet<br />

Fair Fare<br />

Farrow Pharaoh<br />

Faze Phase<br />

Feat Feet<br />

Feted Fetid<br />

Few Phew<br />


Flare Flair<br />

Flee Flea<br />

Flour Flower<br />

Foreword Forward<br />

Foul Fowl<br />

Gate Gait<br />

Gild Gilled Guild<br />

Grill Grill Grill<br />

Hail Hale<br />

Hall Haul Haul Haul<br />

Hanger Hanger<br />

Heal Heel<br />

Heard Herd<br />

Hoard Horde<br />

Hose Hoes<br />

Hole Whole<br />

Holy Wholly<br />

Humorous Humerus<br />

Idle Idol Idyll<br />

Inn In<br />

Inc. Ink<br />

Insight Incite<br />

Jean Jean<br />

Knead Need<br />


Knight Night<br />

Knot Naught Not<br />

Lacks Lax<br />

Lessen Lesson<br />

Liar Lyre Lire<br />

Liken Lichen<br />

Lightening Lightning<br />

Load Lode<br />

Lone Loan<br />

Mane Main<br />

Maize Maze<br />

Maul Mall<br />

Manner Manor<br />

Meddle Medal<br />

Might Mite<br />

Miner Minor<br />

Mourning Morning<br />

Navel Naval<br />

Nay Neigh<br />

None Nun<br />

Oar Ore<br />

Oh Owe<br />

Ordinance Ordnance<br />

Overdo Overdue<br />


Pail Pale<br />

Pain Pane<br />

Pair Pare Pear<br />

Palate Palette Pallet<br />

Pause Paws<br />

Pea Pee<br />

Peak Peek Pique<br />

Peal Peel<br />

Peddle Pedal<br />

Plain Plane<br />

Pray Prey<br />

Principal Principle<br />

Quarts Quartz Courts<br />

Rain Rein Reign<br />

Raise Raze Rise<br />

Rap Wrap<br />

Read Reed<br />

Roe Row<br />

Root Route<br />

Rot Wrought<br />

Rote Wrote<br />

Rude Rued<br />

Sachet Sashay<br />

Seam Seem<br />


Sear Seer<br />

Serf Surf<br />

Shear Sheer<br />

Sick Sic<br />

Slay Sleigh<br />

Soar Sore<br />

Sole Soul<br />

Son Sun<br />

Stake Steak<br />

Stationary Stationery<br />

Storey Story<br />

Succor Sucker<br />

Suite Sweet<br />

Sundae Sunday<br />

Symbol Cymbal<br />

Taught Taut<br />

Team Teem<br />

Throne Thrown<br />

Tic Tick<br />

Tighten Titan<br />

Timber Timbre<br />

Troop Troup<br />

Urn Earn<br />

Use Ewes<br />


Vain Vein<br />

Vale Veil<br />

Verses Versus<br />

Wade Weighed<br />

Wail Wale Whale<br />

Waist Waste<br />

Wave Waive<br />

Want Wont<br />

Wet Whet<br />

Whine Wine<br />

Who's Whose<br />

Wonder W<strong>and</strong>er<br />

Xi Psi<br />

Yack Yak<br />

Yoke Yolk<br />

If it helps use a concordance to search out these terms<br />

Hebrew Homonyms<br />

These are Hebrew words that are either spelled the same, or they sound the<br />

same when you speak them. The niqqud markings around the letters are used<br />

to differentiate how to speak the letter, but normally these are left out <strong>and</strong> to<br />

find the right meaning of the word you have to look at it in its contexts of the<br />

passage it's written in. Hebrew is a very rich language <strong>and</strong> you may be able to<br />

find prophetic meaning, but using the alternate meaning of a word in context.<br />

This is a list of some Hebrew Homonyms:<br />

Wor<br />

d<br />

Translation Wor<br />

d 2<br />

Trans 2 Wor<br />

d 3<br />

121<br />

Trans 3 Wor<br />

d 4<br />

Trans<br />


בב Father,<br />

<strong>An</strong>cestor<br />

ךְָא Surely, Only<br />

לוֹק Voice לֹּ כ All, Every<br />

םֵׁש Name םָש There<br />

םַע People םִע With םֵׁא Mother<br />

ב ֶרֶח Sword ב ֶרֶק Midst<br />

לֶא To, Into,<br />

Toward<br />

לֵׁא God<br />

ןיֵׁב Between ןיִב To<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>,<br />

Discern<br />

דַע Until, Unto דֵׁע A witness,<br />

Testimony,<br />

Evidence<br />

רֶקֺּב Morning רַחָב He chose<br />

רָשָי Straight,<br />

Upright<br />

רַשָי He was<br />

straight,<br />

Straightforwar<br />

d, Upright<br />

ע ַר Evil, Bad ַע ֵׁר Friend<br />

קָזָח Strong קַזָח He became<br />

strong<br />

שָדָח New שֶדֹּ ח New Moon,<br />

Month<br />

שֶדֹּ ק Holiness,<br />

Holy thing,<br />

Sanctuary<br />

השָק Hard,<br />

Difficult<br />

שַדָק He was holy<br />

הָסָכ He covered,<br />

Concealed<br />

122<br />

רַסָי He<br />

admonishe<br />

d,<br />

Chastised<br />

שדח He<br />

renewed,<br />


םֶחֶל Bread םחל He fought<br />

רֶפֵׁס Book, Scroll רפס He counted,<br />

He told,<br />

Related<br />

הָיַח Living thing,<br />

<strong>An</strong>imal<br />

הָיָח He lived,<br />

Revived<br />

תֵׁע Time תֵׁא With<br />

הֹּ פ Here הֶפ Mouth<br />

עַדָי He knew הדי He praised,<br />

Confessed,<br />

Gave thanks<br />

דֶלֶי Child דַלָי He begot<br />

(children)<br />

תָבַש Sabbath תַבָש He ceased,<br />

Rested<br />

ֶהיֵׁנְׁש<br />

ם<br />

The two of<br />

them<br />

םִיַנְׁש Two<br />

ע ַרֶז Seed ַעֺּרְׁז Arm, Strength ע ַרָז He sowed<br />

ךַלָמ He reigned,<br />

Became<br />

king<br />

ךְָאְׁלַמ <strong>An</strong>gel,<br />

Messenger<br />

דַבָע He served דֶבֶע Servant, Slave דַבב He<br />

perished<br />

א ָרָק He called ע ַרָכ He knelt,<br />

Bowed down<br />

הָלָע He went up הָלֹּ ע Whole burnt<br />

offering<br />

123<br />

ע ַרָק He tore ה ַרָח anger<br />

was<br />

hot,<br />

Burne<br />


חַלָש He sent ךלש He cast,<br />

Threw<br />

רָכָז Male רַכָז He<br />

remembered<br />

ב ֶרֶק Midst ב ַרָק Battle<br />

חַכָש He forgot קַחָש He laughed,<br />

Jested<br />

ךרב He blessed ח ַרָב He fled<br />

לַלָה He praised ללה He praised<br />

אָשָנ He lifted,<br />

Carried<br />

עַשֶפ Rebellion,<br />

Transgressi<br />

on<br />

חַבָז He<br />

sacrificed<br />

לַחַנ Torrent<br />

valley, Wadi<br />

עַסָנ He sent out,<br />

Departed,<br />

Journeyed<br />

עַשָפ He rebelled,<br />

Transgressed<br />

חַבֶז Sacrifice<br />

לַחָנ He took,<br />

Possession,<br />

inherited<br />

עבש He swore עַבָש He was<br />

satisfied,<br />

Sated<br />

הָלָכ He (it) was<br />

completed,<br />

Finished<br />

הטנ He<br />

stretched<br />

out,<br />

Extended<br />

הָלָח He was sick,<br />

Weak<br />

עַטָנ He planted<br />

124<br />

חַלָס He forgave<br />

הסנ He tested,<br />

Tired<br />

עַבֶש Seven

הֶאוֹר Seer,<br />

Prophet<br />

הָקָש He drank,<br />

He watered<br />

ראָש He was left,<br />

Leftover<br />

הֶעוֹר Shepherd<br />

החש He bowed<br />

down,<br />

Worshiped<br />

רַעַש Gate<br />

ןֶזֹּ א Ear ןזא He listened,<br />

Heard<br />

ךְ ַרָע He<br />

arranged,<br />

Set in order<br />

ךְ ַרב He prolonged<br />

רַחָב He chose רָקָב Herd, Cattle<br />

רחנ He was<br />

sorry, Had<br />

compassion<br />

, Suffered<br />

grief,<br />

Repented<br />

רֵׁחב <strong>An</strong>other,<br />

Other<br />

עַקָב He split<br />

open<br />

םקנ He avenged,<br />

Took<br />

vengeance<br />

רַחא Behind, After<br />

הָכָב He wept<br />


HaShem<br />

Invoking the names of God reinforces your prayers, as does praying in Hebrew.<br />

When prophetically praying form something, use the name of GOD that uses<br />

that need. For example when praying for provision use Jehovah-Jireh.<br />

Adir—"Strong One"<br />

Adon Olam—"Master of the World"<br />

Adoni—"My LORD"<br />

Aibishter—"The Most High" (Yiddish)<br />

Aleim—sometimes seen as an alternative transliteration of Elohim<br />

Avinu Malkeinu—"Our Father, our King"<br />

Bore—"the Creator"<br />

Ehiyeh sh'Ehiyeh—"I Am That I Am": a modern Hebrew version of "Ehyeh<br />

asher Ehyeh"<br />

Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak ve Elohei Ya`aqov—"God of Abraham,<br />

God of Isaac, <strong>and</strong> God of Jacob"<br />

Elohei Sara, Elohei Rivka, Elohei Leah ve Elohei Rakhel—"God of Sarah,<br />

God of Rebecca, God of Leah, <strong>and</strong> God of Rachel"<br />

El ha-Gibbor—"God the hero" or "God the strong one" or "God the<br />

warrior"<br />

EL Shaddai—"God Almighty"<br />

EL— "God"<br />

Elah-Avahati—God of my fathers, (Daniel 2:23)<br />

Elah Elahin— God of gods (Daniel 2:47)<br />

Elah Yerushelem— God of Jerusalem (Ezra 7:19)<br />

Elah Yisrael— God of Israel (Ezra 5:1)<br />

Elah Shemaya— God of Heaven (Ezra 7:23)<br />

Eloah—singular feminine form of Elohim<br />

Elohim— "God All Powerful"<br />

Elyon—"God Most High" (supreme)<br />

El Shalon—God of Peace<br />

Emet—"Truth"<br />

E'in Sof—"endless, infinite", Kabbalistic name of God<br />

HaKadosh, Barukh Hu (Hebrew); Kudsha, Brikh Hu (Aramaic)—"The Holy<br />

One, Blessed be He"<br />

HaMakom—"The Omnipresent" (the place)<br />

HaRachaman-"The Merciful One"<br />

HaShem— "The Name"<br />

Jehovah— "Yahweh"<br />


Jah— Shortened form Jehovah<br />

Kadosh Israel—"Holy One of Israel"<br />

Melech HaMelachim—"The King of kings" or Melech Malchei HaMelachim<br />

"The King, King of kings", to express superiority to the earthly rulers title.<br />

Makom or HaMakom—literally "the place", perhaps meaning "The<br />

Omnipresent"; see Tzimtzum<br />

Magen Avraham—"Shield of Abraham"<br />

Ribono shel `Olam—"Master of the World"<br />

Ro'eh Yisra'el—"Shepherd of Israel"<br />

Shekhinah—"Dwell" (presence)<br />

Tzur Israel—"Rock of Israel"<br />

Uri Gol— "The new LORD for a new era" (Judges 5:14)<br />

YHWH—"Shortened form of Yahweh"<br />

Yah— shortened form of Yahweh or YHWH<br />

YHWH-Yireh (Jehovah-Jireh)—"The LORD will provide" (Genesis 22:13–14)<br />

YHWH-Rapha (Jehovah-Rapha)—"The LORD that heals" (Exodus 15:26)<br />

YHWH-Niss"i (Jehovah-Nissi)—"The LORD our Banner" (Exodus 17:8–15)<br />

YHWH-Shalom (Jehovah-Shalom)—"The LORD our Peace" (Judges 6:24)<br />

YHWH-Ro'I (Jehovah-Roi)—"The God Who sees" (Genesis 16:13)<br />

YHWH-Tsidkenu (Jehovah-Tsidkenu) —"The LORD our Righteousness"<br />

(Jeremiah 23:6)<br />

YHWH-Tzevaot (Jehovah-Tzevaot)—The LORD of Hosts, or Armies"<br />

(Exodus 6:26, 7:4, 12:41)<br />

YHWH-Shammah (Jehovah-Shammah)—"The LORD is present" (Ezekiel<br />

48:35)<br />

According to Jewish mystics there are 72 names of God found in the original<br />

Hebrew of Exodus 14:91-21. The names are derived by writing the letters of<br />

the three verses one above the other, with no vowel points, spaces, or<br />

punctuation marks, the first from right to left, the second from left to right,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the third from right to left. The names are then read from the top<br />

downwards.<br />


The suffix of "El" <strong>and</strong> "Yah" are added to the names to create the names of 72<br />

<strong>An</strong>gels. There are 3 common styles of these names in English:<br />

1 Vehu-iah Vehu-jah Vaheva[-yah]<br />

2 Jeli-el Jeli-el Yolayo[-el]<br />

3 Sita-el Sita-el Sayote[-yah]<br />

4 Elem-iah Elem-jah Ealame[-yah]<br />

5 Mahas-iah Mahas-jah Meheshi[-yah]<br />

6 Lelah-el Lelah-el Lalahe[-el]<br />

7 Acha-iah Acha-jah Aacahe[-yah]<br />

8 Kahet-el Cahet-el Cahetha[-el]<br />

9 Azi-el Hazi-el Hezayo[-el]<br />

10 Alad-iah Alad-jah Aalada[-yah]<br />

11 Lauv-iah Lavi-jah Laaava[-yah]<br />

12 Haha-iah Haha-jah Heheea[-yah]<br />


13 Jezal-el Jezal-el Yozala[-el]<br />

14 Mebah-el Mebah-el Mebehe[-el]<br />

15 Hari-el Hari-el Hereyo[-el]<br />

16 Hakam-iah Hakam-jah Heqome[-yah]<br />

17 Lano-iah Leav-jah Laaava[-yah]<br />

18 Kali-el Cali-el Calayo[-el]<br />

19 Leuv-iah Levu-jah Lavava[-yah]<br />

20 Pahal-iah Pahal-iah Pehela[-yah]<br />

21 Neleka-el Nelcha-el Nulaca[-el]<br />

22 Jeiai-el Jeii-el Yoyoyo[-el]<br />

23 Melah-el Melah-el Melahe[-el]<br />

24 Hahu-iah Hahvi-jah Cheheva[-yah]<br />

25 Nith-Ha-iah Nitha-jah Nuthahe[-yah]<br />

26 Haa-iah Haa-jah Heaaaa[-yah]<br />

27 Jerath-el Jerath-el Yoretha[-el]<br />

28 See-iah See-jah Shiaahe[-yah]<br />

29 Reii-el Reii-el Reyoyo[-el]<br />

30 Oma-el Oma-el Aavame[-el]<br />

31 Lekab-el Lecab-el Lacabe[-el]<br />

32 Vasar-iah Vasar-jah Vashire[-yah]<br />

33 Jehu-iah Jehu-jah Yocheva[-yah]<br />

34 Lahab-iah Lehah-jah Laheche[-yah]<br />

35 Kevak-iah Cavac-jah Cavako[-yah]<br />

36 Menad-el Manad-el Menuda[-el]<br />


37 <strong>An</strong>i-el <strong>An</strong>i-el Aanuyo[-el]<br />

38 Haam-iah Haam-jah Heeame[-yah]<br />

39 Reha-el Reha-el Reheea[-el]<br />

40 Ieiaz-el Jeiaz-el Yoyoza[-el]<br />

41 Hahah-el Haha-el Hehehe[-el]<br />

42 Mika-el Mica-el Meyoca[-el]<br />

43 Veubi-ah Veval-jah Vavala[-yah]<br />

44 Ielah-iah Jelah-jah Yolahe[-yah]<br />

45 Seal-iah Saal-jah Saaala[-yah]<br />

46 Ari-el Ari-el Eareyo[-el]<br />

47 <strong>As</strong>al-iah <strong>As</strong>al-jah Eashila[-yah]<br />

48 Miha-el Miha-el Meyohe[-el]<br />

49 Vehu-el Vehu-el Vaheva[-el]<br />

50 Dani-el Dani-el Danuyo[-el]<br />

51 Hahas-iah Hahas-jah Hecheshi[-yah]<br />

52 Imam-iah Imam-jah Eameme[-yah]<br />

53 Nana-el Nana-el Nunuaa[-el]<br />

54 Nitha-el Nitha-el Nuyotha[-el]<br />

55 Meba-iah Mebah-jah Mebehe[-yah]<br />

56 Poi-El Poi-El Pevayo[-el]<br />

57 Nemam-iah Nemam-jah Numeme[-yah]<br />

58 Jeial-el Jeiali-el Yoyola[-el]<br />

59 Harah-el Harah-el Hereche[-el]<br />

60 Mizra-el Mizra-el Mezare[-el]<br />


61 Umab-el Umab-el Vamebe[-el]<br />

62 Jah-H-el Jahh-el Yohehe[-el]<br />

63 <strong>An</strong>ianu-el <strong>An</strong>av-el Eanuva[-el]<br />

64 Mehi-el Mehi-el Mecheyo[-el]<br />

65 Damab-iah Damab-jah Damebe[-yah]<br />

66 Manak-el Manak-el Menuko[-el]<br />

67 Eiai-el Eiai-el Aayoea[-el]<br />

68 Habu-iah Habu-jah Chebeva[-yah]<br />

69 Roch-el Roeh-el Reaahe[-el]<br />

70 Jabam-iah Jabam-jah Yobeme[-yah]<br />

71 Hai-el Haiai-el Heyoyo[-el]<br />

72 Mum-iah Mum-jah Mevame[-yah]<br />

Monogramata<br />

The letter Hey commonly appears written either alone or repeated five times to<br />

represent the Name of God.<br />

According to the Jewish mystics, Hey represents the divine breath or revelation.<br />

On the fifth day, the LORD created ruach ("living creatures") <strong>and</strong> this<br />

corresponds to the letter Hey. Since the numerical value of Hey is five, this<br />

corresponds on a physical level to the five fingers, the five senses, <strong>and</strong> the five<br />

dimensions. On a spiritual level it corresponds to the five levels of soul:<br />

Nefesh - instincts<br />

Ruach - emotions<br />

Neshamah - mind<br />

Chayah - bridge to transcendence<br />

Yechidah – oneness<br />

"By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; <strong>and</strong> all the host of them by<br />

the breath of his mouth" (Psalm 33:6). In the Talmud (Menachot 29b) it is said<br />


that the "breath of His mouth" refers to the sound of the letter Hey - the out<br />

breathing of Spirit.<br />

The letter Aleph is the "father" of the Aleph-Bet, whose original pictograph<br />

represents an ox, strength, <strong>and</strong> leader. Its numerical value is one (<strong>and</strong> also<br />

1,000) <strong>and</strong> it is a silent letter. Aleph therefore is preeminent in its order <strong>and</strong><br />

alludes to the ineffable mysteries of the oneness of God. Indeed, the word aleph<br />

(derived from the very name of this letter) means "Master" or "Lord."<br />

In the classical Hebrew script (ketav <strong>As</strong>hurit) used for writing Torah scrolls,<br />

Aleph is constructed with two Yods (one to the upper right <strong>and</strong> the other to the<br />

lower left) that are joined by a diagonal Vav. Ketav <strong>As</strong>hurit was the script that<br />

Jesus would have read (ketav Ivri was an older script, similar to ancient<br />

Phoenician. Ketav Ivri is also sometimes called the Temple Script because<br />

samples of it are extant dated to the time of Solomon's Temple).<br />

The basic gematria for the letter Aleph is one, indicating the One <strong>and</strong> only God<br />

who is the Master of the universe. Note, however, that the gematria for the<br />

parts of the letter Aleph add up to 26 (Yod + Yod + Vav). This is the same<br />

number as the sacred Name YHVH, also indicating a link between the Aleph <strong>and</strong><br />

God Himself. This is also demonstrated in Exodus 3:14-15, where the LORD<br />

reveals His Name to Moses as I AM THAT I AM (<br />

)<br />

Digrammaton<br />

Refers to a two-letter Name of God. In the Scriptures, there are two main<br />

digrammata:<br />

The Name<br />


(Aleph-Lamed) comes from a root word meaning "might, strength, power,” the<br />

primary meanings of this root are "god" (pagan or false gods), "God" (the true<br />

God of Israel), <strong>and</strong> sometimes "the mighty" (referring to men or angels). When<br />

used of the true God of Israel, El is almost always qualified by additional words<br />

that further define the meaning that distinguish Him from false gods. These<br />

other Names or Titles for God are sometimes called "construct forms."<br />

<strong>An</strong>other digrammaton is the Name<br />

(Yah). It is generally thought that Yah is a shortened form of YHVH. This Name of<br />

God occurs about 50 times in the Tanakh. In Psalm 68:4, the 5 th H is particularly<br />

stressed. The Name YAH is also found in the construct word "hallelu-YAH,"<br />

which means "you [pl.] praise the LORD," as well as in many Biblical proper<br />

names (e.g., Eliyahu).<br />

The Rabbi’s state that God used the letter Hey to create the present world<br />

(olam hazeh) <strong>and</strong> Yod to create the world to come (olam habah). The sages<br />

derive this idea from the Name<br />

(Yah) found in Isaiah 26:4:<br />

How did they come up with this? Well, they consider b'yah in the text as<br />

meaning "with Yod-Hey" instead of referring to the Name Yah.<br />

In most Siddurim (prayer books) <strong>and</strong> other Jewish religious literature, you will<br />

often see the Sacred Name written in an abbreviated manner as Yod-Yod:<br />

This is done to avoid casually reading, writing or saying the sacred Name of God.<br />

Some mystics claim that this convention is also a Name of God, though that is<br />

unlikely.<br />

The Tetragrammaton<br />


In the Tanakh, YHVH is the personal name of God <strong>and</strong> his most frequent<br />

designation, occurring over 5,200 times. This is the Ineffable Name or<br />

Unutterable Name of the God of Israel. Because it is composed from the four<br />

Hebrew letters Yod, Hey, Vav, <strong>and</strong> Hey, it is also referred to as the<br />

"Tetragrammaton," which simply means "the four letters." Kabbalists, or Jewish<br />

Mystics use the Name (<strong>and</strong> permutations of it) in their meditations.<br />

Though we do not know how to pronounce the sacred Name, we can be<br />

confident that the letters derive from the Hebrew verb "to be" (HaYah) <strong>and</strong><br />

indicate God's utter transcendence as the Source <strong>and</strong> Ground of all being.<br />

The Octagrammaton<br />

"Octagrammaton" means "eight letters" <strong>and</strong> refers to an eight-letter Name of<br />

God created by interspersing the letters for Adonai with the letters for the<br />

Tetragrammaton:<br />

The Decagrammaton<br />

The so-called "Ten Letter Name of God" is derived from running together the<br />

names of the first three Sefirot (divine emanations or attributes of God which<br />

are said comprise the mystical "Tree of Life"): Keter (Crown), Chokhmah<br />

(Wisdom), <strong>and</strong> Binah (Underst<strong>and</strong>ing):<br />

The Twelve Letter Name of God<br />


There are two forms of this Name. The first form of the twelve letter Name is<br />

simply YHVH three times:<br />

This comes from the prayer liturgy: Adonai Melech, Adonai Malchah, Adonai<br />

Yimlokh L'Olam Va'ed – "YHVH is King, YHVH was King, YHVH will be King forever<br />

<strong>and</strong> ever."<br />

A second form of the 12-letter Name consists of the initials of the twelve tribes<br />

of Israel. These are recited in reverse order according to the breastplate of the<br />

Urim <strong>and</strong> Thumim: Reuben, Shimeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulon, Dan,<br />

Naphtali, Gad, <strong>As</strong>her, Yosef, <strong>and</strong> Benyamin:<br />

The Fourteen Letter Name of God<br />

The Fourteen Letter Name was derived from the phrase Adonai Eloheinu Adonai<br />

from the Shema, <strong>and</strong> was sometime written on the backs of mezuzot. The Name<br />

is formed by the simple method of substitution known as At-Bash Encryption:<br />

The 22 Letter Name of God<br />

The 22 Letter Name is sometimes considered part of the 72 Letter Name (see<br />

below) that includes reference to the 12 tribes of Israel:<br />

The 33 Letter Name of God<br />

This Name is derived from the Torah <strong>and</strong> is comprised of nine Names of God run<br />

together: Adonai, El, Eloah, Elohim, Shaddai, Tzeva'ot, Ehyeh, Yah, <strong>and</strong> YHVH:<br />


The 42 Letter Name of God<br />

The 42-Letter Name (like many of the others) has no known pronunciation, <strong>and</strong><br />

perhaps was derived from the 2nd-century prayer "<strong>An</strong>a Bekoach." It is<br />

mentioned in the Talmud <strong>and</strong> many of the Jewish Sages have speculated about<br />

its significance:<br />

The 72 Names of God - (or the 216 Letter Name of God)<br />

The 216-Letter Name of God is really a 72-part Name, since it is a sequence of<br />

72 triads of letters all of which are derived from permutations on Exodus 14:19-<br />

21 (which itself is composed of three verses of 72 letters each).<br />

To create the first triad, you put together the first letter of verse 14:19, the last<br />

letter of verse 14:20, <strong>and</strong> then the first letter of 14:21. To create the next triad,<br />

you put together the second letter of 14:19, the second to last of 14:20, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

second letter of 14:21. This continues until all the letters are used up. Like so:<br />


Using the algorithm, you will find the following 72 triads of letters embedded in<br />

Exodus 14:19-21:<br />

Theoretical the Jewish Mystics will look at each of the 72 triads <strong>and</strong> consider<br />

them as one of the 72 Names of God.<br />

The 304,805 Letter Name of God<br />

What is the "best" Hebrew Name of God? Some of the Jewish sages have said<br />

that it is revealed by reciting all 304,805 letters of the Torah in a series. That is,<br />

string together all 304,805 letters of the Torah - from the first letter of Bereshit<br />

(Bet) through the last letter of Devarim (Lamed) - <strong>and</strong> "read" this as a single<br />

"Word."<br />

Of course, we should also add the letters for the Prophets (neviim) <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Writings (ketuvim) to the Torah's 304,805 letters, not to mention the 138,020<br />

words of the Greek New Testament. When we do so, we have the 3,000,000<br />

letter name of God!<br />


Onomastics<br />

When Onomastics, or the meanings of Names, combined with Genealogy can<br />

sometime form a logical phrase or a prophecy. The most famous example is<br />

the meaning of the names form Adam to Noah:<br />

(God), Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah,<br />

Lamech, Noah<br />

Meaning:<br />

"(The God-)Man is appointed; a mortal man of sorrow is born! The Glory<br />

of God shall come down <strong>and</strong> teach that His death shall bring, the<br />

grieving, comfort <strong>and</strong> rest."<br />

A List of names in the Bible <strong>and</strong> their respective meanings:<br />

*Those who were Old Testament Prophets <strong>and</strong> how their names were<br />

prophetic of the life they would grow up to live.<br />

Aarat, high or holy ground<br />

*Aaron, a teacher; lofty; mountain of strength, a teacher or lofty<br />

Abba, father<br />

Abaddon, the destroyer, See APOLLYON (a destroyer), the angel of the<br />

bottomless pit<br />

Abagtha, father of the wine-press, A Persian chamberlain, God-given; one of the<br />

seven eunuchs in the Persian court of Ahasuerus in charge of the wine.<br />

Abana, made of stone; a building, perennial, stony,<br />

Abarim, passages; passengers, regions beyond<br />

Abda, a servant; servitude<br />

Abdeel, a vapor; a cloud of God, servant of God<br />

Abdi, my servant<br />

Abdiel, servant of God<br />


Abdon, servant; cloud of judgment, servile<br />

Abednego, servant of light; shining, servant of Nego=Nebo<br />

Abel, a city; mourning, vanity; breath; transitoriness<br />

Abel-beth-maachah, mourning to the house of Maachah, meadow of the house<br />

of Maachah, Also called ABEL-MAIM<br />

Abel-maim, mourning of waters<br />

Abel-meholah, mourning of sickness, meadow of dancing, or the dancingmeadow<br />

Abel-mizraim, The mourning of Egyptians<br />

Abel-shittim, mourning of thorns, meadow of the acacias<br />

Abez, an egg; muddy<br />

Abi, my father, my father is Jehovah<br />

Abiah, the Lord is my father,<br />

Abi-albon, most intelligent father, father of strength, Also called ABIEL<br />

Abiasaph, consuming father; gathering, father of gathering, i.e. gathered father<br />

of gathering; the gatherer<br />

Abiathar, excellent father; father of the remnant, father of abundance, i.e.<br />

liberal, father of abundance, or my father excels<br />

Abib, green fruit; ears of corn, an ear of corn, green fruits<br />

Abidah, (or Abida) father of knowledge<br />

Abidan, father of judgment, father of the judge<br />

Abiel, God my father, father (i.e., "possessor") of God = "pious."<br />

Abiezer, (or Abieezer) father of help, father of help, helpful<br />

Abigail, the father's joy, father, i.e. source, of joy<br />

Abihail, The father of strength, father of, i.e. possessing, strength<br />


Abihu, he is my father, he (God) is my father, father of Him; i.e., "worshipper of<br />

God"<br />

Abihud, father of praise; confession, father of renown, famous, father (i.e.,<br />

"possessor") of renown<br />

*Abijah, the Lord is my father, father (i.e., "possessor or worshipper") of<br />

Jehovah<br />

Abijam, father of the sea, father of the sea; i.e., "seaman", Abijah or Abijam: my<br />

father is Jehovah<br />

Abilene, father of mourning, l<strong>and</strong> of meadows<br />

Abimael, a father sent from God, father of Mael<br />

Abimelech, father of the king<br />

Abinadab, father of a vow, or of willingness father of nobleness; i.e., “noble”,<br />

Abinoam, father of pleasantness<br />

Abiram, high father; father of deceit, father of height; i.e., "proud."<br />

Abishag, ignorance of the father<br />

Abishai, the present of my father, father of (i.e., "desirous of")<br />

Abishalom, father of peace<br />

Abishua, father of salvation, father of welfare; i.e., "fortunate."<br />

Abishur, father of the wall; father of uprightness, father of the wall<br />

Abital, the father of the dew; or of the shadow, father of the dew<br />

Abitub, father of goodness,<br />

Abiud, father of praise<br />

Abner, father of light<br />

*Abram, high father<br />

*Abraham, father of a great multitude<br />


Absalom, father of peace<br />

Accad, a vessel; pitcher; spark<br />

Accho, close; pressed together<br />

Aceldama, field of blood<br />

Achab, brother of the father<br />

Achaia, grief; trouble<br />

Achaicus, a native of Achaia; sorrowing; sad<br />

Achan, or Achar, he that troubles, troubler, valley of trouble<br />

Achaz, one that takes, or possesses<br />

Achbor, a rat; bruising<br />

Achim, preparing; revenging; confirming<br />

Achish, thus it is; how is this<br />

Achmetha, brother of death<br />

Achor, trouble<br />

Achsah, adorned; bursting the veil<br />

Achshaph, poison; tricks<br />

Achzib, liar; lying; one that runs<br />

Adadah, testimony of the assembly<br />

Adah, an assembly, ornament, beauty<br />

Adaiah, the witness of the Lord<br />

Adaliah, one that draws water; poverty; cloud; death<br />

Adam, earthy; red<br />

Adamah, red earth; of blood<br />


Adami, my man; red; earthy; human<br />

Adar, high; eminent<br />

Adbeel, vapor<br />

Addi, my witness; adorned; prey<br />

Addin, adorned; delicious; voluptuous<br />

Addon, basis; foundation; the Lord<br />

Adiel, the witness of the Lord<br />

Adin, Adina, adorned; voluptuous; dainty<br />

Adithaim, assemblies; testimonies<br />

Adlai, my witness; my ornament<br />

Admah, earthy; red; bloody<br />

Admatha, a cloud of death; a mortal vapor<br />

Adna, pleasure; delight<br />

Adnah, eternal rest<br />

Adoni-bezek, (or Adonibezek) the lightning of the Lord; the Lord of lightning<br />

Adonijah, the Lord is my master<br />

Adonikam, the Lord is raised<br />

Adoniram, my Lord is most high; Lord of might <strong>and</strong> elevation<br />

Adoni-zedek, justice of the Lord; lord of justice<br />

Adoraim, strength of the sea<br />

Adoram, their beauty; their power<br />

Adrammelech, the cloak, glory, gr<strong>and</strong>eur or power of the king<br />

Adramyttium, the court of death<br />


Adriel, the flock of God<br />

Adullam, their testimony; their prey; their ornament<br />

Adummim, earthy; red; bloody things<br />

Aeneas, praised; praiseworthy<br />

Aenon, a cloud; fountain; his eye<br />

*Agabus, a locust; the father's joy or feast<br />

Agag, roof; upper floor<br />

Agar, or Hagar, a stranger; one that fears<br />

Agee, a valley; deepness<br />

Agrippa, one who causes great pain at his birth, king hero-like<br />

Agur, stranger; gathered together<br />

Ahab, uncle, or father's brother<br />

Aharah, a smiling brother; a meadow of a sweet savor<br />

Aharhel, another host; the last sorrow; a brother's sheep<br />

Ahasbai, trusting in me; a grown-up brother<br />

Ahasuerus, prince; head; chief<br />

Ahava, essence; being; generation<br />

Ahaz, one that takes or possesses<br />

Ahaziah, seizure; vision of the Lord<br />

Ahi, my brother; my brethren<br />

Ahiah, brother of the Lord<br />

Ahiam, mother's brother; brother of a nation<br />

Ahian, brother of wine<br />


Ahiezer, brother of assistance<br />

Ahihud, brother of vanity, or of darkness, or of joy, or of praise; witty brother<br />

Ahijah, brother of the Lord<br />

Ahikam, a brother who raises up or avenges<br />

Ahilud, a brother born, or begotten<br />

Ahimaaz, a brother of the council<br />

Ahiman, brother of the right h<strong>and</strong><br />

Ahimelech, my brother is a king; my king's brother<br />

Ahimoth, brother of death<br />

Ahinadab, a willing brother; brother of a vow<br />

Ahinoam, beauty of the brother; brother of motion<br />

Ahio, his brother; his brethren<br />

Ahira, brother of iniquity; brother of the shepherd<br />

Ahiram, brother of craft, or of protection<br />

Ahisamach, brother of strength<br />

Ahishahur, brother of the morning or dew; brother of blackness<br />

Ahishar, brother of a prince; brother of a song<br />

Ahithophel, brother of ruin or folly<br />

Ahitub, brother of goodness<br />

Ahlab, made of milk, or of fat; brother of the heart<br />

Ahlai, beseeching; sorrowing; expecting<br />

Ahoah, a live brother; my thorn or thistle<br />

Aholah, his tabernacle; his tent<br />


Aholiab, the tent of the father<br />

Aholibah, my tent, or my tabernacle, in her<br />

Aholibamah, my tabernacle is exalted<br />

Ahumai, a meadow of waters; a brother of waters<br />

Ahuzam, their taking or possessing vision<br />

Ahuzzah, possession; seizing; collecting<br />

Ai, or Hai, mass; heap<br />

Aiah, vulture, raven; an isle; alas, where is it?<br />

Aiath, same as Ai; an hour; eye; fountain<br />

Aijeleth-Shahar, (or Aijeleth Shahar) the l<strong>and</strong> of the morning<br />

Ain, same as Aiath<br />

Ajalon, a chain; strength; a stag<br />

Akkub, foot-print; supplanting; crookedness; lewdness<br />

Akrabbim, scorpions<br />

Alammelech, God is king<br />

Alemeth, hiding; youth; worlds; upon the dead<br />

Alian, high<br />

Alleluia, praise the Lord<br />

Allon, an oak; strong<br />

Allon-bachuth, the oak of weeping<br />

Almodad, measure of God<br />

Almon, hidden<br />

Almon-diblathaim, hidden in a cluster of fig trees<br />


Alpheus, a thous<strong>and</strong>; learned; chief,<br />

Alush, mingling together<br />

Alvah, his rising up; his highness<br />

Amad, people of witness; a prey<br />

Amal, labor; iniquity<br />

Amalek, a people that licks up<br />

Aman, mother; fear of them<br />

Amana, integrity; truth; a nurse<br />

Amariah, the Lord says; the integrity of the Lord<br />

Amasa, sparing the people<br />

Amasai, strong<br />

Amashai, the people's gift<br />

Amashi-ali, same as Amaziah<br />

Ami, mother; fear; people<br />

Amaziah, the strength of the Lord<br />

Aminadab, my people is liberal<br />

Amittai, true; fearing<br />

Ammah, my, or his, people<br />

Ammi, same as Ammah<br />

Ammiel, the people of God<br />

Ammihud, people of praise<br />

Amminadab, my people is liberal<br />

Ammishaddai, the people of the Almighty; the Almighty is with me<br />


Ammizabad, dowry of the people<br />

Ammon, a people; the son of my people<br />

Amnon, faithful <strong>and</strong> true; tutor<br />

Amok, a valley; a depth<br />

Amon, faithful; true<br />

Amorite, bitter; a rebel; a babbler<br />

*Amos, loading; weighty<br />

Amoz, strong; robust<br />

Amplias, large; extensive<br />

Amram, an exalted people; their sheaves; h<strong>and</strong>fuls of corn<br />

Amraphel, one that speaks of secrets<br />

Amzi, strong, mighty<br />

<strong>An</strong>ab, a grape; a knot<br />

<strong>An</strong>ah, one who answers; afflicted<br />

<strong>An</strong>aharath, dryness, burning, wrath<br />

<strong>An</strong>aiah, Jehovah answers<br />

<strong>An</strong>ak, a collar; ornament<br />

<strong>An</strong>amim, a fountain; answer; affliction<br />

<strong>An</strong>ammelech, answer; poverty of the king<br />

<strong>An</strong>ani, a cloud; prophecy; divination<br />

<strong>An</strong>anias, or <strong>An</strong>aniah, the cloud of the Lord<br />

<strong>An</strong>athema, separated; set apart<br />

<strong>An</strong>athoth, or <strong>An</strong>ath, answer; song; poverty<br />


<strong>An</strong>drew, a strong man, manly<br />

<strong>An</strong>dronicus, a man excelling others<br />

<strong>An</strong>em, or <strong>An</strong>en, an answer; their affliction<br />

<strong>An</strong>er, answer; song; affliction<br />

<strong>An</strong>iam, a people; the strength or sorrow of people<br />

<strong>An</strong>im, answering's; singings; afflicted<br />

*<strong>An</strong>na, gracious; one who gives<br />

<strong>An</strong>nas, one who answers; humble<br />

<strong>An</strong>tichrist, an adversary to Christ<br />

<strong>An</strong>tioch, speedy as a chariot<br />

<strong>An</strong>tipas, for all, or against all<br />

<strong>An</strong>tipatris, for, or against the father<br />

<strong>An</strong>tothijah, answers or songs of the Lord; afflictions<br />

<strong>An</strong>ub, same as <strong>An</strong>ab<br />

Apelles, exclusion; separation<br />

Apharsathchites, Apharsites (from a root meaning) dividing or rending<br />

Aphek, Aphekah, strength; a rapid torrent<br />

Aphekah, a city in Judah<br />

Aphik, Aphekah, Aphik ; a rapid torrent<br />

Aphiah, speaking, blowing<br />

Apocalypse, uncovering, revelation<br />

Apocrypha, hidden<br />

Apollonia, perdition, destruction<br />


Apollonius, destroying<br />

Apollos, one who destroys; destroyer<br />

Apollyon, a destroyer, <strong>An</strong>gel of the bottomless pit<br />

Appaim, face; nostrils<br />

Apphia, productive; fruitful<br />

Aquila, an eagle<br />

Ar, awakening; uncovering<br />

Ara, cursing; seeing<br />

Arab, multiplying; sowing sedition; a window; a locust<br />

Arabia, evening; desert; ravens<br />

Arad, a wild ass; a dragon<br />

Arah, the way; a traveler<br />

Aram, highness, magnificence, one that deceives; curse<br />

Aran, an ark; their curse, wild goat<br />

Ararat, the curse of trembling<br />

Araunah, ark; song; joyful cry<br />

Arba, four<br />

Archelaus, the prince of the people<br />

Archippus, a master of horses<br />

Arcturus, a gathering together<br />

Ard, one that comm<strong>and</strong>s; he that descends, one that descending, descent<br />

Ardon, ruling; a judgment of malediction<br />

Areli, the light or vision of God<br />


Areopagus, the hill of Mars<br />

Aretas, agreeable, virtuous<br />

Argob, a turf, or fat l<strong>and</strong><br />

Ariel, altar; light or lion of God<br />

Arimathea, a lion dead to the Lord<br />

Arioch, long; great; tall<br />

Aristarchus, the best prince<br />

Aristobulus, a good counselor, the best counselor,<br />

Armageddon, hill of fruits; mountain of Megiddo<br />

Arnon, rejoicing; sunlight<br />

Aroer, heath; tamarisk<br />

Árpád, the light of redemption<br />

Arphaxad, a healer; a releaser<br />

<strong>Art</strong>axerxes, King of Persia; honored king; great warrior<br />

<strong>Art</strong>emas, whole, sound<br />

Arumah, high; exalted<br />

<strong>As</strong>a, physician; cure<br />

<strong>As</strong>ahel, creature of God<br />

<strong>As</strong>aiah, the Lord hath wrought<br />

<strong>As</strong>aph, who gathers together<br />

<strong>As</strong>areel, the beatitude of GOD<br />

<strong>As</strong>enath, peril; misfortune<br />

<strong>As</strong>han, smoke<br />


<strong>As</strong>hbel, an old fire<br />

<strong>As</strong>hdod, effusion; inclination; theft<br />

<strong>As</strong>her, happiness<br />

<strong>As</strong>herah, a Semitic mother goddess<br />

<strong>As</strong>hima, crime; offense<br />

<strong>As</strong>hkenaz, a fire that spreads<br />

<strong>As</strong>hnah, change<br />

<strong>As</strong>hriel, same as <strong>As</strong>areel<br />

<strong>As</strong>htaroth, <strong>As</strong>htoreth, flocks; sheep; riches<br />

<strong>As</strong>hur, who is happy; or walks; or looks, black<br />

<strong>As</strong>ia, muddy; boggy,<br />

<strong>As</strong>iel, the work of God<br />

<strong>As</strong>kelon, weight; balance; fire of infamy<br />

<strong>As</strong>napper, unhappiness; increase of danger<br />

<strong>As</strong>riel, help of God<br />

<strong>As</strong>sir, prisoner; fettered<br />

<strong>As</strong>shurim, liers in want; beholders<br />

<strong>As</strong>sos, approaching; coming near<br />

<strong>As</strong>sur, same as <strong>As</strong>hur<br />

<strong>As</strong>syria, country of <strong>As</strong>sur or <strong>As</strong>hur<br />

<strong>As</strong>uppim, gatherings<br />

<strong>As</strong>yncritus, incomparable<br />

Atad, a thorn<br />


Atarah, a crown<br />

Ataroth, crowns<br />

Ataroth-addar, crowns of power<br />

Ater, left h<strong>and</strong>; shut<br />

Athach, thy time<br />

Athaiah, the Lord's time<br />

Athaliah, the time of the Lord<br />

Athlai, my hour or time<br />

Attai, same as Athlai<br />

Attalia, that increases or sends from Attalus<br />

Augustus, increased, augmented venerable<br />

Ava, or Ivah, iniquity<br />

Aven, iniquity; force; riches; sorrow<br />

Avim, wicked or perverse men<br />

Avith, wicked, perverse<br />

Azaliah, near to the Lord<br />

Azaniah, hearing the Lord; the Lord's weapons<br />

*Azariah, he that hears the Lord<br />

Azaz, strong one<br />

Azazel, the scape-goat<br />

Azaziah, strength of the Lord<br />

Azekah, strength of walls<br />

Azgad, a strong army; a gang of robbers<br />


Azmaveth, strong death; a he-goat<br />

Azmon, bone of a bone; our strength<br />

Aznoth-tabor, the ears of Tabor; the ears of purity or contrition<br />

Azor, a helper; a court<br />

Azotus, effusion; inclination; theft<br />

Azrael, the <strong>An</strong>gel of Death<br />

Azriel, help of God<br />

Azrikam, help, revenging<br />

Azubah, forsaken<br />

Azur, he that assists or is assisted<br />

Azzan, their strength<br />

Azzur, he that assists or is assisted<br />

Baal, master; lord, Lord, "owner" or "lord", also "husb<strong>and</strong>" (as possessor of the<br />

wife); possessor, controller;<br />

Baalah, her idol; she that is governed or subdued; a spouse, mistress<br />

Baalath, a rejoicing; our proud lord, see Baal no. the height of the south<br />

Baalath-Beer, subjected pit Baalah of the well,<br />

Baal-berith, idol of the covenant, Covenant lord<br />

Baale, same as Baalath<br />

Baal-gad, idol of fortune or felicity, Lord of fortune<br />

Baal-hamon, who rules a crowd, Place of a multitude<br />

Baal-hermon, possessor of destruction or of a thing cursed, Lord of Hermon<br />

Baal-hanan, the Lord is gracious;<br />

Baali, my idol; lord over me, My lord <strong>An</strong> appellation of JEHOVAH<br />


Baalim, idols; masters; false gods<br />

Baalis, a rejoicing; a proud lord; lord of joy, rules;<br />

Baal-meon, idol or master of the house<br />

Baal-peor, master of the opening<br />

Baal-perazim, god of divisions<br />

Baal-shalisha, the god that presides over three; the third idol<br />

Baal-tamar, master of the palm-tree<br />

Baal-zebub, god of the fly<br />

Baal-zephon, the idol or possession of the north; hidden; secret<br />

Baana, , in the answer; in affliction; affliction;<br />

Baanah, son of grief,<br />

Baara, a flame; purging<br />

Baaseiah, in making; in pressing together; Jehovah is bold;<br />

Baasha, he that seeks, or lays waste; boldness, offensive, he who lays waste;<br />

Babel, confusion; mixture, confusion, gate of God<br />

Babylon, same as Babel, Gate Of The Deity, anointment or consecration or<br />

confusion or mixing,<br />

Baca, a mulberry-tree<br />

Bahurim, choice; warlike; valiant<br />

Bajith, a house;<br />

Bakbakkar, diligent searcher;<br />

Bakbuk, a flagon, hollow;<br />

Bakbukiah, wasted by Jehovah, effusion of Jehovah<br />


Balaam, the ancient of the people; the destruction of the people; a pilgrim,<br />

devouring, lord of the people;<br />

Baladan, one without judgment;<br />

Balak, who lays waste or destroys;;'<br />

Bamah, an eminence or high place<br />

Barabbas, son of shame, confusion<br />

Barachel, that bows before God<br />

Barachias, same as Barachel<br />

Barak, thunder, or in vain<br />

Barjesus, son of Jesus or Joshua son of Jesus, wise<br />

Barjona, son of a Jonah; of a dove<br />

*Barnabas, son of the prophet, or of consolation<br />

Barsabas, son of return; son of rest son of Sabas or rest<br />

Bartholomew, a son that suspends the waters<br />

Bartimeus, son of the honorable<br />

Baruch, who is blessed<br />

Barzillai, son of contempt; made of iron<br />

Bashan, in the tooth, in ivory<br />

Bashemath, perfumed; confusion of death; in desolation<br />

Bathsheba, daughter of oath<br />

Bathsuha, daughter of wealth<br />

Bealiah, the god of an idol; in an assembly<br />

Bealoth, cast under<br />

Bebai, void, empty<br />


Becher, first begotten; first fruits<br />

Bechorath, first fruits<br />

Bedad, alone; solitary<br />

Bedaiah, Bedeiah, the only Lord<br />

Bedan, according to judgment<br />

Beeliada, an open idol<br />

Beelzebub, same as Baalzebub<br />

Beer, a water well<br />

Beera, a well; declaring<br />

Beerelim, the well of Elim, or of rains<br />

Beeri, my well<br />

Beer-lahai-roi, the well of him that liveth <strong>and</strong> seeth me<br />

Beeroth, wells; explaining<br />

Beersheba, the well of an oath; the seventh well<br />

Behemoth, beasts<br />

Bekah, half a shekel<br />

Belah, destroying<br />

Belial, wicked, worthless<br />

Belshazzar, master of the treasure<br />

Belteshazzar, who lays up treasures in secret<br />

Ben, a son<br />

Benaiah, son of the Lord<br />

Ben-ammi, son of my people<br />


Beneberak, sons of lightning<br />

Bene-jaakan, sons of sorrow<br />

Benhadad, son of Hadad, or noise<br />

Benhail, son of strength<br />

Benhanan, son of grace<br />

Benjamin, son of the right h<strong>and</strong><br />

Benimi, our sons<br />

Beno, his son<br />

Benoni, son of my sorrow, or pain<br />

Benzoheth, son of separation<br />

Beon, in affliction<br />

Beor, burning; foolish; mad, burning or torch, a torch<br />

Bera, a well; declaring<br />

Berachah, blessing; bending the knee<br />

Berachiah, speaking well of the Lord<br />

Beraiah, the choosing of the Lord<br />

Berea, heavy; weighty<br />

Bered, hail<br />

Beri, my son; my corn<br />

Beriah, in fellowship; in envy<br />

Berith, covenant<br />

Bernice, one that brings victory, bearer of victory,<br />

Berodach-baladan, the son of death<br />


Berothai, wells; a cypress<br />

Berothath, of a well<br />

Besai, a despising; dirty<br />

Besodeiah, counsel of the Lord<br />

Besor, glad news; incarnation<br />

Betah, confidence<br />

Beten, belly<br />

Bethabara, the house of confidence<br />

Bethanath, house of affliction<br />

Bethany, house of song; the house of affliction, house of dates, or house of<br />

misery, House of Misery<br />

Betharabah, house of depression (in the sense of 'desert valley')<br />

Beth-aram, house of height<br />

Beth-aven, the house of vanity; of iniquity of trouble<br />

Beth-azmaveth, house of death's strength<br />

Beth-baalmeon, an idol of the dwelling-place<br />

Beth-barah, the chosen house<br />

Beth-birei, the house of my Creator, the house of my health<br />

Beth-car, the house of the lamb<br />

Beth-dagon, the house of corn, or of fish<br />

Beth-diblathaim, house of dry figs<br />

Bethel, the Beth (Hebrew)|house of God<br />

Bethemek, house of deepness<br />

Bether, division, or in the trial<br />


Bethesda, house of pity or mercy<br />

Beth-ezal, a neighbor's house<br />

Beth-gader, a house for a mouse<br />

Beth-gamul, house of recompense, or of the camel<br />

Beth-haccerem, house of the vineyard<br />

Beth-haran, house of grace<br />

Beth-horon, house of wrath<br />

Beth-lebaoth, house of lionesses<br />

Beth-lehem, (Hebrew) house of bread<br />

Beth-marcaboth, house of bitterness wiped out<br />

Beth-meon, house of the dwelling-place<br />

Beth-millo, Kings :<br />

Beth-nimrah, house of leopards<br />

Beth-palet, house of expulsion<br />

Beth-pazzez, house of dividing asunder<br />

Beth-peor, house of gaping, or opening<br />

Bethphage, house of my month, or of early figs<br />

Beth-phelet, same as Beth-palet<br />

Beth-rapha, house of health<br />

Bethsaida, house of fruits, or of food, or of snares<br />

Bethshan, Beth-shean, house of the tooth, or of ivory, or of sleep<br />

Beth-shemesh, Beth (Hebrew)|house of the sun<br />

Bethuel, filiation of God<br />


Beth-zur, house of a rock<br />

Betonim, bellies<br />

Beulah, married<br />

Bezai, eggs<br />

Bezaleel, in the shadow of God<br />

Bezek, lightning; in the chains<br />

Bezer, vine branches<br />

Bichri, first-born; first fruits<br />

Bidkar, in compunction, or sharp pain<br />

Bigthan, in the press; giving meat<br />

Bigvai, in my body<br />

Bildad, old friendship<br />

Bileam, the ancient of the people; the devourer<br />

Bilgah, ancient countenance<br />

Bilhah, timid<br />

Bilshan, in the tongue<br />

Binea, son of the Lord<br />

Binnui, building<br />

Birsha, an evil; a son who beholds<br />

Bishlam, in peace<br />

Bithiah, daughter or worshiper of the Yah<br />

Bithron, divisions<br />

Bithynia, violent precipitation<br />


Bizjothjah, despite<br />

Blastus, that buds or brings forth<br />

Boanerges, son of thunder<br />

Boaz, a pillar of strength<br />

Bocheru, the first born<br />

Bochim, the place of weeping; or of mulberry-trees<br />

Bohan, in them<br />

Boskath, in poverty<br />

Boson, taking away<br />

Bozez, mud; bog<br />

Bozrah, in tribulation or distress<br />

Bukki, void<br />

Bukkiah, the dissipation of the Lord<br />

Bul, old age; perishing<br />

Bunah, building; underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

Bunni, building me; my underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

Buz, despised; plundered<br />

Buzi, my contempt<br />

Cabbon, as though underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

Cabul, displeasing; dirty<br />

Caesar, one cut out, the surname for all Roman emperors described in the New<br />

Testament.<br />

Caiphas, he that seeks with diligence, a searcher<br />

Cain, possession, possessed; acquisition, fabrication<br />


Cainan, Kenan, acquisition;<br />

Calah, favorable; opportunity;<br />

Calcol, nourishing<br />

Caleb, a dog; a crow; a basket; bold, impetuous;<br />

Caleb-Ephratah, see Ephratah<br />

Calneh, our consummation<br />

Calno, our consummation; altogether himself<br />

Calvary, the place of a skull<br />

Camon, his resurrection<br />

Cana, zeal; jealousy; possession<br />

Canaan, merchant; trader; or that humbles <strong>and</strong> subdues<br />

C<strong>and</strong>ace, who possesses contrition<br />

Capernaum, the field of repentance; city of comfort<br />

Caphtor, a sphere, buckle, or h<strong>and</strong><br />

Cappadocia, the same as Caphtor<br />

Carcas, the covering of a lamb<br />

Charchemish, a lamb; as taken away; withdrawn<br />

Careah, bald; ice<br />

Carmel, circumcised lamb; harvest; full of ears of corn<br />

Carmi, my vineyard; lamb of the waters<br />

Carpus, fruit; fruitful<br />

Carshena, a lamb; sleeping<br />

Casiphia, money; covetousness<br />


Casluhim, hopes of life<br />

Cedron, black; sad<br />

Cenchrea, millet; small pulse<br />

Cephas, a rock or stone<br />

Cesar a name applied to those who are cut out of the womb<br />

Chalcol, who nourishes, consumes, <strong>and</strong> sustains the whole<br />

Chaldea, as demons, or as robbers<br />

Charran, a singing or calling out<br />

Chebar, force or strength<br />

Chedorlaomer, roundness of a sheaf<br />

Chelal, as night<br />

Chelub, a basket<br />

Chelluh, all<br />

Chelubai, he altogether against me<br />

Chemarims, black ones<br />

Chemosh, h<strong>and</strong>ling; stroking; taking away<br />

Chenaanah, broken in pieces<br />

Chenani, my pillar<br />

Chenaniah, preparation, or disposition, or strength, of the Lord<br />

Chephirah, a young lion covered with his mane or a village protected by walls<br />

Cheran, anger<br />

Cherith, cutting; piercing; slaying<br />

Chesed, as a devil, or a destroyer<br />


Chesil, foolishness<br />

Chesulloth, fearfulness<br />

Chidon, a dart<br />

Chiliab, totality; or the perfection of the father<br />

Chilion, finished; complete; perfect<br />

Chilmad, teaching or learning<br />

Chimham, as they; like to them<br />

Chios, open; opening<br />

Chisleu, Cisleu, Casleu, rashness; confidence<br />

Chislon, hope, trust<br />

Chisloth-tabor, fears; purity<br />

Chittem, those that bruise; gold<br />

Chloe, green herb<br />

Chorazin, the secret; here is a mystery<br />

Chozeba, men liers in wait<br />

Christ, anointed; The <strong>An</strong>ointed One;<br />

Christian, the disciples were first called "Christians" at <strong>An</strong>tioch on the Orontes<br />

(Acts :). The name "Christian" appears in the New Testament at Acts: Peter:<br />

"Christian" occurs times in the New Testament (Acts: Pet. :). Believers called The<br />

term "Christian" of the party of Christ “brethren,” “the faithful,” “elect,”<br />

“saints,” “believers,” to the followers of Jesus<br />

Chun, making ready<br />

Chushan-rishathaim, blackness of iniquities<br />

Chuza, the seer or prophet<br />

Cilicia, which rolls or overturns<br />


Cis, same as Kish<br />

Clauda, a lamentable voice<br />

Claudia, Claudius, lame<br />

Clement, mild; good; merciful<br />

Cleophas, the whole glory<br />

Cnidus, age<br />

Colhozeh, every prophet<br />

Colosse, punishment; correction<br />

Coniah, strength of the Lord<br />

Coos, top, summit<br />

Corinth, Greece, which is satisfied; ornament; beauty<br />

Cornelius, of a horn<br />

Cosam, divining<br />

Coz, a thorn<br />

Cozbi, a liar; sliding away<br />

Crescens, growing; increasing<br />

Crete, carnal; fleshly<br />

Crispus, curled<br />

Cush, Cushan, Cushi, Ethiopians; blackness<br />

Cuth, Cuthah, burning<br />

Cyprus, fair; fairness<br />

Cyrene, a wall; coldness; the floor<br />

Cyrenius, who governs<br />


Cyrus, as miserable; as heir, King of Persia; means the son of truth<br />

Dabareh, the word; the thing; a bee; obedient<br />

Dabbasheth, flowing with honey<br />

Daberath, the word; the thing; a bee; obedient (the same as Dabareh)<br />

Dagon, corn; a fish god worship by human (baby) sacrifice burned to the beating<br />

of drums<br />

Dalaiah, the poor of the Lord<br />

Dalmanutha, a bucket; a branch<br />

Dalmatia, deceitful lamps; vain brightness<br />

Dalphon, the house of caves<br />

Damaris, a little woman<br />

Damascus, a sack full of blood; the similitude of burning<br />

Dan, judgment; he that judges<br />

*Daniel, judgment of God; God my judge<br />

Dannah, judging<br />

Darah, generation; house of the shepherd or of the companion<br />

Darda, home of knowledge; a pearl of wisdom;<br />

Darius, King of Persia; kind man; he that informs himself of a king;<br />

Darkon, of generation; of possession; bearer of scattering;<br />

Dathan, laws or rites; belonging to law;<br />

David, well-beloved, dear; beloved;<br />

Debir, an orator; a word; speaker;<br />

*Deborah, word; thing; a bee<br />

Decapolis, containing ten cities<br />


Dedan, their breasts; friendship; a judge; low, their friendship;<br />

Dedanim, the descendants of Dedan<br />

Dekar, force; lance bearer, perforation<br />

Delaiah, the poor of the Lord; Jehovah is deliverer;<br />

Delilah, poor; small; head of hair, Samson’s mistress, languishing, She made him<br />

sleep upon her knees, <strong>and</strong> then called the man who was waiting to help her;<br />

who "cut off the seven locks of his head," <strong>and</strong> so his "strength went from him."<br />

(See SAMSON)<br />

Demas, popular; ruler of people;<br />

Demetrius, belonging to corn, or to Ceres<br />

Derbe, a sting<br />

Deuel, the knowledge of God<br />

Deuteronomy, repetition of the law<br />

Diana, luminous, perfect<br />

Diblaim, cluster of figs<br />

Diblath, paste of dry figs<br />

Dibon, abundance of knowledge<br />

Dibon-gad, great underst<strong>and</strong>ing; abundance of sons<br />

Dibri, an orator<br />

Dibzahab, Dizahab, where much gold is<br />

Didymus, a twin; double<br />

Diklah, Dildah, his diminishing<br />

Dilean, that is poor<br />

Dimon, where it is red<br />

Dimonah, dunghill<br />


Dinah, judgment; who judges<br />

Dinhabah, he gives judgment<br />

Dionysius, divinely touched<br />

Diotrephes, nourished by Jupiter<br />

Dishan, a threshing<br />

Dishon, fatness; ashes<br />

Dodai, Dodanim, beloved<br />

*Dodavah, love<br />

Dodo, his uncle<br />

Doeg, careful, who acts with uneasiness<br />

Dophkah, a knocking<br />

Dor, generation, habitation<br />

Dorcas, a female roe-deer<br />

Dothan, the law; custom<br />

Drusilla, watered by the dew<br />

Dumali, silence; resemblance<br />

Dura, generation, habitation (same as Dor)<br />

Eagle, a tearer with the beak properly the griffon vulture or great vulture, so<br />

called from its tearing its prey with its beak<br />

Earing, ploughing plough or till<br />

Earnest, pledge<br />

East, which is before or in front of a person<br />

Ebal, ancient heaps<br />

Ebed, a servant; laborer<br />


Ebed-melech, the king's servant<br />

Eben-Ezer, the stone of help<br />

Eber, one that passes; anger<br />

Ebiasaph, a father that gathers or adds<br />

Ebronah, passage over; being angry<br />

Ecclesiastes, a preacher<br />

Ecclesiasticus, or the Wisdom of Sirach = Joshua, Joshua, savior, or whose help is<br />

Jehovah, I am; the eternal living one Jehovah, self-subsisting<br />

Ed, witness<br />

Eden, pleasure; delight<br />

Eder, a flock<br />

Edom, red, earthy; of blood<br />

Edrei, a very great mass, or cloud<br />

Eglah, heifer; chariot; round<br />

Eglaim, drops of the sea<br />

Eglon, heifer; chariot; round(same as Eglah)<br />

Ehi, my brother<br />

Ehud, he that praises<br />

Eker, barren, feeble<br />

Ekron, barrenness; torn away<br />

Eladah, the eternity of God<br />

Elah, an oak; a curse; perjury<br />

Elam, a young man; a virgin; a secret<br />

Elasah, the doings of God<br />


Elath, a hind; strength; an oak<br />

El-beth-el, the God of Bethel<br />

Eldaah, knowledge of God<br />

Eldad, favored of God; love of God<br />

Elead, witness of God<br />

Elealeh, burnt-offering of God<br />

Eleasah, whom God made<br />

Eleazar, help of God, court of God<br />

El-elohe-Israel, God, the God of Israel<br />

Eleph, learning<br />

Elhanan, grace, or gift, or mercy of God<br />

Eli, the offering or lifting up<br />

Eli, my God<br />

Eliab, God is my father; God is the father<br />

Eliada, knowledge of God<br />

Eliah, God the Lord<br />

Eliahba, my God the Father<br />

Eliakim, resurrection of God<br />

Eliam, the people of God<br />

*Elias, God the Lord, the strong Lord (same as *Elijah)<br />

Eliasaph, the Lord increaseth<br />

Eliashib, the God of conversion<br />

Eliathah, thou art my God<br />


Elidad, beloved of God<br />

Eliel, God, my God<br />

Elienai, the God of my eyes<br />

Eliezer, help, or court, of my God<br />

Elihoreph, god of winter, or of youth<br />

Elihu, he is my God himself<br />

*Elijah, God the Lord, the strong Lord<br />

Elika, pelican of God<br />

Elim, the rams; the strong; stags<br />

Elimelech, my God is king<br />

Elioenai, toward him are mine eyes; or to him are my fountains<br />

Eliphal, a miracle of God<br />

Eliphalet, the God of deliverance<br />

Eliphaz, the endeavor of God<br />

Elizabeth, the oath, or fullness, of God<br />

*Elisha, salvation of God<br />

Elishah, it is God; the lamb of God: God that gives help<br />

Elishama, God hearing<br />

Elishaphat, my God judgeth<br />

Elisheba, the oath, or fullness, of God (same as Elisabeth)<br />

Elishua, God is my salvation<br />

Eliud, God is my praise<br />

Elizur, God is my strength; my rock; rock of God<br />


Elkanah, God the zealous; the zeal of God<br />

Elkeshai, hardiness or rigor of God<br />

Ellasar, revolting from God<br />

Elkoshite, a man of Elkeshai<br />

Elm, strong<br />

Elmodam, the God of measure, or of the garment<br />

Elnaam, God's fairness<br />

Elnathan, God hath given; the gift of God<br />

Elohi, Elohim, God<br />

Elon, oak; grove; strong<br />

Elon-beth-hanan, the house of grace or mercy<br />

Elpaal, God's work<br />

Elpalet, the God of deliverance (same as Eliphalet)<br />

Eltekeh, of grace or mercy<br />

Elteketh, the case of God<br />

Eltolad, the generation of God<br />

Elul, cry or outcry<br />

Eluzai, The Warrior of God<br />

Elymas, a magician, a corrupter<br />

Elzabad, the dowry of God<br />

Elzaphan, God of the northeast wind<br />

Emims, fears; terrors; formidable; people<br />

Emmanuel, God with us<br />


Emmaus, people despised or obscure<br />

Emmor, an ass<br />

Enam, fountain, open place<br />

Enan, cloud<br />

En-dor, fountain, eye of generation, or of habitation<br />

Eneas, laudable<br />

En-eglaim, eye, or fountain, of calves<br />

En-gannim, eye, or fountain, of protection or of gardens<br />

En-gedi, eye, or fountain, of the goat, or of happiness<br />

En-haddah, quick sight; well of gladness<br />

En-hakkore, fountain of him that called or prayed<br />

En-hazor, the grass of the well<br />

En-mishpat, fountain of judgment<br />

*Enoch, dedicated; disciplined<br />

Enon, cloud; mass of darkness; fountain; eye<br />

Enos, mortal man; sick; despaired of; forgetful<br />

En-rimmon, well of weight<br />

En-rogel, the fuller's fountain; the well of searching<br />

En-shemesh, fountain, or eye, of the sun<br />

En-tappuah, fountain of an apple, or of inflation<br />

Epaphras, covered with foam<br />

Epaphroditus, agreeable; h<strong>and</strong>some<br />

Epenetus, laudable; worthy of praise<br />


Ephah, weary; tired<br />

Epher, dust; lead<br />

Ephes-dammim, effusion of blood<br />

Ephesus, desirable<br />

Eph-lal, judging; praying<br />

Ephphatha, be opened<br />

Ephraim, fruitful; increasing<br />

Ephratah, Ephrath, abundance; bearing fruit<br />

Ephron, dust<br />

Epicurean, follower of Epicurus, i.e., of one who gives assistance<br />

Er, watchman<br />

Eran, follower<br />

Erastus, lovely, amiable<br />

Eri, my city<br />

*Esaias, the salvation of the Lord (same as *Isaiah)<br />

Esar-haddon, that closes the point; joy; cheerfulness<br />

Esau, he that acts or finishes<br />

Esek, contention<br />

Eshbaal, the fire of the idol, or of the ruler<br />

Esh-ban, fire of the sun<br />

Eshcol, bunch of grapes<br />

Eshean, held up<br />

Eshek, violence, force<br />


Eshkalon, same as <strong>As</strong>kelon<br />

Eshtaol, a strong woman<br />

Eshtemoa, the bosom of a woman<br />

Esli, near me; he who separates<br />

Esmachiah, joined to the Lord<br />

Esrom, dart of joy; division of a song<br />

Esther, secret; hidden<br />

Etam, their bird, their covering<br />

Etham, their strength; their sign<br />

Ethan, strong; the gift of the isl<strong>and</strong><br />

Ethanim, strong; valiant<br />

Ethbaal, toward the idol, or with Baal<br />

Ethiopia, blackness; heat<br />

Ethnan, gift<br />

Ethni, strong<br />

Eubulus, prudent; good counselor<br />

Eunice, good victory<br />

Euodias, sweet scent<br />

Euphrates, that makes fruitful<br />

Eutychus, happy; fortunate<br />

Eve, living; enlivening<br />

Evi, unjust<br />

Evil-merodach, the fool of Merodach; the fool grinds bitterly<br />


Exodus, going out, departure<br />

Ezbon, hastening to underst<strong>and</strong><br />

*Ezekiel, the strength of God<br />

Ezel, going abroad; walk<br />

Ezem, a bone<br />

Ezer, a help<br />

Ezion-Geber, the wood of the man<br />

Ezra, help; court<br />

Ezri, my help<br />

Felix, happy, happy, prosperous<br />

Festus, festive joyful, festal, prosperous<br />

Fortunatus, lucky, fortunate, prosperous<br />

Gaal, contempt; abomination<br />

Gaash, tempest; commotion<br />

Gabbai, the back<br />

Gabbatha, high; elevated<br />

Gabriel, God is my strength<br />

*Gad, a b<strong>and</strong>; a troop<br />

Gadarenes, men of Gadara, i.e., a place surrounded or walled<br />

Gaddi, my troop; a kid<br />

Gaddiel, goat of God; the Lord my happiness<br />

Gaius, lord; an earthly man<br />

Galal, a roll, a wheel<br />


Galatia, white; the color of milk<br />

Galeed, the heap of witness<br />

Galilee, cylinder; circuit; district; wheel<br />

Gallim, who heap up; who cover<br />

Gallio, who sucks, or lives on milk<br />

Gamaliel, recompense of God; camel of God<br />

Gammadims, dwarfs<br />

Gamul, a recompense<br />

Gareb, a scab<br />

Garmites, men of Garmi, i.e., bones, or, my cause<br />

Gatam, their lowing; their touch<br />

Gath, a wine-press<br />

Gath-rimmon, the high wine-press<br />

Gaza, strong; a goat<br />

Gazabar, a treasurer<br />

Gazer, a dividing; a sentence<br />

Gazez, a passing over<br />

Gazzam, the fleece of them<br />

Geba, a hill; cup<br />

Gebal, bound; limit<br />

Geber, manly, strong<br />

Gebim, grasshoppers; height<br />

Gedaliah, God is my greatness<br />


Geder, Gederah, Gederoth, a wall<br />

Gederothaim, hedges<br />

Gehazi, valley of sight<br />

Geliloth, rolling, wheel, heap<br />

Gemalli, wares; a camel<br />

Gemariah, accomplishment or perfection of the Lord<br />

Gennesaret, garden of the prince<br />

Genesis, beginning<br />

Genubath, theft; robbery<br />

Gera, pilgrimage, combat; dispute<br />

Gerar, same as Gera<br />

Gergesenes, those who come from pilgrimage or fight<br />

Gerizim, cutters, hatchets<br />

Gershom, a stranger here<br />

Gershon, his banishment; the change of pilgrimage<br />

Geshur, Geshuri, sight of the valley; a walled valley<br />

Gether, the vale of trial or searching<br />

Gethsemane, a very fat or plentiful vale<br />

Geuel, God's redemption<br />

Gezer, dividing, sentence<br />

Giah, to guide; draw out; produce; a groan or sigh<br />

Gibbar, strong, manly<br />

Gibbethon, a back; a high house<br />


Gibeah, a hill<br />

Gibeon, hill; cup; thing lifted up<br />

Giddel, great<br />

Gideon, he that bruises or breaks; a destroyer<br />

Gideoni, same as Gideon<br />

Gihon, valley of grace<br />

Gilalai, a wheel<br />

Gilboa, revolution of inquiry<br />

Gilead, the heap or mass of testimony<br />

Gilgal, wheel; rolling; heap<br />

Giloh, he that rejoices; he that overturns<br />

Gimzo, that bulrush (the papyrus), fertile in sycamores a place fertile in<br />

sycamores<br />

Ginath, Ginnetho, protection<br />

Girgashite, who arrives from pilgrimage<br />

Gispa, coming hither<br />

Gittah-hepher, digging; a wine-press<br />

Gittaim, a wine-press<br />

Gittites, men of Gath, i.e., of a wine-press<br />

Goath, his touching; his roaring<br />

Gob, cistern; grasshopper<br />

Gog, roof; covering<br />

Golan, passage; revolution<br />

Golgotha, a heap of skulls; something skull-shaped<br />


Goliath, passage; revolution; heap<br />

Gomer, to finish; complete<br />

Gomorrah, rebellious people<br />

Goshen, approaching; drawing near<br />

Gozan, fleece; pasture; who nourisheth the body<br />

Gudgodah, happiness<br />

Guni, a garden; a covering<br />

Gur, the young of a beast; a whelp<br />

Gur-baal, the governor's whelp<br />

Haahashtari, a runner<br />

Habaiah, the hiding of the Lord<br />

*Habakkuk, he that embraces; a wrestler<br />

Habazinaiah, a hiding of the shield of the Lord<br />

Habor, a partaker; a companion<br />

Hachaliah, who waits for the Lord<br />

Hachilah, my hope is in her<br />

Hachmoni, a wise man<br />

Hadad, joy; noise; clamor<br />

Hadadezer, beauty of assistance<br />

Hadadrimmon, invocation to the god Rimmon<br />

Hadar, power; greatness<br />

Hadarezer, same as Hadadezer<br />

Hadashah, news; a month<br />


Hadassah, a myrtle; joy<br />

Hadattah, new, NEW HAZOR<br />

Hades, see Hell (the grave or place of the dead), “brought down to hell” (hades),<br />

i.e., simply to the lowest debasement, descent of Christ into Hell, the death <strong>and</strong><br />

burial of Jesus, The adobe of departed spirits<br />

Hadlai, loitering; hindering<br />

Hadoram, their beauty; their power<br />

Hadrach, point; joy of tenderness<br />

Hagab, Hagabah, a grasshopper<br />

Hagar, a stranger; one that fears<br />

*Haggai, feast; solemnity<br />

Haggeri, Haggi, a stranger<br />

Haggiah, the Lord's feast<br />

Haggith, rejoicing<br />

Hai, same as Ai = heap of ruins<br />

Hakkatan, little<br />

Hakkoz, a thorn; summer; an end<br />

Hakupha, a comm<strong>and</strong>ment of the mouth<br />

Halah, a moist table<br />

Halak, part<br />

Halhul, grief; looking for grief<br />

Hali, sickness; a beginning; a precious stone<br />

Hallelujah, praise Jah<br />

Halloesh, saying nothing; an enchanter<br />


Ham, son of Noah; Ham, hot; heat; brown<br />

Haman, noise; tumult<br />

Hamath, anger; heat; a wall<br />

Hamath-zobah, the heat, or the wall, of an army<br />

Hammedatha, he that troubles the law<br />

Hammelech, a king; a counselor<br />

Hammoleketh, the queen<br />

Hammon, heat; the sun<br />

Hamonah, his multitude; his uproar<br />

Hamon-gog, the multitude of Gog<br />

Hamor, an ass; clay; dirt<br />

Hamoth, indignation<br />

Hamul, godly; merciful<br />

Hamutal, the shadow of his heat<br />

Hanameel, the grace that comes from God; gift of God<br />

*Hanan, full of grace<br />

Hananeel, grace, or gift, of God<br />

*Hanani, my grace; my mercy<br />

Hananiah, grace; mercy; gift of the Lord<br />

Hanes, banishment of grace<br />

Haniel, the gift of God<br />

Hannah, gracious; merciful; She that gives<br />

Hannathon, the gift of grace<br />


Hanniel, grace or mercy of God<br />

Hanoch, dedicated<br />

Hanun, gracious; merciful<br />

Hapharaim, searching; digging<br />

Hara, a hill; showing forth<br />

Haradah, well of great fear<br />

Haran, mountainous country<br />

Harran, see Charran<br />

Harbonah, his destruction; his sword<br />

Hareph, winter; reproach<br />

Harhas, anger; heat of confidence<br />

Harhaiah, heat, or anger, of the Lord<br />

Harhur, made warm<br />

Harim, destroyed; dedicated to God<br />

Harnepher, the anger of a bull; increasing heat<br />

Harod, astonishment; fear<br />

Harosheth, a forest; agriculture; workmanship; deafness; silence<br />

Harsha, workmanship; a wood<br />

Harum, high; throwing down<br />

Harumaph, destruction<br />

Haruphite, slender; sharp<br />

Haruz, careful<br />

Hasadiah, the mercy of the Lord<br />


Hashabiah, the estimation of the Lord<br />

Hashabnah, Hashabniah, the silence of the Lord<br />

Hashem, named; a putting to; 'the name' of God<br />

Hashub, esteemed; numbered<br />

Hashubah, estimation; thought<br />

Hashum, silence; their hasting<br />

Hashupha, spent; made base<br />

Hasrah, wanting<br />

Hatach, he that strikes<br />

Hathath, fear<br />

Hatita, a bending of sin<br />

Hattil, howling for sin<br />

Hattipha, robbery<br />

Hattush, forsaking sin<br />

Hauran, a hole; liberty; whiteness<br />

Havilah, that suffers pain; that brings forth<br />

Havoth-jair, the villages that enlighten<br />

Hazael, that sees God<br />

Hazaiah, seeing the Lord<br />

Hazar-addar, an imprisoned generation<br />

Hazarenan, imprisoned cloud<br />

Hazargaddah, imprisoned b<strong>and</strong><br />

Hazar-hatticon, middle village; preparation<br />


Hazarmaveth, dwelling of death<br />

Hazar-shual, a wolf's house<br />

Hazar-susah, or susim, the hay-paunch of a horse<br />

Hazelelponi, sorrow of countenance<br />

Hazeroth, villages; palaces<br />

Hazezon-tamar, drawing near to bitterness<br />

Hazo, seeing; prophesying<br />

Hazor, court; hay<br />

Heber, one that passes; anger<br />

Hebrews, descendants of Heber<br />

Hebron, society; friendship<br />

Hegai, or Hege, meditation; word; groaning; separation<br />

Helam, their army; their trouble<br />

Helbah, Helbon, milk, fatness<br />

Heldai, Heleb, Heled, the world; rustiness<br />

Helek, part; portion<br />

Helem, dreaming; healing<br />

Heleph, changing; passing over<br />

Helez, armed; set free<br />

Heli, ascending; climbing up<br />

Helkai, same as Helek<br />

Helkath-hazzurim, the field of strong men, or of rocks<br />

Helon, window; grief<br />


Heman, their trouble; tumult; much; in great number<br />

Hen, grace; quiet; rest<br />

Hena, troubling<br />

Henadad, grace of the beloved<br />

Henoch, same as Enoch<br />

Hepher, a digger<br />

Hephzibah, my delight is in her<br />

Heres, the son; an earthen pot<br />

Heresh, a carpenter<br />

Hermas, Hermes, Mercury; gain; refuge<br />

Hermogenes, begotten of Mercury<br />

Hermon, anathema; devoted to destruction<br />

Herod, son of a hero<br />

Herodion, the song of Juno<br />

Heshbon, invention; industry<br />

Heshmon, a hasty messenger<br />

Heth, trembling; fear<br />

Hethlon, a fearful dwelling<br />

Hezekiah, strength of the Lord<br />

Hezer, Hezir, a bog; converted<br />

Hezrai, an entry or vestibule<br />

Hezron, the dart of joy; the division of the song<br />

Hiddai, a praise; a cry<br />


Hiel, God lives; the life of God<br />

Hierapolis, holy city<br />

Higgaion, meditation; consideration<br />

Hilen, a window; grief<br />

Hilkiah, God is my portion<br />

Hillel, he that praises<br />

Hinnom, there they are; their riches<br />

Hirah, liberty; anger<br />

Hiram, exaltation of life; a destroyer<br />

Hittite, one who is broken; who fears<br />

Hivites, wicked; wickedness<br />

Hizkijah, the strength of the Lord<br />

Hobab, favored; beloved<br />

Hobah, love; friendship; secrecy<br />

Hod, praise; confession<br />

Hodaiah, the praise of the Lord<br />

Hodaviah, Hodiah, Hodijah, same as Hodaiah<br />

Hodesh, a table; news<br />

Hoglah, his festival or dance<br />

Hoham, woe to them<br />

Holon, a window; grief<br />

Homam, making an uproar<br />

Hophin, he that covers; my fist<br />


Hophra, biblical name of Pharaoh Apries<br />

Hor, who conceives, or shows; a hill<br />

Horeb, desert; solitude; destruction<br />

Horem, an offering dedicated to God<br />

Hor-hagidgad, the hill of felicity<br />

Hori, a prince; freeborn<br />

Horims, princes; being angry<br />

Hormah, devoted or consecrated to God; utter destruction<br />

Horonaim, angers; ragings<br />

Horonites, men of anger, or of fury, or of liberty<br />

Hosah, trusting<br />

Hosanna, save I pray thee; keep; preserve<br />

Hosea, Hoshea, savior; safety<br />

Hoshaiah, the salvation of the Lord<br />

Hoshama, heard; he obeys<br />

Hotham, a seal<br />

Hothir, excelling; remaining<br />

Hukkok, engraver; scribe; lawyer<br />

Hul, pain; infirmity<br />

*Huldah, the world<br />

Hupham, their chamber; their bank<br />

Huppim, a chamber covered; the sea-shore<br />

Hur, liberty; whiteness; hole<br />


Huram, their liberty; their whiteness; their hole<br />

Huri, being angry; or same as Huram<br />

Hushah, hasting; holding peace<br />

Hushai, their haste; their sensuality; their silence<br />

Hushathite, Hushim, man of haste, or of silence<br />

Huz, counsel; woods; fastened<br />

Huzoth, streets; populous<br />

Huzzab, molten<br />

Hymeneus, nuptial; the god of marriage<br />

Ibhar, election; he that is chosen; he will choose; chooser; God does choose;<br />

Ibleam, ancient people; people decreasing<br />

Ibneiah, Ibniah, the building of the Lord; the underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the Lord; son by<br />

adoption; God builds; Jehovah does build;<br />

Ibnijah, whom Jehovah will build up; God builds; Jehovah is builder;<br />

Ibri, passing over; being angry; being with young; Hebrew; passing over of a<br />

Hebrew;<br />

Ibsam, fragrant<br />

Ibzan, father of a target; father of coldness; splendid, active<br />

Ichabod, where is the glory? or, no glory; inglorious; the glory is not; where is<br />

the glory; inglorious;<br />

Iconium, coming;<br />

Idalah, the h<strong>and</strong> of sl<strong>and</strong>er, or of cursing;<br />

Idbash, flowing with honey; the l<strong>and</strong> of destruction; honey-sweet; corpulent;<br />

*Iddo, his b<strong>and</strong>; power; praise; God's friend; affectionate; festal; his power;<br />

Idumea, red; earthy; bloody;<br />


Igal, redeemed; defiled; may God redeem; deliverer; he will vindicate;<br />

Igeal, a redeemer; redeemed; defiled<br />

Igdaliah, the greatness of the Lord; may God be glorfied; great is Jehovah;<br />

Iim, heaps of Hebrews, or of angry men<br />

Ije-abarim, heaps of Hebrews, or of passers over<br />

Ijon, look; eye; fountain<br />

Ikkesh, forward; wicked; stubbord; perverse; subtle;<br />

Ilai, exalted; supreme;<br />

Illyricum, joy; rejoicing<br />

Imlah, plenitude; circumcision; full; God does fill; fulfilling; plenitude;<br />

Imla, whom God will fill up, replenisher<br />

Immanuel, God with us; God is with is; Hebrew c. th century<br />

Immer, saying; speaking; a lamb talkative; prominent;<br />

Imna, God does restrain; withdrawing;<br />

Imnah, same as Jimnah may God defend; prosperity; he allots;<br />

Imrah, a rebel; waxing bitter; changing; a rebel; stubborn; height of Jehovah;<br />

Imri, speaking; exalting; bitter; a lamb; projecting; eloquent;<br />

India, praise; law<br />

Iphedeiah, redemption of the Lord; may God redeem; Jehovah does deliever;<br />

redemption;<br />

Ir, watchman; city; vision; watcher;<br />

Ira, watchman; making bare; pouring out; watcher; watchful; city watch;<br />

Irad, wild ass; heap of empire; dragon; fleet;<br />

Iram, the effusion of them; a high heap; watchful;<br />


Iri, fire; light; Jehovah is watcher;<br />

Irijah, the fear of the Lord; may God see; God does see; provide; fear of the<br />

Lord;<br />

Irpeel, the health, medicine, or exulting of God;<br />

Ir-shemesh, a city of bondage<br />

Iru, watch;<br />

*Isaac, laughter; he laughed; laughing one;<br />

*Isaiah, the salvation of the Lord; God's salvation; Jehovah is helper; salvation is<br />

of the Lord;<br />

Iscah, he that anoints; who looks;<br />

Iscariot, a man of murder; a hireling; man of kerioth;<br />

Ishbah, praising; He praises, appeaser;<br />

Ishbak, who is empty, exhausted; free, empty, exhausted;<br />

Ishbi-benob, respiration; conversion; taking captive; man sitting in Nob; dweller<br />

on the mount, he that predicts;<br />

Ishbosheth, a man of shame;<br />

Ishi, salvation; saving; my help, saving;<br />

Ishiah, it is the Lord; Jehovah exists, forgiveth;<br />

Ishma, named; marveling; desolation; distinction, elevated;<br />

Ishmael, God that hears; hears;<br />

Ishmaiah, hearing or obeying the Lord; may God hear; Jehovah hears;<br />

Ishmerai, keeper, or keeping; God guards; God keeps;<br />

Ishod, a comely man; famed man of honor, man of splendor;<br />

Ish-pan, hid; broken in two; firm, strong;<br />

Ishtob, good man<br />


Ishua, plainness; equal;<br />

Ishuah, Isuah, equal, self-satisfied;<br />

Ishui, Jesui, equality;<br />

Ishvah, resembles;<br />

Ishvi, quiet;*Ishvah, resembles;<br />

Ishmachiah, cleaving to the Lord; Jehovah supports; may God support;*Ishvah,<br />

resembles;<br />

Ismaiah, Jehovah hears;<br />

Ispah, a jasper stone<br />

*Israel, who prevails with God; he strives with God, ruling with God<br />

Issachar, reward; recompense; rewarded;<br />

Isshiah, there is God;<br />

Isshijah, there is God;<br />

Isui, same as Ishuah<br />

Ithai, strong; my sign; a plowshare; God is with me;<br />

Italy, abounding with calves or heifers<br />

Ithamar, isl<strong>and</strong> of the palm-tree; palm-coast, palm tree;<br />

Ithiel, sign, or coming of God; God is with me; God is, God is with me;<br />

Ithmah, an orphan; purity, bereavement;<br />

Ithra, excellent;<br />

Ithran, remaining; searching out diligently;<br />

Ithream, excellence of the people; populous; remnant, abundance of the<br />

people;<br />

Ittah-kazin, hour, or time, of a prince;<br />


Ittai, with me; plowman, living;<br />

Iturea, guarded; mountainous;<br />

Ivah, iniquity;<br />

Izehar, clearness; oil;<br />

Izhar, Izehar, oil; bright one, olive oil;<br />

Izrahiah, the Lord ariseth; the clearness of the Lord; may God shine forth;<br />

Jehovah is appearing, does arise;<br />

Izri, fasting; tribulation; creative, former;<br />

Izziah, Jeziah, Jehovah exalts;<br />

Jaakan, tribulation; labor, he twists, he shall surround, intelligent,<br />

Jaakobah, supplanter; deceiver; the heel<br />

Jaala, ascending, a little doe or goat; wild goat;'<br />

Jaalam, hidden; young man; heir, whom God hides, concealer, he will be hid,<br />

Jaanai, answering; afflicting; making poor, whom Jehovah answers, mourner,<br />

Jehovah answers,<br />

Jaasau, doing; my doing, whom Jehovah made, fabricator, Jehovah makes,<br />

Jaasiel, God's work, whom God comforts, made by God, God is maker,<br />

Jaasu, created;<br />

Jaazaniah, whom the Lord will hear, whom Jehovah hears, Jehovah does hear,<br />

may God hear'<br />

Jaazah, Jaazar, Jazer, assistance; helper, Jehovah helps<br />

Jaaziah, Jaaziel, the strength of the Jehovah, sprinkling of the Lord, whom<br />

Jehovah expidates, God consoles or determines, may God strengthen,<br />

Jaaziel, God is determining or consoling, may God strengthen,<br />


Jabal, which glides away, stream; "the father of such as dwell in tents <strong>and</strong> have<br />

cattle" (Genesis :). This description indicates that he led a w<strong>and</strong>ering life. A<br />

shepherd a river, moving, or which glides away, stream,<br />

Jabbok, evacuation; dissipation; wrestling<br />

Jabesh, dryness; confusion; shame; a dry place; dry,<br />

Jabez, sorrow; trouble; he makes sorrow or height; sorrow;<br />

Jabin, Jabneh, whom God observes, discerner; the wise; God discerns or<br />

intelligent; he underst<strong>and</strong>s,<br />

Jabneel, building of God, built by God<br />

Jachan, wearing out; oppressing; afflicting or troublous; affliction,<br />

Jachin, he that strengthens <strong>and</strong> makes steadfast, he shall establish, he does<br />

establish or founding; established;<br />

*Jacob, that supplants, undermines; the heel, supplanter, one who follows on<br />

another's heels; supplanter; he that supplants or follows after; supplanted;<br />

Jada, knowing, wise<br />

Jadau, his h<strong>and</strong>; his confession, favorite or friend<br />

Jadon, he will judge; thankful; he that rules or abids,<br />

Jaddua, known, very knowing,<br />

Jael, a goat, agile<br />

Jagur, husb<strong>and</strong>man; stranger<br />

Jah, the everlasting abbreviation of Jehovah<br />

Jahaleel, praising God; light of God<br />

Jahath, broken in pieces; descending; revival or grasping;<br />

Jahaz, Jahazah, quarrel; dispute<br />

Jahaziah, Jahzeiah, the vision of the Lord; Jehovah reveals; Jehovah sees;<br />


*Jahaziel, seeing God, whom God watches over, beheld by God, God sees or<br />

reveals,<br />

Jahdai, guide or he directs,<br />

Jahdiel, the unity, or sharpness, or revenge, of God; union of God or God makes<br />

glad;<br />

Jahdo, I alone; his joy; his sharpness of wit; his newness; union;<br />

Jahleel, waiting for, or beseeching, or hope in, God; God waits or God does<br />

grievously afflict;<br />

Jahmai, warm; making warm; Johovah protects or lusty;<br />

Jahzeel, Jahziel, God hasteth, or divideth; God apportions or distributes;<br />

Jahzerah, Jehovvah protects or may he lead back;<br />

Jair, my light; who diffuses light; Jehovah enlightens, arouses or who diffuses<br />

light;<br />

Jairus, He will enlighten or diffuse light;<br />

Jakan, same as Achan<br />

Jakeh, pious or hearkening;<br />

Jakim, rising; confirming; establishing<br />

Jalon, tarrying; murmuring, abiding, lodger<br />

Jambres, poverty; bitter; a rebel<br />

James, same as Jacob, the Greek form of Jacob, supplanter (to take the place of<br />

another, as through force, scheming, strategy, or the like)<br />

Jamin, right h<strong>and</strong>; south wind<br />

Jamlech, reigning; asking counsel<br />

Janna, Jannes, who speaks or answers; afflicted; poor<br />

Janoah, Janohah, resting; tarrying; deriving, rest<br />


Janum, sleeping<br />

Japhet, enlarged; fair; persuading<br />

Japheth, same as Japhet<br />

Japhia, enlightening; appearing<br />

Japhlet, Japhleti, delivered; banished<br />

Japho, fairness; comeliness<br />

Jarah, a wood; honeycomb; watching closely<br />

Jareb, a revenger<br />

Jared, a ruling; comm<strong>and</strong>ing; coming down<br />

Jaresiah, the bed of Lord; the Lord hath taken away; poverty, whom Jehovah<br />

nourishes<br />

Jarib, fighting; chiding; multiplying; avenging<br />

Jarmuth, fearing, or seeing, or throwing down, death<br />

Jarvah, breathing, or making, a sweet smell<br />

Jashem, Jashen, ancient; sleeping<br />

Jasher, righteous; upright<br />

Jashobeam, the people sitting; or captivity of the people<br />

Jashub, a returning; a controversy; a dwelling place<br />

Jasiel, the strength of God, whom God made<br />

Jason, he that cures, He that will cure, one who will heal<br />

Jathniel, gift of God, whom God gives<br />

Jattir, a remnant; excellent<br />

Javan, deceiver; one who makes sad<br />

Jazeel, strength of God<br />


Jazer, assistance; helper, Jehovah helps<br />

Jaziz, brightness; departing<br />

Jearim, a leap; woods<br />

Jeaterai, whom Jehovah searching out; leads, whom Jehovah leads<br />

Jeberechiah, speaking well of, or kneeling to, Jehovah; whom Jehovah blesses<br />

Jebus, treading under foot; manger<br />

Jebusi, trodden under foot; mangers<br />

Jecamiah, resurrection, or confirmation, or revenge, of the Lord, whom Jehovah<br />

gathers<br />

Jecoliah, perfection, or power, of Jehovah, able through Jehovah, The same as<br />

Jecholiah: strong through Jehovah<br />

Jeconiah, preparation, or stability, of Jehovah<br />

Jedaiah, the h<strong>and</strong> of the Lord; confessing Jehovah<br />

Jedeiah, one Lord; the joy of the Jehovah<br />

Jediael, knowledge, of God<br />

Jedidah, well beloved; amiable<br />

Jedidiah, beloved of the Lord, beloved of Jehovah<br />

Jediel, the knowledge, or renewing, of God<br />

*Jeduthun, his law; giving praise<br />

Jeezer, isl<strong>and</strong> of help<br />

Jegar-sahadutha, heap of witness<br />

Jehaleleel, Jehalelel, praising God; clearness of God<br />

Jehaziel, same as Jahaziel<br />

Jehdeiah, one Lord; the joy of the Lord,<br />


Jeheiel, God liveth<br />

Jehezekel, strength of God<br />

Jehiah, the Lord liveth, Jehovah lives<br />

Jehiskiah, the strength, the strength, or taking, of the Lord<br />

Jehoadah, passing over; testimony of the Lord, whom Jehovah adorns<br />

Jehoaddan, pleasure, or time, of Jehovah<br />

Jehoahaz, possession of Jehovah<br />

Jehoash, fire of Jehovah, Jehovah-given<br />

Jehohanan, grace, whom Jehovah gave, a name of which John is the contraction.<br />

Jehoiachin, preparation, or strength, of Jehovah<br />

Jehoiada, knowledge of Jehovah<br />

Jehoiakim, avenging, or establishing, or resurrection, of Jehovah<br />

Jehoiarib, fighting, or multiplying, of Jehovah<br />

Jehonadab, Jonadab, free giver; liberality<br />

Jehonathan, gift of the Lord; gift of a dove, whom Jehovah gave<br />

Jehoram, exaltation of Jehovah<br />

Jehoshaphat, the Lord is judge, whom Jehovah judges, Jehovah-judged<br />

Jehosheba, fullness, Jehovah's oath, Jehovah-swearing<br />

*Jehoshua, same as Joshua<br />

*Jehovah, self-subsisting, I am; the eternal living one, to be, exist, to be, to<br />

become; I am who am, hath sent me; I am who am with you,<br />

*Jehovah-jireh, the Lord will provide, Jehovah will see; i.e., will provide<br />

*Jehovah-nissi, the Lord my banner, Jehovah my banner<br />

*Jehovah-shalom, the Lord send peace, Jehovah send peace<br />


*Jehovah-shammah, Jehovah is there, the Lord is there<br />

*Jehovah-tsidkenu, Jehovah our righteousness, the Lord our righteousness<br />

Jehozabad, Jehovah dowry; having a dowry, Jehovah-given, whom Jehovah gave<br />

Jehozadak, justice of Jehovah, Jehovah-justified, Jehovah justifies<br />

*Jehu, himself who exists<br />

Jehubbah, hiding, binding<br />

Jehucal, mighty; perfect; wasted<br />

Jehud, Jehudi, praising; conferring<br />

Jehudijah, the praise of the Lord<br />

Jehush, keeping counsel; fastened<br />

Jekabzeel, the congregation of God<br />

Jekamean, the people shall arise<br />

Jekamiah, establishing, or revenging, of Jehovah, whom Jehovah gathers<br />

Jekuthiel, hope, or congregation, of Jehovah<br />

Jemima, h<strong>and</strong>some as the day<br />

Jemuel, God's day; son of God<br />

Jephthah, Whom God sets free<br />

Jephunneh, he that beholds<br />

Jerah, the moon; month; smelling sweet<br />

Jerahmeel, the mercy, or the beloved, of God<br />

Jered, ruling; coming down<br />

Jeremai, my height; throwing forth waters<br />

*Jeremiah, exaltation of Jehovah, raised up or appointed by Jehovah, whom<br />

Jehovah has appointed<br />


Jeremoth, eminences; one that fears death<br />

Jeriah, fear, or throwing down, of Jehovah<br />

Jerebai, fighting; chiding; multiplying<br />

Jericho, his moon; his month; his sweet smell<br />

Jeriel, fear, or vision of God<br />

Jerijah, same as Jeriah<br />

Jerimoth, he that fears or rejects death<br />

Jerioth, kettles; breaking asunder<br />

Jeroboam, he that opposes the people<br />

Jeroham, high; merciful; beloved<br />

Jerubbaal, let Baal contend with him<br />

Jerubbesheth, let the idol of confusion defend itself<br />

Jeruel, fear, or vision of God<br />

Jerusalem, vision of peace, the habitation of peace,<br />

Jerusha, banished; possession; inheritance<br />

Jesaiah, health, or salvation, of Jehovah, salvation of Jehovah<br />

Jeshebeab, sitting, or captivity, of the father<br />

Jesher, right; singing<br />

Jeshimon, solitude; desolation<br />

Jeshishai, ancient; rejoicing exceedingly<br />

Jeshohaia, Jehovah pressing; the meditation of God<br />

Jeshua, same as Joshua<br />

Jesiah, sprinkling of the Lord<br />


Jesimiel, naming, or astonishment, of God<br />

Jesse, gift; oblation; one who is<br />

Jesui, even-tempered; flat country<br />

Jesus, savior; deliverer, The Greek form of the name Joshua or Jeshua, a<br />

contraction of Jehoshua, that is, help of Jehovah or saviour. Latin: Jesus, Iesus,<br />

Iesu, Josue. Greek: Ieous from Hebrew Yeshua. Also means safety, victory <strong>and</strong><br />

who's help is Jehovah or it may be from the verb "Yasha", "to save," <strong>and</strong> =<br />

Jehovah Savior, or simply Savior; a late form of Hebrew "yehosua", the meaning<br />

of which is "YHWH is salvation" or "YHWH saves/has saved." Online definition<br />

of "savior." Latin term drove out Old English "hæl<strong>and</strong>" which means "healer" as<br />

the preferred descriptive term for Jesus.<br />

Jether, he that excels<br />

Jetheth, giving<br />

Jethlah, hanging up; heaping up<br />

Jethro, his excellence; his posterity<br />

Jetur, order; succession; mountainous<br />

Jeuel, God hath taken away; God heaping up<br />

Jeush, Jeuz, he that is devoured<br />

Jew, same as Judah, a man of Judea, the name derived from the patriarch Judah,<br />

at first given to one belonging to the tribe of Judah or to the separate kingdom<br />

of Judah.<br />

Jezaniah, nourishment, or weapons, of Jehovah, whom Jehovah hears<br />

Jezebel, not exalted<br />

Jezer, isl<strong>and</strong> of help, power<br />

Jeziah, Jeziel, sprinkling of Jehovah, whom Jehovah expiates<br />

Jezoar, clear; white<br />

Jezrahiah, Jehovah arises; brightness of Jehovah, produced by Jehovah, a leader<br />

of the choir<br />


Jezreel, seed of God<br />

Jibsam, their drought, their confusion<br />

Jidlaph, he that distills water<br />

Jimnah, right h<strong>and</strong>; numbering; preparing<br />

Jiphtah, opening<br />

Jiphthael, God opening<br />

Joab, paternity; voluntary<br />

Joachim, rising or establishing of Jehovah<br />

Joah, fraternity; brother of Jehovah<br />

Joahaz, apprehending; possessing; seeing<br />

Joanna, grace or gift of Jehovah, whom Jehovah has graciously given, grace or<br />

gift of God<br />

Joash, who despairs or burns<br />

Joatham, same as Jotham<br />

Job, he that weeps or cries, persecuted<br />

Jobab, sorrowful, hated<br />

Jochebed, glorious; honorable<br />

Joed, witnessing; robbing; passing over<br />

*Joel, he that wills or comm<strong>and</strong>s<br />

Joelah, lifting up; profiting; taking away sl<strong>and</strong>er<br />

Joezer, he that aids<br />

Jogbehah, an exalting; high<br />

Jogli, passing over; turning back; rejoicing<br />

Joha (or ''Juha''), who enlivens or gives life<br />


Johanan, who is liberal or merciful, whom Jehovah graciously bestows, gift or<br />

grace of God, Jehovah is or has been gracious.<br />

*John, the grace or mercy of the Lord, Jehovah's gift: the same name as<br />

Johanan, a contraction of Jehoanan<br />

Joiarib, chiding, or multiplying, of Jehovah<br />

Jokdeam, crookedness, or burning, of the people<br />

Jokim, that made the sun st<strong>and</strong> still<br />

Jokmeam, confirmation, or revenge, of the people<br />

Jokneam, possessing, or building up, of the people<br />

Jokshan, an offense; hardness; a knocking<br />

Joktan, small dispute; contention; disgust<br />

Jonadab, who gives liberally<br />

*Jonah, or Jonas, a dove; he that oppresses; destroyer<br />

Jonan, a dove; multiplying of the people<br />

Jonathan, given of God<br />

Joppa, beauty; comeliness, Beauty<br />

Jorah, Jorai, showing; casting forth; a cauldron<br />

Joram, to cast; elevated<br />

Jordan, the river of judgment, Some translate it as "the descender," from the<br />

Semitic yrd, "to descend"<br />

Jorim, he that exalts the Lord<br />

Josabad, having a dowry<br />

Josaphat, same as Jehoshaphat<br />

Jose, raised; who pardons<br />

*Joseph, increase; addition, remover or increaser, increase, may God add<br />


Joses, same as Jose, exalted<br />

Joshah, being; forgetting; owing<br />

Joshaviah, the seat, alteration, or captivity of Jehovah<br />

Joshbekesha, it is requiring or beseeching<br />

*Joshua, a savior; a deliverer<br />

Josiah, the Lord burns; the fire of Jehovah<br />

Josibiah, the seat, or captivity of Jehovah<br />

Josiphiah, increase of Jehovah; Jehovah's finishing<br />

Jotham, the perfection of Jehovah<br />

Jothath, Jothatha, his goodness<br />

Jozabad, same as Josabad<br />

Jozachar, remembering; of the male sex<br />

Jubal, he that runs; a trumpet<br />

Jucal, mighty; perfect<br />

*Judah, the praise of the Lord; confession, praised, celebrated, praise,<br />

Judas, Jude, same as Judah<br />

Judaea, Judea, same as Judah<br />

Judith, same as Judah<br />

Julia, downy; soft <strong>and</strong> tender hair<br />

Julius, same as Julia<br />

Junia, youth<br />

Jushabhesed, dwelling-place; change of mercy<br />

Justus, just or upright, just<br />


Juttah, turning away<br />

Kabzeel, The congregation of God<br />

Kadesh, Kadesh-Barnea, holiness, Kadesh-Barnea means holiness of an<br />

inconstant son<br />

Kadmiel, God of antiquity, God of rising<br />

Kadmonites, <strong>An</strong>cients; chiefs<br />

Kallai, Light, resting by fire; my voice<br />

Kamon, Name of Place in Book of Judges :<br />

Kanah, Of reeds<br />

Kareah, Bald; ice<br />

Karkaa, Floor; dissolving coldness<br />

Karkor, They rested<br />

Karnaim, Horns<br />

Kartah, Calling, Meeting<br />

Kedar, Blackness, Sorrow<br />

Kedemah, Oriental, <strong>An</strong>cient, First<br />

Kedemoth, <strong>An</strong>tiquity, Old age<br />

Kehelahath, A whole, Congregation<br />

Keiiah, She that divides, She that cuts<br />

Kelaiah, Voice of the Lord, Gathering together<br />

Kelitah, Same as Kelaiah<br />

Kemuel, God hath raised up, God has established him<br />

Kenah, Buying, Possession<br />

Kenan, Buyer; Owner<br />


Kenaz, This purchase, This lamentation<br />

Kenites, Possession, Purchase, Lamentation<br />

Kenizzites, Possession, Purchase<br />

Keren-happuch, The horn, Child of beauty<br />

Kerioth, The cities; Callings<br />

Keros, Crooked, Crookedness<br />

Keturah, Incense, That makes the incense to fume<br />

Kezia, Superficies, <strong>An</strong>gle, Cassia<br />

Keziz, End, Extremity<br />

Kibroth-hattaavah, The graves of lust<br />

Kibzaim, Congregation<br />

Kidron, Obscure, Making black, Making sad<br />

Kinah, Same as Kenah<br />

Kir, City, Wall, Meeting<br />

Kir-haraseth, Kirharesh; City of the sun, Wall of burnt brick<br />

Kirioth, Same as Kerioth<br />

Kirjath, City; vocation; meeting<br />

Kirjathaim, The two cities; callings; or meetings<br />

Kirjath-arba, City of four; Fourth city<br />

Kirjath-arim, City of those who watch<br />

Kirjath-baal, City of Baal, City of a ruler<br />

Kirjath-huzoth, City of streets, Populous city<br />

Kirjath-jearim, City of woods<br />


Kirjath-sannah, City of enmity, City of a blackberry bush<br />

Kirjath-sepher, City of letters, City of the book<br />

Kish, Hard, Difficult, Straw; for age<br />

Kishi, Hardness, His gravity, His offense<br />

Kishion, Hardness; soreness<br />

Kishon, Hard; sore<br />

Kithlish, It is a wall; the company of a lioness<br />

Kitron, Making sweet; binding together<br />

Kittim, Breaking; bruising small; gold; coloring<br />

Koa, Hope, Congregation, a line; a rule<br />

Kohath, Congregation, wrinkle; bluntness<br />

Kolaiah, Voice of Jehovah<br />

Korah, Baldness, ice, frost<br />

Kushaiah, Same as Kishi<br />

Laadah, to assemble together; to testify; passing over<br />

Laadan, for pleasure; devouring; judgment<br />

Laban, white; shining; gentle; brittle<br />

Labana, the moon; whiteness; frankincense<br />

Lachish, who walks, or exists, of himself<br />

Lael, to God; to the mighty<br />

Lahad, praising; to confess<br />

Lahairoi, who liveth <strong>and</strong> seeth me<br />

Lahmam, their bread; their war<br />


Lahmi, my bread; my war<br />

Laish, a lion<br />

Lakum, fortification<br />

Lamech, poor; made low<br />

Laodicea, just people<br />

Lapidoth, enlightened; lamps<br />

Lasea, thick; wise<br />

Lasha, fissure<br />

Lashah, to call; to anoint<br />

Lazarus, assistance of God<br />

Leah, weary; tired<br />

Lebanon, white, incense<br />

Lebaoth, lividness<br />

Lebbeus, a man of heart; praising; confessing<br />

Lebonah, same as Labana<br />

Lecah, progress<br />

Lehabim, flames; inflamed; swords<br />

Lekah, walking; going<br />

Lemuel, God with them, or him<br />

Leor, to me light, light me up<br />

Leshem, a name; putting; a precious stone<br />

Letushim, hammermen; filemen<br />

Leummim, countries; without water<br />


Levi, associated with him joined, to adhere, adhesion<br />

Libnah, white; whiteness<br />

Libni, same as Libnah<br />

Likhi, learned<br />

Lilith, demoness of the night<br />

Libya, the heart of the sea; fat<br />

Linus, net<br />

Lior, same as Leor<br />

Lmri, eloquent<br />

Lo-ammi, not my people<br />

Lod, nativity; generation<br />

Lois, better<br />

Lo-ruhamah, not having obtained mercy; not pitied<br />

Lot, Lotan, wrapped up; hidden; covered; myrrh; rosin<br />

Lubin, heart of a man; heart of the sea<br />

Lucas, Lucius, luminous; white<br />

Lucifer, bringing light<br />

Lud, Ludim, same as Lod<br />

Luhith, made of boards<br />

Luke, luminous; white, light-giving<br />

Luz, separation; departure; an almond<br />

Lycaonia, she-wolf<br />

Lydda, Lydia, a st<strong>and</strong>ing pool<br />


Lysanias, that drives away sorrow<br />

Lysias, dissolving<br />

Lysimachus, scattering the battle<br />

Lystra, that dissolves or disperses<br />

Maachah, pressed down; worn; fastened<br />

Maachathi, broken<br />

Maadai, pleasant; testifying<br />

Maadiah, pleasantness; the testimony of the Lord A priest<br />

Maai, belly; heaping up<br />

Maale-akrabbim, ascent of scorpions<br />

Maarath, den; making empty; watching<br />

Maaseiah, the work of the Lord<br />

Maasiai, the defense, or strength, or trust of the Lord<br />

Maath, wiping away; breaking; fearing; smiting<br />

Maaz, wood; wooden<br />

Macedonia, burning; adoration, extended l<strong>and</strong><br />

Machbenah, Machbanai, poverty; the smiting of his son<br />

Machi, poor; a smiter, decrease<br />

Machir, selling; knowing<br />

Machnadebai, smiter<br />

Machpelah, double<br />

Madai, a measure; judging; a garment<br />

Madian, judgment; striving; covering; chiding<br />


Madmannah, measure of a gift; preparation of a garment<br />

Madon, a chiding; a garment; his measure<br />

Magbish, excelling; height<br />

Magdala, tower; greatness<br />

Magdalene, a person from Magdala<br />

Magdiel, declaring God; chosen fruit of God<br />

Magog, covering; roof; dissolving, region of Gog<br />

Magpiash, a body thrust hard together<br />

Mahalah, Mahalath, sickness; a company of dancers; a harp<br />

Mahaleleel, praising God<br />

Mahali, infirmity; a harp; pardon<br />

Mahanaim, tents; two fields; two armies<br />

Mahanehdan, tents of judgment<br />

Mahanem, a comforter<br />

Maharai, hasting; a hill; from a hill<br />

Mahath, same as Maath<br />

Mahavites, declaring a message; marrow<br />

Mahaz, an end; ending; growing hope<br />

Mahazioth, seeing a sign; seeing a letter<br />

Maher-shalal-hash-baz, making speed to the spoil; he hastens to the prey<br />

Mahlah, Mahli, Mahlon, same as Mahali<br />

Makas, same as Mahaz<br />

Makheloth, assemblies; congregations<br />


Makkedah, worshiping; burning; raised; crookedness<br />

*Malachi, my messenger; my angel<br />

Malcham, Malchom, their king; their counselor<br />

Malchijah, also Malchiah or Melchiah, the Lord my king, or my counselor<br />

Malchiel, God is my king, or counselor<br />

Malchus, my king, kingdom, or counselor<br />

Maleleel, same as Mahaleleel<br />

Mallothi, fullness; circumcision<br />

Malluch, reigning; counseling<br />

Mammon, riches<br />

Mamre, rebellious; bitter; set with trees<br />

Manaen, a comforter; a leader<br />

Manahethites, my lady; my prince of rest<br />

Manasseh, forgetfulness; he that is forgotten, forgetting, who makes to<br />

forget"", "God hath made me forget"<br />

Manoah, rest; a present<br />

Maon, house; place of sin<br />

Mara, Marah, sad, bitter<br />

Maralah, sleep; a sacrifice of myrrh; ascension<br />

Maranatha, the Lord is coming<br />

Mareshah, from the beginning; an inheritance<br />

Mark same as Marcus, polite; shining, the evangelist<br />

Maroth, bitterness<br />

Marsena, bitterness of a bramble<br />


Martha, who becomes bitter; provoking a lady<br />

Mary, same as Miriam<br />

Mash, same as Meshech<br />

Mashal, a parable; governing<br />

Masrekah, whistling; hissing<br />

Massa, a burden; prophecy, burden a lifting up, gift<br />

Massah, temptation<br />

Matred, w<strong>and</strong> of government<br />

Matri, rain; prison<br />

Mattan, Mattana, Mattenai, gifts; rains<br />

Mattaniah, gift, gift of Jehovah, Original name of Zedekiah, king of Judah,<br />

Mattatha, his gift, <strong>An</strong> ancestor of Jesus<br />

Mattathias, the gift of the Lord<br />

Matthan, same as Mattan, gift<br />

Matthanias, same as Mattaniah<br />

Matthal, gift; he that gives<br />

Matthew, given; a reward, gift of Jehovah, Also called LEVI, gift of God<br />

Mazzaroth, the twelve signs of the zodiac<br />

Meah, a hundred cubits<br />

Mearah, den; cave; making empty<br />

Mebunnai, son; building; underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

Mecherath, selling; knowledge<br />

Medad, he that measures; water of love<br />


Medan, judgment; process<br />

Medeba, waters of grief; waters springing up<br />

Media, measure; habit; covering<br />

Megiddo, his precious fruit; declaring a message<br />

Megiddon, same as Megiddo<br />

Mehetabel, how good is God<br />

Mehida, a riddle; sharpness of wit<br />

Mehir, a reward<br />

Mehujael, who proclaims God<br />

Mehuman, making an uproar; a multitude<br />

Mejarkon, the waters of Jordan<br />

Mekonah, a foot of a pillar; provision<br />

Melatiah, deliverance of the Lord<br />

Melchi, my king; my counsel<br />

Melchiah, God is my king<br />

Melchi-shua, king of health; magnificent king<br />

Melchizedek, king of justice<br />

Melea, supplying; supplied<br />

Melech, king; counselor<br />

Melita, affording honey<br />

Mellicu, his kingdom; his counselor<br />

Melzar, circumcision of a narrow place, steward<br />

Memphis, abode of the good<br />


Memucan, impoverished; to prepare; certain; true<br />

Menahem, comforter; who conducts them; preparation of heat<br />

Menan, numbered; rewarded; prepared<br />

Mene, who reckons or is counted<br />

Meonenim, charmers, regarders of times<br />

Mephaath, appearance, or force, of waters<br />

Mephibosheth, out of my mouth proceeds reproach<br />

Merab, he that fights or disputes<br />

Meraioth, bitterness; rebellious; changing<br />

Merari, bitter; to provoke<br />

Mered, rebellious, ruling<br />

Meremoth, bitterness; myrrh of death<br />

Meres, defluxion; imposthume<br />

Meribah, dispute; quarrel<br />

Meribaal, he that resists Baal; rebellion<br />

Merodach, bitter contrition<br />

Merodach-baladan, bitter contrition, without judgment<br />

Merom, eminences; elevations<br />

Meronothite, my singing; rejoicing; bearing rule<br />

Meroz, secret, leanness<br />

Mesha, burden; salvation<br />

Meshach, that draws with force<br />

Meshech, who is drawn by force<br />


Meshelemiah, peace, or perfection, of the Lord<br />

Meshezaheel, God taking away; the salvation of God<br />

Meshillamith, peaceable; perfect; giving again<br />

Mesobaite, the Lord's st<strong>and</strong>ing-place; a little doe<br />

Mesopotamia, between two rivers<br />

Messiah, anointed<br />

Metheg-ammah, bridle of bondage<br />

Methusael, who dem<strong>and</strong>s his death<br />

Methuselah, when he dies it shall be sent<br />

Meunim, dwelling-places; afflicted<br />

Mezahab, gilded<br />

Miamin, the right h<strong>and</strong><br />

Mibhar, chosen; youth<br />

Mibsam, smelling sweet<br />

Mibzar, defending; forbidding; taking away<br />

*Micah, poor; humble<br />

*Micaiah, who is like to God?<br />

Micha, who is like to God?<br />

Michael, who is like to God?<br />

Michaiah, who is perfect?<br />

Michal, who is perfect?<br />

Michmash, he that strikes<br />

Michmethah, the gift or death of a striker<br />


Michri, selling<br />

Michtam, golden psalm<br />

Middin, judgment; striving<br />

Midian, judgment; covering; habit<br />

Migdal-el, tower of God<br />

Migdal-gad, tower compassed about<br />

Migdol, a tower<br />

Migron, fear; farm; throat<br />

Mijamin, right h<strong>and</strong><br />

Mikloth, little wants; little voices; looking downward<br />

Minneiah, possession of the Lord<br />

Milalai, circumcision; my talk<br />

Milcah, queen<br />

Milcom, their king<br />

Miletum, red; scarlet<br />

Millo, fullness<br />

Miniamin, right h<strong>and</strong><br />

Minni, reckoned; prepared<br />

Minnith, same as Minni<br />

*Miriam, rebellion, rebellous, bitterness their rebellion<br />

Mishael, who is asked for or lent<br />

Mishal, parables; governing<br />

Misham, their savior; taking away<br />


Misheal, requiring; lent; pit<br />

Mishma, hearing; obeying<br />

Mishmannah, fatness; taking away provision<br />

Mishraites, spread abroad<br />

Mispar, Mispereth, numbering; showing; increase of tribute<br />

Misrephoth-maim, hot waters<br />

Misti, incomparable beauty<br />

Mithcah, sweetness; pleasantness<br />

Mithnite, loin; gift; hope<br />

Mithredath, breaking the law<br />

Mitylene, purity; cleansing; press<br />

Mizar, little<br />

Mizpah, Mizpeh, a watch-tower; speculation<br />

Mizraim, tribulations<br />

Mizzah, defluxion from the head<br />

Mnason, a diligent seeker; an exhorter<br />

Moab, of his father<br />

Moladah, birth; generation<br />

Molech, Moloch, king<br />

Molid, nativity; generation; begetter;<br />

Mordecai, contrition; bitter; bruising; dedicated to Mars, a little man or bitter<br />

bruising;<br />

Moreh, stretching<br />

Moriah, bitterness of the Lord<br />


Moserah, Moseroth, erudition; discipline<br />

*Moses, taken out; drawn forth to draw drawn; drawn forth, taken out of water<br />

or a son;<br />

Mozah, unleavened<br />

Muppim, out of the mouth; covering<br />

Mushi, he that touches, that withdraws or takes away<br />

Myra, I flow; pour out; weep<br />

Mysia, criminal; abominable<br />

Naam, fair; pleasant<br />

Naamah, Naaman, beautiful; agreeable<br />

Naarah, Naarai, young person<br />

Naaran, juvenile, boyish, juvenile<br />

Naashon, that foretells; that conjectures<br />

Naasson, enchanter<br />

Nabal, fool; senseless<br />

Naboth, words; prophecies<br />

Nachon, ready; sure<br />

Nachor, same as Nahor<br />

Nadab, free <strong>and</strong> voluntary gift; prince<br />

Nagge, clearness; brightness; light<br />

Nahaliel, inheritance; valley of God<br />

Nahallal, praised; bright<br />

*Naham, Nahamani, comforter; leader<br />

Naharai, my nostrils; hot; anger<br />


Nahash, snake; serpent<br />

Nahath, rest; a leader<br />

Nahbi, very secret<br />

Nahor, hoarse; dry; hot<br />

Nahshon, same as Naashon<br />

Nahum, comforter; penitent<br />

Nain, beauty; pleasantness<br />

Naioth, beauties; habitations<br />

Naomi, beautiful; agreeable; sweet; pleasant<br />

Naphish, the soul; he that rests, refreshes himself, or respires<br />

Naphtali, that struggles or fights<br />

Narcissus, astonishment; stupidity<br />

Nason, helper; entry-way<br />

*Nathan, given; giving; rewarded<br />

Nathanael, the gift of God<br />

Nathan-melech, the gift of the king, or of counsel<br />

Naum, same as Nahum<br />

Nazareth, separated; crowned; sanctified<br />

Nazarite, one chosen or set apart<br />

Neah, moved; moving<br />

Neapolis, the new city<br />

Neariah, child of the Lord<br />

Nebai, budding; speaking; prophesying<br />


Nebaioth, words; prophecies; buds<br />

Neballat, prophecy; budding<br />

Nebat, that beholds<br />

Nebo, that speaks or prophesies<br />

Nebuchadrezzar, tears <strong>and</strong> groans of judgment<br />

Nebushasi hahban, speech; prophecy; springing; flowing<br />

Nebuzar-adan, fruits or prophecies of judgment<br />

Necho, lame; beaten<br />

Nedabiah, prince or vow of the Lord<br />

Neginoth, stringed instruments<br />

Nehelamite, dreamer; vale; brook<br />

Nehemiah, consolation; repentance of the Lord<br />

Nehum, comforter; penitent<br />

Nehushta, made of brass<br />

Nehushtan, a trifling thing of brass<br />

Neiel, commotion, or moving, of God<br />

Nekoda, painted; inconstant<br />

Nemuel, the sleeping of God<br />

Nepheg, weak; slacked<br />

Nephish, same as Naphish<br />

Nephishesim, diminished; torn in pieces<br />

Nephthalim, same as Naphtali<br />

Nephthoah, opening; open<br />


Nephusim, same as Nephishesim<br />

Ner, a lamp; new-tilled l<strong>and</strong><br />

Nereus, same as Ner<br />

Nergal, the great man; the hero<br />

Nergal-sharezer, treasurer of Nergal<br />

Neri, my light<br />

Neriah, light; lamp of the Lord<br />

Nethaneel, same as Nathanael<br />

Nethaniah, the gift of the Lord<br />

Nethinims, given or offered<br />

Neziah, conqueror; strong<br />

Nezib, st<strong>and</strong>ing-place<br />

Nibhaz, budding; prophesying, the barker<br />

Nibshan, prophecy; growing of a tooth<br />

Nicanor, a conqueror; victorious<br />

Nicodemus, victory of the people<br />

Nicolas, same as Nicodemus<br />

Nicolaitanes, followers of Nicolas<br />

Nicopolis, the city of victory<br />

Niger, black<br />

Nimrah, Nimrim, leopard; bitterness; rebellion<br />

Nimrod, rebellion (but probably an unknown <strong>As</strong>syrian word)<br />

Nimshi, rescued from danger<br />


Nineveh, h<strong>and</strong>some; agreeable<br />

Nisan, st<strong>and</strong>ard; miracle<br />

Nisroch, flight; proof; temptation; delicate<br />

No, stirring up; forbidding<br />

Noadiah, witness, or ornament, of the Lord<br />

*Noah, (pronounced No-ach) rest; consolation<br />

Noah, motion (Zelophehad's daughter)<br />

Nob, discourse; prophecy<br />

Nobah, that barks or yelps<br />

Nod, vagabond; fugitive<br />

Nodab, vowing of his own accord<br />

*Noe, same as Noah<br />

Nogah, brightness; clearness<br />

Noha, rest; a guide<br />

Non, posterity; a fish; eternal<br />

Noph, honeycomb; anything that distills or drops<br />

Nophah, fearful; binding<br />

Norah, same as Noah<br />

Nun, same as Non<br />

Nymphas, spouse; bridegroom<br />

*Obadiah, servant of the Lord<br />

Obal, inconvenience of old age<br />

*Obed, a servant; workman<br />


Obed-edom, servant of Edom<br />

Obil, that weeps; who deserves to be bewailed<br />

Oboth, dragons; fathers; desires<br />

Ocran, a disturber; that disorders<br />

Oded, to sustain, hold or lift up<br />

Og, a cake; bread baked in ashes<br />

Ohad, praising; confessing<br />

Ohel, tent; tabernacle; brightness<br />

Olympas, heavenly<br />

Omar, he that speaks; bitter<br />

Omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet; long O<br />

Omri, sheaf of corn<br />

On, pain; force; iniquity<br />

Onan, same as On<br />

Onesimus, profitable; useful<br />

Onesiphorus, who brings profit<br />

Ono, grief or strength or iniquity of him<br />

Ophel, a tower; darkness; small white cloud<br />

Ophir, fruitful region<br />

Ophni, wearisomeness; folding together<br />

Ophrah, dust; lead; a fawn<br />

Oreb, a raven<br />

Oren, pine tree<br />


Ornan, that rejoices<br />

Orpah, the neck or skull<br />

Oshea, same as Joshua<br />

Othni, my time; my hour<br />

Othniel, the hour of God<br />

Ozem, that fasts; their eagerness<br />

Ozias, strength from the Lord<br />

Ozni, an ear; my hearkening<br />

Paarai, opening<br />

Padan-aram, cultivated field or table-l<strong>and</strong><br />

Padon, his redemption; ox-yoke<br />

Pagiel, prevention, or prayer, of God<br />

Pahath-Moab, ruler of Moab<br />

Pai, Pau, howling; sighing, blessing,<br />

Palal, thinking<br />

Palestina, which is covered; watered; or brings <strong>and</strong> causes ruin<br />

Pallu, marvelous; hidden<br />

Palti, deliverance; flight<br />

Paltiel, deliverance; or banishment, of God<br />

Pamphylia, a nation made up of every tribe<br />

Paphos, which boils, or is very hot<br />

Parah, a cow; increasing<br />

Paran, beauty; glory; ornament<br />


Parbar, a suburb<br />

Parmashta, a yearling bull<br />

Parmenas, that abides, or is permanent<br />

Parnach, a bull striking, or struck<br />

Parosh, a flea; the fruit of a moth<br />

Parsh<strong>and</strong>atha, given by prayer<br />

Paruah, flourishing; that flies away<br />

Pasach, thy broken piece<br />

Pasdammin, portion or diminishing of blood<br />

Paseah, passing over; halting<br />

Pashur, that extends or multiplies the hole; whiteness<br />

Patara, trodden under foot<br />

Pathros, Pathrusim, mouthful of dough; persuasion of ruin<br />

Patmos, mortal<br />

Patrobas, paternal; that pursues the steps of his father<br />

Pau, same as Pai<br />

*Paul, small; little<br />

Paulus, same as Paul<br />

Pedahzur, strong or powerful savior; stone of redemption<br />

Pedaiah, redemption of the Lord<br />

Pekah, he that opens; that is at liberty<br />

Pekahiah, it is the Lord that opens<br />

Pekod, noble; rulers<br />


Pelaiah, the Lord's secret or miracle<br />

Pelaliah, entreating the Lord<br />

Pelatiah, let the Lord deliver; deliverance of the Lord<br />

Peleg, division<br />

Pelethites, judges; destroyers<br />

Pelonite, falling; secret<br />

Peniel, face or vision of God; that sees God<br />

Peninnah, pearl; precious stone; the face<br />

Pentapolis, five cities<br />

Pentateuch, the five books of Moses<br />

Pentecost, fifty count or the counting of fifty days<br />

Penuel, same as Peniel<br />

Peor, hole; opening<br />

Perazim, divisions<br />

Peresh, horseman<br />

Perez, divided<br />

Perez-Uzza, division of Uzza, or of strength<br />

Perga, very earthy<br />

Pergamos, height; elevation<br />

Perida, separation; division<br />

Perizzites, dwelling in villages<br />

Persia, that cuts or divides; a nail; a gryphon; a horseman<br />

Persis, same as Persia<br />


Peruda, same as Perida<br />

*Peter, a rock or stone<br />

Pethahiah, the Lord opening; gate of the Lord<br />

Pethuel, mouth of God; persuasion of God<br />

Peulthai, my works<br />

Phalec, same as Peleg<br />

Phallu, Pallu, admirable; hidden<br />

Phalti Palti, deliverance, flight<br />

Phanuel, face or vision of God<br />

Pharaoh, that disperses; that spoils<br />

Pharez, division; rupture<br />

Pharisees, set apart<br />

Pharpar, that produces fruit<br />

Phebe, shining; pure<br />

Phenice, Phoenicia, red; purple<br />

Phichol, the mouth of all, or every tongue<br />

Philadelphia, love of a brother<br />

Philemon, who kisses<br />

Philetus, amiable; beloved<br />

Philip, warlike; a lover of horses lover of horses<br />

Philippi, same as Philip, in the plural<br />

Philistines, those who dwell in villages<br />


Philologus, a lover of letters, or of the word A Christian at Rome to whom Paul<br />

sends his salutation. Salute Philologus, <strong>and</strong> Julia, Nereus, <strong>and</strong> his sister, <strong>and</strong><br />

Olympas, <strong>and</strong> all the saints which are with them.<br />

Phinehas, bold aspect; face of trust or protection<br />

Phlegon, zealous; burning<br />

Phrygia, dry; barren<br />

Phurah, that bears fruit, or grows<br />

Phygellus, fugitive<br />

Phylacteries, things to be especially observed<br />

Pi-beseth, abode of the goddess Bahest or Bast<br />

Pi-hahiroth, the mouth; the pass of Hiroth<br />

Pilate, armed with a dart<br />

Pinon, pearl; gem; that beholds<br />

Piram, a wild ass of them<br />

Pirathon, his dissipation or deprivation; his rupture<br />

Pisgah, hill; eminence; fortress<br />

Pisidia, pitch; pitchy<br />

Pison, changing; extension of the mouth<br />

Pithom, their mouthful; a dilatation of the mouth<br />

Pithon, mouthful; persuasion<br />

Pochereth, cutting of the mouth of warfare<br />

Pontius, marine; belonging to the sea<br />

Pontus, the sea<br />

Poratha, fruitful<br />


Potiphar, bull of Africa; a fat bull<br />

Potipherah, that scatters abroad, or demolishes, the fat<br />

Prisca, ancient<br />

Priscilla, same as Prisca<br />

Prochorus, he that presides over the choirs<br />

Puah, mouth; corner; bush of hair<br />

Publius, common<br />

Pudens, shamefaced<br />

Pul, bean; destruction<br />

Punites, beholding; my face<br />

Punon, precious stone; that beholds<br />

Pur, lot, singular of Purim (lots, as in Cleromancy, casting of lots)<br />

Putiel, God is my fatness<br />

Puteoli, sulphureous wells<br />

Quartus, fourth<br />

Quaternion, a guard of four soldiers, <strong>and</strong> delivered him to four quaternions of<br />

soldiers to guard him...<br />

Quicks<strong>and</strong>s, The Greater Sytis ...fearing lest they should be cast upon the<br />

Syrtis...<br />

Quirinius, who governs Syria, often called Cyrenius<br />

Raamah, greatness; thunder; some sort of evil<br />

Raamiah, thunder, or evil, from the Lord<br />

Rabbah, great; powerful; contentious<br />

Rabbi, Rabboni, my master<br />


Rabbith, multitude<br />

Rabboni, lord, teacher<br />

Rabmag, who overthrows or destroys a multitude<br />

Rab-saris, chief of the eunuchs<br />

Rabshakeh, cup-bearer of the prince<br />

Raca, worthless; good-for-nothing<br />

Rachab, same as Rahab<br />

Rachal, to whisper; an embalmer; a village of the tribe of David<br />

Rachel, ewe, God's ewe<br />

Raddai, ruling; coming down<br />

Ragau, friend; shepherd<br />

Raguel, shepherd, or friend of God<br />

Rahab, proud; quarrelsome (applied to Egypt)<br />

Rahab, large; extended (name of a woman)<br />

Raham, compassion; a friend<br />

Rakem, flower garden<br />

Rakkath, empty; temple of the head<br />

Rakkon, vain; void; mountain of enjoyment<br />

Ram, elevated; sublime<br />

Ramah, same as Ram<br />

Ramath, Ramatha, raised; lofty<br />

Ramathaim-Zophim, the two watch-towers<br />

Ramath-lehi, elevation of the jaw-bone<br />


Ramath-mizpeh, elevation of the watch-tower<br />

Ramiah, exaltation of the Lord<br />

Ramoth, eminences; high places<br />

Raphah, Raphu, relaxation; physic; comfort<br />

Reaiah, vision of the Lord<br />

Reba, the fourth; a square; that lies or stoops down<br />

Rebekah, fettered by beauty<br />

Rechab, square; chariot with team of four horses<br />

Reelaiah, shepherd or companion to the Lord<br />

Regem, that stones or is stoned; purple<br />

Regemmelech, he that stones the king; purple of the king<br />

Rehabiah, breadth, or extent, of the Lord<br />

Rehob, breadth; space; extent<br />

Rehoboam, who sets the people at liberty<br />

Rehoboth, spaces; places<br />

Rehum, merciful; compassionate<br />

Rei, my shepherd; my companion; my friend<br />

Reins, kidneys<br />

Rekem, vain pictures; divers picture<br />

Remaliah, the exaltation of the Lord<br />

Remmon, greatness; elevation; a pomegranate-tree<br />

Remphan, prepared; arrayed<br />

Rephael, the physic or medicine of God<br />


Rephaiah, medicine or refreshment of the Lord<br />

Rehpaim, giants; physicians; relaxed<br />

Rephidim, beds; places of rest<br />

Resen, a bridle or bit<br />

Reu, a friend<br />

Reuben, who sees the son; the vision of the son<br />

Reuel, friend of God<br />

Reumah, lofty; sublime<br />

Rezeph, pavement; burning coal<br />

Rezin, good-will; messenger<br />

Rezon, lean; small; secret; prince<br />

Rhegium, rupture; fracture<br />

Rhesa, will; course<br />

Rhoda, a rose<br />

Rhodoks, to serve<br />

Rhodes, same as Rhoda<br />

Ribai, strife<br />

Riblah, quarrel; greatness to him<br />

Rimmon, exalted; pomegranate<br />

Rinnah, song; rejoicing<br />

Riphath, remedy; medicine; release; pardon<br />

Rissah, watering; distillation; dew<br />

Rithmah, juniper; noise<br />


Rizpah, bed; extension; a coal<br />

Rogelim, a foot or footman<br />

Rohgah, filled or drunk with talk<br />

Romamti-ezer, exaltation of help<br />

Roman, strong; powerful<br />

Rome, strength; power<br />

Rosh, the head; top, or beginning<br />

Ruben, behold a son<br />

Rufus, red<br />

Ruhamah, having obtained mercy<br />

Rumah, exalted; sublime; rejected<br />

Ruth, friend<br />

Ryan, kingly<br />

Sabaoth, rest day<br />

Sabeans, captivity; conversion; old age<br />

Sabtah, a going about or circuiting; old age<br />

Sabtechah, that surrounds; that causes wounding<br />

Sacar, wares; a price<br />

Sadducees, followers of Sadoc, or Zadok<br />

Sadoc, or Zadok, just; righteous<br />

Salah, mission; sending<br />

Salamis, shaken; test; beaten<br />

Salathiel, asked or lent of God<br />


Salcah, thy basket; thy lifting up<br />

Salem, complete or perfect peace<br />

Salim, foxes; fists; path<br />

Sallai, Sallu, an exaltation; a basket<br />

Salma, peace; perfection<br />

Salmon, peaceable; perfect; he that rewards<br />

Salome, same as Salmon, femine version<br />

Samaria, watch-mountain<br />

Samlah, his raiment; his left h<strong>and</strong>; his astonishment<br />

Samos, full of gravel<br />

Samothracia, an isl<strong>and</strong> possessed by the Samians <strong>and</strong> Thracians<br />

Samson, his son; his service; there the second time<br />

*Samuel, lent of God; heard by God; asked of God<br />

Sanballat, bramble-bush; enemy in secret<br />

Sanhedrin, sitting together<br />

Sansannah, bough or bramble of the enemy<br />

Saph, rushes; sea-moss<br />

Saphir, delightful<br />

Sapphira, that relates or tells<br />

Sarah, lady; mother of the multitude<br />

Sarai, my lady; my princess<br />

Sardis, prince of joy<br />

Sardites, removing a dissension<br />


Sarepta, a goldsmith's shop<br />

Sargon, who takes away protection<br />

Sarid, remaining; h<strong>and</strong> of a prince<br />

Saron, same as Sharon<br />

Sarsechim, master of the wardrobe<br />

Saruch, branch; layer; lining<br />

Satan, contrary; adversary; enemy; accuser<br />

Saul, dem<strong>and</strong>ed; lent; ditch; death<br />

Sceva, disposed; prepared<br />

Seba, a drunkard; that turns<br />

Sebat, twig; scepter; tribe<br />

Sebia, Latin language, Latin form of Zibiah found in the Douay-Rheims Bible,<br />

Douay-Rheims<br />

Secacah, shadow; covering; defense<br />

Sechu, defense; bough<br />

Secundus, second<br />

Segub, fortified; raised<br />

Seir, Seirath, hairy; goat; demon; tempest<br />

Sela, a rock<br />

Sela-hammah-lekoth, rock of divisions<br />

Selah, the end; a pause<br />

Seled, affliction; warning<br />

Seleucia, shaken or beaten by the waves<br />

Sem, same as Shem<br />


Semachiah, joined to the Lord<br />

Semaiah, obeying the Lord<br />

Semei, hearing; obeying<br />

Senaah, bramble; enemy<br />

Seneh, same as Senaah<br />

Senir, bed-c<strong>and</strong>le; changing<br />

Sennacherib, bramble of destruction<br />

Seorim, gates; hairs; tempests<br />

Sephar, book; scribe; number<br />

Sepharad, a book descending<br />

Sepharvaim, the two books; the two scribes<br />

Serah, lady of scent; song; the morning star<br />

Seraiah, prince of the Lord<br />

Seraphim, burning; fiery<br />

Sered, dyer's vat<br />

Sergius, net<br />

Serug, branch; layer; twining<br />

Seth, put; who puts; fixed<br />

Sethur, hid; destroying<br />

Shaalabbim, underst<strong>and</strong>ing, or son of a fox<br />

Shaalbim, that beholds the heart<br />

Shaalbonite, a fox's building<br />

Schaaph, fleeing; thinking<br />


Shaaraim, gates; valuation; hairs<br />

Shaashgaz, he that presses the fleece; that shears the sheep<br />

Shabbethai, my rest<br />

Shachia, protection of the Lord<br />

Shadrach, tender, nipple<br />

Shage, touching softly; multiplying much<br />

Shalem, same as Salem<br />

Shalim, same as Salim<br />

Shalisha, three; the third; prince; captain<br />

Shallum, perfect; agreeable<br />

Shalmai, my garment<br />

Shalman, peaceable; perfect; that rewards<br />

Shalmaneser, peace; tied; chained; perfection; retribution<br />

Shamariah, throne or keeping of the Lord<br />

Shamed, destroying; wearing out<br />

Shamer, keeper; thorn; dregs<br />

Shamgar, named a stranger; he is here a stranger<br />

Shamhuth, desolation; destruction<br />

Shamir, Shamer, prison; bush; lees; thorn<br />

Shammah, hear, take notice, listen<br />

Shammai, my name; my desolations<br />

Shammoth, names; desolations<br />

Shammuah, he that is heard; he that is obeyed<br />


Shamsherai, there a singer or conqueror<br />

Shapham, Shaphan, rabbit; wild rat; their lip; their brink<br />

Shaphat, judge<br />

Sharai, my lord; my prince; my song<br />

Sharar, navel; thought; singing<br />

Sharezer, overseer of the treasury, or of the storehouse<br />

Sharon, plain, as in l<strong>and</strong><br />

Shashai, rejoicing; mercy; linen<br />

Shashak, a bag of linen; the sixth bag<br />

Shaul, Saul, asked; lent; a grave<br />

Shaveh, the plain; that makes equality<br />

Shealtiel, same as Salathiel<br />

Sheariah, gate of the Lord; tempest of the Lord<br />

Shear-jashub, the remnant shall return<br />

Sheba, oath<br />

Shebam, compassing about; old men<br />

Shebaniah, the Lord that converts, or recalls from captivity<br />

Shebarim, breakings; hopes<br />

Sheber, breaking; hope<br />

Shebna, who rests himself; who is now captive<br />

Shebuel, turning, or captivity, or seat, of God<br />

Shecaniah, habitation of the Lord<br />

Shechem, part; portion; back early in the morning<br />


Shedeur, field of light; light of the Almighty<br />

Shehariah, mourning or blackness of the Lord<br />

Shelah, that breaks; that unties; that undresses<br />

Shelemiah, God is my perfection; my happiness; my peace<br />

Sheleph, who draws out<br />

Shelesh, captain; prince<br />

Shelomi, Shelomith, my peace; my happiness; my recompense<br />

Shelumiel, same as Shelemiah<br />

Shem, name; renown<br />

Shema, hearing; obeying<br />

Shemaiah, that hears or obeys the Lord<br />

Shemariah, God is my guard<br />

Shemeber, name of force; name of the strong<br />

Shemer, guardian; thorn<br />

Shemida, name of knowledge; that puts knowledge<br />

Sheminith, eighth (traditionally explained as an eight-stringed instrument,<br />

though more likely an octave)<br />

Shemiramoth, the height of the heavens<br />

Shemuel, appointed by God<br />

Shen, tooth; ivory; change<br />

Shenazar, treasurer of a tooth<br />

Shenir, lantern; light that sleeps<br />

Shephatiah, the Lord that judges<br />

Shephi, beholder; honeycomb; garment<br />


Shepho, desert<br />

Shephuphan, serpent<br />

Sherah, flesh; relationship<br />

Sherebiah, singing with the Lord<br />

Sheshach, bag of flax or linen<br />

Sheshai, six; mercy; flax<br />

Sheshan, lily; rose; joy; flax<br />

Sheshbazzar, joy in tribulation; joy of the vintage<br />

Shethar, putrefied; searching<br />

Shethar-boznai, that makes to rot; that seeks those who despise me<br />

Sheva, vanity; elevation; fame; tumult<br />

Shibboleth, Sibboleth, ear of corn; stream or flood<br />

Shibmah, overmuch captivity, or sitting<br />

Shicron, drunkenness; his gift; his wages<br />

Shiggaion, a song of trouble or comfort<br />

Shihon, sound; wall of strength<br />

Shihor-libnah, blackness of Libnah<br />

Shilhi, Shilhim, bough; weapon; armor<br />

Shillem, peace; perfection; retribution<br />

Shiloah, same as Siloah<br />

Shiloh, sent<br />

Shiloh (name of a city), peace; abundance<br />

Shilom, tarrying; peace-maker<br />


Shilshah, three; chief; captain<br />

Shimeah, Shimeath, that hears, or obeys; perdition<br />

Shimei, Shimi, that hears or obeys; my reputation; my fame<br />

Shimeon, same as Simeon<br />

Shimma, same as Shimeah<br />

Shimon, providing well; fatness; oil<br />

Shimrath, hearing; obedient<br />

Shimshai, my son<br />

Shimri, thorn; dregs<br />

Shimrith, Shimron, same as Shimri<br />

Shinab, father of changing<br />

Shinar, watch of him that sleeps<br />

Shiphi, multitude<br />

Shiphrah, h<strong>and</strong>some; trumpet; that does good<br />

Shisha, of marble; pleasant<br />

Shishak, present of the bag; of the pot; of the thigh<br />

Shitrai, gatherer of money<br />

Shittim, thorns<br />

Shiza, this gift<br />

Shoa, kings; tyrants<br />

Shobab, returned; turned back; a spark<br />

Shobach, your bonds; your chains<br />

Shobai, turning captivity<br />


Shobal, path; ear of corn<br />

Shobek, made void; forsaken<br />

Shochoh, defense; a bough<br />

Shoham, keeping back<br />

Shomer, keeper; dregs<br />

Shophach, pouring out<br />

Shophan, rabbit; hid<br />

Shoshannim, those that shall be changed<br />

Shua, crying; saving<br />

Shuah, ditch; swimming; humiliation<br />

Shual, fox; path; first<br />

Shubael, returning captivity; seat of God<br />

Shuham, talking; thinking; humiliation; budding<br />

Shulamite, peaceable; perfect; that recompenses<br />

Shunem, their change; their sleep<br />

Shuni, changed; sleeping<br />

Shuphim, Shuppim, wearing them out; their shore<br />

Shur, wall; ox; that beholds<br />

Shushan, lily; rose; joy<br />

Shuthelah, plant; verdure; moist; pot<br />

Sia, moving; help<br />

Sibbechai, bough; cottage; of springs<br />

Sibmah, conversion; captivity<br />


Sichem, portion; shoulder<br />

Siddim, the tilled field<br />

Sidon, hunting; fishing; venison<br />

Sigionoth, according to variable songs or tunes,<br />

Sihon, rooting out; conclusion<br />

Sihor, black; trouble (the river Nile)<br />

*Silas, three, or the third<br />

Silla, exalting<br />

Siloa, Siloam, Siloe, same as Shilhi<br />

Silvanus, who loves the forest<br />

Simeon, that hears or obeys; that is heard<br />

Simon, that hears; that obeys<br />

Sin, a bush, enmity<br />

Sinai, a bush; enmity<br />

Sinim, south country,<br />

Sion, noise; tumult<br />

Sippai, threshold; silver cup<br />

Sinon, a breast-plate; deliverance<br />

Sisamai, house; blindness<br />

Sisera, that sees a horse or a swallow<br />

Sitnah, hatred<br />

Sivan, a bush or thorn<br />

Smyrna, myrrh<br />


So, a measure for grain; vail<br />

Socoh, tents; tabernacles<br />

Sodi, my secret<br />

Sodom, their secret; their cement<br />

Solomon, peaceable; perfect; one who recompenses<br />

Sopater, Sosipater, who defends the father<br />

Sophereth, scribe, numbering<br />

Sorek, vine; hissing; a color inclining to yellow<br />

Sosthenes, savior; strong; powerful<br />

Sotai, conclusion in pleading; binding<br />

Spain, rare; precious<br />

Stachys, spike or ear of corn<br />

Stephanas, crown; crowned<br />

Stephen, same as Stephanas<br />

Suah, speaking; entreating; ditch<br />

Succoth, tents; tabernacles<br />

Succoth-benoth, the tents of daughters, or young women; or prostitutes<br />

Sud, my secret<br />

Sur, that withdraws or departs; rebellion<br />

Susanna, lily; rose; joy<br />

Susi, horse; swallow; moth<br />

Sychar, end<br />

Syene, a bush; enmity<br />


Syntyche, that speaks or discourses<br />

Syracuse, that draws violently<br />

Taanach, who humbles thee; who answers thee<br />

Taanach-shilo, breaking down a fig-tree<br />

Tabbath, good; goodness<br />

Tabbaoth, rings<br />

Tabeal, Tabeel, good God<br />

Tabelel, God is good<br />

Taberah, burning<br />

Tabering, to beat with loud strokes<br />

Tabitha, gazelle<br />

Tabor, choice; purity; bruising<br />

Tabrimon, good pomegranate; the navel; the middle<br />

Tadmor, the palm-tree; bitterness<br />

Tahan, beseeching; merciful<br />

Tahapenes, secret temptation<br />

Tahath, fear; going down<br />

Tahpenes, st<strong>and</strong>ard; flight; temptation<br />

Tahrea, anger; wicked contention<br />

Talitha-cumi, young woman, arise<br />

Talmai, my furrow; that suspends the waters; heap of waters<br />

Tamah, blotting or wiping out; smiting<br />

Tamar, date palm; date-tree erect<br />


Tammuz, abstruse; concealed; consumed<br />

Tanhumeth, consolation; repentance<br />

Taphath, distillation; drop<br />

Tappuah, apple; swelling<br />

Tarah, a hair; a wretch; one banished<br />

Taralah, searching out sl<strong>and</strong>er, or strength<br />

Tarea, howling; doing evil<br />

Tarpelites, ravishers; succession of miracles<br />

Tarshish, contemplation; examination<br />

Tarsus, winged; feathered<br />

Tartak, chained; bound; shut up<br />

Tartan, a general (official title)<br />

Tatnai, that gives; the overseer of the gifts <strong>and</strong> tributes<br />

Tebah, murder; butchery; guarding of the body; a cook<br />

Tebaliah, baptism, or goodness, of the Lord<br />

Tebeth, good, goodness (the tenth month of the Hebrews)<br />

Tehinnah, entreaty; a favor<br />

Tekel, weight<br />

Tekoa, trumpet; that is confirmed<br />

Telabib, a heap of new grain<br />

Telah, moistening; greenness<br />

Telassar, taking away; heaping up<br />

Telem, their dew; their shadow<br />


Telharsa, suspension of the plow<br />

Tel-melah, heap of salt<br />

Tema, admiration; perfection; consummation<br />

Teman, Temani, the south; Africa; perfect<br />

Terah, to breathe; scent; blow<br />

Teraphim, images; idols<br />

Tertius, third<br />

Tertullus, third<br />

Tetrarch, governor of a fourth part<br />

Thaddeus, that praises or confesses<br />

Thahash, that makes haste; that keeps silence<br />

Thamah, that blots out; that suppresses<br />

Thamar, fruit, outcome<br />

Tharah, same as Terah<br />

Thebez, muddy; eggs; fine linen or silk<br />

Thelasar, same as Telassar<br />

Theophilus, friend of God<br />

Thessalonica, victory against the Thessalians<br />

Theudas, flowing with water<br />

Thomas, a twin<br />

Thuhash, badger<br />

Thummim, perfection; truth<br />

Thyatira, a perfume; sacrifice of labor<br />


Tibbath, killing; a cook<br />

Tiberias, good vision; the navel<br />

Tiberius, the son of Tiber<br />

Tibni, straw; hay<br />

Tidal that breaks the yoke; knowledge of elevation<br />

Tiglath-Pileser, that binds or takes away captivity<br />

Tikvah, hope; a little line; congregation<br />

Tilon, murmuring<br />

Timeus, perfect; admirable; honorable<br />

Timnah, forbidding<br />

Timnath, image; figure; enumeration<br />

Timnath-heres, or Timnath-serah, image of the sun; numbering of the rest<br />

Timon, honorable; worthy<br />

Timotheus, honor of God; valued of God<br />

Tiphsah, passage; leap; step; the Passover<br />

Tire, headdress<br />

Tirhakah, inquirer; examiner; dull observer<br />

Tiria, searching out<br />

Tirras, desire<br />

Tirshatha, a governor<br />

Tirza, Pleasantness<br />

Tirzah, benevolent; complaisant; pleasing<br />

Tishbite, that makes captive<br />


Titus, pleasing<br />

Toah, weapon; dart<br />

Tob, good; goodness<br />

Tob-adonijah, my good God; the goodness of the foundation of the Lord<br />

Tobiah, Tobijah, the Lord is good<br />

Tochen, middle<br />

Togarmah, which is all bone<br />

Tohu, that lives; that declares<br />

Toi, who w<strong>and</strong>ers<br />

Tola, worm; grub; scarlet<br />

Tophet, a drum; betraying<br />

Topheth, place of burning<br />

Trachonitis, stony<br />

Troas, penetrated<br />

Trophimus, well educated; well brought up<br />

Tryphena, delicious; delicate<br />

Tryphon, masculine of Tryphena<br />

Tryphosa, thrice shining<br />

Tubal, the earth; the world; confusion<br />

Tubal-Cain, worldly possession; possessed of confusion<br />

Tychicus, casual; by chance<br />

Tyrannus, a prince; one that reigns<br />

Tyrus, strength; rock; sharp<br />


Ucal, power, prevalency<br />

Uel, desiring God<br />

Ulai, strength; fool; senseless<br />

Ulam, the porch; the court; their strength; their folly<br />

Ulla, elevation; leaf; young child<br />

Ummah, darkened; covered; his people<br />

Unni, poor; afflicted; that answers<br />

Uphaz, pure gold; gold of Phasis or Pison<br />

Upharsin, divided<br />

Ur, fire, light, a valley<br />

Urbane, courteous<br />

Uri, my light, my fire<br />

*Uriah, or Urijah, the Lord is my light or fire<br />

Uriel, God is my light or fire<br />

Urim, lights; fires<br />

Uthai, my iniquity<br />

Uz, counsel; words<br />

Uzai, he<br />

Uzal, w<strong>and</strong>ering<br />

Uzzah, strength; goat<br />

Uzzen-sherah, ear of the flesh<br />

Uzzi, my strength; my kid<br />

Uzziah, Uzziel, the strength, or kid, of the Lord<br />


Vajezatha, sprinkling the chamber<br />

Vaniah, nourishment, or weapons, of the Lord<br />

Vashni, the second; changed; a tooth<br />

Vashti, that drinks; thread<br />

Vophsi, fragrant; diminution<br />

Yakman, meaning powerful, godly essence, almighty.<br />

Yehoyada, God knew.<br />

Yashua or Eashoa, the Aramaic name of Jesus<br />

Yahweh, Yahwe, Yahawe, Yahave, Yehovah, Jehova or Jehovah, spellings of the<br />

pronunciation of YHVH<br />

Yehezkel, variant of Ezekiel<br />

Yoav, (באוי, Joab) - "The Lord is father"<br />

Yosef, Joseph<br />

Yuval, "fresh water stream", "Water source that feeds into a stream", Yuval is<br />

the first musician <strong>and</strong> artist mentioned in the Bible.<br />

Zaanaim, removings<br />

Zaanannim, movings; a person asleep<br />

Zaavan, trembling terror,<br />

Zabad, dowry; endowed gift<br />

Zabbai, flowing w<strong>and</strong>erer, pure<br />

Zabbud, given, gift<br />

Zabdi, same as Zabad Gift of Jehovah, my gift<br />

Zabdiel, gift of God<br />

Zaccai, pure meat; just, pure<br />


Zacchaeus, pure; clean; just<br />

Zaccur, of the male kind; mindful, mindful<br />

Zachariah, memory of the Lord, remembered by Jehovah, remembered by the<br />

Lord<br />

Zacharias, the Lord has remembered, Greek form of Zechariah,<br />

Zacher, memento; recollection; commemoration<br />

*Zadok, just; justified, just righteous<br />

Zaham, crime; filthiness; impurity fatness<br />

Zair, little; afflicted; in tribulation, little, small<br />

Zalaph, shadow; ringing; shaking wound<br />

Zalmon, his shade; his image shady,<br />

Zalmonah, the shade; the sound of the number; his image, shady,<br />

Zalmunna, shadow; image; idol forbidden<br />

Zamzummims, projects of crimes; enormous crimes<br />

Zanoah, forgetfulness; desertion marsh<br />

Zaphnath-paaneah, one who discovers hidden things, revealer of a secret the<br />

man to whom secrets are revealed<br />

Zarah, east; brightness<br />

Zareathites, wasp (inhabitants)<br />

Zared, strange descent<br />

Zarephath, ambush of the mouth<br />

Zaretan, tribulation; perplexity<br />

Zareth-shahar, splendor of the dawn<br />

Zarhites, rising of light (descendants)<br />


Zartanah, pierce; puncture<br />

Zarthan, pierce; puncture<br />

Zatthu, olive tree<br />

Zattu, uncertain derivation; olive tree<br />

Zavan, disquiet<br />

Zaza, belonging to all<br />

Zebadiah, portion of the Lord; the Lord is my portion<br />

Zebah, victim; sacrifice<br />

Zebaim, gazelles<br />

Zebedee, ''abundant; portion, my gift<br />

Zebina, flowing now; selling; buying<br />

Zeboiim, gazelles<br />

Zeboim, deer; goats<br />

Zebudah, endowed; endowing<br />

Zebul, a habitation<br />

Zebulonite, habitation (descendant)<br />

Zebulun, dwelling; habitation<br />

Zebulunites, habitation (descendant)<br />

*Zechariah, remembered by the Lord<br />

Zedad, his side; his hunting<br />

Zedekiah, the Lord is my justice; the justice of the Lord<br />

Zeeb, wolf<br />

Zelah, rib; side; halting<br />


Zelek, the shadow or noise of him that licks or laps<br />

Zelophehad, the shade or tingling of fear<br />

Zelotes, zealous<br />

Zelzah, noontide<br />

Zemaraim, wool; pith<br />

Zemarite, Canaanite<br />

Zemira, song; vine; palm<br />

Zenan, coldness; target; weapon<br />

Zenas, living<br />

*Zephaniah, the Lord is my secret<br />

Zephath, which beholds; that attends or that covers<br />

Zephathah, watch-tower, associated with modern Zeita, Wadi Zeita<br />

Zephi, observant<br />

Zepho, that sees <strong>and</strong> observes; that expects or covers<br />

Zephon, watch-tower<br />

Zephonites, watch-tower (descendants)<br />

Zer, perplexity<br />

Zerah, same as Zarah<br />

Zerahiah, the Lord rising; brightness of the Lord<br />

Zered, be exuberant in growth; lined with shrubbery<br />

Zereda, ambush; change of dominion<br />

Zeredathah, pierce; puncture<br />

Zererath, pierce; puncture<br />


Zeresh, misery; strange; dispersed inheritance<br />

Zereth, same as Zer<br />

Zeri, crack; leak; distillation; balm<br />

Zeror, root; that straightens or binds; that keeps tight<br />

Zeruah, leprous; wasp; hornet<br />

Zerubbabel, a stranger at Babylon; dispersion of confusion<br />

Zeruiah, pain or tribulation of the Lord<br />

Zetham, olive grove<br />

Zethan, olive grove<br />

Zethar, he that examines or beholds<br />

Zia, sweat; swelling<br />

Ziba, army; fight; strength<br />

Zibeon, iniquity that dwells<br />

Zibia, gazelle<br />

Zibiah, the Lord dwells; deer; goat<br />

Zichri, that remembers; that is a man<br />

Ziddim, huntings; treasons; destructions<br />

Zidkijah, justice of the Lord<br />

Zidon, hunting; fishing; venison<br />

Zidonians, catching fish; fishery (inhabitants)<br />

Zif, this or that; brightness; comeliness<br />

Ziha, brightness; whiteness; drought<br />

Ziklag, measure pressed down<br />


Zillah, shadow; the tingling of the ear<br />

Zilpah, distillation from the mouth<br />

Zilthai, my shadow; my talk<br />

Zimmah, thought; wickedness<br />

Zimran, song; singer; vine<br />

Zimri, musical<br />

Zin, buckler; coldness<br />

Zina, shining; going back<br />

Zion, monument; raised up; sepulcher<br />

Zior, ship of him that watches<br />

Ziph, this mouth or mouthful; falsehood<br />

Ziphah, flowing<br />

Ziphims, flowing (inhabitants)<br />

Ziphion, watch-tower<br />

Ziphites, flowing (inhabitants)<br />

Ziphron, falsehood of a song; rejoicing<br />

Zippor, bird; sparrow; crown; desert<br />

Zipporah, beauty; trumpet; mourning<br />

Zithri, to hide; demolished<br />

Ziz, flower; branch; a lock of hair<br />

Ziza, same as Zina<br />

Zizah, prominence<br />

Zoan, motion<br />


Zoar, little; small<br />

Zoba, station;<br />

Zobah, an army; warring<br />

Zobebah, canopier<br />

Zohar, white; bright; dryness<br />

Zoheleth, that creeps, slides, or draws<br />

Zoheth, separation; amazing<br />

Zophah, viol; honeycomb<br />

Zophai, honey-comb<br />

Zophar, rising early; crown<br />

Zophim, place for a watchman<br />

Zorah, leprosy; scab; hornet<br />

Zorathites, wasp (inhabitants)<br />

Zoreah, wasp<br />

Zorites, wasp (inhabitants)<br />

Zorobabel, same as Zerubbabel<br />

Zuar, same as Zoar<br />

Zuph, that beholds, observes, watches; roof; covering<br />

Zur, stone; rock; that besieges<br />

Zuriel, rock or strength of God<br />

Zurishaddai, the Almighty is my rock <strong>and</strong> strength<br />

Zuzims, the posts of a door; splendor; beauty<br />


Prophetology<br />

One of the best ways for learn about prophecy is to study those who<br />

moved in the most. The ancient Mystics or Prophets of the Bible are your<br />

best bet. These are highlighted in the Onomastics section. By studying<br />

these people as a whole you will find certain themes that they have in<br />

common with each other. All the classical prophets are different <strong>and</strong><br />

have their own personality, but they do tend to share a few similar<br />

characteristics.<br />

They have a focus on history.<br />

They shared characteristics common to poets.<br />

They desire justice for the orphan, widow, poor, foreigner, <strong>and</strong> the one<br />

who has been wronged.<br />

They desire to turn people back to God by telling them what is right<br />

according to God, <strong>and</strong> warning them of the consequences.<br />

They mourn when the judgment did come upon those they were sent to<br />

warn.<br />

They interceded for the people to God.<br />

They plead with God on the people’s behalf.<br />

They feel compassion for the people <strong>and</strong> sympathy for God.<br />

They see God as objective not just subjective, a presence not just an<br />

essence.<br />

They speak of God with human attributes.<br />

They were considered radical or extreme by many because of their thinking<br />

<strong>and</strong> methods.<br />

They Obedient <strong>and</strong> desire to do His will.<br />

They feared God, but knew God's love for them.<br />

They staked their life on the prophecies they gave.<br />


Prayer<br />

Visualize yourself sitting next to Yahshua in His throne room praying with<br />

Him.<br />

Be still before God <strong>and</strong> wait for what He will speak to you. Usually just key<br />

words or pictures at first.<br />

If you do not know what to pray, then just pray softly in tongues, until you<br />

do get something, or even if you don't.<br />

<strong>As</strong> long as you do not give up, you will get something. Sometimes it<br />

takes longer than others.<br />

P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens.<br />

Fasting will accelerate <strong>and</strong> strengthen your prayers. There are several<br />

different kinds of fasts you can use<br />

Refrain from things other than food, such as T.V., sexual relations<br />

with your spouse, or other unnecessary activities.<br />

Just skip one or two meals <strong>and</strong> spend that time praying for your<br />

cause.<br />

The Partial Fast, or the Daniel Fast, where you only eat fruits <strong>and</strong><br />

vegetables.<br />

A Juice Fast, where you don’t eat any food, but restrict yourself to<br />

liquids.<br />

The Normal Fast, where you don’t eat any food, but restrict yourself<br />

to water only. (Normally people only attempt this for as much as 40<br />

days)<br />

The Complete Fast, where you don't eat or drink anything. (It isn't<br />

safe to go without water for more than 3 days)<br />

Matthew 6:10 Pray the Father's Will (<strong>and</strong> Heart). <strong>As</strong> it is in Heaven, if it's a<br />

specific way in Heaven it is meant to be that way on Earth too. This is an<br />

easy way to know the Father's Will.<br />

If in a group have everyone go be alone for a while <strong>and</strong> then see what<br />

words <strong>and</strong> impressions that everyone got.<br />

Amos 3:3 if you are in a group, clasping h<strong>and</strong>s together with the<br />

person next to you, shows that you have come into agreement about<br />

what you are praying for.<br />

Physical touch also makes it easier to pray prophetically, you<br />

will receive words more easily by "combining your faith."<br />

Make a list of all the words that appear more than once.<br />

Have everyone go be alone <strong>and</strong> pray what God leads them to pray<br />

concerning these words.<br />

Matthew 18:19 <strong>As</strong> a group come into agreement on what Gods will is.<br />


Ecclesiastes 4:9 Pray as a group, or getting more people to pray for<br />

the same thing increases the power of that prayer.<br />

Matthew 21:22 Pray with emotions, power, faith, & intensity.<br />

1 John 5:14-15 when you know that God literally hears everything you<br />

say to Him as you say it.<br />

Pray as if it has already been established, even if it's impossible, if the event<br />

has not taken place yet or even if the event has already taken place in the<br />

past.<br />

Use words like it will, it has, it is, I am, I have.<br />

I Comm<strong>and</strong>, I Declare, I Order.<br />

Place a dem<strong>and</strong> on your prayers, <strong>and</strong> a timeframe if one can apply.<br />

Rock back <strong>and</strong> forth, or move your body in some kind of periodic motion.<br />

This will do what I like to call "get you in the Zone." This is also what the<br />

Jews do when they pray.<br />

If you're praying out loud in tongues, also try praying in your head (in your<br />

own language). This is because you to just pray <strong>and</strong> not focus on what<br />

you're saying while praying in tongues. You can also visualize your mental<br />

prays as well. This isn't hard to do, you just have to keep practicing it so<br />

that you do not lose focus. Most people can do it the first time.<br />

Pray out loud in tongues.<br />

If seems fake or is difficult to accomplish you can try to pray<br />

faster, so that your natural mind cannot keep up with the words<br />

you are forming. This is what is known as a Mind-Bypass<br />

Pray in your own language, in your head.<br />

Visualize what you are praying in your head as well.<br />

Engage your emotions while praying, this will accelerate your prayers<br />

response time.<br />

Visualize your prayers in your imagination as you pray them out. See them<br />

being acted out <strong>and</strong> fulfilled, see the end result.<br />

If you get a r<strong>and</strong>om picture, word, or impression you believe God is<br />

speaking to you, start to pray that out.<br />

To pray without ceasing, try praying as if you are communicating<br />

telepathically with God. Talk to Him about Everything.<br />

Put your prayer into action. If you can do something to bring it about, do it!<br />

Don't just pray then sit there <strong>and</strong> let God do the rest. We are His Helpmate,<br />

His Bride, He wants to work WITH us!<br />



Worship<br />

The fastest way to bring in the presences of God is to worship, <strong>and</strong> the more<br />

powerful the Worship usually means a sooner appearing <strong>and</strong> much more<br />

tangible presence of God. Worship is Warfare in the Spirit Realm. These are<br />

methods to further empower your worship.<br />

Sing along with the lyrics, if you end up singing the wrong verse of a song<br />

just keep singing it, or make up your own lyrics to make the song personal<br />

to you.<br />

Singing in tongues.<br />

Something this is as simple as just making a groaning noise, such as<br />

an Oww, Eee, Ahh, or Ohh sound, or holding a pitch or tone.<br />

Close your eyes.<br />

Visualize yourself singing before God wherever you're at, or as if you are<br />

literally before Him in His Throne Room.<br />

<strong>As</strong> you focus on Jesus & sing out what comes to mind.<br />

Imagine God is speaking to you through the song itself <strong>and</strong> its lyrics.<br />

Hold out your h<strong>and</strong>s, or raise your arms to God in praise.<br />

Clapping your h<strong>and</strong>s is an act of warfare in the Spirit Realm.<br />

Dance <strong>and</strong> move as you feel led. God loves spontaneous dancing.<br />

Sing into the walls <strong>and</strong> the area around you to charge the atmosphere.<br />

Play an instrument or just sing skillfully for God.<br />

If you get tired sit or laydown <strong>and</strong> just receive.<br />

This is also known as soaking, but resting usually in a quiet place <strong>and</strong><br />

listening to worship music, while waiting upon the Lord <strong>and</strong><br />

meditating on Him.<br />

Some suggest music genres include:<br />

Worship<br />

Praise<br />

Christian<br />

Gospel<br />

Soaking<br />

Prophetic<br />

Instrumental<br />

Test different singing techniques, <strong>and</strong> see what you enjoy the most of<br />

what you are good at:<br />

Fade in <strong>and</strong> out as you sing.<br />

Hum.<br />

Sing from the abdomen to increase your low notes.<br />


Sing form the through to increase your high notes.<br />

Bend your knees to keep from fainting.<br />

Keep good posture & widen your base/footing to shoulder width.<br />

Try tilting you head bad to sing louder if needed.<br />


Listening<br />

Listening to God is just as important as speaking to God, but many people<br />

do not know how to listen to God. God has given us all the analogies <strong>and</strong><br />

examples we could need to underst<strong>and</strong> Him in our everyday lives. You<br />

practice listening to God the same way you would listen to people.<br />

Listening makes loved ones feel, appreciated, interesting, respected, &<br />

loved. Ordinary conversations emerge on deeper levels, as do our<br />

relationships when we are actively listening.<br />

When we listen, we foster the skill in others by acting as a model for<br />

positive <strong>and</strong> effective communication. We always learn more when we<br />

listen more than when we talk. Listening is a skill that anyone can master.<br />

The technique to Active listening is really an extension of the Golden Rule.<br />

To know how to listen to someone else, think about how you would want<br />

to be listened to.<br />

In our relationships, greater communication brings greater intimacy, since<br />

trust & communication are the basis of any good relationship. Parents<br />

listening to their kids helps build their self-esteem, something that God is<br />

always doing.<br />

While the ideas are intuitive, it might take some practice to develop these<br />

skills. These are some suggestions to try when listening:<br />

Maintain eye contact - Visualize Jesus is right there with you, face to face.<br />

Minimize external distractions - Turn off the TV; put down your magazine.<br />

Respond appropriately - when listening ask responsive questions, like "how<br />

did you do that?" or "When will that happen?"<br />

Focus solely on what God is saying - Give your undivided attention to God.<br />

Minimize internal distractions - If your own thoughts keep horning in,<br />

simply let them go, <strong>and</strong> continuously re-focus your attention on the<br />

speaker, much as you would during meditation.<br />

Keep an open mind while listening - God can do anything.<br />

Engage yourself - <strong>As</strong>k questions for clarification.<br />

Ironically, as your listening skills improve, so will your aptitude for<br />

conversation.<br />


Communication<br />

Public Speaking<br />

Be full of enthusiasm, but avoid speaking to loud, soft, fast, or slow<br />

unless the moment calls for it.<br />

Be yourself, but make an attempt to relate to your audience by<br />

dressing, <strong>and</strong> using words they are familiar with.<br />

Look at your audience, make short moments of eye contact.<br />

If you can't look them in the eyes, focus on their chin, nose, or<br />

forehead. They will usually not making direct eye contact if<br />

they are 10' away of more.<br />

Keep it short <strong>and</strong> to the point. Not everyone's attention span is as<br />

long as you might think. Keep your message to about 20-30 minutes<br />

at the longest, unless you notice genuine anticipation from your<br />

audience.<br />

Motivational Speaking<br />

Speak with emotion in your voice.<br />

Get Excited! Your enthusiasm is contagious.<br />

Give your testimony, mentioning the low points, but emphasizing the<br />

high points.<br />

Your message needs to be something your audience can focus on<br />

easily, perhaps what they focus on or relate to the most. Then it will<br />

really stick with them, making the most impact possible.<br />

Show them how your experience can benefit them.<br />

Focus on their needs <strong>and</strong> desires by using words like you, we, us. See<br />

the potential in them that they can't see in themselves. Tell them it's<br />

going to be ok again, even better than it was before. Try to tell them<br />

that they can, <strong>and</strong> will, do even greater things than they imagine for<br />

themselves.<br />

Believe in them. Even if they do not believe in themselves. If they<br />

are at least giving you their attention, then they at least have the<br />

hunger for more in life, <strong>and</strong> you will push (motivate) them to do it.<br />

Ice Breakers<br />

When you find someone <strong>and</strong> feel the need to talk with them start to<br />

scan them visually for anything you may have in common with them<br />

Do they wear a lot of your favorite color?<br />

Are they listening to music you also like?<br />


Does their clothing advertise anything to also have an interest<br />

in?<br />

If you have noticeably in common look again for what you can complement<br />

them on.<br />

Do they drive a cool car/motorcycle that's been customized?<br />

Do they have a healthy looking pet with them that they enjoy caring<br />

for?<br />

Do they have their children or gr<strong>and</strong>children with them? Are they<br />

cute <strong>and</strong> ornery?<br />

If for some reason you cannot find anything worth complementing then<br />

visually scan them for something you might inquire about of them.<br />

You look like you might know a lot about technology, cooking,<br />

basketball, …?<br />

That's an interesting T-shirt who is that B<strong>and</strong>, Product, Protest,<br />

Movement, …?<br />

I noticed you have a lot of Jewry, can you recommend a good<br />

jeweler?<br />

You have a lot of music, where do you get it all?<br />

People Skills<br />

Remember people personally<br />

Names<br />

Birthdays<br />

Their likes <strong>and</strong> dislikes<br />

Their dreams, goals, & concerns<br />

Family members<br />

Be Transparent about everything you do to avoid mistrust <strong>and</strong> fear.<br />

Get everyone involved, so every has a part <strong>and</strong> feels they are a part<br />

of something bigger than themselves.<br />

Being polite & always use your manners even when no one is around,<br />

this will only make you better at it.<br />

When around different culture, consent to their customs as long as<br />

the customs do not go against the Bible.<br />

Be able to Co-operation or work in a team with absolutely anyone!<br />

Effective Communication Skills<br />

Actively Listen <strong>and</strong> be Attentive<br />


Nod your head if they mention something you agree with, so<br />

they know you are really listening to, <strong>and</strong> not just hearing<br />

them.<br />

Make mental notes of what they said, so you can respond<br />

better when it is your turn to talk.<br />

Always be Truthful about everything you communicate to the best of<br />

your knowledge. Distrust will weaken or kill the relationship you had<br />

with that person.<br />

Also be Honest, Patient, Optimistic, Sincere, Respectful, Sensitive,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Accepting of others.<br />

Let your body language show them that you care about them <strong>and</strong><br />

their lives, not crossing your arms or fidgeting.<br />

Use gestures with your body, especially your facial features,<br />

arms, & the tone of your voice to help your audience<br />

remember what you said easier.<br />

Be aware of what your body language is saying at all times.<br />

This can communicates so much more than what your words<br />

may. (A picture is worth 1000 words)<br />

Avoid Mixed signals<br />

Such as smiling at someone while disciplining them. You will<br />

not get your point across this way.<br />

Be organized, <strong>and</strong> an outlines structure that flows from one idea to a<br />

very similar idea is best.<br />

Stay in a calm relaxed state (so as not to start making nervous<br />

gestures).<br />

Leave yourself in a venerable state, so other feel much more<br />

comfortable approaching you.<br />

Sitting by yourself<br />

Perhaps focused on something in front of you, like a book, (not<br />

paying too much attention to what's around you).<br />

Sleeping<br />

Make yourself Available<br />

Leave a multitude of way open for people to contact you<br />

(phone #'s, mail, email's, IM's, social networking's, …)<br />

Smile at people<br />

Look them in the eyes<br />

One technique to help with this is to consciously look into one<br />

of the listener’s eyes <strong>and</strong> then move to the other eye. Going<br />

back <strong>and</strong> forth between the two makes your eyes appear to<br />


sparkle, by unnoticeably & ever so slightly moving your<br />

eyeballs to reflect the light off of them.<br />

Make every attempt to relate to them, without going so far out of<br />

your element that you have to fake it.<br />

If they are a business man, be a business man<br />

If they are a farmer, be a farmer<br />

If they are a little kid, be a little kid.<br />

Be Concise, avoid all the rhetoric <strong>and</strong> information overload. They will<br />

remember better this way.<br />

If you are not sure what the other person is trying to communicate to<br />

you, paraphrase it back to them in a question.<br />

Following up with the person after a few days, will show that you<br />

remember what they speaking.<br />

If you have to take notes of what they are saying. This might<br />

seem more formal or impersonal, but it may be necessary at<br />

times to remember everything.<br />

Make reminders for yourself also if needed<br />

Be Persuasive when trying to make a point<br />

Relate to the person's wants <strong>and</strong> needs.<br />

Focus on the positives of your ideas.<br />

If there are negatives be sure to point them out <strong>and</strong> how<br />

they are minor, & that the positives greatly outweigh<br />

them.<br />

Clear & Easy to Underst<strong>and</strong>, by using other resources to get your thought<br />

across to others<br />

<strong>An</strong>alogies/Metaphors<br />

Props/Visuals<br />

Interactive Demo/Examples/Samples<br />

Dramatizations/Exaggerations (Prophetic acts)<br />

Be Confident is what you are communicating. People may not believe what<br />

you tell them if you yourself do not feel confident about it<br />

<strong>An</strong>imate your speech, raise <strong>and</strong> lower or speed up or slow down your voice<br />

to emphasize certain points as needed<br />

Add a sudden pause for dramatic effect.<br />

Or an abrupt ending also for the same dramatic effect.<br />

When emphasizing a point, pause after making it then repeat it as if<br />

you had not even said it the first time.<br />

Avoid saying things like "let me repeat that" or "I'll say that<br />

again."<br />


Add an abrupt change of emotion to leave a powerful effect on the<br />

conversation.<br />

This leaves people focusing on what you last said during the<br />

pause of whatever length.<br />

Use the correct volume in your voice so everyone can hear you.<br />

If you can leave them with a closing thought, something to chew on or<br />

think about. This will theoretically keep the conversation going in their<br />

minds even after you've left.<br />

Practice!<br />


Deliverance<br />

Deliverance, Healings, & Creative Miracles can be considered a Prophetic<br />

<strong>Science</strong>. Usually in this type of ministry someone must be first delivered form<br />

the sickness, or more specifically the demonic force that is behind it first,<br />

which is the deliverance part, so they can more easily receive their healing, or<br />

creative miracle. This is the Prophetic Protocol, or guild lines to be used in<br />

Prophetic Deliverance, Healings, & Creative Miracles:<br />

Give testimony of similar healings. This is essentially Mark 16:20<br />

preaching the Gospel with Signs.<br />

o I usually tell them of my own healings, otherwise similar miracles<br />

I've witnessed myself first h<strong>and</strong> of their condition, or miracles Jesus<br />

or others did in the Bible similar to their current condition.<br />

o This glorifies God, <strong>and</strong> charges the atmosphere for additional<br />

miracles to manifest.<br />

Tell them & believe that, God can, desires to, & will heal them (even if it's<br />

a progressive healing <strong>and</strong> not imminent).<br />

o Sometimes they will not be healed until the next day, or week, or 6<br />

months later. But it will still glorify God since it's usually something<br />

that was a lifelong disability or "incurable" illness anyway.<br />

If you are praying specially for Deliverance, many times you will need to<br />

first "Bind the Strong Man" according to Matthew 12:29<br />

You will also need to pray <strong>and</strong> fast beforeh<strong>and</strong> for their cause. Matthew<br />

17:21<br />

Visualize the healing or deliverance in your own Mind.<br />

Pray with, before you pray for them, (Come into Agreement). The same<br />

way we pray with Jesus, <strong>and</strong> not just to Him.<br />

o Matthew 18:19 Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree<br />

about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in<br />

heaven.<br />

o Quote Scriptures that reinforce what God can do through us (Isaiah<br />

53:5 "…by his wounds we are healed").<br />

Lay h<strong>and</strong>s on the illness/wound.<br />

o If you are going to pray for someone who has an illness in a part of<br />

the body that is not appropriate to lay h<strong>and</strong>s on, like tactical or<br />

breast cancer, you can stretch out a h<strong>and</strong> towards the area while<br />

praying, or place your h<strong>and</strong> on a neutral part of their body, such as<br />

the head, chest, back, shoulder, or just place your h<strong>and</strong> on theirs.<br />


You can also do this with one h<strong>and</strong> while the other is stretched out<br />

to the affected body part.<br />

Pray into the illness/wound.<br />

Speak it out in a Comm<strong>and</strong>; comm<strong>and</strong> the demon to leave, or the body<br />

part to be healed.<br />

o You don't have be forceful or violent for this to work, just speak it<br />

out, you have the authority over all the Earth, as a redeemed child<br />

of God.<br />

o <strong>An</strong>d be descriptive when praying for healings & creative miracles,<br />

this helps the person being prayed for to visualize themselves being<br />

healed.<br />

Commit actions (dramatization) as a prophetic act of healing.<br />

Use your emotions to make it stronger.<br />

o Love is the strongest emotion. Mark 1:41, Jesus was moved with<br />

compassion.<br />

If they are partially healed after you pray for them in the name of Jesus,<br />

then praise Him for the partial healing, <strong>and</strong> pray again.<br />

o Mark 8:22-25 Even Jesus had to pray twice for a blind man to<br />

receive his sight back.<br />

o There have been others who had to pray as much as 16 or more<br />

times for complete restoration.<br />

If someone who needs healing, deliverance, or a miracle cannot be there<br />

physically to be ministered to, someone who cares for this person can<br />

st<strong>and</strong> in proxy form this person, or you can also minister to them through<br />

telephone, or video conference, or other means if available.<br />

Bless them, <strong>and</strong> send them off telling them to go <strong>and</strong> do likewise.<br />

o Matthew 10:8 freely they have received, so freely give.<br />

These are just some examples of what is believed by many in the<br />

Charismatic community to be the main Causes & the Body Part Effected<br />

that need healed:<br />


Cause Body Part Effected<br />

Fear Kidneys & Bladder<br />

Panic Attack & Fright Heart<br />

Greif & sorrow Repertory & Colin<br />

<strong>An</strong>ger Liver<br />

Worry Digestion Issues<br />

Let Downs Back Pain<br />

Don't want to see something Eyes<br />

Molested Prostitution<br />

Demon Possessed Epileptic & Paraplegic<br />

<strong>Art</strong>hritis Unforgiveness<br />

Many times the person may have a condition that they have not done<br />

anything in their life to receive but many times while a person is in the<br />

womb the environment itself, parents feelings, & emotions during<br />

conception <strong>and</strong> throughout the pregnancy <strong>and</strong> while they are a toddler<br />

will program the kind of person you are including these conditions. If the<br />

mother experiences fear during conception or the pregnancy the child<br />

may have kidney, or bladder problems later in life.<br />

For this reason Parent should bless their children continually, but<br />

especially during these 7 times.<br />

During conception<br />

While in the womb<br />

At birth<br />

Infancy<br />

Puberty (Rite of Passage)<br />

o Somewhere in between these two blessings many parent will have a<br />

Bar Barakah for their son, or Bat Barakah for their daughter, which<br />

is a Christian Bar Mitzvah <strong>and</strong> includes 3 steps:<br />


Preparation — a process which includes the parents praying<br />

for their child <strong>and</strong> how they will bless them <strong>and</strong> help them<br />

into their future destiny.<br />

The Ceremony — the time in which the child is publicly<br />

released into adulthood, cut from childhood ties to the<br />

mother <strong>and</strong> set apart by their father’s words/blessing into<br />

their identity <strong>and</strong> destiny.<br />

The Celebration — a party/reception following the ceremony.<br />

A feast is made <strong>and</strong> ideas <strong>and</strong> testimonies are read from<br />

parents who have planned a blessing ceremony.<br />

Marriage<br />

During old age (or when the parent is on their death bed)<br />

When Deliverance involves casting out Demons or Unclean Spirits know<br />

that there is a legal system in the Spirit Realm.<br />

You must Repent of the sin (intend to never do it again).<br />

Then Forgive (not the sin, but yourself first, then others).<br />

o This means to send away the evil feelings, emotions, & actions.<br />

o <strong>An</strong>d replace it with Godly feelings, emotions, & actions.<br />

Now cast out the highest ranking demon then the rest will follow easily.<br />

o Usually the highest ranking are spirits of Inferiority <strong>and</strong> Insecurity<br />

then spirits of sickness, deafness, mute spirits….<br />

Then you pronounce/comm<strong>and</strong> healing in Yeshua's being.<br />

Tell them to do something that they could not do before to test <strong>and</strong> know<br />

that they have been healed. If it's not something they can test, such as an<br />

addiction, they may feel a peace overwhelm them, or many times they<br />

may feel "pins <strong>and</strong> needles" all over, or a heat, or electricity surge through<br />

their body, or some other similar sensation.<br />


Test<br />

Respond to each statement below according to who you are, not who you<br />

would like to be or think you ought to be. How true are these statements of<br />

you? What has been your experience? To what degree do these statements<br />

reflect your usual tendencies? This survey has 96 questions <strong>and</strong> each is very<br />

important, so try not to miss out on any! When you're finished use the scoring<br />

sheet to see what your gifts are!<br />

Respond to each statement according to the following scale:<br />

0 = Not at all; Never<br />

1 = Some of the time; Once in a while<br />

2 = Most of the time; Usually true<br />

3 = Consistently; Definitely true<br />

1 ____ I like to organize people, tasks, <strong>and</strong> events.<br />

2 ____ I can readily distinguish between spiritual truth <strong>and</strong> error, good <strong>and</strong><br />

evil.<br />

3 ____ I communicate the gospel to others with clarity <strong>and</strong> effectiveness.<br />

4 ____ I tend to see the potential in people.<br />

5 ____ I find it natural <strong>and</strong> easy to trust God to answer my prayers.<br />

6 ____ I give liberally <strong>and</strong> joyfully to people in financial need or to projects<br />

requiring support.<br />

7 ____ I enjoy working behind the scenes to support the work of others.<br />

8 ____ I am approached by people who want to know my perspective on a<br />

particular passage or biblical truth.<br />

9 ____ I empathize with hurting people <strong>and</strong> desire to help in their healing<br />

process.<br />

10 ____ I enjoy spending time nurturing <strong>and</strong> caring for others.<br />

11 ____ I am able to communicate God’s Word effectively.<br />

12 ____ I am often sought out by others for advice about spiritual or<br />

personal matters.<br />

13 ____ I am careful, thorough, <strong>and</strong> skilled at managing details.<br />

14 ____ I frequently am able to judge a person’s character based upon first<br />

impressions.<br />

15 ____ I consistently look for opportunities to build relationships with non-<br />

Christians.<br />

16 ____ I enjoy reassuring <strong>and</strong> strengthening those who are discouraged.<br />

17 ____ I have confidence in God’s continuing provision <strong>and</strong> help, even in<br />

difficult times.<br />


18 ____ I give more than a tithe so that kingdom work can be accomplished.<br />

19 ____ I enjoy doing routine tasks that support the ministry.<br />

20 ____ I receive information from the Spirit that I did not acquire through<br />

natural means.<br />

21 ____ I can patiently support those going through painful experiences as<br />

they try to stabilize their lives.<br />

22 ____ I have compassion for w<strong>and</strong>ering believers <strong>and</strong> want to protect<br />

them.<br />

23 ____ I can spend time in study knowing that presenting truth will make a<br />

difference in the lives of people.<br />

24 ____ I can often find simple, practical solutions in the midst of conflict or<br />

confusion.<br />

25 ____ I can clarify goals <strong>and</strong> develop strategies or plans to accomplish<br />

them.<br />

26 ____ I can see through phoniness or deceit before it is evident to others.<br />

27 ____ I am effective at adapting the gospel message so that it connects<br />

with an individual’s felt need.<br />

28 ____ I give hope to others by directing them to the promises of God.<br />

29 ____ I believe that God will help me to accomplish great things.<br />

30 ____ I manage my money well in order to free more of it for giving.<br />

31 ____ I willingly take on a variety of odd jobs around the church to meet<br />

the needs of others.<br />

32 ____ I am committed, <strong>and</strong> schedule blocks of time for reading <strong>and</strong><br />

studying scripture, to underst<strong>and</strong> biblical truth fully <strong>and</strong> accurately.<br />

33 ____ I enjoy helping people sometimes regarded as undeserving or<br />

beyond help.<br />

34 ____ I like to provide guidance for the whole person - relationally,<br />

emotionally, spiritually, etc.<br />

35 ____ I pay close attention to the words, phrases, <strong>and</strong> meaning of those<br />

who teach.<br />

36 ____ I can easily select the most effective course of action from among<br />

several alternatives.<br />

37 ____ I can identify <strong>and</strong> effectively use the resources needed to<br />

accomplish tasks.<br />

38 ____ I tend to see rightness or wrongness in situations.<br />

39 ____ I invite unbelievers to accept Christ as their Savior.<br />

40 ____ I reassure those who need to take courageous action in their faith,<br />

family, or life.<br />

41 ____ I trust God in circumstances where success cannot be guaranteed<br />

by human effort alone.<br />


42 ____ I am challenged to limit my lifestyle in order to give away a higher<br />

percentage of my income.<br />

43 ____ I see spiritual significance in doing practical tasks.<br />

44 ____ I have insight or just know something to be true.<br />

45 ____ I have great compassion for hurting people.<br />

46 ____ I can faithfully provide long-term support <strong>and</strong> concern for others.<br />

47 ____ I like to take a systematic approach to my study of the Bible.<br />

48 ____ I can anticipate the likely consequences of an individual’s or a<br />

group’s action.<br />

49 ____ I like to help organizations or groups become more efficient.<br />

50 ____ I receive affirmation from others concerning the reliability of my<br />

insights or perceptions.<br />

51 ____ I openly tell people that I am a Christian <strong>and</strong> want them to ask me<br />

about my faith.<br />

52 ____ I strengthen those who are wavering in their faith.<br />

53 ____ I am convinced of God’s daily presence <strong>and</strong> action in my life.<br />

54 ____ I like knowing that my financial support makes a real difference in<br />

the lives <strong>and</strong> ministries of God’s people.<br />

55 ____ I like to find small things that need to be done <strong>and</strong> often do them<br />

without being asked.<br />

56 ____ I have suddenly known some things about others, but did not know<br />

how I knew them.<br />

57 ____ I can look beyond a person’s h<strong>and</strong>icaps or problems to see a life<br />

that matters to God.<br />

58 ____ I enjoy giving guidance <strong>and</strong> practical support to a small group of<br />

people.<br />

59 ____ I can communicate scripture in ways that motivate others to study<br />

<strong>and</strong> want to learn more.<br />

60 ____ I give practical advice to help others through complicated<br />

situations.<br />

61 ____ I enjoy learning how organizations function.<br />

62 ____ I can identify preaching, teaching, or communication which is not<br />

true to the Bible.<br />

63 ____ I openly <strong>and</strong> confidently tell others what Christ has done for me.<br />

64 ____ I like motivating others to take steps for spiritual growth.<br />

65 ____ I am regularly challenging others to trust God.<br />

66 ____ I give generously due to my commitment to stewardship.<br />

67 ____ I feel comfortable being a helper, assisting others to do their job<br />

more effectively.<br />


68 ____ I discover important biblical truths when reading or studying<br />

scripture which benefit others in the body of Christ.<br />

69 ____ I enjoy bringing hope <strong>and</strong> joy to people living in difficult<br />

circumstances.<br />

70 ____ I can gently restore w<strong>and</strong>ering believers to faith <strong>and</strong> fellowship.<br />

71 ____ I can present information <strong>and</strong> skills to others at a level that makes it<br />

easy for them to grasp <strong>and</strong> apply to their lives.<br />

72 ____ I can apply scriptural truth that others regard as practical <strong>and</strong><br />

helpful.<br />

73 ____ I can visualize a coming event, anticipate potential problems, <strong>and</strong><br />

develop backup plans.<br />

74 ____ I can sense when demonic forces are at work in a person or<br />

situation.<br />

75 ____ I seek opportunities to talk about spiritual matters with unbelievers.<br />

76 ____ I am able to challenge or rebuke others in order to foster spiritual<br />

growth.<br />

77 ____ I can move forward in spite of opposition or lack of support when I<br />

sense God’s blessing on an undertaking.<br />

78 ____ I believe I have been given an abundance of resources so that I may<br />

give more to the Lord’s work.<br />

79 ____ I readily <strong>and</strong> happily use my natural or learned skills to help<br />

wherever needed.<br />

80 ____ I confidently share my knowledge <strong>and</strong> insights with others.<br />

81 ____ I enjoy doing practical things for others who are in need.<br />

82 ____ I enjoy patiently but firmly nurturing others in their development as<br />

believers.<br />

83 ____ I enjoy explaining things to people so that they can grow spiritually<br />

<strong>and</strong> personally.<br />

84 ____ I have insights into how to solve problems that others do not see.<br />

85 ____ I set goals <strong>and</strong> manage people <strong>and</strong> resources effectively to<br />

accomplish them.<br />

86 ____ I see most actions as right or wrong, <strong>and</strong> feel the need to correct<br />

the wrong.<br />

87 ____ My conversations with non-believers usually leads to me telling<br />

them about my faith.<br />

88 ____ I enjoy practical or topical teaching that I can apply to everyday life.<br />

89 ____ I live with confidence because I know that God works daily in my<br />

life.<br />

90 ____ I feel compelled to support missions with my money <strong>and</strong> time.<br />

91 ____ I am excited <strong>and</strong> willing to serve others when I am needed to do so.<br />


92 ____ I recognize cultural trends, teachings, or events which contradict<br />

biblical principles.<br />

93 ____ I try to have a loving attitude <strong>and</strong> let others know that I care about<br />

them.<br />

94 ____ I feel the need to protect others from doing the wrong things so<br />

they can grow stronger in their faith.<br />

95 ____ When others misuse or misinterpret Scripture, I get upset.<br />

96 ____ I am humbled when others seek my counsel.<br />

Directions:<br />

Add up each column <strong>and</strong> write your score next to the corresponding letter.<br />

Once you have done this you can check the key below to see what gift each<br />

letter represents.<br />

Scoring Matrix:<br />

A B C D E F G H I J K L<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24<br />

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36<br />

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48<br />

49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60<br />

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72<br />

73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84<br />

85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96<br />

A____ B____ C____ D____ E____ F____ G____ H____ I_____ J____<br />

K____ L____<br />

Administration/Ruling<br />

Discernment<br />

Evangelism<br />

Exhortation<br />

Faith<br />

Giving<br />

Helps/Serving/Ministering<br />

Knowledge<br />


Mercy<br />

Pastor<br />

Teaching<br />

Wisdom<br />

Spiritual Gift Definitions:<br />

Administration/Ruling<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit enables certain Christians to organize,<br />

administrate, <strong>and</strong> promote the various affairs of the local church's ministry to<br />

direct them effectively. A local church cannot grow beyond a certain point<br />

without the ministry of these individuals. See 1 Corinthians 12:28, Romans 12:8,<br />

& Titus 1:4-5<br />

Apostleship<br />

This is the spiritual gift that refers to certain men called by Christ Himself <strong>and</strong><br />

given special power to charter the newly formed church. See Ephesians 4:11, 1<br />

Corinthians 12:28. See also Acts 1:22, & 1 Corinthians 9:1<br />

Discernment<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit enables certain Christians to know with<br />

without a doubt whether a statement or behavior is of God, Satan, or man. See<br />

1 Corinthians 12:10, Acts 5:3-6, Acts 16:16-18, & 1 John 4:1<br />

Evangelism<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit enables particular Christians to share<br />

the Gospel to unbelievers <strong>and</strong> burdens Christians about soul-winning. All<br />

Christians are called to witness for Christ whether they have this gift or not. See<br />

Ephesians 4:11, Acts 8:5-12, Acts 21:8, Acts 8:26-40, & Matthew 28:18-20<br />

Exhortation<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit enables certain Christians to deliver<br />

challenging <strong>and</strong> encouraging words. See Romans 12:8, Acts 11:23-24, Acts<br />

14:21-22, & Acts 15:32<br />

Faith<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit provides Christians with great<br />

confidence to believe <strong>and</strong> expect great things from God. See 1 Corinthians 12:9,<br />

Romans 5:1, Romans 12:3, & Hebrews 11<br />


Giving<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit enables certain Christians to accumulate<br />

<strong>and</strong> give large amounts of their finances to the glory of God. See Romans 12:8,<br />

Acts 4:32-37, Galatians 4:15, Philippians 4:10-18, & 2 Corinthians 8:1-5<br />

Healing<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit uses certain Christians to restore<br />

physical or mental health to the sick or demon possessed. See 1 Corinthians<br />

12:9, 28, 30, & James 5:13-16<br />

Helps/Serving/Ministering<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit empowers certain Christians to render<br />

practical help in both physical <strong>and</strong> spiritual matters. Serving one another, like<br />

evangelism, is a calling of all Christians, but there are some who have a special<br />

desire to serve, <strong>and</strong> receive great blessing from it. See Romans 12:7, 1<br />

Corinthians 12:28, & Galatians 6:1-2<br />

Interpretation of tongues<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit gives certain Christians the ability to<br />

clarify <strong>and</strong> interpret messages uttered in an unknown language. See 1<br />

Corinthians 12:10<br />

Knowledge<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit gives certain Christians the supernatural<br />

ability to underst<strong>and</strong> God's Word <strong>and</strong> to effectively communicate it to others.<br />

See 1 Corinthians 12:8<br />

Mercy<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit enables certain Christians to minister to<br />

<strong>and</strong> have compassion for those who are suffering or afflicted. See Romans 12:8,<br />

& Luke 10:30-37<br />

Miracles<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit empowers certain Christians to perform<br />

events that are outside the realm of nature. See 1 Corinthians 12:28<br />

Prophecy<br />


This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit empowers certain Christians to receive<br />

revelation of events in the future. See Romans 12:6, 1 Corinthians 12:10, 1<br />

Corinthians 14:1-5, Ephesians 4:11, 1 Corinthians 14:30-33, & 1 Peter 1:20-21<br />

Pastor/Teaching<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit enables certain Christians to preach <strong>and</strong><br />

teach the Word of God <strong>and</strong> to take responsibility for the spiritual welfare of a<br />

body of believers. See Ephesians 4:11, 1 Peter 5:1-11<br />

Teaching<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit enables particular Christians to<br />

communicate <strong>and</strong> clarify the details <strong>and</strong> truths of God's Word for others to<br />

learn. See Romans 12:7, & Ephesians 4:11<br />

Tongues<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit enables a Christian to supernaturally<br />

speak a previously unknown language. See 1 Corinthians 12:10, 1 Corinthians<br />

12:30, 1 Corinthians 14:4, 1 Corinthians 14:39, Acts 2:4, & Acts 19:6<br />

Wisdom<br />

This is the spiritual gift where the Spirit empowers particular Christians with a<br />

supernatural underst<strong>and</strong>ing of God's Word <strong>and</strong> the will to apply it to life<br />

situations. See 1 Corinthians 12:8, James 3:13-17.<br />


Application<br />

The following is a practical guide to matching spiritual gifts to possible<br />

ministries in the Church, or careers in society. While this list is not<br />

comprehensive, it offers a broad spectrum of possibilities. You can help a<br />

person find their place of ministry by looking up their spiritual gift from the<br />

following list. If you do have a passion for a specific area of ministering, know<br />

that God has placed that passion in you for a reason. What you love to do, is<br />

what u were meant to do.<br />

Helps/Service<br />

Committees<br />

Children's Work<br />

Camp<br />

Nursery<br />

Cooking<br />

Librarian<br />

Transportation<br />

Usher<br />

Greeter<br />

<strong>As</strong>sistant<br />

Class Officer<br />

Bible Study Leader<br />

Church Bulletin<br />

Sunday school Teacher<br />

Organ, Piano, Other Instruments<br />

Photographer<br />

Parking Lot attendant<br />

H<strong>and</strong>yman<br />

Media Committee<br />

Office Worker<br />

Bus Driver<br />

Telephoning<br />

Hospital Visitation<br />

L<strong>and</strong>scaper<br />

Kid’s Activities<br />

Children's Music<br />

Secretary<br />

Women’s Ministries<br />


Leadership<br />

Boards <strong>and</strong> Committees<br />

School Superintendent<br />

Activity Director<br />

Leadership Training<br />

Recruiter<br />

Head Usher<br />

Class Officer<br />

Hospitality<br />

Usher<br />

Greeter<br />

Host/Hostess<br />

Open House<br />

Banquet Server<br />

Welcome Committee<br />

Administration<br />

Boards <strong>and</strong> Committees<br />

Office Worker<br />

<strong>As</strong>sistant Superintendent<br />

Historian<br />

Activity Director<br />

Financial Secretary<br />

Class Officer<br />

Librarian<br />

Discernment<br />

Board Member<br />

Recruiter<br />

Counseling<br />

Divorce/Recovery Counselor<br />

Alter Counselor<br />

Visitation<br />

Youth Work<br />

Faith<br />

Prayer Ministries<br />

Nominating Committee<br />

Alter Counselor<br />


Board Member<br />

Healing Ministry<br />

Prayer Partner<br />

Music<br />

Choir<br />

B<strong>and</strong><br />

Choir Leader<br />

Worship Leader<br />

Instruments<br />

Orchestra<br />

Song Leader<br />

Bell Choir<br />

Miracles<br />

Healing Ministries<br />

Mission Work<br />

Prayer Ministries<br />

<strong>An</strong>ointing of Believers<br />

Craftsmanship<br />

H<strong>and</strong>yman<br />

Posters<br />

Advertising<br />

Building Maintenance<br />

<strong>Art</strong>s <strong>and</strong> Crafts<br />

Office machines <strong>and</strong> equipment<br />

Grounds Maintenance<br />

Healing<br />

Healing Ministries<br />

Giving<br />

Treasurer<br />

Meals <strong>and</strong> Lodging<br />

Support Missionaries<br />

Fund Raiser<br />

Boards <strong>and</strong> Committees<br />

Helping the Needy<br />


Mercy<br />

Alter Counselor<br />

Divorce/Recovery Counselor<br />

Drug <strong>and</strong> Alcohol Rehab<br />

Care Giver<br />

Visit Shut-In’s<br />

Prison Ministry<br />

Blind <strong>As</strong>sistance<br />

Bereaved Care<br />

Cancer Care<br />

Mentally Ill Care<br />

Hospital Visitation<br />

Convalescent Homes<br />

Mission Work<br />

Deaf Care<br />

Knowledge/Wisdom<br />

Boards <strong>and</strong> Committees<br />

Research<br />

Youth Work<br />

Marriage Enrichment<br />

Alter Counselor<br />

Teaching<br />

Counseling<br />

Bible Translation<br />

Visitation<br />

Discipleship<br />

Information Technology<br />

Exhortation<br />

Boards <strong>and</strong> Committees<br />

School Teacher<br />

Visitation<br />

Counseling<br />

Usher<br />

Adult Sunday school Teacher<br />

Discipleship<br />

Greeter<br />

Camp Counselor<br />


Teaching<br />

School Teacher<br />

Discipleship<br />

Youth Worker<br />

Visitation<br />

Kid’s Activities<br />

Adult Sunday school Teacher<br />

Board Member<br />

Outreach<br />

Home Bible Study Leader<br />

Pastor/Shepherd<br />

Discipleship<br />

Visitation<br />

Training<br />

Youth Work<br />

Outreach<br />

Follow-up<br />

Apostleship<br />

Missionary<br />

Outreach<br />

Church Planter<br />

Missionary<br />

Missions<br />

Missionary Financial Support<br />

Evangelism<br />

Mission’s Board<br />

Outreach<br />

Prophecy<br />

Adult Sunday school Teacher<br />

Preaching<br />

Visionary<br />

Boards <strong>and</strong> Committees<br />

Evangelism<br />

Usher<br />

Weather Man<br />

Dramas<br />


Stock Broker<br />

Historian<br />

Intercessor<br />

Mailman<br />

Evangelism<br />

Outreach<br />

Crusade Work<br />

Prison Ministry<br />

Door to Door Visitation<br />

Visitation<br />

Alter Counselor<br />

Rescue Mission<br />

Telephoning Prospects<br />

Intercession<br />

Prayer Ministries<br />

Healing Ministries<br />

With the exception of Helps <strong>and</strong> Service, which about 75% of a typical<br />

congregation has, very few gifts st<strong>and</strong>alone without support gifts, or<br />

complementing gifts.<br />

For example the following are natural pairs:<br />

Teaching <strong>and</strong> Knowledge<br />

Healing <strong>and</strong> Faith<br />

Hospitality <strong>and</strong> Service<br />

Leadership <strong>and</strong> Administration<br />

Wisdom <strong>and</strong> Discernment<br />

Pairs like these show that gifts won't always function to maximum effectiveness<br />

without the support of another gift. What a beautiful picture of the body of<br />

Christ. We are diverse, yet can't get along without each other.<br />


Apologetics<br />

A study of Messiantics: Revelation 19:10 for the essence of prophecy is to give<br />

a clear witness for Jesus.<br />

This is not an exhaustive list just list of prophecies proclaimed in the Old<br />

Testament <strong>and</strong> their fulfillment. There are over 300 prophecies of Jesus the<br />

Messiah, here is a sample of just 8 for example:<br />

Old Testament<br />

Prophecy<br />

Christ to be born in<br />

Bethlehem<br />

(Micah 5:2)<br />

Forerunner of Christ<br />

(Malachi 3:1)<br />

Christ to enter<br />

Jerusalem riding on a<br />

donkey<br />

(Zech 9:9)<br />

Christ to be betrayed<br />

by a friend<br />

(Psalm 41:9)<br />

Christ to be betrayed<br />

for 30 pieces of silver<br />

(Zech 11:12)<br />

30 pieces of silver<br />

casted down <strong>and</strong> used<br />

to buy a potter's field<br />

(Zech 11:13)<br />

New Testament<br />

Fulfillment<br />

<strong>An</strong>d Herod asked where<br />

Christ had been born ...<br />

they answered<br />

Bethlehem<br />

(Matt 2:4-6)<br />

John the Baptist, the<br />

forerunner of Christ<br />

(Mark 1:2-8)<br />

Christ enters Jerusalem<br />

riding on a donkey<br />

(Matt 21:4-11)<br />

Judas betrayed Jesus<br />

(Luke 22:21)<br />

Judas sold out Jesus for<br />

30 pieces of silver<br />

(Matt 26:15)<br />

30 pieces of silver used<br />

to buy a potter's field<br />

(Matt 27:3-10)<br />

289<br />

Probability<br />

2.8 x 10 5 or 1 in 280,000<br />

1 x 10 3 or 1 in 1,000<br />

1 x 10 2 or 1 in 100<br />

1 x 10 3 or 1 in 1,000<br />

1 x 10 3 or 1 in 1,000<br />

1 x 10 5 or 1 in 100,000

Although innocent,<br />

Christ kept silent when<br />

on trial<br />

(Isaiah 53:7)<br />

Christ crucified<br />

(Psalm 22:16)<br />

Jesus kept silent when<br />

questioned<br />

(Mark 14:60-61)<br />

Jesus was crucified<br />

(John 19:17, 18)<br />

290<br />

1 x 10 3 or 1 in 1,000<br />

1 x 10 4 or 1 in 10,000<br />

To answer the question what is the probability of one man fulfilling all eight<br />

prophecies, the principal of probability is applied. Therefore, multiplying all<br />

eight probabilities together (1 times 2.8 x 10 5 x 10 3 x 10 2 x 10 3 x 10 3 x 10 5 x 10 3<br />

x 10 4 ) gives us 2.8 x 10 28 , or for simplicity sake 1 x 10 28 or 1 in<br />

10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Given this <strong>and</strong> the time span<br />

between the writings of the Old Testament <strong>and</strong> the fulfillment by Christ in the<br />

New Testament, the prophecies were either given to the prophets by God, or<br />

the prophets just wrote them down as they thought they should be. With<br />

Christ fulfilling all eight prophecies, what are the odds the prophets were just<br />

guessing? The probability of fulfilling all of the prophecies listed below would<br />

surpass the estimated total number of atoms in the observable universe, 1 x<br />

10 80 .<br />

Here is a list of these prophecies:<br />

Genesis 3:15 Seed of a woman (virgin birth). Luke 1:35,<br />

Matthew 1:18-20<br />

Genesis 3:15 He will bruise Satan's head. Hebrews 2:14, 1<br />

John 3:8<br />

Genesis 5:24 The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated. Mark<br />

6:19<br />

Genesis 9:26-27 The God of Shem will be the Son of Shem. Luke<br />

3:36<br />

Genesis 12:3 <strong>As</strong> Abraham's seed, will bless all nations. Acts<br />

3:25-26<br />

Genesis 12:7 The Promise made to Abraham's Seed. Galatians<br />

3:16<br />

Genesis 14:18 A priest after Melchizedek. Hebrews 6:20

Genesis 14:18 A King also. Hebrews 7:2<br />

Genesis 14:18 The Last Supper foreshadowed. Matthew 26:26-<br />

29<br />

Genesis 17:19 the Seed of Isaac. Romans. 9:7<br />

Genesis 21:12 Seed of Isaac… Romans 9:7, Hebrews 11:18<br />

Genesis 22:8 The Lamb of God promised. John 1:29<br />

Genesis 22:18 <strong>As</strong> Isaac's seed, will bless all nations. Galatians<br />

3:16<br />

Genesis26:2-5 The Seed of Isaac promised as the Redeemer.<br />

Hebrews11:18<br />

Genesis 49:10 The time of His coming. Luke 2:1-7; Galatians 4:4<br />

Genesis 49:10 The Seed of Judah. Luke 3:33<br />

Genesis 49:10 Called Shiloh or One Sent. John 17:3<br />

Genesis 49:10 To come before Judah lost identity. John 11:47-<br />

52<br />

Genesis 49:10 To Him shall the obedience of the people be.<br />

John 10:16<br />

Exodus 3:13-14 The Great "I Am." John 4:26<br />

Exodus 12:5 A Lamb without blemish. 1 Peter 1:19<br />

Exodus 12:13 The blood of the Lamb saves Romans wrath.<br />

Romans 5:8<br />

Exodus 12:21-27 Christ is our Passover. 1 Corinthians 5:7<br />

Exodus 12:46 Not a bone of the Lamb to be broken. John<br />

19:31-36<br />

Exodus 13:2 Blessing to first born son… Luke 2:23<br />

Exodus 15:2 His exaltation predicted as Yeshua. Acts 7:55-56<br />

Exodus 15:11 His Character-Holiness. Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27<br />


Exodus 17:6 The Spiritual Rock of Israel. 1 Corinthians 10:4<br />

Exodus 33:19 His Character-Merciful. Luke 1:72<br />

Leviticus14:11 The leper cleansed-Sign to priesthood. Luke 5:12-<br />

14; Acts 6:7<br />

Leviticus16:15-17 Prefigures Christ's once-for-all death. Hebrews<br />

9:7-14<br />

Leviticus16:27 Suffering outside the Camp. Matthew 27:33;<br />

Hebrews 13:11-12<br />

Leviticus17:11 The Blood-the life of the flesh. Matthew 26:28;<br />

Mark 10:45<br />

Leviticus17:11 It is the blood that makes atonement. 1 John<br />

3:14-18<br />

Leviticus23:36-37 The Drink-offering: "If any man thirst." John<br />

19:31-36<br />

Numbers 9:12 Not a bone of Him broken. John 19:31-36<br />

Numbers 21:9 The serpent on a pole-Christ lifted up. John 3:14-<br />

18<br />

Numbers 24:8 Flight to Egypt… Matthew 2:14<br />

Numbers 24:17 Time: "I shall see him, but not now." Galatians<br />

4:4<br />

Numbers 24:17-19 A star out of Jacob… Matthew 2:2, Luke 1:33, 78,<br />

Revelation 22:16<br />

Deuteronomy 18:15 "This is of a truth that prophet." John 6:14<br />

Deuteronomy 18:15-16 "Had ye believed Moses, ye would believe me."<br />

John 5:45-47<br />

Deuteronomy 18:18 Sent by the Father to speak His word. John 8:28-<br />

29<br />

Deuteronomy 18:19 Whoever will not hear must bear his sin. John<br />

12:15<br />


Deuteronomy 21:13-23 as a prophet… John 6:14; 7:40, Acts 3:22-23<br />

Deuteronomy 21:23 Cursed is he that hangs on a tree. Galatians 3:10-<br />

13<br />

Ruth 4:4-9 Christ, our kinsman, has redeemed us. Ephesians<br />

1:3-7<br />

1 Samuel 2:10 Shall be an anointed King to the Lord. Matthew<br />

28:18; John 12:15<br />

2 Samuel 7:12 David's Seed. Matthew 1:1<br />

2 Samuel 7:14a The Son of God. Luke 1:32<br />

2 Samuel 7:16 David's house established forever. Luke 3:31;<br />

Rev. 22:16<br />

2 Samuel 23:2-4 would be the “Rock”… 1 Corinthians 10:4<br />

2 Samuel 23:2-4 would be as the “light of the morning”…<br />

Revelation 22:16<br />

2 Kings 2:11 The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated. Luke<br />

24:51<br />

1 Chronicles 17:11 David's Seed. Matthew 1:1; 9:27<br />

1 Chronicles 17:12-13a To reign on David's throne forever. Luke 1:32-33<br />

1 Chronicles 17:13a "I will be His Father, He my Son." Hebrews 1:5<br />

Job 19:23-27 The Resurrection predicted. John 5:24-29<br />

Psalms 2:1-3 The enmity of kings foreordained. Acts 4:25-28<br />

Psalms 2:2 To own the title, <strong>An</strong>ointed (Christ). Acts 2:36<br />

Psalms 2:6 His Character-Holiness. John 8:46; Revelation 3:7<br />

Psalms 2:6 To own the title King. Matthew 2:2<br />

Psalms 2:7 Declared the Beloved Son. Matthew 3:17<br />

Psalms 2:7-8 The Crucifixion <strong>and</strong> Resurrection intimated. Acts<br />

13:29-33<br />


Psalms 2:12 Life comes through faith in Him. John 20:31<br />

Psalms 8:2 The mouths of babes perfect His praise. Matthew<br />

21:16<br />

Psalms 8:5-6 His humiliation <strong>and</strong> exaltation. Luke 24:50-53; 1<br />

Corinthians 15:27<br />

Psalms 16:10 Was not to see corruption. Acts 2:31<br />

Psalms 16:9-11 Was to arise from the dead. John 20:9<br />

Psalms 17:15 The resurrection predicted. Luke 24:6<br />

Psalms 22:1 Forsaken because of sins of others. 2 Corinthians<br />

5:21<br />

Psalms 22:1 Words spoken from Calvary, "My God." Mark<br />

15:34<br />

Psalms 22:2 Darkness upon Calvary. Matthew 27:45<br />

Psalms 22:7 They shoot out the lip <strong>and</strong> shake the head.<br />

Matthew 27:39<br />

Psalms 22:8 "He trusted in God, let Him deliver Him."<br />

Matthew 27:43<br />

Psalms 22:9 Born the Savior. Luke 2:7<br />

Psalms 22:14 Died of a broken (ruptured) heart. John 19:34<br />

Psalms 22:14-15 Suffered agony on Calvary. Mark 15:34-37<br />

Psalms 22:15 He thirsted. John 19:28<br />

Psalms 22:16 They pierced His h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> His feet. John 19:34-<br />

37, 20:27<br />

Psalms 22:17-18 Stripped Him before the stares of men. Luke<br />

23:34-35<br />

Psalms 22:18 they parted His garments... John 19:23-24<br />

Psalms 22:20-21 He committed Himself to God. Luke23:46<br />


Psalms 22:20-21 Satanic power bruising the Redeemer's heel.<br />

Hebrews 2:14<br />

Psalms 22:22 His Resurrection declared... John 20:17<br />

Psalms 22:27 He shall be the governor of the nations. Col 1:16<br />

Psalms 22:31 "It is finished." John 19:30<br />

Psalms 23:1 "I am the Good Shepherd." John 10:11<br />

Psalms 24:3 His exaltation predicted. Acts 1:11; Phil. 2:9<br />

Psalms 27:12 Accused by false witnesses… Matthew 26:60-61,<br />

Mark 14:57-58<br />

Psalms 30:3 His resurrection predicted. Acts 2:32<br />

Psalms 31:5 "Into thy h<strong>and</strong>s I commit my spirit." Luke 23:46<br />

Psalms 31:11 His acquaintances fled from Him. Mark 14:50<br />

Psalms 31:13 They took counsel to put Him to death. John<br />

11:53<br />

Psalms 31:14-15 "He trusted in God, let Him deliver him."<br />

Matthew 27:43<br />

Psalms 34:20 Not a bone of Him broken... John 19:31-36<br />

Psalms 35:11 False witnesses rose up against Him. Matthew<br />

26:59<br />

Psalms 35:19 He was hated without a cause. John 15:25<br />

Psalms 38:11 His friends stood afar off... Luke 23:49<br />

Psalms 40:2-5 The joy of His resurrection predicted. John 20:20<br />

Psalms 40:6-8 His delight-the will of the Father. John 4:34<br />

Psalms 40:9 He was to preach the Righteousness in Israel.<br />

Matthew 4:17<br />

Psalms 40:14 Confronted by adversaries in the Garden. John<br />

18:6<br />


Psalms 41:9 Betrayed by a familiar friend... John 13:18<br />

Psalms 45:2 Words of Grace come from His lips... Luke 4:22<br />

Psalms 45:6 To own the title, God or Elohim. Hebrews 1:8<br />

Psalms 45:7 A special anointing by the Holy Spirit.<br />

Matthew3:16; Hebrews1:9<br />

Psalms 45:7-8 Called the Christ (Messiah or <strong>An</strong>ointed). Luke<br />

2:11<br />

Psalms 49:15 His Resurrection… Acts 2:27; 13:35, Mark 16:6<br />

Psalms 55:12-14 Betrayed by a friend, not an enemy. John 13:18<br />

Psalms 55:15 Unrepentant death of the Betrayer. Matthew<br />

27:3-5; Acts 1:16-19<br />

Psalms 68:18 To give gifts to men. Ephesians 4:7-16<br />

Psalms 68:18 <strong>As</strong>cended into Heaven. Luke 24:51<br />

Psalms 69:4 Hated without a cause. John 15:25<br />

Psalms 69:8 A stranger to own brethren. Luke 8:20-21<br />

Psalms 69:9 Zealous for the Lord's House. John 2:17<br />

Psalms 69:14-20 Messiah's anguish of soul before crucifixion.<br />

Matthew 26:36-45<br />

Psalms 69:20 "My soul is exceeding sorrowful." Matthew 26:38<br />

Psalms 69:21 Given vinegar in thirst. Matthew 27:34<br />

Psalms 69:26 The Savior given <strong>and</strong> smitten by God. John 17:4;<br />

18:11<br />

Psalms 72:10-11 Great persons were to visit Him. Matthew 2:1-11<br />

Psalms 72:16 The corn of wheat to fall into the Ground. John<br />

12:24<br />

Psalms 72:17 His name, Yinon, will produce offspring. John<br />

1:12-13<br />


Psalms 72:17 All nations shall be blessed by Him. Acts 2:11-12,<br />

41<br />

Psalms 78:1-2 He would teach in parables. Matthew 13:34-35<br />

Psalms 78:2b To speak the Wisdom of God with authority.<br />

Matthew 7:29<br />

Psalms 88:8 They stood afar off <strong>and</strong> watched. Luke 23:49<br />

Psalms 89:26 Messiah will call God His Father. Matthew 11:27<br />

Psalms 89:27 Emmanuel to be higher than earthly kings. Luke<br />

1:32-33<br />

Psalms 89:35-37 David's Seed, throne, kingdom endure forever.<br />

Luke 1:32-33<br />

Psalms 89:36-37 His character-Faithfulness. Revelation 1:5<br />

Psalms 90:2 He is from everlasting. (Micah 5:2) John 1:1<br />

Psalms 91:11-12 Identified as Messianic; used to tempt Christ.<br />

Luke 4:10-11<br />

Psalms 97:9 His exaltation predicted. Acts 1:11; Ephesians<br />

1:20<br />

Psalms 100:5 His character-Goodness. Matthew 19:16-17<br />

Psalms 102:1-11 The Suffering <strong>and</strong> Reproach of Calvary John<br />

21:16-25<br />

Psalms 102:16 Son of Man comes in Glory… Luke 21:24,<br />

Revelation 12:5-10<br />

Psalms 102:25-27 Messiah is the Preexistent Son. Hebrews 1:10-12<br />

Psalms 109:4 Prays for His enemies… Luke 23:34<br />

Psalms 109:7-8 <strong>An</strong>other to succeed Judas… Acts 1:16-20<br />

Psalms 109:25 Ridiculed. Matthew 27:39<br />

Psalms 110:1 Son of David. Matthew 22:43<br />


Psalms 110:1 To ascend to the right-h<strong>and</strong> of the Father.<br />

Mark16:19<br />

Psalms 110:1 David's son called Lord. Matthew 22:44-45<br />

Psalms 110:4 A priest after Melchizedek's order. Hebrews 6:20<br />

Psalms 112:4 His character-Compassionate, Gracious, et al.<br />

Matthew 9:36<br />

Psalms 118:17-18 Messiah's Resurrection assured. Luke 24:5-7, 1<br />

Corinthians 15:20<br />

Psalms 118:22-23 The rejected stone is Head of the corner.<br />

Matthew 21:42-43<br />

Psalms 118:26a The Blessed One presented to Israel. Matthew<br />

21:9<br />

Psalms 118:26b To come while Temple st<strong>and</strong>ing. Matthew 21:12-<br />

15<br />

Psalms 132:11 The Seed of David (the fruit of His Body). Luke<br />

1:32<br />

Psalms 138:1-6 The supremacy of David's Seed amazes kings.<br />

Matthew 2:2-6<br />

Psalms 147:3-6 The earthly ministry of Christ described. Luke<br />

4:18<br />

Psalms 1:23 He will send the Spirit of God. John 16:7<br />

Proverbs 8:22-23 The Messiah would be from everlasting… John<br />

17:5<br />

Proverbs 30:4 Declared to be the Son of God… John 3:13,<br />

Romans 1:2-4, 10:6-9, 2 Peter 1:17<br />

Song of Solomon 5:16 The altogether lovely One. John 1:17<br />

Isaiah 2:2-4 Repentance for the nations… Luke 24:47<br />

Isaiah 4:2 Messiah reigning.<br />


Isaiah 5:1-6 Son of God’s vineyard: a parable of judgment.<br />

Isaiah 6:1 When Isaiah saw His glory. John 12:40-41<br />

Isaiah 6:9-10 Parables fall on deaf ears. Matthew 13:13-15<br />

Isaiah 6:9-12 Blinded to Christ <strong>and</strong> deaf to His words. Acts<br />

28:23-29<br />

Isaiah 7:14 To be born of a virgin. Luke 1:35<br />

Isaiah 7:14 To be Emmanuel-God with us. Matthew 1:18-23<br />

Isaiah 8:8 Called Emmanuel. Matthew 28:20<br />

Isaiah 8:14 A stone of stumbling, a Rock of offense. 1 Peter<br />

2:8<br />

Isaiah 9:1-2 His ministry to begin in Galilee. Matthew 4:12-17<br />

Isaiah 9:6 A child born-Humanity. Luke 1:31<br />

Isaiah 9:6 A Son given-Deity. Luke 1:32; John 1:14; 1<br />

Timothy 3:16<br />

Isaiah 9:6 Declared to be the Son of God with power.<br />

Romans 1:3-4<br />

Isaiah 9:6 The Wonderful One, Peleh. Luke 4:22<br />

Isaiah 9:6 The Counselor, Yaatz. Matthew 13:54<br />

Isaiah 9:6 The Mighty God, El Gibor. Matthew 11:20<br />

Isaiah 9:6 The Everlasting Father, Avi Adth. John 8:58<br />

Isaiah 9:6 The Prince of Peace, Sar Shalom. John 16:33<br />

Isaiah 9:7 To establish an everlasting kingdom. Luke 1:32-<br />

33<br />

Isaiah 9:7 His Character-Just. John 5:30<br />

Isaiah 9:7 No end to his Government, Throne, <strong>and</strong> Peace.<br />

Luke 1:32-33<br />


Isaiah 11:1 Called a Nazarene-the Branch, Netzer. Matthew<br />

2:23<br />

Isaiah 11:1 A rod out of Jesse-Son of Jesse. Luke 3:23-32<br />

Isaiah 11:2 The anointed One by the Spirit. Matthew 3:16-17<br />

Isaiah 11:2 His Character-Wisdom, Underst<strong>and</strong>ing, et al.<br />

John 4:4-26<br />

Isaiah 11:4 His Character-Truth. John 14:6<br />

Isaiah 11:10 The Gentiles seek Him. John 12:18-21<br />

Isaiah 12:2 Called Jesus-Yeshua (salvation). Matthew 1:21<br />

Isaiah 16:4-5 Reigning in mercy… Luke 1:31-33<br />

Isaiah 22:21-25 Peg in a sure place… Revelation 3:7<br />

Isaiah 25:8 The Resurrection predicted. 1 Corinthians 15:54<br />

Isaiah 26:19 His power of Resurrection predicted. John 11:43-<br />

44<br />

Isaiah 28:16 The Messiah is the precious corner stone. Acts<br />

4:11-12<br />

Isaiah 29:13 He indicated hypocritical obedience to His Word.<br />

Matthew 15:7-9<br />

Isaiah 29:14 The wise are confounded by the Word. 1<br />

Corinthians 1:18-31<br />

Isaiah 32:2 A Refuge-A man shall be a hiding place. Matthew<br />

23:37<br />

Isaiah 33:22 Son of the Highest… Luke 1:32; 1 Timothy 1:17,<br />

6:15<br />

Isaiah 35:4 He will come <strong>and</strong> save you. Matthew 1:21<br />

Isaiah 35:5 To have a ministry of miracles. Matthew 11:4-6<br />

Isaiah 40:3-4 Preceded by forerunner. John 1:23<br />


Isaiah 40:9 "Behold your God." John 1:36; 19:14<br />

Isaiah 40:11 A shepherd-compassionate life-giver. John 10:10-<br />

18<br />

Isaiah 42:1-4 The Servant-as a faithful, patient redeemer.<br />

Matthew12:18-21<br />

Isaiah 42:2 Meek <strong>and</strong> lowly. Matthew 11:28-30<br />

Isaiah 42:3 He brings hope for the hopeless. John 4<br />

Isaiah 42:4 The nations shall wait on His teachings. John<br />

12:20-26<br />

Isaiah 42:6 The Light (salvation) of the Gentiles. Luke 2:32<br />

Isaiah 42:1-6 His is a worldwide compassion. Matthew 28:19-<br />

20<br />

Isaiah 42:7 Blind eyes opened. John 9:25-38<br />

Isaiah 42:13-25 Messiah’s actions at His second coming…<br />

Revelation<br />

Isaiah 43:11 He is the only Savior. Acts 4:12<br />

Isaiah 44:3 He will send the Spirit of God. John 16:7-13<br />

Isaiah 45:23 He will be the Judge. John 5:22; Romans 14:11<br />

Isaiah 48:12 The First <strong>and</strong> the Last. John 1:30; Revelation 1:8-<br />

17<br />

Isaiah 48:17 He came as a Teacher. John 3:2<br />

Isaiah 49:1 Called from the womb-His humanity. Matthew<br />

1:18<br />

Isaiah 49:5 A Servant from the womb. Luke 1:31; Philippians<br />

2:7<br />

Isaiah 49:6 He is Salvation for Israel. Luke 2:29-32<br />

Isaiah 49:6 He is the Light of the Gentiles. Acts 13:47<br />


Isaiah 49:6 He is Salvation unto the ends of the earth. Acts<br />

15:7-18<br />

Isaiah 49:7 He is despised of the Nation. John 8:48-49<br />

Isaiah 50:3 Heaven is clothed in black at His humiliation.<br />

Luke 23:44-45<br />

Isaiah 50:4 He is a learned counselor for the weary.<br />

Matthew 11:28-29<br />

Isaiah 50:5 The Servant bound willingly to obedience.<br />

Matthew 26:39<br />

Isaiah 50:6a "I gave my back to the smiters." Matthew 27:26<br />

Isaiah 50:6b He was smitten on the cheeks. Matthew 26:67<br />

Isaiah 50:6c He was spat upon. Matthew 27:30<br />

Isaiah 52:4-5 Suffered vicariously… Mark 15:3-4, 15:27-28;<br />

Luke 23:1-25, 32-34<br />

Isaiah 52:7 To publish good tidings of peace. Luke 4:14-15<br />

Isaiah 52:13 The Servant exalted. Acts 1:8-11; Ephesians 1:19-<br />

22<br />

Isaiah 52:13 Behold, My Servant. Matthew 17:5; Philippians<br />

2:5-8<br />

Isaiah 52:14 The Servant shockingly abused. Luke 18:31-34;<br />

Matthew 26:67-68<br />

Isaiah 52:15 Nations startled by message of the Servant.<br />

Romans 15:18-21<br />

Isaiah 52:15 His blood shed to make atonement for all.<br />

Revelation 1:5<br />

Isaiah 53:1 His people would not believe Him. John 12:37-38<br />

Isaiah 53:2a He would grow up in a poor family. Luke 2:7<br />


Isaiah 53:2b Appearance of an ordinary man. Philippians 2:7-<br />

8<br />

Isaiah 53:3a Despised. Luke 4:28-29<br />

Isaiah 53:3b Rejected. Matthew 27:21-23<br />

Isaiah 53:3c Great sorrow <strong>and</strong> grief. Luke 19:41-42<br />

Isaiah 53:3d Men hide from being associated with Him. Mark<br />

14:50-52<br />

Isaiah 53:4a He would have a healing ministry. Luke 6:17-19<br />

Isaiah 53:4b He would bear the sins of the world. 1 Peter 2:24<br />

Isaiah 53:4c Thought to be cursed by God. Matthew 27:41-43<br />

Isaiah 53:5a Bears penalty for mankind's transgressions. Luke<br />

23:33<br />

Isaiah 53:5b His sacrifice would provide peace between man<br />

<strong>and</strong> God. Colossians 1:20<br />

Isaiah 53:5c His back would be whipped. Matthew 27:26<br />

Isaiah 53:6a He would be the sin-bearer for all mankind.<br />

Galatians 1:4<br />

Isaiah 53:6b God's will that He bear sin for all mankind. 1<br />

John 4:10<br />

Isaiah 53:7a Oppressed <strong>and</strong> afflicted. Matthew 27:27-31<br />

Isaiah 53:7b Silent before his accusers. Matthew 27:12-14<br />

Isaiah 53:7c Sacrificial lamb. John 1:29<br />

Isaiah 53:8a Confined <strong>and</strong> persecuted. Matthew 26:47-27:31<br />

Isaiah 53:8b He would be judged. John 18:13-22<br />

Isaiah 53:8c Killed. Matthew 27:35<br />

Isaiah 53:8d Dies for the sins of the world. 1 John 2:2<br />


Isaiah 53:9a Buried in a rich man's grave. Matthew 27:57<br />

Isaiah 53:9b Innocent <strong>and</strong> had done no violence. Mark 15:3<br />

Isaiah 53:9c No deceit in his mouth. John 18:38<br />

Isaiah 53:10a God's will that He die for mankind. John 18:11<br />

Isaiah 53:10b <strong>An</strong> offering for sin. Matthew 20:28<br />

Isaiah 53:10c Resurrected <strong>and</strong> live forever. Mark 16:16<br />

Isaiah 53:10d He would prosper. John 17:1-5<br />

Isaiah 53:11a God fully satisfied with His suffering. John 12:27<br />

Isaiah 53:11b God's servant. Romans 5:18-19<br />

Isaiah 53:11c He would justify man before God. Romans 5:8-9<br />

Isaiah 53:11d The sin-bearer for all mankind. Hebrews 9:28<br />

Isaiah 53:12a Exalted by God because of his sacrifice. Matthew<br />

28:18<br />

Isaiah 53:12b He would give up his life to save mankind. Luke<br />

23:46<br />

Isaiah 53:12c Grouped with criminals. Luke 23:32<br />

Isaiah 53:12d Sin-bearer for all mankind. 2 Corinthians 5:21<br />

Isaiah 53:12e Intercede to God in behalf of mankind. Luke<br />

23:34<br />

Isaiah 55:1 Every one come who is thirsty… New Testament<br />

Isaiah 55:3 Resurrected by God. Acts 13:34<br />

Isaiah 55:4 A witness. John 18:37<br />

Isaiah 55:5 Foreign nations come to God… Acts<br />

Isaiah 59:15-16a He would come to provide salvation. John 6:40<br />

Isaiah 59:15-16b Intercessor between man <strong>and</strong> God. Matthew<br />

10:32<br />


Isaiah 59:20 He would come to Zion as their Redeemer. Luke<br />

2:38<br />

Isaiah 60:1-3 Nations walk in the light… Luke 2:32<br />

Isaiah 61:1-2a The Spirit of God upon him. Matthew 3:16-17<br />

Isaiah 61:1-2b The Messiah would preach the good news. Luke<br />

4:17-21<br />

Isaiah 61:1-2c Provide freedom from the bondage of sin <strong>and</strong><br />

death. John 8:31-32<br />

Isaiah 61:1-2 Proclaim a period of grace. John 5:24<br />

Isaiah 62:1-2 Called by a new name… Luke 2:32, Revelation<br />

3:12<br />

Isaiah 62:11 Thy King Cometh, Entered Jerusalem on Colt…<br />

Matthew 21:7<br />

Isaiah 63:1-3 A vesture dipped in blood… Revelation 19:13<br />

Isaiah 63:8-9 Afflicted with the afflicted… Matthew 25:34-40<br />

Isaiah 65:9 The elect shall inherit… Romans 11:5-7, Hebrews<br />

7:14, Revelation 5:5<br />

Isaiah 65:17-25 New heaven/New Earth… 2 Peter 3:13,<br />

Revelation 21:1<br />

Isaiah 66:18-19 All nations come to God… New Testament<br />

Jeremiah23:5-6a Descendant of David. Luke 3:23-31<br />

Jeremiah 23:5-6b The Messiah would be God. John 13:13<br />

Jeremiah 23:5-6c The Messiah would be both God <strong>and</strong> Man. 1<br />

Timothy 3:16<br />

Jeremiah 30:9 Born a King… John 18:37, Revelation 1:5<br />

Jeremiah 31:15 Massacre of infants… Matthew 2:16-18<br />

Jeremiah 31:22 Born of a virgin. Matthew 1:18-20<br />


Jeremiah 31:31 The Messiah would be the new covenant.<br />

Matthew 26:28<br />

Jeremiah 33:14-15 Descendant of David. Luke 3:23-31<br />

Ezekiel 17:22-24 Descendant of David. Luke 3:23-31<br />

Ezekiel 21:26-27 The humble exalted… Luke 1:52<br />

Ezekiel 34:23-24 Descendant of David. Matthew 1:1<br />

Daniel 2:34-35 Stone cut without h<strong>and</strong>s. Acts 4:10-12<br />

Daniel 2:44-45 His Kingdom Triumphant. Luke 1:33, 1<br />

Corinthians 15:24, Revelation 11:15<br />

Daniel 7:13-14a He would ascend into heaven. Acts 1:9-11<br />

Daniel 7:13-14b Highly exalted. Ephesians 1:20-22<br />

Daniel 7:13-14c His dominion would be everlasting. Luke 1:31-33<br />

Daniel 7:27 Kingdom for the Saints. Luke 1:33, 1 Corinthians<br />

15:24, Revelation 11:15<br />

Daniel 9:24a To make an end to sins. Galatians 1:3-5<br />

Daniel 9:24b He would be holy. Luke 1:35<br />

Daniel 9:25 <strong>An</strong>nounced to his people 483 years, to the exact<br />

day, after the decree to rebuild the city of<br />

Jerusalem. John 12:12-13<br />

Daniel 9:26a Killed. Matthew 27:35<br />

Daniel 9:26b Die for the sins of the world. Hebrews 2:9<br />

Daniel 9:26c Killed before the destruction of the temple.<br />

Matthew 27:50-51<br />

Daniel 10:5-6 Messiah in a glorified state. Revelation 1:13-16<br />

Hosea 3:5 Israel restored. John 18:37, Romans 11:25-27<br />

Hosea 11:1 Flight to Egypt. Matthew 2:14<br />


Hosea 13:14 He would defeat death. 1 Corinthians 15:55-57<br />

Joel 2:28-32 Promise of the Spirit. Acts 2:17-21, Romans 10:13<br />

Joel 2:32 Offer salvation to all mankind. Romans 10:12-13<br />

Micah 2:12-13 Israel Re-gathered. John 10:14-26<br />

Micah 4:1-8 The Kingdom established - place of Birth<br />

Bethlehem. Matthew 2:1, Luke 1:33, 2:4, 2:10-11<br />

Micah 5:2a Born in Bethlehem. Matthew 2:1-2<br />

Micah 5:2b God's servant. John 15:10<br />

Micah 5:2c from everlasting. John 8:58<br />

Haggai 2:6-9 He would visit the second Temple. Luke 2:27-32<br />

Haggai 2:23 Descendant of Zerubbabel. Luke 3:23-27<br />

Amos 8:9 The Sun Darkened. Matthew 24:29, Acts 2:20,<br />

Revelation 6:12<br />

Amos 9:11-12 Restoration of tabernacle. Acts 14:16-18<br />

Habakkuk 2:14 Earth filled with knowledge of the glory of the<br />

Lord Romans 11:26, Revelation 21:23-26<br />

Zechariah 2:10-13 The Lamb on the Throne. Revelation 5:13, 6:9,<br />

21:24<br />

Zechariah 3:8 God's servant. John 17:4<br />

Zechariah 6:12-13 Priest <strong>and</strong> King. Hebrews 8:1<br />

Zechariah 9:9a Greeted with rejoicing in Jerusalem. Matthew<br />

21:8-10<br />

Zechariah 9:9b Beheld as King. John 12:12-13<br />

Zechariah 9:9c The Messiah would be just. John 5:30<br />

Zechariah 9:9d The Messiah would bring salvation. Luke 19:10<br />

Zechariah 9:9e The Messiah would be humble. Matthew 11:29<br />


Zechariah 9:9f Presented to Jerusalem riding on a donkey.<br />

Matthew 21:6-9<br />

Zechariah 10:4 The cornerstone. Ephesians 2:20<br />

Zechariah 11:4-6a At His coming, Israel to have unfit leaders.<br />

Matthew 23:1-4<br />

Zechariah 11:4-6b Rejection causes God to remove His protection.<br />

Luke 19:41-44<br />

Zechariah 11:4-6c Rejected in favor of another king. John 19:13-15<br />

Zechariah 11:7 Ministry to "poor," the believing remnant.<br />

Matthew 9:35-36<br />

Zechariah 11:8a Unbelief forces Messiah to reject them.<br />

Matthew 23:33<br />

Zechariah 11:8b Despised. Matthew 27:20<br />

Zechariah 11:9 Stops ministering to those who rejected Him.<br />

Matthew 13:10-11<br />

Zechariah 11:10-11a Rejection causes God to remove protection.<br />

Luke 19:41-44<br />

Zechariah 11:10-11b The Messiah would be God. John 14:7<br />

Zechariah 11:12-13a Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver. Matthew<br />

26:14-15<br />

Zechariah 11:12-13b Rejected. Matthew 26:14-15<br />

Zechariah 11:12-13c Thirty pieces of silver thrown into the house of<br />

the Lord. Matthew 27:3-5<br />

Zechariah 11:12-13d The Messiah would be God. John 12:45<br />

Zechariah 12:10a The Messiah's body would be pierced. John<br />

19:34-37<br />

Zechariah 12:10b The Messiah would be both God <strong>and</strong> man. John<br />

10:30<br />


Zechariah 12:10c The Messiah would be rejected. John 1:11<br />

Zechariah 13:7a God's will He die for mankind. John 18:11<br />

Zechariah 13:7b A violent death. Matthew 27:35<br />

Zechariah 13:7c Both God <strong>and</strong> man. John 14:9<br />

Zechariah 13:7d Israel scattered as a result of rejecting Him.<br />

Matthew 26:31-56<br />

Malachi 3:1a Messenger to prepare the way for Messiah.<br />

Matthew 11:10<br />

Malachi 3:1b Sudden appearance at the temple. Mark 11:15-<br />

16<br />

Malachi 3:1c Messenger of the new covenant. Luke 4:43<br />

Malachi 3:3 Our Sins Are Purged. Luke 1:78, John 1:9; 12:46, 2<br />

Peter 1:19, Revelation 2:28; 19:11-16; 22:16<br />

Malachi 4:5 Forerunner in the spirit of Elijah. Matthew 3:1-2<br />

Malachi 4:6 Forerunner would turn many to righteousness.<br />

Luke 1:16-17<br />

Prophecies concerning Jesus's second coming:<br />


Matthew 24:5 "For many will come in my name, saying, I am Christ, <strong>and</strong><br />

will mislead many."<br />

Matthew 24:11 "<strong>An</strong>d many false prophets will arise, <strong>and</strong> will mislead<br />

many."<br />

2. WARS<br />

Matthew 24:6 "<strong>An</strong>d you will be hearing of wars <strong>and</strong> rumors of wars; see<br />

that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is<br />

not yet the end."<br />


Rumors of wars in all areas of the world now occur frequently thanks to<br />

instant media coverage <strong>and</strong> the availability of a multitude of 24-hour<br />

news sources.<br />

Matthew 24:7 "For nation will rise against nation, <strong>and</strong> kingdom against<br />

kingdom, <strong>and</strong> in various places there will be famines <strong>and</strong> earthquakes."<br />

3. FAMINES<br />

Matthew 24:7 "For nation will rise against nation, <strong>and</strong> kingdom against<br />

kingdom, <strong>and</strong> in various places there will be famines <strong>and</strong> earthquakes."<br />


Matthew 24:7 "For nation will rise against nation, <strong>and</strong> kingdom against<br />

kingdom, <strong>and</strong> in various places there will be famines <strong>and</strong> earthquakes."<br />


Matthew 24:8-9 "But all these things are merely the beginning of birth<br />

pangs. Then they will deliver you to tribulation, <strong>and</strong> will kill you, <strong>and</strong> you<br />

will be hated by all nations on account of my name."<br />


Matthew 24:14 "<strong>An</strong>d this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the<br />

whole world for a witness to all the nations, <strong>and</strong> then the end shall come."<br />



II Timothy 3:1-7 "But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will<br />

come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant,<br />

disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving,<br />

malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good,<br />

treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of<br />


god; holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power;<br />

always learning <strong>and</strong> never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."<br />


I Timothy 4:1-3 "But the spirit explicitly says that in later times some will<br />

fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits <strong>and</strong> doctrines<br />

of demons. By means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own<br />

conscience as with a br<strong>and</strong>ing iron, men who forbid marriage <strong>and</strong><br />

advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully<br />

shared in by those who believe <strong>and</strong> know the truth."<br />


AGE<br />

1. EXISTENCE OF A 200,000,000 MAN ARMY IN THE EAST<br />

Revelation 9:16 "<strong>An</strong>d the number of the armies of the horsemen was two<br />

hundred million; I heard the number of them."<br />


Daniel 2:32-33 "The head of the statue was made of fine gold, its breast<br />

<strong>and</strong> its arms of silver, its belly <strong>and</strong> its thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its<br />

feet partly of iron <strong>and</strong> partly of clay."<br />

Daniel 2:40-43 "Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron;<br />

inasmuch as iron crushes <strong>and</strong> shatters all things, so like iron that breaks in<br />

pieces, it will crush <strong>and</strong> break all these in pieces. <strong>An</strong>d in that you saw the<br />

feet <strong>and</strong> toes, partly of potter's clay <strong>and</strong> partly of iron, it will be a divided<br />

kingdom; but it will have the toughness of iron, <strong>and</strong> partly of pottery, so<br />

some of the kingdom will be strong <strong>and</strong> part of it will be brittle. <strong>An</strong>d in<br />

that you saw the iron mixed with clay, they will combine with one another<br />

in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron<br />

does not combine with pottery."<br />



Zephaniah 3:9 "For then I will return to the people a pure language, that<br />

they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one<br />

consent."<br />



For several end time prophecies to be fulfilled, the temple will have to be<br />

rebuilt.<br />

Revelation 11:2 "Leave out the court which is outside the temple <strong>and</strong> do<br />

not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; <strong>and</strong> they will tread<br />

underfoot the holy city for forty-two months."<br />

Daniel 9:27 "<strong>An</strong>d he will make a firm covenant with the many for one<br />

week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice <strong>and</strong><br />

grain offering; <strong>and</strong> on the wing of abominations will come one who makes<br />

desolation, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is<br />

poured out on the one who makes desolate."<br />

Daniel 9:26 "Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off <strong>and</strong><br />

have nothing, <strong>and</strong> the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the<br />

city <strong>and</strong> the sanctuary."<br />


Numbers 19:2-7 "This is the statute of the law which the Lord has<br />

comm<strong>and</strong>ed, saying, "Speak to the sons of Israel that they bring you an<br />

unblemished red heifer in which is no defect <strong>and</strong> on which a yoke has<br />

never been placed. "You shall give it to Eleazar the priest, <strong>and</strong> it shall be<br />

brought outside the camp <strong>and</strong> be slaughtered in his presence. Next<br />

Eleazar the priest shall take some of its blood with his finger <strong>and</strong> sprinkle<br />

some of its blood toward the front of the tent of meeting seven<br />

times. "Then the heifer shall be burned in his sight; its hide <strong>and</strong> its flesh<br />

<strong>and</strong> its blood, with its refuse, shall be burned. "The priest shall then wash<br />

his clothes <strong>and</strong> bathe his body in water, <strong>and</strong> afterward come into the<br />

camp, but the priest shall be unclean until evening."<br />



Daniel 12:4 "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words <strong>and</strong> seal up the<br />

book until the end of time; many will go back <strong>and</strong> forth, <strong>and</strong> knowledge<br />

will increase."<br />


Zephaniah 3:10-11 "From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia My worshipers, My<br />

dispersed ones, will bring My offerings. In that day you will feel no shame<br />

because of all your deeds by which you have rebelled against Me; For then<br />

I will remove from your midst your proud, exulting ones, <strong>and</strong> you will never<br />

again be haughty on My holy mountain."<br />


Ezekiel 38:2-8 "Son of man, set your face toward Gog of the l<strong>and</strong> of<br />

Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech <strong>and</strong> Tubal, <strong>and</strong> prophesy against<br />

him. I will turn you about <strong>and</strong> put hooks into your jaws, <strong>and</strong> I will bring<br />

you out, <strong>and</strong> all your army, horses <strong>and</strong> horsemen, all of them splendidly<br />

attired, a great company with buckler <strong>and</strong> shield, all of them wielding<br />

swords. After many days you will be summoned; in the latter years you<br />

will come into the l<strong>and</strong> that is restored from the sword, whose inhabitants<br />

have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which<br />

had been a continual waste; but its people were brought out from the<br />

nations, <strong>and</strong> they are living securely, all of them."<br />


Jeremiah 23:7-8 "Therefore behold, the days are coming declares the<br />

Lord, when they will no longer say, as the Lord lives, who brought up the<br />

sons of Israel from the l<strong>and</strong> of Egypt, but as the Lord lives, who brought up<br />

<strong>and</strong> led back the descendants of the household of Israel from the north<br />

l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> from all the countries where I have driven them. Then they will<br />

live on their own soil."<br />


Revelation 13:16-17 "<strong>An</strong>d he causes all, the small <strong>and</strong> the great, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

rich <strong>and</strong> the poor, <strong>and</strong> the freemen <strong>and</strong> the slaves to be given a mark on<br />

their right h<strong>and</strong> or on their forehead, <strong>and</strong> he provides that no one will be<br />


able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name<br />

of the beast or the number of his name."<br />


Revelation 11:3, 7-10 "<strong>An</strong>d I will grant authority to my two witnesses, <strong>and</strong><br />

they will prophecy for twelve hundred <strong>and</strong> sixty days, clothed in<br />

sackcloth. When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes<br />

up out of the abyss will make war with them, <strong>and</strong> overcome them <strong>and</strong> kill<br />

them. <strong>An</strong>d their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which<br />

mystically is called Sodom <strong>and</strong> Egypt, where also their Lord was<br />

crucified. Those from the peoples <strong>and</strong> tribes <strong>and</strong> tongues <strong>and</strong> nations will<br />

look at their dead bodies for three <strong>and</strong> a half days, <strong>and</strong> will not permit<br />

their dead bodies to be laid in a tomb. <strong>An</strong>d those who dwell on the earth<br />

will rejoice over them <strong>and</strong> celebrate; <strong>and</strong> they will send gifts to one<br />

another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the<br />

earth."<br />

Luke 21:28 "But when these things begin to take place, straighten up<br />

<strong>and</strong> lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."<br />

Luke 21:32 "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all<br />

things take place."<br />


Evangelism<br />

When ministering to people in public throughout the day the hardest part is<br />

usually just breaking the ice. Once you can get their attention it's usually a lot<br />

easier. These are some Ice-Breakers you can use for Power Evangelism:<br />

Look for something about that person that you can complement, such as:<br />

Their facial features (eyes, smile, teeth, hair…)<br />

Their clothing style or what they are wearing (colors, jewelry,<br />

cologne, perfume, make-up…)<br />

What they are doing (drawing, repairing something…)<br />

Tell them how beautiful or energetic their kids or pets are that are<br />

with them (dog, child, baby, bird…)<br />

Say how much you admire their possessions (the vehicle they drive,<br />

their bike, fishing pole, skate board, purse…)<br />

The place they are currently hanging out (Office, Work Shop, Lab,<br />

Studio…)<br />

Probe with a question, then immediately look for a follow up question to<br />

keep the conversation going:<br />

What are you listening to?<br />

Excuse me do you know what time it is?<br />

Do you know where ______ is form here?<br />

Do you have change for a $20?<br />

Do you mind if I sit here?<br />

Would you like a piece of gum? (or a mint, after you take one<br />

yourself, so they don't feel like you're suggesting they have bad<br />

breath)<br />

Try to stay sensitive to where the Holy Spirit maybe directing you. A lot of<br />

time's He may be directing you to somewhere that doesn't seem to make<br />

any sense why He would want you there, such as a City Dump, Drug<br />

Houses, Night Clubs, New-Age Fairs, Strip Clubs, Sex Shops, or anywhere<br />

really, good or bad. God loves these people too, <strong>and</strong> you may be the only<br />

one who ever reaches out to them. If you have a serious weakness to<br />

places like these from your past it may be your human spirit talking to you<br />

<strong>and</strong> not the Holy Spirit, <strong>and</strong> it would be best to seek out deliverance first,<br />

before entering places like these.<br />


These are some examples of places you can try going that are good to<br />

practice at. Sometimes you make have to sign up for a membership or to<br />

volunteer at these places to get in, if you can't just walk in.<br />

Nursing Homes<br />

Waiting Rooms for the ER/Hospital<br />

Soup Kitchens/Homeless Shelters<br />

Malls/Grocery Stores<br />

Fairs/Trade Shows<br />

The Gym<br />

Universities<br />

Parks<br />

High Traffic areas where people walk a lot<br />

<strong>An</strong>ywhere<br />

If God has shown or spoken to you earlier about a person or place you<br />

happen to notice while you're out, go to them, or that place once you<br />

notice it.<br />

Keep an eye out for someone who is injured. Like someone wearing a cast<br />

or on crutches who you can pray for healing for.<br />

It is usually more effective to seek people out instead of just waiting for<br />

them to come to you, but both ways can be very effective.<br />

If you are sitting on a park bench, God may send someone to sit down<br />

beside you who needs ministered to.<br />

If you enjoy doing Dream Interpretation, a lot of time it is beneficial<br />

to set up table or booth <strong>and</strong> advertise it as something like "Dream<br />

Team"<br />

Usually if someone is sitting or st<strong>and</strong>ing somewhere alone they are<br />

more willing to open up <strong>and</strong> talk to you if you approach them than<br />

say someone in a group, but this is never always the case.<br />

You have 2 ears <strong>and</strong> one mouth. You have to listen at least twice as much<br />

as you talk, <strong>and</strong> not just to the other person, but to the Holy Spirit too.<br />

A lot of the time these people may not be spiritual at all, so you are going<br />

to have to change you approach so you can speak to them on their level, as<br />

compared to someone you may speak to in your church family. You may<br />

need to change you terminology, <strong>and</strong> body language for this.<br />

You should always ask if it's ok to pray for someone first<br />


If they refuse, you will just have to pray for them in private after they<br />

leave that the Holy Spirit will move in their lives.<br />

If they agree you should always ask if it's ok to lay h<strong>and</strong>s on them as<br />

well, or to hold their h<strong>and</strong>s in prayer.<br />

Some people are weirded out when you use words like mantel,<br />

anointing, covering, prophecy… These are very spiritual sounding<br />

words, <strong>and</strong> it may be better to just keep your terminology simple if<br />

possible.<br />

If you feel like God may be showing you a way to minister to them, ask<br />

them a general question like [whatever you believe God has shown you],<br />

such as:<br />

"This might seem weird, but do you have a pain in<br />

shoulder/back/neck/side/foot/wherever?"<br />

"You wouldn't happen to have an uncle with cancer right now, would<br />

you?"<br />

"Are you currently have problems in your family life?"<br />

"I feel like you're going through some very stressful situations right<br />

now, is that true?"<br />

"You wouldn't happen to be a singer would you?"<br />

"I'm doing a survey for a class. Do you have any unique dreams you<br />

would be willing to share with me?"<br />

"Is there anything I can pray about for you right now?"<br />


Practice<br />

The Gift of Prophecy is compared to a muscle, if you want your gift to<br />

become greater, stronger, <strong>and</strong> more powerful you have to excise it by<br />

applying to when the opportunity arises, or start searching out<br />

applications for your gift, or creating opportunities to use it. The more<br />

you use it the better at it you will become, even it's not your specific Godgiven<br />

gift. These are some way you can practice using the gift of<br />

prophecy.<br />

Conduct a Treasure Hunt. In a group of maybe 5 to 10 people what<br />

everyone start praying <strong>and</strong> ask God for who He would have the group<br />

minister to. Wait until everyone gets something form the Lord then make a<br />

list of what everyone believes God showed or spoke to them.<br />

<strong>An</strong> example of this might be something like: a blue shirt, a mother,<br />

the local shopping mall, a park bench, 7:00, brown hair, <strong>and</strong> a boy.<br />

Once you have the list made go to where you believe God was<br />

showing you to go <strong>and</strong> there should be a person who fits this<br />

description that God wants you to pray from <strong>and</strong> bless them.<br />

In this example the Treasure might be a young boy in a blue shirt<br />

(with his mother) at a local park (next to a mall) playing with his<br />

puppy which has brown hair.<br />

Now go <strong>and</strong> present the list of everything God showed you to the<br />

person <strong>and</strong> ask if you can pray a personal blessing over them.<br />

<strong>As</strong> a large group of people give everyone a note card <strong>and</strong> draw a symbol on<br />

the back of the card that only you will recognize so that you know it is your<br />

card without identifying yourself on the card. On the front of your card<br />

write the number 1 on the first line, 2 on the second line, <strong>and</strong> so on to 10.<br />

Now give the card to someone r<strong>and</strong>omly in the group of people.<br />

Then have them exchange it a second time if you desire, just so the<br />

original person is unknown.<br />

Now the organizer of this practice will tell everyone to ask God for<br />

the name of a Bible charter the God wants to relate to this person.<br />

Once the name comes to you write it down, it you start getting<br />

additional names only write down the first one that came to you.<br />

There should be a set time to complete this step usually only 60<br />

seconds are given for each step.<br />

After 60 seconds the first step is complete. They can give a 10 second<br />

warning for each step if desired. You cannot leave a line blank but<br />


must write the first name you can think of, if you do not feel God has<br />

given you anything to write.<br />

You will repeat this process for all 10 questions. Some examples of<br />

questions you can use are.<br />

o Movie Title<br />

o Book Title<br />

o Song Title<br />

o Color<br />

o Number<br />

o Letter of the alphabet<br />

o Destination<br />

o Bible Story<br />

o Famous quote<br />

o Bible Verse<br />

o Book of the Bible<br />

o Type of fruit<br />

o Personal feature or attribute<br />

o Comic book superhero<br />

Once all 10 questions are complete have everyone place the cards on<br />

a table or the floor with the pictures/symbols on the backs of the<br />

cards facing up.<br />

Have everyone find their card <strong>and</strong> see how each answer personally<br />

relates to that person's life. You will have on way of really knowing if<br />

anything you wrote was correct or not, but you will see how others<br />

were correct about different aspects of your life since they asked God<br />

for the answers, even though they did not know who they were<br />

writing for.<br />

You can also practice moving in prophecy by prophesying your day.<br />

Every morning when you wake up proclaim the events of your day,<br />

<strong>and</strong> write them down.<br />

At the end of the day look back on what you declared <strong>and</strong> ask<br />

yourself whether or not it came to pass, <strong>and</strong> circle the declaration's<br />

that did come to pass.<br />

o You may only start out being 10% correct in your declarations,<br />

but if you keep doing it <strong>and</strong> believing they will manifest you will<br />

see an increase in your accuracy form 10% to 20% then to 30%,<br />

<strong>and</strong> all the way to 100% eventually.<br />

Practice words of Knowledge. You can do this by going to a public place,<br />

such as a restaurant. Then silently ask God for a word of knowledge about<br />

this person. If you feel God is saying this person has 3 children then you<br />


can write it down on piece of paper (this way the person you are giving the<br />

word of knowledge to know you are not just making it up as you speak with<br />

them.) Once you have a word you can simply ask the person a general<br />

questions such as "do you have any children?" <strong>An</strong>d if they say yes, then ask<br />

them "how many children do you have?" If your word of knowledge was<br />

correct then you can show them the piece of paper that you wrote down<br />

something like "has 3 children" this will open the door to tell them about<br />

Jesus if they do not already know, or increase their passion of God if they<br />

do already know Him. This practice is often used in Power Evangelism.<br />

Team up with another person who is on a similar level in their spiritual gift<br />

as you if possible.<br />

Have both people ask God for words of knowledge for each other.<br />

Take turns telling each other what you believe God is saying.<br />

Then have the person receiving the words judge the word you gave<br />

them. Be very truthful to each other <strong>and</strong> encouraging to one another<br />

as well.<br />

Word of knowledge for healing.<br />

In a group of people ask God for words of knowledge for healing for<br />

anyone in the group who might need healing. These often come in a<br />

feeling of pain in the same area of your body.<br />

If you get a feeling of pain in your body ask if anyone is the group has<br />

pain or illness in the specific part of their body.<br />

When someone says they do, this is when you ask if you can lay<br />

h<strong>and</strong>s on them <strong>and</strong> pray for their healing. If more than one person<br />

says they have pain in that specific area then pray form all of them.<br />

Prophesy as a group.<br />

<strong>As</strong> a group decide on who, or what you are going to prophecy over.<br />

This can be a person, group of people such as a team or committee,<br />

or a location such as a night club, hospital, city, state, or country.<br />

Have someone form the group act as a recorder <strong>and</strong> write down all<br />

the prophecies or record them with a voice recorder if needed.<br />

Have each person take turns giving their prophecy. St<strong>and</strong> in a line to<br />

avoid confusion if needed.<br />

After all the prophecies are given ask the person who was receiving<br />

the prophetic words to judge them, <strong>and</strong> give feedback on them.<br />


Theories<br />

These are just my personal thoughts, take them with a grain of salt.<br />

Triune Beings - I believe we are at the very least we are triune beings with<br />

a Body, Soul, & Spirit.<br />

We need to think of ourselves primarily as a Spirit-Being then as a Soul, or<br />

Physical Being.<br />

I believe if you try <strong>and</strong> locate where your Soul resides inside of you it is<br />

the Mind.<br />

If you close your eyes <strong>and</strong> try to sense where your inner being is,<br />

you will not sense it in the h<strong>and</strong>, in the foot, in your waist, in your<br />

chest, or anywhere except for in your Mind somewhere in the lower<br />

forehead behind, & in-between the eyes.<br />

I believe Hindu's were on to something when they speak of<br />

the 3rd Eye, even though they untimely got their faith wrong.<br />

I believe that you can literally look into someone Soul when<br />

you look straight into their eyes <strong>and</strong> they in return look<br />

straight into your eyes, specifically the iris. The eye<br />

themselves actually stem directly off of the Brain itself. The<br />

Brain is known as the housing unit for the Mind. The Eyes are<br />

windows to one's Soul.<br />

I believe that we are Spirit-beings <strong>and</strong> we each have a spirit. This is<br />

separate from our Souls. The Word of divides between soul <strong>and</strong> spirit<br />

(Hebrews 4:12). We each have our own spirit <strong>and</strong> we can has have the<br />

Holy Spirit dwelling within us when we accept Him.<br />

I do not know for sure where our spirit resides in us, but I do believe<br />

the Holy Spirit dwells within our core, or our gut. If you have been,<br />

or ask people who have been baptized in the Holy Spirit they almost<br />

always says they could feel something like a fire inside their gut. So<br />

I believe that if our spirit is located in one area of our body that it is<br />

most likely there in our gut along with the Holy Spirit.<br />

I believe when we speak we should speak into a person, or creature,<br />

<strong>and</strong> not at them like we unknowingly tend to do. Not only speaking<br />

into a person, but since we are actually a spirit who has a body (<strong>and</strong><br />

not the other way around, a body who has a spirit), we should speak<br />

into a person's spirit. I have noticed myself when I coconsciously<br />

switch to speaking to a person's flesh to speaking to their spirit<br />

there is some kind of a connection made? Perhaps a spiritual<br />

connection, or soul-tie? (1 Samuel 18:1)<br />


The concept of speaking into someone's spirit is similar to a<br />

martial artist who is going to karate chop a stack of boards<br />

stacked onto on two block. When they do they visualize<br />

themselves hitting through the boards to a point behind them<br />

(the spirit), <strong>and</strong> not hitting the boards on their surface area<br />

(the flesh).<br />

I believe there is something significant, something powerful, about having<br />

a physical body, but I'm not sure exactly what? We were created in God's<br />

image similar to the angels, but for whatever reason they were not given<br />

a physical body.<br />

A Lost Power - I believe that we are created to be co-creators with Christ.<br />

I also believe that Satan lost this privilege when he rebelled against God.<br />

Now all he can do is to pervert or manipulate creation.<br />

I believe Satan has taken gifts of prophecy <strong>and</strong> twisted it into<br />

something not of God, but mixing a partial truth with partial lies. I<br />

believe this is how <strong>and</strong> why we now have false religions, cults,<br />

perversions of true prophecy, <strong>and</strong> things like Psychics, Fortune<br />

tellers, New-Age, Humanism, & other things like this. This causes<br />

fear in many Christian who avoid anything that appears to be<br />

related to these things in any way, even if they are truly from God,<br />

like Prophecy, but we should not be afraid of prophecy. We do<br />

need to judge prophecy <strong>and</strong> be discerning however.<br />

Authority - I believe when we become sons <strong>and</strong> daughters of God, it is as<br />

if we are sons <strong>and</strong> daughter to a King <strong>and</strong> anything we declare in the Kings<br />

domain, or the kingdom we have the authority of the King to declare, <strong>and</strong><br />

the King will not reject this order as long as it's something in line with His<br />

own will too. Like healing someone.<br />

I believe there is a legal system that exists in the spiritual realm similar to<br />

the legal system that exists in the physical realm. The Heavens belong to<br />

God, but the Earth belongs to the sons of men. Because God has given<br />

the Earth to us. It is ours <strong>and</strong> even though He could intervene He will not<br />

interfere unless we give Him permission <strong>and</strong> ask for Him too.<br />


May your kingdom come, on Earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew<br />

6:10).<br />

I believe much of this authority we can exercise through prayer.<br />

When praying always pray for things in the affirmative. ("Yeshua I<br />

pray that this personal will be healed" instead of saying "Yeshua I<br />

pray that this person will not die from cancer")<br />

When we speak negative words like not die from cancer our<br />

brain has to first realize what the positive is of that word die =<br />

live, then the brain has to negate that negative "that person<br />

will not-not live.” It is much better to speak only in positives<br />

<strong>and</strong> affirmatives, so the mind never even thinks about the<br />

negative to begin with.<br />

Instead of telling a child not to run out in the street, tell them<br />

to stay in the yard. Taking a page form reverse physiology.<br />

Because what the mind first hears is run out into the street<br />

then it needs to negate this to underst<strong>and</strong> the parents<br />

intended meaning.<br />

While praying in the affirmative start to visualize what you are<br />

praying for actually materializing or happening. Visualize the<br />

person you are praying for dancing around full of life!<br />

Some of the best professional athletes do this before<br />

for a meet or game. They will visualize themselves<br />

winning a race, hitting a homerun, scoring a goal. Not<br />

only will they visualize it, but they will speak it out, or<br />

profess it out loud (they will unknowingly will<br />

prophesy). This is what I like to call Positive<br />

Reinforcement! I believe God Himself did this when He<br />

had all of creation in His imagination, before he spoke it<br />

into existence.<br />

When your praying believe it will come to pass or already has.<br />

You can cause your prayer to become more effective by<br />

getting others to come into agreement with you for what you<br />

are praying for (Matthew 18:19-20). Believing, visualizing, &<br />

declaring, all with emotion.<br />

This is similar to when you have a dream or a goal you<br />

want to accomplish. It is much easier to accomplish if<br />

you actually believe in yourself. How much more if not<br />

only you, but others also believe in. They really believe<br />

you can do it, that it will work out great for you!<br />


Also when praying your prayer will become more powerful<br />

when you invoke the names of God. Call Him JEHOVAH-JIREH<br />

when asking for provision, or JEHOVAH-RAPHA when asking<br />

for healing, or YAHWEH when asking for salvation.<br />

There is also something powerful about praying in<br />

Hebrew too, but I'm not sure what exactly what it is<br />

yet?<br />

Power of Emotions - I believe in order to prophesy greater things we need<br />

to utilize our emotions when we prophesy. Spiritual gifts as well as most,<br />

if not all, things in the spirit realm feed off of emotions, good or bad.<br />

I believe that Love is literally the greatest emotion of all. It<br />

encompasses all other emotions, joy, sadness, anger… God is Love.<br />

To love is to care about someone or something even more than<br />

you care about yourself. Therefore if you knew who or what<br />

you really loved was going to die <strong>and</strong> you could to something<br />

to stop it even if it meant you would lose everything even<br />

your very life, you would still do it anyway because what you<br />

love is ultimately more important to you then your life. If<br />

your chances where 1:1,000,000 of keeping that someone you<br />

love from dying, I believe you would still take that chance<br />

knowing that losing what you love, even if you kept<br />

everything else, would be a greater loss. <strong>An</strong>d a greater lose<br />

would cause more pain than a lesser lose, so it would be<br />

worth the risk. Even if you die trying to save the one you love<br />

from dying that would be better than living without them.<br />

Similar to when they say Jesus loves you, since he<br />

actually did die for us (John 3:16), how great would is a<br />

Love be to die for every person, past, present, & future?<br />

False or Inaccurate? - With New Testament Prophecy there is a margin of<br />

error, I believe we can see it even in Acts 21:11 were the New Testament<br />

Prophet Agabus received a prophecy from God, but ultimately gave an<br />

inaccurate interpretation. "In this way the Jews at Jerusalem will bind the<br />


man who owns this belt <strong>and</strong> deliver him into the h<strong>and</strong>s of the Gentiles." I<br />

believe Agabus saw in a vision Paul enraging the Jews then being bound in<br />

the h<strong>and</strong>s of the Gentiles while in Jerusalem. However Paul was actually<br />

bound by the Gentiles who delivered him from the Jews (Acts 21:27-36).<br />

Just because a modern day prophet gives a prophecy that doesn't<br />

not come 100% true, does not make them a false prophet, just<br />

inaccurate. Accuracy will improve with practice.<br />

Creative Power - Even scientist have been saying that there are element<br />

smaller than the atom, <strong>and</strong> they everything even atoms give off a<br />

frequency. They say the smallest elements are what they call "Strings."<br />

They are like very small, short lines that vibrate. Aren't these Strings<br />

literally frequencies similar to something like a sound wave, which is also<br />

a frequency? YHVH Himself created everything just by speaking it into<br />

existence with the sound of His voice. I believe this is how even people of<br />

false religions can perform miracles, but their ultimate end will be<br />

different if they do not find the one true God.<br />

These "Strings" from which all things are made, <strong>and</strong> which in its<br />

original state permeates, penetrates, <strong>and</strong> fills the interspaces of the<br />

universe.<br />

A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the<br />

thought.<br />

Man can form things in his thought, <strong>and</strong> by impressing his thought<br />

upon the formless substance can cause the thing he thinks about to<br />

be created. <strong>An</strong>d all that is required is:<br />

Pure Motives/Love<br />

Affirmative<br />

Remove all Fear of Future, Rejection, Failure all comes down to<br />

trust (strong conviction of faith)<br />

Fantasy - To increase intimacy with God, it is good to not just focus on<br />

Him while you're praying but to also:<br />

Visualize Him throughout your Day.<br />

Imagine Him st<strong>and</strong>ing/sitting/walking beside you.<br />


Talk as if He is literally right there in the room with you, <strong>and</strong> tell Him<br />

everything. Even things you would never tell anyone else.<br />

When you pray, sign, dance, or worship, close your eyes <strong>and</strong><br />

visualize yourself st<strong>and</strong>ing in front of Him doing that act directly to<br />

<strong>and</strong> for Him.<br />

Fantasize about Him in the same way you use to fantasize about<br />

your first crush when you were young, (or the way you loved your<br />

parents as a small child, or the way you cared for your best friend).<br />

How you fantasized marrying that person, <strong>and</strong> always being<br />

with them for the rest of your life.<br />

Sitting very close to them, or snuggling with them.<br />

Embracing them.<br />

What did you say or whisper to them?<br />

What would you desire to do for them or give that person?<br />

How would you show them your affection?<br />

Belief is stronger than your Desire - What you really believe come<br />

naturally, <strong>and</strong> it is extremely difficult for others to changes these beliefs.<br />

Many beliefs are so strong that the person holding the belief is willing to<br />

die for what they believe in. You can believe that others will find out your<br />

sins <strong>and</strong> desire to be cleaned of them or that others will not find out your<br />

sins, but belief is stronger <strong>and</strong> will always win out.<br />

However, if your beliefs <strong>and</strong> desires are in agreement with each<br />

other then, the desire will add to, <strong>and</strong> strengthen your current<br />

belief. Such as if you believe you are a good person, <strong>and</strong> desire to<br />

be an even be a righteous person, it will make you more so.<br />

If you believe in something so strongly it will become a reality to<br />

you. For example if you believe you can play the piano even though<br />

you've never played before, <strong>and</strong> that belief is so intense that when<br />

you go to sit down at a piano you will be able to play it, or at the<br />

very least learn far more quickly than the average person who has<br />

never touched a piano <strong>and</strong> still believes they cannot play it.<br />

There are limits to what we can obtain as if we are in some sort of<br />

container, that container being God Himself. Since God is all in all,<br />

both eternal <strong>and</strong> infinite we could never exceed or even be equal to<br />

God in any way. Such as the Humanist faith believes or in the battle<br />


of Armageddon people will believe they can defeat God, but they<br />

will ultimately be defeated.<br />

Sarcastic (or joking) Prophecy - If you profess something in a sarcastic<br />

manner, where you say the opposite of what you really believe to happen,<br />

the spoken word will usually over power the belief.<br />

For example if you say I just know you are going to do great today,<br />

but already believe they will not, they will actually end up doing<br />

what you have spoken.<br />

If you sarcastically profess over yourself thought you will be able to<br />

control the outcome more, because we have a free will, but<br />

speaking it out will cause a change if you will attempt to see it<br />

through.<br />

If you sarcastically profess this but only desire it not be to true, you<br />

have spoken it in belief, <strong>and</strong> therefore is even more likely to happen<br />

as you spoke because belief is stronger than desire<br />

If you profess something, but also desire it to be, <strong>and</strong> believe it<br />

to be so, it is not sarcastic prophecy.<br />

Sound is a bridge - between the Physical <strong>and</strong> Spiritual Dimensions, the<br />

Seen <strong>and</strong> the Unseen.<br />

Elements that are less tangible may also be a bridge to the Spiritual<br />

Dimensions, such as:<br />

Sound<br />

Fire<br />

Wind<br />

Three Fulfillments of Prophecy - I believe there are 3 fulfillments to every<br />

prophecy.<br />

Revelation<br />

Yahweh - this reveals God the Father<br />


Yahshuah - this reveals Jesus the Messiah<br />

Holy Spirit - the reveals the Holy Spirit<br />

Interpretation<br />

Symbolically - where a prophecy is a riddle or parable<br />

referencing something similar in one way or another<br />

Literally - the prophecy means exactly what it says, no matter<br />

how unbelievable the prophecy is.<br />

Universally - Prophecy will may speak of something or someone<br />

specific, but also speaks to everyone in one form or another.<br />

Application (or Activation if it's the first time)<br />

Past - where a prophecy can be applied to a past event<br />

Present - Prophecy as it is happening now<br />

Future - applying prophecy to what has is coming according to<br />

the prophecy.<br />

Manifestations - Many times when there is an event that happens in the<br />

natural that is ungodly (weather it is actively opposed by the righteous,<br />

either in prayer or what not, I'm not I'm not sure), for example a gay-pride<br />

march, that will at the same time or very shortly thereafter (usually<br />

always with in that same day if not that same hour) manifest itself in the<br />

supernatural warfare, <strong>and</strong> in a natural disasters as the two kingdoms<br />

colliding, both good <strong>and</strong> evil. This is symbolic of:<br />

Strong Winds - cold <strong>and</strong> hot air coming together<br />

Lightning Strikes - as positive <strong>and</strong> negative charged atmospheres<br />

connect with each another.<br />

Tornados & Hurricanes - High <strong>and</strong> Low pressure air fronts hitting<br />

one another<br />

Earthquakes - as two tectonic plates shift against each other in<br />

opposing directions.<br />

Inversion - In secular society people tend to look at certain sayings as<br />

negative, but prophetic people need to be encouraging <strong>and</strong> turn these<br />


negatives into positive says. These are a few for example that can easily<br />

be turn around into something good, by changing your prospective to<br />

something good.<br />

Being full of it (crap)<br />

Being full of it (the Holy Spirit)<br />

Being on Fire (burning)<br />

Being on Fire (for God)<br />

Being Hungry (Starving)<br />

Being Hungry (for the things of God)<br />

The Kicker - When you receive a prophetic word from God, He will a lot of<br />

the time throw in something out of the blue at you. For example you may<br />

be receiving a prophetic word about your family then all of the sudden He<br />

will just throw in something about a financial blessing or a new ability you<br />

will receive just as the prophecy ends. This is kind of like the cherry on<br />

top, or a little extra, just because God loves to bless us, even with things<br />

we weren't asking for or didn't really care if we had them or not. A good<br />

example of this is when Solomon was asking for the Spirit of Discernment<br />

to govern God's people, <strong>and</strong> God gave that to him, but then He also gave<br />

him the wealth, long life, <strong>and</strong> the Spirit of Wisdom. 1 Kings 3:5-15<br />


Unknowns<br />

These are some of the aspects of the Prophetic <strong>Art</strong>s that are not yet fully<br />

known, or understood at all. Many of these topics have been used by the<br />

enemy, even though they were of created by God. The enemy cannot create<br />

only manipulate <strong>and</strong> pervert what God has already created. Many Supernaturalist<br />

will realize these as aspects of Classic Metaphysics (Spiritual<br />

<strong>Science</strong>), & their application in the Spirit Realms.<br />

Levitation (<strong>As</strong>cending, Descending, Hovering.)<br />

Arial Flying (Soaring or moving about in the air somewhat like a bird.)<br />

Remote Viewing (Witnessing what is happening somewhere far away from<br />

your current location, without physically being able to.)<br />

Teleportation (Space warps used in quantum physics, or being instantly<br />

transported to a distant location in the first 3 dimensions of reality. Being<br />

caught up into the 3rd Heaven.)<br />

Time Travel (Moving outside of the Present, such as to the Past or the<br />

Future.)<br />

Alternate & Multi-Dimensional Passage (Gateways for moving in <strong>and</strong> out<br />

of the Physical <strong>and</strong> Spirit Realms. Can also include what is known as<br />

becoming Invisible.)<br />

Poly-Presents (Literally being in more than one place at once.)<br />

NDE's (Near Death Experiences, when your Spirit leaves your body<br />

temporally if you die, but are later brought back to life.)<br />

OBE's (Out of Body Experiences, such as being caught up in the Spirit or<br />

into the Heavens without your physical body, without physically dying.)<br />

Resurrections (Being clinically death, yet coming back to life in the<br />

physical realm.)<br />

Raptures (Permanently entering the Spirit realm without ever having to<br />

die.)<br />

Physical Transformation (Taking the form of something else, such as an<br />

object, animal, or angel.)<br />

Telecommunication (Reading <strong>and</strong> speaking to someone's mind through<br />

your mind or thoughts, <strong>and</strong> them reading <strong>and</strong> speaking back to you. Either<br />

humans, animals, angels, …)<br />

Telekinesis (Moving physical matter with your thoughts <strong>and</strong> comm<strong>and</strong>s.)<br />

Psychokinesis (Manipulate elements with your mind or thoughts, such as<br />

walking on water or through walls.)<br />

Invincibility (When nothing is able to cause harm to you, such as st<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

in the midst of fire, boiling oil, or anything lethal.)<br />


Unknown Unknowns (Things we do not yet know we can do simply<br />

because we are unaware they exist.)<br />

Other yet unanswered personal Questions/Thoughts:<br />

What are thoughts? Are they energy?<br />

When God gives you a vision can you "co-create" with the vision as it is<br />

happening, as long as doesn't go against His will? Or is a Devine vision<br />

always sovereign?<br />

Similar to lucid dreams that way to can affect <strong>and</strong> change these<br />

dreams as they are happening?<br />


Obtainment<br />

Knowing about the Gifts of the Spirit is one thing, but to actually obtain<br />

them, is another. This isn't just head knowledge (Theology), but an<br />

Initiate personal experience of God (Mysticism). Even the <strong>An</strong>cient<br />

Prophets of the Bible were considered Mystics. This is a Love relationship<br />

with Yahweh, 1 Corinthians 13:2. People can have the Gifts without this<br />

relationship (even though it is not recommended), because God gives<br />

them freely to who He will, Ephesians 4:11.<br />

There are several things you can do to obtain the Gifts of the Spirit. The<br />

first thing is to actually apply what you have already learned <strong>and</strong> put in to<br />

continual practice. Every time there is an open opportunity to use your<br />

new ability take advantage of it. If you are noticing no opportunities are<br />

arising then make one happen. Say you want to practice healing people,<br />

but never seem to run into anyone who needs healing. Then go hang out at<br />

the local hospital in their waiting room, or start volunteering at a homeless<br />

shelter. I usually like to tell people I'm doing a study on the power of<br />

prayer to note any observable positive effects on people. People tend to<br />

be not so weirded out by methods like this, but most hurting people want<br />

to be prayed for, even non-believers, <strong>and</strong> the more they hurt more<br />

desperate they become <strong>and</strong> therefore are more open to prayer. Do not get<br />

discouraged if you fail a few times, or several times while practicing, this is<br />

usually just the enemy trying to stop you from advancing the Kingdom, but<br />

if you do not give in you will always win. Just keep trying!<br />

If you already operate in one of the Gifts of the Spirit, do not believe you<br />

are only limited to that one gift, by doing this you are limiting God, <strong>and</strong> if<br />

you've ever given a gift to someone else that was not receive at all or just<br />

not like very much you know how it hurts to feel that rejection. The<br />

following points are very general <strong>and</strong> can be applied to just about anything<br />

in your life you wish to obtain. For example a degree, a new job, a pay<br />

raise, a language, the ability to play an instrument, anything really.<br />

These are some suggested steps that will help you obtain your goals:<br />

<strong>As</strong>k God to Give these Gifts to You, James 4:2.<br />

What is your Passion, your Vision, your Focus.<br />

Set your goals & Write them down.<br />


Make daily declarations (this is people are doing when they say the phrase<br />

"prophetically speaking…") about your goals.<br />

Visualize your goals in their process & completion.<br />

God will out do your goals, <strong>and</strong> He wants you to dream BIG.<br />

Make a detailed plans (strategy) to attain our goals.<br />

Brain storm.<br />

Work with Experts <strong>and</strong> people with similar goals.<br />

Developing Habits <strong>and</strong> a Spirit-filled Lifestyle:<br />

Because it is almost too much to remember all these principles <strong>and</strong><br />

methods that habits have to be formed where these principles are acted<br />

out even without having to think about them at all.<br />

Commit to at least 30 Days – This is about the time you need to make a<br />

habit automatic. Once you can make it through the initial conditioning<br />

phase, it is much easier to sustain.<br />

Do it Daily – Consistency is critical if you want to make it habitual. If you<br />

want to start prophesying over people, ask a different person everyday if<br />

you can pray form them, for your first thirty days. Only going a doing this a<br />

few times a week makes it harder to form the habit.<br />

Start Simple – Don’t try to completely change your life in one day. It is easy<br />

to get over-motivated <strong>and</strong> take on too much. Try to prophesy over people<br />

in your alone time if you like, then build on that.<br />

Remind Yourself – Around two weeks into your commitment it can be easy<br />

to forget. Place reminders to execute your habit each day or you might miss<br />

a few days. If you miss time it defeats the purpose of setting a habit to<br />

begin with. Send yourself daily reminders, mark your calendar, tie a string<br />

on your finger as a reminder, write yourself note, <strong>and</strong> To-Do Lists.<br />

Stay Consistent – The more consistent you are consistent the easier it will<br />

be to become habitual. If you want to start making prophetic declarations,<br />

try making these declaration at the same time every day. When cues like<br />

time of day, place <strong>and</strong> circumstances are the same in each case it becomes<br />

habit.<br />

Get a Buddy – A spouse or a friend who will go along with you <strong>and</strong> keep<br />

you motivated if you feel like quitting. Someone who will encourage you.<br />

Form a Trigger – A trigger is a ritual you use right before executing your<br />

habit. If you want to proclaim the greatness in people, this could be<br />


something like if you see someone sad or depressed, or if you want to heal<br />

people this could be if you notice someone in pain.<br />

Replace Lost Needs - If you are giving up something in your habit, make<br />

sure you are adequately replacing any needs you’ve lost. If watching<br />

television gave you a way to relax, you could take up meditating on God,<br />

Listening to soaking music, or reading as a way to replace that same need.<br />

Be Imperfect – Don't be discouraged if you're not successful immediately.<br />

The people who struggle the most at something to begin with often times<br />

end up being the best at it.<br />

Use “But” – This great technique for changing bad thought patterns. When<br />

you start to think negative thoughts, use the word “but” to invert it. “I’m<br />

not good at this, but, if I work at it I will be the best at it one day.”<br />

Remove Temptation - Restructure your environment so it won’t tempt you<br />

in the first thirty days. Remove distraction <strong>and</strong> replace them with anything<br />

to encourage you.<br />

<strong>As</strong>sociate With Role Models - Spend more time with people who model the<br />

habits you want to mirror. You become what you spend time around.<br />

Run it as an Experiment - Withhold judgment, experiments can’t fail, they<br />

just have different results so it will give you a different perspective on<br />

changing your habit.<br />

Write it down – This is a way to solidify your commitment to form this new<br />

habit.<br />

Know the Benefits - Familiarize yourself with the benefits of making this<br />

change. Get books that show the benefits of prophesying or whatever<br />

habit you want to form. Notice any changes in people's lives after<br />

prophesying to them.<br />

Know the Pain – You should also be aware of the consequences. Exposing<br />

yourself to realistic information about the downsides of not making a<br />

change will give you added motivation. "Where would that person be if you<br />

hadn't encouraged them on that day?"<br />

Continuation - Once the month is up <strong>and</strong> you are successful throughout the<br />

whole month just continue doing your new habit.<br />

Set Goals to give you something to achieve <strong>and</strong> strive for:<br />

Goal is like a written out Action Statement for a set period of time. Goals<br />

are not m<strong>and</strong>atory, do not feel bad if you don't end up completing all of<br />

your goal in its timeframe just include the remaining steps in your next set<br />

of goals.<br />


Start your goal or action statement with a verb (Increase, Decrease, Move,<br />

Dominate, Empower, Inspire...)<br />

Goals are S.M.A.R.T.<br />

Specific - What exactly needs to be done for each step in order to reach the<br />

ultimate goal?<br />

Measurable - How can I tell steps are being completed?<br />

Action - What will I need to do to accomplish this goal?<br />

Responsible - who is goal benefitting?<br />

Timeframe - When do I expect to be able to complete this goal?<br />

Example: Increase someone's joy by 10% by the end of this year. - Tom<br />

Aim High - Set at least a minimum level goal of what you wish to achieve,<br />

<strong>and</strong> an upper limit or an indefinite upper limit. For example: A 10% -<br />

200%(+) increase in time spent in worship.<br />

Be sure you always have a mentally visual point in the distance to move<br />

towards in your goal (3 people, 4 people, 5 people, 6 people,… blessed by<br />

you per day). If you don't reach it completely you will still out do yourself,<br />

than if you had set a lower goal that you know you can achieve.<br />

Break down your goal(s) into Parts or Categories.<br />

Then be specific in the processes you use to break down each of these<br />

categories themselves.<br />

Brainstorm about all the different ways you or your team can do to achieve<br />

each step on the way to the ultimate goal.<br />

Encourage yourself <strong>and</strong> others as they progress in their goals whether it's<br />

behind of schedule or ahead. Reward yourself or others as they finish their<br />

goal. Reaching the goal in <strong>and</strong> of itself, a reward too.<br />

Once you have obtained these gifts it is right that you should pass them on<br />

to others in the faith.<br />


Apostolic<br />

Matthew 10:8 freely you have received, freely give. Once someone<br />

has learned something they are to pass on what they have learned to<br />

others. This is known as Fathering, raising others up like a father<br />

raise up a son in what they have learned, so that they can do well in<br />

the "family" business.<br />

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 4:14-16 that he was a spiritual father to<br />

others. We are responsible to pass on what we've learned making it<br />

easier for those who are just starting, no matter what age they start<br />

at.<br />

Apostolic Prophets/Seers are those who have mastered their gift, if<br />

such a thing is possible. Now they must pass it on like Jesus to the 70<br />

disciples, Moses to Joshua, Elijah to Elisha.<br />

Of the 70 Disciples, only 12 became Apostles themselves, of<br />

these 12 Peter, James, <strong>and</strong> John because Close Friends, <strong>and</strong> of<br />

these 3 John was known as the Beloved, <strong>and</strong> Jesus revealed the<br />

most to him.<br />

Apostolic Prophets <strong>and</strong> Seers who are Prophets to the Prophets, they<br />

are their mentors.<br />


Resources<br />

These are a few helpful resources you can use to help you better underst<strong>and</strong><br />

the Gifts <strong>and</strong> the Spirit of Prophecy.<br />

Bethel School of the Supernatural - A school to learn <strong>and</strong> apply the gifts of<br />

the Spirit. There are several of these schools, this is just one of the<br />

biggest.<br />

Bible.cc - <strong>An</strong> excellent online source for Bible research.<br />

Bible.is - For those who like to listen to the word as they read it.<br />

Bible Code Digest - <strong>An</strong> organization that searches to hidden messages in<br />

the Bible using the Equidistance Letter Sequence method.<br />

Blue Letter Bible - A excellent Bible Lexicon search tool.<br />

Charismatic, Independent, Pentecostal, Evangelical, or <strong>As</strong>semblies of God<br />

denominations as of this writing teach more of the Gifts of the Spirit.<br />

Crafted Prayer: The Joy Of Always Getting Your Prayers <strong>An</strong>swered by<br />

Graham Cooke - <strong>An</strong> in-depth study of prophetic prayer.<br />

Date Converter - Convert Gregorian dates to their Hebrew date<br />

equivalent.<br />

Elijah List - Many excellent resources for people interesting in the gift of<br />

prophecy.<br />

Gematria Index - look up all the matching gematria values of a word.<br />

GotQuestions.org - A good Database of Christian Apologetics online.<br />

IHOP - International House of Prayer. A great place to learn <strong>and</strong><br />

experience Spirit filled prayer <strong>and</strong> worship.<br />

Jerusalem, Israel - Visiting the Holy L<strong>and</strong> is always good.<br />

Number in Scripture by E. W. Bullinger - A book on Biblical numerology.<br />

Prophecy in the News - with a focus on the modern day fulfillment of Bible<br />

prophecy, <strong>and</strong> theology.<br />

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural - TV, Radio, <strong>and</strong> Web interviews of people who<br />

move in the Supernatural so you can learn to do what they do.<br />

Strong's Concordance <strong>and</strong> Lexicon - A free online version of Strong's<br />

Concordance <strong>and</strong> Lexicon for your own research.<br />

Tanakh - Online version of the Tanakh by chapter.<br />

The Prophets by Abraham J. Heschel - A comprehensive study of the Old<br />

Testament Prophets, their lives <strong>and</strong> personalities.<br />

The wisdom of the Hebrew Alphabet by Michael L. Munk - <strong>An</strong> in-depth<br />

study of prophecy through the Hebrew Alphabet.<br />

The Witness of the Stars by E. W. Bullinger - <strong>An</strong> explanation of prophecy<br />

through the stars.<br />


You May All Prophesy by Steve Thompson - Great testimonies <strong>and</strong><br />

teaching on modern day prophecy.<br />


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