Benzil from Benzoin

Benzil from Benzoin

Benzil from Benzoin


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Background: You may wish to review the basics of recrystallization, <strong>from</strong> Organic I<br />

lab.<br />

A compound which has two ketone groups immediately adjacent to one another is<br />

referred to an α-diketone. (In organic nomenclature, when two groups are referred to as<br />

“α” [alpha] that means that are right next to each other on adjacent carbons; when two<br />

groups are called “β” [beta] that means they are separated by one carbon, “γ” [gamma]<br />

means they are separated by two carbons, etc.).<br />

In this experiment we will synthesize the α-diketone benzil by oxidizing the benzoin that<br />

you produced in the last experiment:<br />

O<br />

C<br />

OH<br />

CH<br />

benzoin<br />

mp 135 C<br />

benzil<br />

mp 94 - 95 C<br />

Note that this is an oxidation, as you learned about last semester; an alcohol group is<br />

being converted to a ketone group in the reaction.<br />

Generally, secondary alcohols are oxidized with sodium dichromate in an acid solution.<br />

(This blend is sometimes referred to as “chromic acid” and you may know it by that name<br />

<strong>from</strong> your textbook or lecture). For benzoin, however, the yield is lower using<br />

dichromate because much of the material is converted into benzaldehyde by cleavage of<br />

the bond between two oxidized carbon atoms, and activated by both phenyl groups<br />

(reaction “a” below). Having a carbonyl in a position vicinal to the alcohol, with two<br />

phenyl groups available to stabilize intermediate carbocations, makes the carbon-carbon<br />

bond susceptible to cleavage.<br />

Similarly, hydrobenzoin on oxidation with dichromate or permanganate yields chiefly<br />

benzaldehyde and only a trace of benzil (reaction “b” below).<br />

O<br />

C<br />

O<br />

C<br />


(a)<br />

(b)<br />

O<br />

C<br />

OH<br />

CH<br />

OH<br />

CH<br />

benzoin<br />

OH<br />

CH<br />

hydrobenzoin<br />

"chromic<br />

acid"<br />

2-<br />

Cr2O7 H2SO4 oxid.<br />

2<br />

benzaldehyde<br />

<strong>Benzoin</strong> can be oxidized to the α-diketone, benzil, very efficiently by nitric acid or by<br />

copper (II) sulfate in pyridine. To avoid cleavage of the molecule, the milder oxidizing<br />

agent nitric acid works well:<br />

O<br />

C<br />

OH<br />

CH<br />

HNO 3<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Procedure: Nitric Acid Oxidation of <strong>Benzoin</strong><br />

Caution: <strong>Benzoin</strong> is an irritant to skin and mucus membranes!<br />

Caution: Concentrated nitric acid is corrosive! It causes severe burns to the skin!<br />

*note: the benzoin that you use in this experiment is your product <strong>from</strong> last week’s lab. You will<br />

need to complete the procedure <strong>from</strong> “The <strong>Benzoin</strong> Condensation” before beginning this<br />

experiment.<br />

Set up a hot plate and begin a hot water bath (in a 400 or 600 mL beaker) IN THE HOOD.<br />

O<br />

C<br />

O<br />

C<br />

O<br />


If you have not already done so (last week), weigh the benzoin crystals <strong>from</strong> last week’s<br />

experiment. Record the mass in your notebook. Fill a capillary melting point tube with a few<br />

crystals of benzoin so you can determine the melting point later in today’s procedure.<br />

Caution!!!!: this reaction will create extremely corrosive nitric acid fumes, and toxic<br />

nitrogen oxide fumes! Nitrogen oxide is also a SEVERE irritant to the eyes, nose and<br />

mucus membranes. Carry out this reaction in a hood! Under no circumstances should<br />

you remove the flask <strong>from</strong> the hood while the reaction is going on! DO NOT remove the<br />

reaction mixture <strong>from</strong> the hood until the instructions indicate that you should do so.<br />

Although nitrogen oxide is not absorbed through the skin, it will stain your skin<br />

yellow or brown -- you should wear gloves during this procedure.<br />

In this reaction you will use about 4 grams of benzoin -- you should have plenty <strong>from</strong> last<br />

lab, but REMEMBER NOT TO USE UP ALL THAT YOU HAVE -- you will need a<br />

small amount to measure melting point, if required, and also a small scoop for the test at<br />

the end of this experiment.<br />

Weigh about 4 grams of the benzoin <strong>from</strong> last week’s experiment into a 125 mL<br />

Erlenmeyer flask. (If your yield <strong>from</strong> last week is less than 4 grams, your instructor can<br />

give you some extra for this procedure). IN THE HOOD, slowly add 14 mL of<br />

concentrated nitric acid. DO NOT ADD THE HNO3 ALL AT ONCE - the mixture may<br />

get hot and boil over; add the nitric acid in small portions until the entire 14 mL has been<br />

added. Place the flask in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes -- this also must be<br />

performed in the hood. It is best to perform this reaction in a 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask,<br />

to minimize the possibility of splattering.<br />

The mixture will begin as a slurry mixture of solid and liquid; as it heats up to the<br />

temperature of the hot water, it should liquefy. You will also see the formation of dark<br />

orange or brown NO fumes as the reaction proceeds.<br />

After the 10 minute heating period, slowly add 75 mL of water to the reaction mixture,<br />

cool to room temperature, and swirl for a minute or two to coagulate the precipitated<br />

product; make sure that there are no nitrogen oxide fumes remaining in the flask. After<br />

this the reaction mixture may be removed <strong>from</strong> the hood. You can do the rest of the lab<br />

at your desk.<br />

Note: At this point you may notice one or more globules of an oily substance in<br />

your flask. This is your product, but it probably will not solidify in acid solution.<br />

SLOWLY add 25 mL of 6 M NaOH. (Don’t confuse this up with the 10% NaOH that<br />

you will use in the later step! - make sure you use the 6 M in this part!). Use litmus or<br />

pH paper to determine if the mixture is basic; if it is still acidic, keep adding NaOH,<br />

about 4 - 5 mL at a time, until the pH is basic. (Depending on the exact concentrations of<br />

the NaOH and HNO3, this may take up to 40 or 50 mL of NaOH total). The product<br />

should crystallize as you make the pH basic. Once the solution is basic, cool the mixture<br />

in an ice bath for a few minutes. Collect the yellow solid on a Büchner funnel and wash<br />


with water. Press the solid well on the filter to squeeze out the water. At this point you<br />

should check with your instructor to determine if the product needs to be recrystallized.<br />

If you are going to perform the recrystallization - The crude product need not be<br />

dried or weighed but can be re-crystallized at once <strong>from</strong> ethanol.<br />

If you are NOT going to perform the recrystallization - Remove the product <strong>from</strong><br />

the filter paper and dry it in the oven for about 10 minutes. Weigh the crystals and<br />

proceed to the “Test for the Presence of Unoxidized <strong>Benzoin</strong>.”<br />

Recrystallization<br />

Optional - ask your instructor if this step is required! If not, skip to the next section<br />

“Test for the Presence of Unoxidized <strong>Benzoin</strong>.” Heat about 10 - 15 mL of ethanol in a<br />

small Erlenmeyer flask on a hot plate (this can be done at your desk). Dissolve the<br />

product <strong>from</strong> the reaction above in a minimum amount of hot ethanol; remember that the<br />

mixture should be kept hot (on the hot plate) until all of the solid has dissolved. One the<br />

solid is completely dissolved, add water dropwise until the solution becomes cloudy, and<br />

set aside to crystallize. You should place the mixture in an ice bath after crystals begin to<br />

form. <strong>Benzil</strong> is a fairly bright yellow solid; it looks similar to the benzoin but a brighter<br />

color.<br />

Collect the benzil crystals by vacuum filtration. You may rinse the crystals and the<br />

container with distilled water if necessary. Allow the crystals to dry in the Büchner<br />

funnel, with air passing over them, for at least five minutes. Then transfer the crystals to<br />

a pre-weighed beaker or watch glass, and dry them in the oven for about 10 minutes.<br />

Test for the Presence of Unoxidized <strong>Benzoin</strong><br />

This is a simple test to determine if your reaction is complete, and if your product is pure.<br />

This is a qualitative test, so it isn’t necessary to measure the quantities exactly; they can<br />

be approximated. In a test tube, dissolve about 0.5 mg (a small scoop, enough to cover<br />

the end of a spatula) of the benzil product in 0.5 mL of 95% ethanol or methanol and add<br />

one drop of 6 M sodium hydroxide. If unreacted benzoin is present, the solution soon<br />

acquires a dark brown or black color owing a complex of benzil with a product of<br />

auto-oxidation of benzoin. This reaction may also produce a muddy-looking precipitate.<br />

If no dark color develops in 1-3 minutes, and the sample remains a yellow or amber<br />

color, this indicates that the sample is free <strong>from</strong> benzoin (in other words, the oxidation of<br />

benzoin was complete).<br />

Sometimes students are confused as to the results of this test because you have never seen<br />

what a “positive” result looks like. You can observe a “positive” result if you add a small<br />

amount of benzoin; observe the color that develops. You can add a few more drops of<br />

NaOH and/or heat the mixture to speed up this appearance of the dark brown color after<br />

adding benzoin.<br />

Cleaning Up<br />

The aqueous filtrate is non-toxic, and should be neutral or slightly basic. Flush the waste<br />

down the drain, with plenty of water.<br />


Report<br />

Record the yield, color and melting point of the purified benzil. Depending on the<br />

procedure that you followed last week, you may need to measure the melting point of last<br />

week’s product, also. Check with your instructor to see if this is required.<br />

Post-Lab<br />

Report the yield and % yield of benzil; be certain to show your calculations for both<br />

theoretical yield and % yield.<br />


Data / Observations Page <strong>Benzil</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>Benzoin</strong><br />

Name ____________________________________________________________<br />

Starting materials:<br />

Mass of Erlenmeyer Flask: _____________________ grams<br />

Mass of Erlenmeyer Flask + <strong>Benzoin</strong>: _____________________ grams<br />

Mass of <strong>Benzoin</strong>: _____________________ grams<br />

Product:<br />

Mass of container: _____________________ grams<br />

Mass of container + <strong>Benzil</strong>: _____________________ grams<br />

Mass of <strong>Benzil</strong> (product): _____________________ grams<br />

melting point of product: _____________________ °C<br />

Summarize your observations <strong>from</strong> the “Test for the presence of unoxidized benzoin”:<br />


Pre-Lab Questions <strong>Benzil</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>Benzoin</strong><br />

Name ____________________________________________________________<br />

1. Calculate the theoretical yield of benzil, starting with 4.00 grams of benzoin. Show<br />

your work!<br />


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