holiday homework - class - viii

holiday homework - class - viii

holiday homework - class - viii


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English<br />


1. Make a chart depicting the story of –<br />

The Tempest (roll no 1-10)<br />

Twelfth Night (roll no 11-20)<br />

The Gift Of The Magi- by O’ Henry (roll no 21-30)<br />

The Last Leaf- by O’ Henry (roll no 31- 42)<br />

Use illustrations/ cartoon figures/ sketches etc to make the chart colourful and lively<br />

2. Cover your literature and grammar notebooks with green sheets and design your book<br />

covers using proverbs, quotations, course based messages etc. Do not forget to label<br />

your notebooks and cover them with cellophane sheets.<br />

3. Prepare a debate on one of the following topics-<br />

Noisy Media- Nothing but a Spoilt Child<br />

Roll no 1- 10 -for the motion<br />

Roll no 11- 20 -against the motion<br />

Parents are the Best Friends of Teenagers<br />

Roll no 21- 30 -for the motion<br />

Roll no 31- 42 -against the motion<br />

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Create a chart or a project file (4- 5 pages) on any one of the following:<br />

1. Controls in Visual Basic<br />

2. Visual Basic – a visual tool<br />

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ART<br />

Make 5 paintings of your choice in the summer vacation.<br />

[Each on different sheet]<br />

=============================================================================<br />

HINDI<br />

dqy vad & 15<br />

iz-1- fgUnh dks’k dk fuekZ.k djsaA izR;sd o.kZ ls 5 ‘kCn fy[kdj muds vkxs laKk] loZuke] fo’ks”k.k<br />

fØ;k in Hkh vafdr djsaA ‘kCndks’k dks viuk uke nsa rFkk LosPNkuqlkj lqlfTtr dj ¼Spiral<br />

Buyding½ djok,¡A ¼10 vad½<br />

iz-2- ,d vk;rkdkj ¼Rectangle½ diM+s dks fp=kuqlkj i=h dk :i nsdj mlij vkd”kZd

01 & 14 & cqn~/k dk vkjafHkd thou rFkk f’k{kk,¡<br />

15 & 28 & cqn~/k ds iap’khy rFkk fofHkUu Lrwiksa laca/kh tkudkjh<br />

29 & 40 & cqn~/k ds vk”Vkafxd ekxZ] eq[; f’k”; rFkk fuokZ.k izkfIr<br />

laca/kh tkudkjh<br />

=============================================================================<br />


1. Roll No. (1 to 15) :<br />

Record the number of hours a day spent on the following activities during summer vacations<br />

and make a pie chart based on it, on a cardboard.<br />

(i) watching television.<br />

(ii) doing <strong>holiday</strong> <strong>homework</strong>.<br />

(iii) playing.<br />

(iv) reading books<br />

(v) time spent on facebook<br />

2. Roll No. (16 to 30):<br />

Plan out an interesting Maths Quiz for six teams of your <strong>class</strong><br />

Number of rounds- four or more<br />

You may have Suduko / Simplification Round, Rapid Fire Round, Identifying<br />

Magicians of Mathematics Round.<br />

Of course, do give your quiz a wonderful mathematical name.<br />

Your questions with answers should be on mathematically designed cards.<br />

3. Roll No. (31 onwards):<br />

A beautifully handwritten project on any one of the following to be made-<br />

a) Geometry<br />

b) Algebra<br />

c) Number System<br />

Content of the project-<br />

your name, <strong>class</strong>, roll number, name of the project.<br />

origin of the topic (It’s history).<br />

names of various mathematicians who worked on it.<br />

any one story/ puzzle/ fallacy related to the topic.<br />

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PHYSICS [Roll No.-1-13]<br />

Do you observe the things around when you go to a park/ mall/ airport/ railway<br />

station/ travel in your car/ do household chores?<br />

So here is the time to take a look around and explore the world through Physics.<br />

Make a neat and detailed report in a scrap book on at least 5- 6 phenomena you<br />

observe in day to day life related to Physics.<br />

CHEMISTRY [Roll No.-14-26]<br />


Make a photo album by pasting pictures of five (fruits or vegetables) mentioning<br />

the chemicals present in them and the importance of these chemicals.<br />

Make a chart explaining the History and Chemistry of matchsticks. Illustrate the<br />

formula of two chemical compounds with the help of matchsticks on the same.<br />

Prepare a talk show (3 min) on … ‘Cooking Changes Food Chemically’<br />

OR<br />

‘Global Warming- A Serious Threat’.<br />

BIOLOGY [Roll No.-27- 42]<br />

According to the Roll No. the students have to prepare 3- D model on the given topics.<br />

NOTE- Models made professionally will be rejected & no marks will be given for the<br />

same.<br />

Marks Distribution<br />

1. 3- dimensional model - 10 marks<br />

2. Presentation - 5 marks<br />

Roll No. Topics Hint (Textbook)<br />

1. 27- 28 Sprinkler System of Irrigation Page-9, Fig. 1.5 (a)<br />

2. 29- 30 Drip System of Irrigation Page-9, Fig 1.5 (b)<br />

3. 31- 32 Model Depicting Differences Page-96 Fig. 8.7<br />

Between Plant Cell & Animal Cell (a& b)<br />

4. 33- 34 Budding in Hydra Page-107 Fig. 9.11<br />

5. 35- 36 Binary Fission in Amoeba Page-107 Fig. 9.12<br />

6. 37- 38 Zygote Formation & Development of<br />

Embryo<br />

Page-104 Fig. 9.8(a)<br />

7. 39- 40 Metamorphosis in Frog Page-106 Fig 9.10<br />

8. 41- 42 Structure of Virus (Bacteriophage/<br />

AIDS virus)<br />

3<br />

Page-19 Fig 2.5<br />

OR<br />

Students<br />

can<br />

choose<br />

any topic<br />

from<br />

a/ b/ c as<br />

given<br />

below<br />


(a) Cloning (Sheep Dolly)<br />

(b) Twins (monozygotic & dizygotic twins)<br />

(c) Quiz Board on National Parks/ Sanctuaries in India & the State in which they are Located.


CIVICS<br />

1. Students are to make project files on the key features of The Indian Constitutions.<br />

There will be one file for a group of ten students. The students are supposed to choose<br />

one child as leader or compiler and distribute the work with the help of the concerned<br />

teacher.<br />

(i) Federalism: [Roll No. 1- 10]<br />

(ii) Parliamentary form of Government: [Roll No. 11- 20]<br />

(iii) Seperation of Powers: [Roll No. 21- 30]<br />

(iv) Fundamental Rights: [Roll No. 31- 42]<br />


[Roll No. 1- 42] Conservation of Wildlife<br />

OR<br />

Conservation of Water<br />

Prepare a collage on a chart paper on either of the above mentioned topics.<br />

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