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The Civil War and the Divided <strong>China</strong> Issue<br />

After the end <strong>of</strong> World War II, the anticipated civil war between the Nationalists and the Communists resumed, despite<br />

General George Marshall’s attempt <strong>to</strong> negotiate a coalition government. With the war over, Soviet forces flooded<br />

in<strong>to</strong> Manchuria, seizing Japanese positions and forcing the surrender <strong>of</strong> the 700,000 Japanese troops still stationed<br />

in the region. Chiang Kai-shek realized that he lacked the resources <strong>to</strong> prevent the communist takeover <strong>of</strong> Manchuria<br />

following the scheduled Soviet departure. The CCP, by contrast, was fully aware that the United States was on the side<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Nationalist army. But by first securing the countryside—his<strong>to</strong>rically its base <strong>of</strong> support—the CCP defeated the<br />

Nationalists within four years. On Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 1, 1949, the People’s Republic <strong>of</strong> <strong>China</strong> (PRC) was founded.<br />

In late 1949, having been almost <strong>to</strong>tally destroyed by the CCP, Chiang Kai-shek and the last remnants <strong>of</strong> the<br />

defeated Nationalist government relocated <strong>to</strong> Taiwan. On the island, the KMT declared Taipei the provisional<br />

capital and tried <strong>to</strong> reinvent itself, under the leadership <strong>of</strong> Chiang Kai-shek, who remained president until his death<br />

in 1975. The Republic <strong>of</strong> <strong>China</strong> (ROC) continued <strong>to</strong> adopt political philosophies from the West, resulting in the rise<br />

<strong>of</strong> Taiwanese nationalism, as well as rapid economic development, urbanization, and gradual democratization.<br />

The ROC, recognized as the sole legitimate government <strong>of</strong> both mainland <strong>China</strong> and Taiwan by many nations, had<br />

been a founding member <strong>of</strong> the United Nations (UN) and one <strong>of</strong> the five permanent members <strong>of</strong> the Security Council.<br />

In 1971, however, the ROC’s representation was replaced by the PRC via UN General Assembly Resolution 2758.<br />

Sun Yat-sen remains revered among Chinese leaders both in Taiwan and in mainland <strong>China</strong>. In Taiwan, he is seen<br />

as the Father <strong>of</strong> the ROC. On the mainland, Sun is regarded as the forerunner <strong>of</strong> the revolution and as a nationalist<br />

and pro<strong>to</strong>-socialist. Today, Sun’s major political ideology—the Three Principles <strong>of</strong> the People: nationalism,<br />

democracy, and the people’s livelihood—occupies an important place in the rhe<strong>to</strong>ric <strong>of</strong> both the KMT and the CCP,<br />

although with different interpretations.<br />

國共內戰與兩岸分治<br />

第二次世界大戰結束後,儘管美國政府派遣馬歇爾將軍來華調停國共之爭,並試圖透過談判斡旋成立一個聯合政<br />

府,然而此一調停最後以失敗告終,國民黨與共產黨之間的內戰,仍無可避免。日本宣告戰敗投降後,蘇聯大批<br />

紅軍湧入中國東北,取代日本地位,並接收該地區高達七十萬的投降日軍與武器裝備。這時蔣介石意識到,蘇聯<br />

紅軍一旦按照預定時程撤離後,他將缺乏足夠的資源來阻擋中國共產黨部隊控制東北。相較之下,共產黨充分體<br />

認到,美國終究是站在國民黨這一邊。然而,藉由其向來立足基礎的農村地區逐漸包圍城市,共產黨在短短四年<br />

內,打敗了國民黨。1949年10月1日,中華人民共和國於北京成立。<br />

1949年底,蔣介石率領國民黨的殘存兵力,轉進台灣,台北為首都,在蔣介石的威權領導下,重新站穩腳跟,並<br />

開始推動改造革新。蔣的領導,一直延續到1975年去世為止。中華民國政府採納西方的政治哲學,促使台灣式的<br />

民族主義崛起,同時也帶來經濟起飛、城市現代化、與漸進式的民主化。<br />

中華民國是聯合國的創始會員國之一,也是安全理事會五大常任理事國之一,在1949年以後得相當長一段時間<br />

裡,它被國際上許多國家承認為代表全中國(包括台灣)唯一合法的政府。然而在1971年,此一情況有了重大變化,<br />

根據當年聯合國大會所通過的第2758號決議案,中華民國的席位,被北京的中華人民共和國所取代。<br />

直到今天,在台灣和中國大陸,孫中山的歷史地位依然倍受尊敬。在台灣,他被尊稱為「中華民國國父」,在中<br />

國大陸,孫則被尊稱為「偉大革命先行者」,也是一位民族主義與社會主義者。時至今日,孫中山最重要的政治<br />

思想理念「三民主義」——民族主義、民權主義、民生主義——依然在國民黨與共產黨的政治修辭中,扮演極為<br />

重要的角色,儘管國共雙方對於三民主義的意函,仍存在著不同的解釋。<br />

84 Hoover Institution<br />

A <strong>Century</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Change</strong>: <strong>China</strong> <strong>1911</strong>–<strong>2011</strong><br />


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