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Preface<br />

In the United States, one hundred years is a very long time; in the his<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> <strong>China</strong>, it is the blink <strong>of</strong> an eye.<br />

Although relatively adolescent in the long scope <strong>of</strong> Chinese his<strong>to</strong>ry, the one hundred years <strong>of</strong> the Chinese republic<br />

are being commemorated by the Hoover Institution with a display <strong>of</strong> treasures and his<strong>to</strong>rical artifacts from the<br />

Hoover Institution Archives. Although far from a definitive his<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> <strong>China</strong>’s last one hundred years, the <strong>exhibit</strong>ion,<br />

A <strong>Century</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Change</strong>: <strong>China</strong> <strong>1911</strong>–<strong>2011</strong>, provides a glimpse <strong>of</strong> <strong>China</strong> from our collections.<br />

The decision <strong>to</strong> mount this <strong>exhibit</strong>ion was not a hard one; there has long been a strong connection between Hoover<br />

and <strong>China</strong>. At the turn <strong>of</strong> the twentieth century, President Herbert Hoover, the Institution’s founder, and his wife,<br />

Lou Henry Hoover, lived and worked in <strong>China</strong>. While in <strong>China</strong>, President Hoover, never one <strong>to</strong> shy away from hard<br />

work, immersed himself in the study <strong>of</strong> Mandarin and is said <strong>to</strong> be the only US president <strong>to</strong> speak Mandarin.<br />

The Hoover Institution Archives is proud <strong>of</strong> its Chinese collections, which have expanded greatly in the last decade;<br />

decisions on which materials <strong>to</strong> display, however, were difficult. Although much was left behind, we feel that the<br />

<strong>exhibit</strong>ion and this <strong>catalog</strong> contain a representative sample <strong>of</strong> our holdings.<br />

The <strong>exhibit</strong>ion includes vintage videos from Sun Yat-sen’s funeral, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek’s and General<br />

Joseph Stilwell’s original diaries, and the art <strong>of</strong> Huang Zhen from Mao’s Long March. In addition <strong>to</strong> the grand<br />

his<strong>to</strong>rical images <strong>of</strong> <strong>China</strong>, less well known s<strong>to</strong>ries (those that make the Hoover Institution Archives unique) are<br />

included—they complement and complete the his<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the past one hundred years. We were sometimes surprised<br />

in our research; for example, within the files <strong>of</strong> one collection were two seemingly innocuous pamphlets that, when<br />

unfolded, revealed a nine-foot illustration <strong>of</strong> Sun Yat-sen’s 1929 state funeral procession and a rare map depicting<br />

the procession route <strong>of</strong> his sarcophagus through Beijing.<br />

The <strong>catalog</strong> and the <strong>exhibit</strong>ion commemorate, in a small way, what the Chinese people have accomplished and<br />

acknowledge the work <strong>of</strong> the scores <strong>of</strong> cura<strong>to</strong>rs, scholars, students, soldiers, travelers, friends, and donors who have<br />

helped the Hoover Institution Archives document <strong>China</strong>’s his<strong>to</strong>ry for the scores <strong>of</strong> scholars who will follow.<br />

We all owe a great debt <strong>of</strong> gratitude <strong>to</strong> the Hoover Institution Archives Asian cura<strong>to</strong>rs Lisa Nguyen and Hsiao-ting Lin,<br />

who selected the material for the <strong>exhibit</strong>ion and tirelessly worked their way through thousands <strong>of</strong> ephemera <strong>to</strong> select<br />

those that you see. Nick Siekierski, Hoover’s <strong>exhibit</strong>ion coordina<strong>to</strong>r, lent his experienced eye <strong>to</strong> help determine what<br />

best characterizes Hoover’s collections. Li Wang’s translations make this truly a joint Chinese-American endeavor.<br />

The republic’s founding predates the founding <strong>of</strong> the Hoover Institution; we expect the republic <strong>to</strong> endure and the<br />

Hoover Institution <strong>to</strong> endure. For our part, we will continue <strong>to</strong> collect materials related <strong>to</strong> Chinese his<strong>to</strong>ry, politics,<br />

and culture and continue <strong>to</strong> look <strong>to</strong> <strong>China</strong> as a friend and partner as we plan for the two hundredth anniversary <strong>of</strong><br />

the founding <strong>of</strong> the republic.”<br />

Richard Sousa<br />

Direc<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> the Hoover Institution Library and Archives<br />

4 Hoover Institution<br />

A <strong>Century</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Change</strong>: <strong>China</strong> <strong>1911</strong>–<strong>2011</strong><br />

序言<br />

一百年的長度,對美國歷史而言,是一段不小的進程,然而對具有數千年歷史的中國而言,卻只是彈指瞬間,與<br />

中國的歷史巨流相比,美國顯得相對年輕。儘管如此,史丹佛大學胡佛研究所極其榮幸,能以「世紀之變:辛亥<br />

百年珍藏史料展」為題,以胡佛檔案館所藏之珍貴史料與文物,來紀念辛亥革命與民國肇建一百周年。<br />

此次舉辦展覽,實情理之中之事; <strong>2011</strong> 年是中國近代史上的一個重要里程碑,而本研究所的創始者、美國第三<br />

十一任總統胡佛,與中國之間又有著極為深厚的聯結;十九世紀的最後數年歲月裡,甫自史丹佛大學畢業不久的<br />

胡佛,偕其夫人露亨利,前往中國天津工作與生活,並曾遇上庚子拳亂。在華期間,胡佛夫婦辛勤工作,並努力<br />

學習中文,據知,胡佛也是迄今唯一一位會說中文的美國總統,他在天津時努力學習中文的照片,也在此次展覽<br />

中陳列出來。<br />

胡佛檔案館向來對近代中國深厚與豐富的史料收藏,引以為豪,過去十年來,我們在這方面更有著極大的突破。<br />

受限於展覽空間有限,展出史料與文物的挑選,反成了困難之事。本次展覽,我們致力於呈現近代中國社會、政<br />

治、文化與藝術等豐富面向,以及其歷史變遷,儘管獲選展出的材料僅占胡佛整體館藏的一小部分,我們仍希望<br />

透過此次展覽與目錄集的出版,讓世人瞭解胡佛近代中國館藏的廣度、深度與多樣性。<br />

此次展覽與目錄出版,雖然無法精細與完整地涵蓋中國過去百年來的歷史滄桑,然而透過精心策劃的史料展覽,<br />

我們依然得以讓世人對於這段歷史,領略一二:我們展出了廣為人所知、卻鮮為人所見的孫中山奉安典禮完整記<br />

錄片,我們也展出蔣介石與史迪威將軍的日記原件、與紅軍長征時期黃鎮的素描畫作等等。籌備此次展覽的過程<br />

中,有時會出現意外的驚喜與發現。例如,我們在某一份私人檔案裡,有兩份乍看並不起眼的小冊子,打開後赫<br />

然發現一份是一極為罕見的地圖,描繪了 1929 年 北京城內孫中山的移靈路線,另一份則是同年所發行、九尺大<br />

小的圖示,內容描述當年南京城內隆重舉辦孫中山奉安典禮的遊行序列。<br />

本目錄集的出版與本次史料展,在一定程度上,呈現了百年來中國人民業已走過的歷程,同時也是許多專家前輩<br />

們辛苦的結晶;若沒有過去曾經踏上中國土地、為收集史料而努力的胡佛檔案收藏家與管理者、學者、學生、士<br />

兵、旅行者與朋友們,以及胡佛檔案館的眾多檔案捐贈者們的貢獻與辛勞,此次的展覽就無法如此順利舉行,而<br />

來自全球各地的學者們,恐怕也就無法從事相關研究。<br />

我們要對胡佛檔案館亞洲館藏部門的兩位負責人林孝庭與阮秋芳,表達最深沉的感謝之意。他們為本次展覽選<br />

取材料,不辭辛勞地在數以萬計的故紙堆中,精挑細選出這些珍貴文物,讓參訪者一飽眼福;檔案館展覽協調員<br />

Nick Siekierski 在籌備過程中, 協助兩位亞洲館藏負責人,運用其豐富的經驗協同策劃,將胡佛檔案館藏的特<br />

質,做出最佳的呈現。王麗協助將展覽的英文解說以及本目錄集的英文內容,翻譯成中文,故此次盛宴真可謂是<br />

中、美合力之作。<br />

辛亥革命與民國肇建,早於胡佛研究所的創立,我們希望民國永存,並以此促進胡佛研究所的蓬勃發展與永續經<br />

營。就胡佛研究所的立場而言,我們將繼續視中國為朋友與夥伴,希冀搜集與中國歷史、政治和文化等各方面相<br />

關的資料。讓我們衷心期盼,在下一個世紀,舉辦辛亥革命與民國肇建兩百周年的紀念活動。<br />

胡佛檔案館暨圖書館館長 理查蘇颯<br />


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