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The Birth <strong>of</strong> a Republic<br />

People in the early republic were optimistic that the new <strong>China</strong> could develop in<strong>to</strong> a full-fledged democracy. Those<br />

hopes seemed realized when Sun Yat-sen, accompanied by his political adviser Homer Lea, returned <strong>to</strong> Hong Kong<br />

on December 21, <strong>1911</strong>, and was elected provisional president <strong>of</strong> the Republic <strong>of</strong> <strong>China</strong> (ROC) by representatives <strong>of</strong><br />

the provisional assemblies in Nanjing. Li Yuanhong was appointed vice-president. Sun’s longtime associate, Huang<br />

Xing, <strong>to</strong>ok charge as the un<strong>of</strong>ficial prime minister.<br />

In his forty-five days as president, Sun and the provisional legisla<strong>to</strong>rs proclaimed the establishment <strong>of</strong> the ROC,<br />

introduced a republican regime, adopted the Gregorian calendar, and replaced the imperial dragon flag with the Five<br />

Color Flag, which consisted <strong>of</strong> five horizontal stripes in red, yellow, blue, white, and black, representing <strong>China</strong>’s<br />

five major nationalities. Sun, however, recognizing that he had neither the experience nor the force <strong>of</strong> arms <strong>to</strong> rule<br />

successfully, tendered his resignation on February 15, 1912. He <strong>of</strong>fered the presidency <strong>to</strong> Yuan Shikai, a military<br />

man from northern <strong>China</strong> and an experienced imperial <strong>of</strong>ficial with some interest in reform. Sun hoped that Yuan<br />

would use his army and power <strong>to</strong> realize the goals <strong>of</strong> the new republic.<br />

Song Jiaoren, one <strong>of</strong> the founders <strong>of</strong> the Tong Meng Hui (United Alliance League), was instrumental in transforming<br />

that organization in<strong>to</strong> the Kuomintang (KMT). In <strong>China</strong>’s first nationwide election in 1912–13, he led the<br />

KMT <strong>to</strong> vic<strong>to</strong>ry. The euphoria following that vic<strong>to</strong>ry, however, was brief. Song spoke out against the increasing<br />

authoritarianism <strong>of</strong> President Yuan, angering Yuan, who was not about <strong>to</strong> share power with any national<br />

parliament, particularly one run by the KMT. The ambitious Yuan then hired an assassin, who killed Song Jiaoren<br />

on March 20, 1913, at the Shanghai train station. In 1915 Yuan declared himself the emperor <strong>of</strong> <strong>China</strong> in an effort<br />

<strong>to</strong> reestablish the imperial system.<br />

44 Hoover Institution<br />

A <strong>Century</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Change</strong>: <strong>China</strong> <strong>1911</strong>–<strong>2011</strong><br />

民國肇建<br />

民國肇建初始,人們普遍樂觀地認為中華民國能夠發展成為一個成熟的民主國家。 <strong>1911</strong>年12月21日,當孫中山<br />

在其政治顧問荷馬李將軍的陪同下,從香港回到中國,並且在南京被推舉為中華民國臨時總統時,很多人是持此<br />

種樂觀的看法。黎元洪則被任命為臨時副總統。黃興——孫中山的長期戰友,則出掌民國總理一職。<br />

孫中山擔任臨時總統的四十五天內,新的中華民國政府採取共和政體,採用西曆、以紅、黃、藍、白、黑五色旗<br />

取代皇龍旗成為新國旗。然而,孫中山既沒有執政經驗,也沒有足夠的武裝力量作為統治的後盾。1912年2月15<br />

日,孫中山將總統職務讓位給袁世凱。袁世凱出身華北,是一位經驗豐富、並且對改革有一定興趣的前清政府要<br />

員。孫中山希望袁世凱可以利用其軍隊與影響力,來實現新共和政府的各項目標。<br />

同盟會的創始人之一宋教仁,在將同盟會整合成為國民黨的過程中,發揮了積極作用。 1912-1913年,宋教仁領<br />

導國民黨在中國第一次舉行的全國大選中獲勝。然而國民黨勝利的果實只有曇花一現。袁世凱獨裁傾向與日俱增,<br />

宋教仁對此公開反對,這觸怒了並不打算與國民黨所主導的國會共享權力的袁世凱。1913年3月20日,野心勃勃<br />

的袁世凱僱用一名殺手,在上海火車站暗殺宋教仁。1915年,袁世凱復辟稱帝,帝制死灰復燃。<br />


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