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The Wuchang Uprising and the Fall <strong>of</strong> a Dynasty<br />

The Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 10, <strong>1911</strong>, Wuchang Uprising that led <strong>to</strong> the collapse <strong>of</strong> <strong>China</strong>’s 2,100-year-old dynastic empire<br />

literally arose out <strong>of</strong> an accident. Revolutionaries in Wuchang, Hubei Province, were building bombs, one <strong>of</strong> which<br />

inadvertently exploded, giving their plot away. Knowing they faced death if caught, they immediately set in motion<br />

military actions in south and central <strong>China</strong> that resulted in a wave <strong>of</strong> strategic vic<strong>to</strong>ries.<br />

Sun Yat-sen had no direct role in the Wuchang Uprising (he was traveling in the United States and read about it in a<br />

newspaper) and in fact favored an uprising in his native Guangdong. Sun’s rival in the alliance, Huang Xing, favored<br />

an uprising in central <strong>China</strong>, which he was planning for late Oc<strong>to</strong>ber. Thus the revolutionary leaders were all caught<br />

<strong>of</strong>f guard, leaving the mutineers without a leader.<br />

Then Li Yuanhong, the Qing-appointed commander <strong>of</strong> the Twenty-first Mixed Brigade in Hubei, was dragged from<br />

under his bed by the mutineers and forced at gunpoint <strong>to</strong> lead the rebellion. He later became the only man ever <strong>to</strong><br />

serve twice as president <strong>of</strong> the republican government. At first, the revolt was considered merely the latest in a series<br />

<strong>of</strong> mutinies in southern <strong>China</strong> and was widely expected <strong>to</strong> be quickly suppressed. But, because the Qing court failed<br />

<strong>to</strong> respond promptly, provincial assemblies in many southern provinces rapidly declared independence from the Qing<br />

government and allegiance <strong>to</strong> the rebellion.<br />

As news <strong>of</strong> the success <strong>of</strong> the insurrection broke, men in urban areas sheared <strong>of</strong>f their queues as a challenge <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Manchu authority. Within a month, representatives from the sixteen seceding provinces had met and declared a<br />

Republic <strong>of</strong> <strong>China</strong>. In February 1912, 268 years <strong>of</strong> Qing imperial rule came <strong>to</strong> an end when Puyi abdicated, thus<br />

becoming the last emperor <strong>of</strong> <strong>China</strong>.<br />

武昌起義與滿清覆亡<br />

<strong>1911</strong>年10月10日所發生的武昌起義,實為一偶發事件,卻使得中國長達兩千一百年帝制王朝宣告終結。湖北武昌<br />

的革命軍,製造炸彈時不慎爆炸了一顆,因此洩露了秘密。他們深知,如果被捕只有死路一條,所以迅速地在華<br />

南和華中地區發動軍事行動,最後取得一系列勝利。<br />

孫中山並未直接參與武昌起義,當時他正在美國旅行,從報紙上得知武昌起義的消息。他向來主張在其家鄉廣東<br />

省發動起義,他在同盟會裡的潛在對手黃興,則力主於當年十月底在華中起義。因此,當武昌起義爆發後,革命<br />

黨人一時措手不及,造成群龍無首的局面。<br />

清軍第二十一混成旅協統黎元洪被武昌起義者,從其床底下拉出來,並用槍口迫使他領導起義。稍後,他成為民<br />

國總統,也是唯一一位兩度擔任此一職務的人。華南地區起義為數眾多,武昌起義最初只被清廷視為是單一事件,<br />

大多數人也認為將很快被鎮壓下去。但是,由於清朝沒有迅速反應,南方各省的省諮議會很快宣布脫離清朝獨立,<br />

34 Hoover Institution<br />

A <strong>Century</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Change</strong>: <strong>China</strong> <strong>1911</strong>–<strong>2011</strong><br />

擁護起義。<br />

隨著武昌起義爆發並且獲致成功的消息傳播開來,鄉村地區的人們剪去辮子,對滿清統治當局發起挑戰。一個月<br />

內,十六個脫離清廷統治的省份代表集會,宣布成立中華民國。1912年2月,中國最後一位皇帝溥儀宣布退位,<br />

歷時二百六十八年的清王朝統治宣告終結。<br />


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