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COLLEMBOLA. 85<br />

Tasmania, and may also attack cultivated planis, being particularly injurious<br />

to alfalfa or lucerne, clover, and other legumes (Davidson, 1934).<br />


BACON, G. A., "California Collembola," Jour. Enl. and Zool. 4: 84]-845, 4 figs., 1912;<br />

6: 43-46,202-204,5 figs., 1913; 6: 45-47,84,85,137--179,5 pIs., 1914.<br />

BORNER, C., "Neue altweltlicbe Collcmbolen nebst Bcmerkungen zur Systematik def<br />

Isotominen und Entomobryien," Sitz. Ber. Ceo. Nat. Frezmde, Berlin, pp. 129-182,<br />

1 pl., 19J3.<br />

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J)I\'/IDSON, ]., "The Lucerne Flea, Smynthurus 1JZ'ridis L. (Collembola) in Australia,"<br />

Australia Council Sci. and Ina. Res. Bull. 79: 1-66,28 figs., 5 pIs., 1934.<br />

DENIS, J. R.. "Etudes sur l'anatomie de Ia tete de quelques Collemboles, suivies de<br />

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LUBBOCK, J., MonograJJh oj tile Collembola and Thysanura, pp. 1-276,78 pIs., Ray Society,<br />

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MACGILLIVRAY, A. D., "The American species of Isotoma," Can. Ent. 28: 47-58, 1896.<br />

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MACNAMARA, C., "The food of Collembola." Can. En!. 56: 99-105, 3 figs., 1924.<br />

MILLS, H. B., "A monograph of the Collembola of Iowa," Mon. 8, Iowa State College,<br />

1-143,12 pis., 189 figs .• refs., Collegiate Press, Ames, Iowa, 1934.<br />

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