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opening large; palpi very small. Eyes large; separated in both sexes. Arista<br />

naked or plumose. Scutellum elongated. Wings and squamre large. Vein M<br />

sharply bent. Macrochretre only slightly developed. Larvre robust, strongly<br />

segmented maggots, remarkably large in some species; living under the skin of<br />

living animals. Members of the genus Cuterebra Clark cause large tumor-like<br />

swellings.<br />

The most important species is the so-called human botfly, Dermatobia<br />

homi1zis (Linn.) (= cyaniventris Macquart), of North and South America which<br />

has a remarkable life history, The females oviposit on mosquitoes, other flies,<br />

and even ticks and are thus transported to man. Upon hatching and because<br />

of the warmth of the body of the host the young larvre leave the carrier when<br />

the Jatter visits man and bore through the skin and into the muscular tissues,<br />

where they become more or less localized. The full-grown larva is peculiar in<br />

being somewhat globular, spiny, and with the posterior half attenuated and<br />

tail-like. From 45 to 55 days are required for development and much pain is<br />

caused (Curran, 1934; Lane, 1936). For the Americas, Curran lists the genera<br />

Cuterebra Clark, infesting rabbits, other rodents, and large domestic animals;<br />

Dermatobia Brauer; Pseudogametes Bischoff; and Rogenhojera Brauer. The family<br />

is a very small one with probably less than 50 described species which appear<br />

to be restricted to the New World.<br />

Family CALLIPHORIDlE 1 Brauer 1889 (Cal'li-phor'i-dre, from the Greek<br />

Ka"Ahos, beauty, + cPopew, to bear, wear, possess; in reference to the<br />

beautiful metallic and iridescent colors). German, Schmeissfliegen. Blowflies,<br />

Greenbottle Flies, Bluebottle Flies.<br />

Medium-sized to large, 5-17 mm. long, somber black or dull gray or brilliant<br />

metallic blue or green with gold, brass, and copper iridescences; active; wholly<br />

terrestrial species; similar in form to the housefly; proboscis fleshy; body usually<br />

pollinose, macrochretre poorly developed or absent on the dorsum; hypopleural<br />

bristles present; arista strongly plumose throughout nearly the entire length.<br />

Larvre typically muscoid, up to 17 mm. in length; fleshy nipple-like processes<br />

on abdominal segments VIn to X; anterior spiracles with about 10 finger-like<br />

processes; posterior spiracular plates nearly circular and with three nearly longitudinal<br />

slits which converge slightly inwardly. Puparium with remnants of<br />

larval spiracles but with only very small rod-like breathing tubes on the first<br />

abdominal segment.<br />

Although this family is a relatively small one from the viewpoint of numbers<br />

of genera and species, it is an extremely large one in numbers of individuals<br />

which are to be found over very large areas. From the veterinary and medical<br />

standpoint the species are very important. The maggots probably cause as<br />

much real pain and misery, especially to domestic animals, particularly sheep,<br />

as any other group of parasites.<br />

The most important genera are: Auchmeromyia Brauer and Bergenstamm,<br />

Calliphora Robineau-Desvoidy, Cochliomyia Townsend, Chrysomya R--D.<br />

: Cun-an includes this family in his family METOPIIDJE.

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