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THYSANURA 67<br />

complete segments, and the 11th segment is often modified into the median<br />

caudal filament. There is a pair of styli and one or two pairs of eversible sacs<br />

on a variable number of abdominal sternites. The cerci, often consisting of 50<br />

or more similar segments, arise from the 10th segment.<br />

Internal anatomy. - The digestive tract consists of a large or small gizzard<br />

and a tube, either straight or with a single convolution in the hind intestine. Enteric<br />

creca and salivary glands are present. Malpighian tubules are well developed<br />

and consist of four to eight in the lepismids and 12 to 20 in the machilids.<br />

There are normally two pairs of thoracic and seven or eight pairs of<br />

abdominal spiracles and three thoracic and eight abdominal ganglia.<br />

The habitat of these insects is quite variable. Perhaps the majority of the<br />

species prefer damp places under leaves, debris, bark; in rotten wood, mosses,<br />

lichens; on stones and trunks and limbs of trees; and in the nests of ants and<br />

termites. A great many species, however, are found in comparatively dry, hot<br />

places on the surface of sun-baked soil; among dry leaves and grasses; on warm<br />

exposed rocks, in dry hollow logs, caves, stumps, and other natural shelters;<br />

and in buildings, particularly in the basements, kitchens, and around stoves,<br />

ovens, furnaces, and fireplaces. They are both diurnal and nocturnal; and are<br />

somewhat omnivorous in their feeding habits. Most of them are vegetarians<br />

that eat dry or decaying vegetation, fungi, lichens, mosses, and similar plant<br />

materials. House-inhabiting forms feed on cereals, pastes, glues, and paper, as<br />

well as starched clothing and sized silks and rayons. They may rarely eat woollen<br />

goods and other animal products.<br />

Little is known about their biology, They are apparently largely oviparous.<br />

depositing their eggs in cracks and crevices out of sight. There are six or more<br />

instars, and under favorable conditions of the tropics maturity is reached in less<br />

than a year while in the temperate regions two or more years are required to<br />

complete a generation.<br />


1. Compound eyes large contiguous or approximate; two ocelli present;<br />

styli usually present on the middle and hind coxre; abdominal styli<br />

on sternites 2-9; tarsi three-segmented. MACHILIDlE<br />

2. Compound eyes small and widely separated, or absent; ocelli absent;<br />

1tyli absent. on coxre; abdominal styli on sternites 7-9 or 8-9; tarsi<br />

chree- or four-segmented LEPISMIDlE p. 69<br />

Family MACHILID}E Grassi 1888 (Ma-chil'i-dre, derivation obscure), Machi·<br />

lids.<br />

The members of this family are among the largest in the order, averaging<br />

from 10-12 mm. in length, and are characterized by their somewhat cylindrical<br />

scaly bodies which are widest through the thoracic region, the long antennre,<br />

and the long caudal cerci and :Lilaments; the latter are often longer than the<br />

oody. The compound eyes, which are well developed in this family, are large,

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