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7'18<br />


One of the smallest species appears to be Micromorphus albipes Zetterstedt<br />

of Europe, 1 mm. long.<br />

M edeterus aldrichii Wheeler is an enemy of barkbeetles, Dendroctonus spp.,<br />

in the northwestern states.<br />

The family contains about 2,000 species and is cosmopolitan.<br />

B. Group CYCLORRHAPHA Brauer 1880<br />

V. Suborder ASCHIZA Becker 1882<br />

Family PHORIDJE HaHday 1851 (Phor/i-dre, from the Greek rjJwp, a thief;<br />

referring to the guest species in nests of ants and termites). Humpbacked<br />

Flies.<br />

Minute to small, somber, somewhat bristly, very active flies with prominent<br />

humped thorax. Head small, free. Antennre three-segmented, the apical segment<br />

large and often covering one or the two basal segments, arista three-segmented,<br />

subdorsal or apical. Legs moderately long and spined. Wings normal<br />

in size, abnormal in form, vestigial or absent; veins heavy in basal half of costal<br />

area, greatly reduced elsewhere. Abdomen eight-segmented. Larvre variable,<br />

ll-segmcnted, pointed anteriorly and truncate posteriorly, metapneustic and<br />

amphipneustic, with papillre arranged in bands on the segments. PUPa! enclosed<br />

in last larval skin and with a pair of respiratory horns. The adUlts visit<br />

flowers and foliage and buildings. The saprophagous Iarvre feed on dung, vegetable<br />

debris, fungi, and carrion, particularly dead snails. Some live as inquilines<br />

in the nests of termites and ants, and still others are parasitic on various arthropods.<br />

The family is still in a state of revision and is subject to many changes.<br />

There are perhaps 1,000 described species which are widely distributed. The<br />

genera Aphioch

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