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lough, hard, and plate-like, 12-segmented, exclusive of head; antennre distinct;<br />

apodous; metapneustic or amphipneustic, some with one to three thoracic<br />

spiracles and one to seven abdominal spiracles; aquatic or terrestrial; saprophagous<br />

or predacious. Aquatic 1arvre feed on algre, decaying vegetation, or upon<br />

aquatic animal life. Certain species have the terminal segment elongated into<br />

a breathing tube furnished with a circular fringe of long hairs that spread out<br />

on the surface of the water and support the suspended larvre. Some have also<br />

been taken in hot and mineral springs. Terrestrial forms are saprophagous and<br />

occur in mud, vegetable debris, dung, and rotting wood and fruit, and it is<br />

thought that certain species are carnivorous upon other insect larvre feeding on<br />

these substances. Eggs are laid in wet mud, water, refuse, dung, and in the soil.<br />

The species are not known to be of economic importance to agriculture, but the<br />

common Hermetia illucens (Linn.) has been associated with occasional cases of<br />

intestinal myiasis.<br />

The family comprises some 1,200 species which are widely distributed<br />

throughout the world. The most important genera are Cyphomyia Wiedemann,<br />

Hermetia Latr., Nemotelus Geoffroy, Odontomyia Meigen, Sargus Fab., and<br />

Stratiomys Geoffroy. The species most often seen in collections belong to the<br />

last named genus. Stratiomys maculosa Loew, a black and yellow species 14 mm.<br />

long, is a common western species, and S. badia Walker is found in New England<br />

and Canada.<br />

Family TABANIDlE Leach 1819 (Ta-ban'i-dre, from the Latin tabanus, a<br />

gadfly, horsefly). German, Bremsen. French, Taons. Horseflies, Green.<br />

heads, Gadflies, Deerflies, Clegs, Breezes.<br />

Medium-sized to large, robust, pubescent flies, usually somber colored and<br />

with clear or clouded wings. Head large, hemispherical or somewhat triangular.<br />

31' ' 2ndJl.+CUI'l<br />

FIG, 276. Wing of the black horsefly, Tabanus alTalus Fab. Veins and cells named according<br />

to the Comstock-Needham system. (After Bromley, 1926.)<br />

Eyes large, contiguous or holoptic in some males or dioptic; naked or hairy,<br />

often banded and with iridescent green, red, and other metallic colors. Ocelli<br />

present or absent. Antennre long or short, porrect, with two well-defined basal

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