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752<br />


Family CULICIDJE Stephens 1829 (Cu-lic'i-dre, from the Latin culex, a gnat).<br />

German, Stechmucken. French, Les moustiques. Mosquitoes.<br />

Small. fragile. slender, long-legged flies with hairs and scales covering the<br />

bodies ancj. appendages. Brown, tawny, gray, or black, often with white and<br />

paler markings, or metallic and brilliant. Head small, subglobular, with slender<br />

neck. Proboscis or labium long; rest of mouth parts piercing; palpi stiff. Eyes<br />

reniform. Ocelli absent. Antennre long, slender, filiform; pubescent and with<br />

whorls of hairs, plumose or bushy in males; 14- to 15-segmented, first segment<br />

ring-like, second globose and cupped at extremity. Thorax compact, arched;<br />

scutellum rounded or trilobed; hairs arranged in groups on the pleurre. Legs<br />

long and slender, fragile; coxre short; tarsi long; claws simple or denticulate.<br />

Wings long and narrow, posterior margin fringed with hairs and scales; six<br />

longitudinal veins extend to the margins; veins beset with scales; two basal<br />

cells; plain or dappled. Halteres distinct. Abdomen slender, lO-segmented, the<br />

last two or three modified by the genitalia; male terminal three segments turned<br />

over; hypopygium consists of lobes, plates, claspers, claspettes, parameres, and<br />

side-pieces and is useful in separating the species. The larvre or wrigglers are<br />

usually free living and active; elongated and with enlarged head, greatly en·<br />

larged fused thorax, and slender nine-segmented abdomen. Head free. with<br />

slender neck and many tufts of hairs. Antennre short, one-segmented, with<br />

median antennal tuft of hairs. Eyes, two pairs; large compound eyes in front<br />

and smaller accessory eyes behind. Mouth parts complicated, consisting of<br />

labrum. prominent toothed mandibles, large flattened maxillre, short palpi,<br />

labial plates, and two dense mouth brushes. Thorax with large brushes of hairs.<br />

Abdomen with lateral abdominal hair tufts on segments I to VII; segment<br />

VIII has the large cylindrical chitinized respiratory siphon (absenl in Anopheles)<br />

with comb of many very small scales in rows near base and with two large<br />

hair tufts and two rows of flattened spines called pecten. The siphon is closed<br />

by five flaps which are normally extended or spread out to catch the surface<br />

film for support. On segment IX is located the sc1erotized dorsal plate, four<br />

large tracheal or anal gills, surrounding the anus, and the large prominent dorsal<br />

brush and the smaller ventral brush. The pupre or tumblers are active and characterized<br />

by the large cephalothorax (fused head and thorax) which has a pair<br />

of conspicuous respiratory horns or trumpets and the small slender nine-segmented<br />

and tail-like abdomen with a pair of large chitinous anal paddles or<br />

fins. Both the larvre and pupre move by a succession of quick paddle-like motions<br />

of the abdomen.<br />

In s.ize mosquitoes vary from the tiny Formosan, Aedes jormosensis Yamada,<br />

with a wing expanse of 2.5 mm. and the tropical American, Uranot;;enia lowii<br />

Theobald. with an expanse of 3 nun., to the so-called American ga1llnipper,<br />

Psorophora ciliata (Fab.) which has a body length of 9 rom. and a wing expanse<br />

of 15 mm. In the last the larvre are predacious on aquatic animals and the<br />

adults are bloodsuckers.<br />

The biology of mosquitoes is so complicated and variable that it is impossible<br />

to treat the subject adequately here. Students are referred to the many books

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