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DIPTERA 735<br />

Malpighian tubes - two, four, or five pairs; normally four.<br />

Hind intestine - tubular and but slightly convoluted; divisible distally into<br />

the ileum and colon and posteriorly into the rectum which is furnished with<br />

two, four, or sixpapillce.<br />

Circulatory System.<br />

Not well known for the order as a whole. In higher groups the heart is composed<br />

of four large chambers, each with two posterior ostia and prolonged<br />

anteriorly into a narrow tube. Circulation is also through the wings of some<br />

flies.<br />

Tracheal System.<br />

Well developed and permitting great activity. Special air sacs are present in<br />

the head, thorax, and abdomen and are particularly large in the latter.<br />

Usually two thoracic and seven or eight abdominal spiracles are present.<br />

Nervous System.<br />

Variable. The head ganglia are intimately fused, and the arrangement of the<br />

number of thoracic and abdominal ganglia includes such combinations as<br />

1-0,1-1,1-2,2-0,2-4,2-6,3-5,3-7.<br />

FIG. 266. The larva or maggot and pupa or pupatium of the blowfly, Sarcophaga cistudinis<br />

Aldrich. (After Greene. 1925.)<br />

Reproductive System.<br />

The reproductive system is well developed, and flies are among the most<br />

prolific of insects. In view of the many different methods of bringing forth<br />

young, the systems are greatly modified and specialized.<br />

Female. - Otlarioles - polytrophic, variable in number; one or two or from<br />

five to 100 on each side or a number enclosed in a membrane, Spermatheca<br />

- present. prominent, pigmented, globular, chitinous-lined sacs; onethree<br />

in number.<br />

Accessory glands - paired or single, small or large, tubular; emptying into<br />

upper part of the vagina; furnish excretions to fasten eggs or to nourish<br />

intrauterine larvre.<br />

M ale-Testes - oviod, pyriform, usually pigmented. Vasa deferentia - short,<br />

united into a common ejaculatory duct. Ejaculatory sac and paired accessory<br />

glands present in many species (Imms, 1934).

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