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32. Order DIPTERA 1 Linnreus 1758<br />

(Dip'ter-a, from the Greek at, aLs, twice, + 7r7"epa, wings;<br />

referring to the single pair of wings.) Genuan, Zweifiiigler.<br />

French, Dipteres.<br />

Flies, Gnats, Midges, Mosquitoes, Punkies<br />

Minute to medium-sized, diurnal, crepuscular and nocturnal, terrestrial and aquatic<br />

insects with sucking and lapping, piercing, or vestigial mouth parts; complex metamorphosis;<br />

thin, fragile, parchment-like integument. Head hypognathous, attached by<br />

slender neck. Antenll!e variable, simple or with arlsta. El'os large, separate or contiguous,<br />

rarely divided. Ocelli, usually three present. Fore wings developed for flight,<br />

with few veins. Hind wings represented by a pair of halteras (rarely absent) or small<br />

vestigial organs. Rarely brachypterous, apterous, or with vestigial wings. Legs short<br />

or very long; tarsi five-segmented; one pair of claws, puivilli, and an empodium usually<br />

present. Larvre dipteroid, usually cylindrical or spindle-shaped; segmented; with or<br />

most often witb.out head; mouth parts inconspicuous, eyes usually absent; apodous.<br />

Flies are a group of homogenous insects for the most part and are readily dis·<br />

tinguished by the single pair of wings and the characteristic form of the body<br />

and its more or less distinct type of appendages, particularly the antennre,<br />

mouth parts, legs, and by their movements on foot and on the wing. The adults<br />

are among man's greatest tormentors, ever-persistent nuisances, and his most<br />

effective enemies as carriers of innumerable agencies of disease and death.<br />

Although no other order of insects affects the human race sO adversely, many<br />

large families do much good in the reduction of carrion and in the destruction of<br />

phytophagous insects that destroy agricultural crops. A few species have even<br />

been used for food.<br />

Flies are among the swiftest and most agile fliers and can outmaneuver any<br />

other insect on the wing. Regardless of exaggerated claims, certain species can<br />

probably travel 50 miles an hour which is a real accomplishment for such small,<br />

light, and fragile bodies. While many species are more or less noiseless in the<br />

air, most members of the group are decidedly noisy and hum with a soft or loud,<br />

low or high-pitched tune which is somewhat characteristic of the families, and<br />

may serve in locating the opposite sex in mating. In contrast to the swift<br />

flights of the hunting parasitic flies are the lazy gyrations of the common housefly<br />

in the living room and the leisurely or lively so·called mating dances of so<br />

many gnats and dance flies. Some forms like the syrphid flies, big· eyed flies,<br />

horn flies, and hippelates flies hover in the air above or about the contemplated<br />

host. The members of the African genera Aenigmatias Meinert and Aenigmatistes<br />

Shelford have neither wings nor halteres. Others are very active and<br />

1 The manuscript of this order was read and augmented by T. B". G. Aitken.<br />


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