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Family ANTHOPHORIDlE 1 Kirby 1837 (An'tho-phor'i-d6pos, flowery; in reference to their flower-visiting habits). Anthophorid<br />

Bees, Potter Flower Bees, Digger Bees, Hairy Flower Bees, Hairy.<br />

footed Bees.<br />

This is a large family of stout, solitary bees intermediate in size between<br />

honeybees and bumblebees. They are of variable colors but often yellowish,<br />

FIG. 255. The anthophorid bee, Diadasia calljornica Timberlake, male. (Redrawn and<br />

corrected after Woodworth.)<br />

gray, brown, or black, sometimes with metallic gold, blue, green, and copper<br />

colors or iridescences and clothed with thick pile. Head transverse and narrower<br />

than thorax. Ocelli distinct. Antennre short. Clypeus convex and much produced.<br />

Tongue greatly elongated; maxillary palpi six-segmented; labial palpi<br />

four-segmented. Legs short, strigilis well developed; tibire and basal tarsal segments<br />

densely hairy or pubescent. Middle tarsi of males of some species with<br />

long hairs that project in different directions; hind legs of females With widened<br />

metatarsus and often orange-colored hairs forming a small corbicula or pollen<br />

basket; tibia: two-spurred. Wings hyaline or clouded; fore pair with three submarginal<br />

cells and with broad appendiculate radial cell. Abdomen broad,<br />

wholly pubescent or with transverse pubescent fascia.<br />

These bees usually nest in sand or clay banks and often live in large colonies.<br />

The cells are sometimes lined with a clay paste so that they will retain the fluid<br />

1 A proposal is now before the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature<br />

recommending that the name Anthophora Latreille 1803, be accepted and the name Podalirius<br />

Latreille 1802, be rejected (Richards 1937). Favorable action on the part of the Commiasion<br />

will ensu.e the .etcntion of the former generic and the above family names.

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