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of tropical and subtropical America store honey in repletes. These and other<br />

honey ants are eagerly gathered by primitive man as a source of sweets.<br />

The robber ant, Polyergus rufescens Latr., 6-10 mm., is an obligatory slave<br />

maker, and the workers of various species of Formica are essential to make its<br />

nests and to rear and feed its young. This European species is represented in<br />

North America by three subspecies often referred to as Amazon ants in this<br />

country. Among the most remarkable of all ants are the red and green tree<br />

ants belonging to the genus (Ecophylla F. Smith which have red, greenish, and<br />

black-colored forms that build large nests in trees by sewing the leaves together<br />

by the manipulation of web-spinning larvre as shuttles. The workers<br />

are vicious biters and commonly attend aphids, other honeydew-producing<br />

homopterous insects, and the caterpillars of lycrenid butterflies. The green<br />

tree ant, O. virescens Fab., inhabits tropical Africa, Papua, and Queensland,<br />

while the red tree ant, O. smaragdina Fab., occurs in India.<br />

X. Superfamily CHRYSIDOIDEA Rohwer 1916<br />

87. Family CHRYSIDIDJE (Latreille 1802) Dahlbom 1864 (Chry-sid'i.dre,<br />

from the Greek XPUr160S, golden; referring to the brilliant metallic colors<br />

of these wasps). German, Goldwespen. French, Chrysides. Gold Wasps,<br />

Ruby Wasps, Cuckoo Wasps.<br />

Small to medium-sized, 2-18 mm., slender or stout, brilliant metallic green,<br />

red, blue, purple, and other reflections; smooth or coarsely punctured or sculp.<br />

tured; some species when disturbed curl into a rigid position. Head as wide as<br />

thorax. Eyes widely separated. Ocelli in a triangle on the vertex. Antennre<br />

setiform, short. Thorax large; scutellum may extend beyond base of abdomen.<br />

Legs slender; claws bifid and<br />

with two to six teeth. Wing<br />

venation reduced, hind pair<br />

of wings with small oval lobe.<br />

Abdomen sessile, with two<br />

to five (usually three and<br />

FIG. 240. Edward's cuckoo wasp, Parnopes edwardsij Cresson. Right, adult curled in deathfeigning<br />

attitude. (From Insects of Western North America.)<br />

rarely five) dorsal segments visible; venter concave; propodeum with sharp<br />

lateral keels or spines; last tergite with apical margins entire, notched, or<br />

toothed; ovipositor tubiliferous and r6tractile. The adults are known as<br />

cuckoo wasps from the habit of the females of laying their eggs in the pro-

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