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652<br />


13. Antennre 12- or 13-segmented. . 14<br />

Antenrue four- to nine-segmented; notaulices distinct; middle tibial<br />

spur moderately long; stigmal vein very short, nearly obsolete, the<br />

knob sessile or subsessile; mesopleura without a femoral furrow<br />

APHELINID}E p. 658<br />

14. Antenrue usually 12-segmented . 15<br />

Antennre 13-segmented, with two ring joints and three segments to<br />

the club; occipital line incomplete . . PTEROMALIDlE p. 656<br />

15. Abdomen distinctly petiolate; ocdpitalline complete . SPALANGIIDlE<br />

Abdomen almost sessile; pronotum scarcely visible in the middle,<br />

submarginal vein subangulate, stigmal club often large, notaulices<br />

distinct; funicle of antennre five-segmented . TRIDYMIDlE<br />

16. Tarsi four- or five-segmented . 17<br />

Tarsi three-segmented; pubescence of wings arranged linearly<br />

TRlCHOGRAMMATIDlE p. 660<br />

17. Submarginal vein entire, furnished with many bristles; postmarginal<br />

vein distinct; hind tibire sometimes with two spurs 18<br />

Submarginal vein broken; postmarginal vein sometimes wanting; hind<br />

tibia: with one spur; male antennre simple . 20<br />

18. Abdomen sessile or with a distinct petiole that is transverse and<br />

smooth; notaulices either absent or represented only by very slight<br />

impressions . 19<br />

Abdomen usually with a distinct petiole; notaulices very distinct; antenrne<br />

inserted below middle of face, simple in male; mesonotum<br />

with parapsidal furrows complete, distinct, entire . ELACHERTIDlE<br />

19. Hind coxre very large and strongly compressed; head semiglobose, front<br />

deeply, sparsely punctate; antennre flabellate in male; marginal vein<br />

in fore wings usually extraordinarily lengthened, the radius very<br />

short, scarcely dilated; mesonoturn without furrows . ELASMIDlE<br />

Hind coxre normal; tarsi four- to five-segmented, rarely heteromerous;<br />

marginal and radial veins normal; postmarginal vein often missing;<br />

mesonotum with complete or incomplete furrows; antenrne often<br />

flabellate in male: mesonotum with parapsidal furrows incomplete or<br />

absent, at most only slightly indicated anteriorly . EULOPHIDlE p. 657<br />

20. Submarginal vein very short, either ornate or provided with two<br />

bristles; marginal vein very long; postmarginal vein variable, often<br />

very short or indistinctly developed; metapleura very small; Beutel<br />

with two bristles near the middle . ENTEDONTIDlE<br />

Submarginal vein usually longer than the marginal vein with one to<br />

five bristles; stigmal vein distinct, never subsessile, usually long;<br />

metapleura triangular, not small; mesopleura with a distinct femoral<br />

furrow; postmarginal vein usually absent; seutel with four bristles,<br />

all behind the middle, often with two longitudinally impressed lines;<br />

abdomen sessile , TETRASTICHIDlE p. 658<br />

Family CHALCIDIDlE (Leach 1830) Westwood 1840 (Chal-cid'i-dre; see derivation<br />

under superfamily). German, Zehrwespen. Chalcid Flies, Chalcids.<br />

Minute, 2-7 mm., mostly black or brown, marked with wrlite, yellow or<br />

reddish; nonmetallic. Head small. Antenme simple and short. Eyes large.

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