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II to IX and X or absent on VII and VIII, or X. Abdomen may have<br />

ventral eversible glands. The wood-boring forms are apodous; cerci<br />

present or absent; free living on the host plants or in fruits, leaf rolls,<br />

mines, stems, or galls.<br />

In the CLISTOGASTRA or higher forms the larvre are highly specialized<br />

for a particular environment, and some are subject to strict<br />

and precise care. These specializations consist chiefly in reduction of<br />

parts and the larvre appear to be an undifferentiated mass enclosed in a<br />

thin skin; being apodous, often headless, and usually without appendages<br />

or external organs of any kind.<br />

Pupre - free; often enclosed in a thin parchment-like cocoon or in closed<br />

cells of variable structure above or below ground.<br />


Alimentary Canal.<br />

Mouth cavity - variable and often large; leads into the pharynx.<br />

Injrabuccal cavity or chamber - in ants a bag-like sac below the floor of the<br />

mouth which retains and rejects solid matter after the juices are strained<br />

into the mouth (Imms).<br />

Salivary glands - well developed; one pair in head and one pair in the thorax<br />

of bees - four ducts open on the hypopharynx; a mandibular gland also<br />

may be present in certain bees and wasps.<br />

(Esophagus - narrow and tUbe-like; long or short; dilated into a honey<br />

stomach in bees.<br />

Crop - greatly extended to serve as a honey reservoir and fills and expands<br />

the gaster in honey ants.<br />

Proventriculus - a narrow passage between the crop and the stomach charact.eristic<br />

of the order; with valves and pump action in the honeybee to<br />

force the nectar into the stomach. .<br />

Stomach or ventdculus - atrophied or small in certain forms, or very large<br />

and U-shaped in Vespa and Apis.<br />

Peritrophic membrane - usually wanting, perhaps because of extensive liquid<br />

foods.<br />

Ileum - small intestine - short and simple or long and looped.<br />

Malpighian tubes - exceedingly variable in number: 6-20 in ants, 20-25 in<br />

sawflies, 20-30 in leaf-cutting bees, 50-60 in most ichneumon flies; 100<br />

or more in bees; and 100-125 in many wasps; separate or in two to four<br />

groups or bundles; open separately into the ileum.<br />

Rectum - large chamber with rectal papillre: three in ants, four in certain<br />

ichneumons, and six in the honeybees and in most other members of the<br />

order. .<br />

Circulatory System. Heart and aorta may be well developed and with four<br />

or five chambers in abdominal segments III to VI in the honeybees and IV<br />

to VIII in the ants. .

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