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(Net-winged Beetles.) . LYCIDlE<br />

Middle coxre in contact; epipleura distinct; elytra not reticulate 3<br />

3. Episterna of metathorax sinuate on inner side; head nearly or quite<br />

covered by thorax; epipleura usually wide at base of elytra: phosphorescent<br />

organs usually present. (Fireflies.) . LAMPYRlDlE<br />

Episterna of metathorax not sinuate on inner side; head fully exposed;<br />

epipleura narrow at base; anterior coxre with distinct trochantins;<br />

elytra soft; no phosphorescent organs. Medium-sized predacious<br />

beetles. (Leather-winged Beetles.) . CANTHARIDlE<br />

4. Hind coxre prominent, at least internally 5<br />

Hind coxre fiat, not prominent . 6<br />

5. Body with extensible vesicles . MALACHIIDlE<br />

Body without extensible vesicles MELYRIDlE<br />

6. Fourth segment of tarsus small; pronotum separated from propleura<br />


Fourth segment of tarsus normal; pronotum not separated from propleura<br />

. . CLERIDlE<br />

p.551<br />

p.552<br />

p.552<br />

p.552<br />

p.553<br />

p.552<br />

Family LAMPYRIDJE Leach 1817 (Lam-pyr'i-dre, from the Greek XafJ,7rvpts,<br />

a glowworm; referring to the luminous larviform females). German,<br />

Leuchtkiifer. Fireflies, Glowworms.<br />

Small to medium-sized, flat soft-bodied elongated nocturnal beetles, which<br />

are usually smooth or slightly pubescent; black, brown, yellow, or red in color<br />

and luminous 1 in many species. The adults are either beetle-like in form or the<br />

females of a number of genera are larviform and totally different from the<br />

males. Head small, free or wholly or partly covered beneath the pronotum;<br />

rarely somewhat prolonged into a snout. Antennre inserted on the frons. 11segmented,<br />

pectinate or flabellate in the males. Eyes may be very large in the<br />

males. Thorax large. pronotum covering head in some forms. Legs normal.<br />

Fore coxre subconical, middle contiguous, hind transverse. Tarsal formula<br />

5-5-5 or rarely 4-5-5 in males. Elytra leathery. long or reduced, and not always<br />

meeting in a straight line at the apices. Wings well developed except in the<br />

larviform females. Abdomen with six to seven visible sternites, the first immovable.<br />

Luminous organs on segments VI and VII and also on others. The<br />

light is variable and may be present only in the female glowworms; in other<br />

species it may be stronger in either sex; in color the light varies from yellowishgreen<br />

to green, orange, or red. The eggs,2 larvre, and pupre of certain forms<br />

may also be luminous. The larvre are flat, elongated, distinctly segmented;<br />

head small with sickle-shaped mandibles; legs well developed; thoracic and abdominal<br />

tergites sclerotized; photogenic organs may be present on a pair of<br />

round patches on abdominal segment VIII.<br />

1 Luminosity occurs in a number of widely separated groups of insects in the families<br />


the family.MYCETOPHILIDlE of the order DIPTERA. The luminous organs are composed<br />

of cells whIch are developed from the fat body but have many more nerves and tracheal capillariell<br />

which are thought to aid in oxidation and combustion which produce the light. (See<br />

Baldur, Bionomics oj Enlomophagus Coleoptera. pp. 87-94, 1935.)<br />

2 In realit.y the embryonic larv.e become luminous before hatching from the eggs.

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