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COLEOPTERA 533<br />

small, slender, almost ant-like, and vary in size from 9-28 mm., are metallic<br />

green or reddish in color, and are apterous or winged. Collyris occurs in Indo­<br />

Malaysia and Africa. C. emarginata Dejean inhabits cocoa, coffee, cotton, tea,<br />

and other plants in Malaysia. Tricondyla aptera Olivier, 25 mm., is Indo­<br />

Australian. T. cyanea Dejean, blue with red legs and 22 mm. long, lives on<br />

coffee plants in the East Indies.<br />

The genus Cicindela Linn. is the largest genus and is cosmopolitan in distribution.<br />

There are about 80 species in North America north of Mexico. C. brunet<br />

Gory of Malaysia and C. argentala Fab., C. cyanitarsis Kollar of South America<br />

are said to be termitophilous CW. Horn 1915). The genus MegacePhala Latr. is<br />

common throughout the tropics and ranges into the warmer temperate regions.<br />

M. carolina (Linn.) (Tetracha Hope), 18-20 mm. with metallic rainbow colors,<br />

is one of the finest species in southern United States and tropical America.<br />

Family CARABIDlE Leach 1815, 1817 (Ca-rab'i-dre, from the Greek Kapafjos,<br />

a horned beetle, the stag beetle; referring to the large mandi bles). German,<br />

Laufkafer. French. Carabiques. Predacious Ground Beetles, Carabid<br />

Beetles.<br />

Minute to large, hard and heavily armored, elongated and flattened, usually<br />

smooth, punctate, rugose, or striated, swift-running ground beetles which are<br />

either somber-colored, black, brown, yellowish, and reddish, or brilliant<br />

metallic blue, green, bronze, and gold with rainbow reflections. All species are<br />

practically devoid of hairs and scales. Head free, prognathous, prominent,<br />

narrower than thorax, sometimes greatly prolonged. Antennre long, setiform<br />

or filiform, ll-segmented, usually all but basal segments pubescent. Eyes<br />

prominent or absent in cave dwellers. Mouth parts well developed. Clypeus<br />

not extending beyond base of the antennre; mandibles large; strong, toothed;<br />

maxillre large; galea usually two-segmented; lacinia without immovable apical<br />

hook; palpi five-segmented prominent; mentum small, deeply emarginate;<br />

labial palpi large, three-segmented. Apical segments of palpi in male may be<br />

greatly enlarged. Prothorax prominent, much narrower than or as wide as the<br />

rest of the body, variously shaped. Metasternum with distinct transverse and<br />

oblique sutures. Legs long, slender, cursorial. Coxre variable in shape and<br />

position; fore and middle pairs open or closed behind. Tibial spurs present;<br />

minute, small, long; terminal or nearly so. Tarsi five-segmented; segments<br />

elongate or pad-like, may be greatly enlarged in forelegs of males. Claws<br />

simple or peCtinate. Elytra entire or truncate; smooth, punctured, rugose,<br />

striated, or otherwise sculptured. Wings present and well developed, atrophied,<br />

or absent. Abdomen with six visible sternites. Larvre typical caraboid type,<br />

elongated, distinctly segmented, wholly or partly armored dorsally. Head<br />

large and strong. with six ocelli on each side and fotir-segmented antennre.<br />

Legs short, tarsi one- to two-segmented. Abdominal segment IX with a pair of<br />

cerci and an anal tube.<br />

The members of this remarkable family live largely on the ground, although<br />

a considerable J;l.umber are more or less arboreal and readily climb trees in

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