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524.<br />


and may function as an ovipositor. Male genitalia - concealed within the<br />

abdomen and exserted between stcrnites 9 and 10.<br />

Sexual dimorphism - well developed in many species and characterized by<br />

marked differences in size, color, and external anatomical characteristics.<br />

Some of the latter may be summarized as follows:<br />

Male<br />

1. Large horn-like mandibles.<br />

&. Greatly developed antennre<br />

0. Pectinate<br />

0. Lamellate.<br />

3. Fore tarsi enlarged,<br />

certain aquatic forms with suckers.<br />

4. Longer legs.<br />

Female<br />

1. Often larger size.<br />

2. Reduced antennre.<br />

3. Enlarged tibire in fossorial forms.<br />

4. Change in form<br />

a. Larviform<br />

b. Disk-like<br />

c. Trilobite.<br />


These characters are far too complicated and varied to permit more than the<br />

simplest statements.<br />

Digestive System.<br />

Mouth - well developed in herbivores and little more than a receptacle to<br />

receive the liquids at the bases of the mandibles in predacious forms.<br />

Pharynx - the seat of the organs of taste in the epipharynx.<br />

(Esophagus - simple tube of variable size.<br />

Crop - enlargement of the posterior portion of the cesophagus; absent in<br />

some genera and very large in others.<br />

Proventriculus or gizzard - small chamber with chitinized or horny ridges<br />

and teeth fully developed, particularly in the predators and wood eaters<br />

- not so pronounced in the others.<br />

MM-intestine - tubular, long to short; sac-like; convoluted, coiled, with<br />

gastric creca present - sometimes in series.<br />

Hind intestine - short to long, small or large, usually convoluted, with or<br />

without creca. Colon or bladder-like crecum may be present in certain<br />

genera.<br />

Rectal papiUre - rarely present .<br />

. Malpighian tubes - four to six.<br />

Salivary glands - absent or present.<br />

Silk glands - present in CHRYSOMELIDlE, CURCULIONIDlE, and<br />

other families; fluid secreted by Malpighian tubes and taken from the<br />

anus with the mouth. Used in making cocoons.<br />

Rectal glands - paired organs opening near the anus; secreting odorous,<br />

fetid, and offensive fluids used in self defense; sometimes expelled with<br />

explosive force.<br />

Circulatory System.<br />

Dorsal vessel with variable number of chambers. Aorta extends through<br />

thorax into the head and is branched at apex.

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