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COLEOPTERA 623<br />

mented but the number may vary from one or two to six or even 27 segments<br />

in rare cases; remarkably developed in males; free or resting in<br />

grooves in the prosternum; setiform, filiform, moniliform, clavate, capitate,<br />

serrate, flabellate, geniculate, and lamellate.<br />

Mouth parts - typically biting, the primitive type; many forms feed only<br />

on liquids. Clypeus - divided or reduced; labrum - variable; absent in<br />

weevils. Mandibles - hard, strong for biting and chewing, crushing; and<br />

piercing and sucking; may be enormously developed in the stag beetles<br />

and longicorns; usually move horizontally, but act vertically in certain<br />

weevils. Maxill;e -large, usually bilobed or toothed. Galea - may be<br />

two-segmented and palpiform. Maxillary palpi - three- to five-segmented<br />

(normally four-segmented); greatly developed in a few families.<br />

Labium - entire or rarely divided. Mentum - conspiCuous. Submentum<br />

- distinct or fused with gula. Gula - well developed in many. Ligulavariable;<br />

entire or lobed. Labial palpi - one-, two-, or three-segmented<br />

(normally three-segmented).<br />

Thorax - Well developed and divided by many distinct sutures.<br />

Prothorax - distinct, usually free, narrower than or as wide as the mesothorax;<br />

pronotum a single sclerite.<br />

Meso- and metathorax -large, closely fused and separated into definite<br />

sclerites by distinct sutures.<br />

Legs - variable, usually strong and frequently long and slender; modified<br />

for walking, running, jumping (enlarged hind femora), digging (fossorial<br />

forelegs), and swimming (hairs and spines on middle and hind legs).<br />

CoxaJ -large, plate-like, conical, or globular; simple or laminate; contiguous<br />

or variously separated; cavities open or closed behind; shape and position<br />

important in classification. Trochanters - single Or double, with<br />

basal part, or trochantin, attached to first two pairs of coxa! in certain<br />

species. Femora - may be enlarged for jumping. Tibi;e - modified for<br />

many uses; rounded or flat and toothed; spurs usually present; swimming<br />

hairs present in aquatic forms. Tarsi - one- to five-segmented, normally<br />

five, but may be heteromerous (5-5-4); segments I and IV often minute,<br />

sometimes absent; segments round or pad-like, smooth or hairy. Clawssimple<br />

or complicated (pectinate or cleft); single or paired.<br />

Wings - remarkable because of the hard or leathery fore pair or elytra which<br />

are useless in flight but afford protection to the body, Elytra -long and<br />

covering abdomen or brachypterous; smooth, polished, granular, striated,<br />

punctate, scaly, or hairy; sometimes fused and uniting in a line down<br />

middle of. dorsum or separated posteriorly. Hind wings - one pair;<br />

present, atrophied, or absent; large; membraneous, with few veins; usually<br />

folding longitudinally and transversely.<br />

Spiracles - one pair between prothorax and mesothorax and one pair on<br />

the metathorax.<br />

Abdomen - normally IO-segmented; segment I atrophied; sternites 3 to 9<br />

visible; terminal segments or pygidium constricted, elongated and retractile

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