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the fruit and foliage of wild and cultivated fruit trees and a variety of other<br />

plants. PUpation is in the ground, and wingless females emerge from the soil<br />

and oviposit in the spring of the year. The related fall cankerworm, Alsophila<br />

pornetaria (Harris), (family CENOCHROMATIDA3:) is similar, but the females<br />

mature and oviposit in the fall, the eggs remaining on the host over winter<br />

and hatching in the following spring. The gooseberry spanworm, CymatophOTa<br />

ribearia (Fitch), (family THYATIRID.tE) is a common species in eastern<br />

North America. The European ETannis defoliaria (Clerck) (Hybernia) (family<br />

BREPHIDJE) has wingless females and winged males. It is often very abundant<br />

and destructive to fruit and forest trees. The herbarium moth, Eois<br />

ptelearia Riley, (family ACIDALIIDA3:) is peculiar in that the larvre are injuriolls<br />

to dried plant specimens in herbariums in the United States. The rough<br />

larvre have two pairs of prolegs and spin open, lace-like cocoons.<br />

Many other well-known species, too numerous to mention, occur in almost<br />

every region.<br />

(20) Superfamily BOMBYCOIDEA Dyar 1902<br />


1. Cubitus of fore wings apparently three- or rarely two-branched 2<br />

Cubitus of fore wings apparently four-branched 3<br />

2. Frenulum present, about one sixteenth the length of the hind wings;<br />

proboscis aborted. Large dull-colored moths. Larvre hairy and<br />

pupating in silken cocoons . THAUMETOPCEIDlE<br />

Frenulum absent or, if present. not exceeding the front basal angle of<br />

the wing; proboscis absent; antennre bipectinate in both sexes.<br />

Medium-sized robust densely hairy or scaly moths. Larvre smooth,<br />

with anal hom, and pupate in thick silken cocoons. (Silkmoth,<br />

Silkworm.) . . BOMBYCIDlE p. 488<br />

3. Second cuhital vein of {ore wings arising from the cell about one third<br />

out or from nearer the base; last radial vein stalked with the first<br />

medial; frenulum absent, the basal front angle of the hind wings expanded<br />

and furnished with a couple of short extra veins; proboscis<br />

absent; antent1re pectinate in both sexes. Medium-sized to large<br />

robust mostly brown or somber moths which are nocturnal. The caterpillars<br />

are hairy and anned with lateral tufts and pupate in a cocoon<br />

of silk and hair. Many species are serious pests. (Tent Caterpillars,<br />

etc.) . LASIOCAMPIDlE<br />

Family LASIOCAMPIDlE (HarriS 1841), Waterhouse 1882 (La'si-o-cam'pi-dre,<br />

from the Greek }"'6mos, hairy, shaggy, + Ko.P.'lr'l1, a caterpillar, or a silkworm;<br />

referring to the hairy Jarvre or to the extensive silken webs). German.<br />

Glucken. Tent Caterpillars, Eggars, Lappet Moths, Lackey Moths.<br />

Medium-sized to large hairy and scaly, stout-bodied, nocturnal and diurnal<br />

swift-flying moths closely related to the silkworms, some of them producing<br />

silk used commercially. Antennre bipectinate in both sexes. Eyes hairy, Ocelli<br />

greatly reduced or absent. Proboscis greatly atrophied. Maxillary palpi

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