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may be entirely or only partly covered with scales, and frequently the hind<br />

pair and much of the fore pair are transparent. This characteristic, together<br />

with the slender form, rather long legs, and coloration, gives them the general<br />

appearance of several kinds of wasps. Even in flight certain species mimic wasps.<br />

The antennre may be dilated apically and terminate in a bristle or tuft, rarely<br />

pectinate. Proboscis is well developed. slender, naked; maxillary palpi vestigial<br />

and porrect or absent; labial palpi acute, upturned; legs rather long, spurred,<br />

often with stiff tufts of hairs. Fore wings narrow, fully clothed with scales or<br />

partly transparent; accessory cell and base of medial absent; anal area greatly<br />

reduced, anal veins reduced; hind wings usually transparent except the margins;<br />

frenulum simple. Abdomen clothed with smooth, closely appressed scales and<br />

hairs, six-segmented in female and seven-segmented in male; male with conspicuous<br />

anal tuft. Eggs oval, flattened, reticulated. Caterpillars cylindrical,<br />

white or pale, wrinkled; with small inconspicuous setre, five pairs of prolegs,<br />

each of the four median pairs with two transverse rows of crochets, the anal<br />

pair with a single row. They live as borers in roots, trunks, crowns. and limbs<br />

of woody shrubs and trees. Pupre free with two rows of dorsal spines, last segment<br />

with ventral spines; skin partly withdrawn from cocoon upon emergence<br />

of adult.<br />

The adults are very beautiful moths which are either weak or strong fliers<br />

and may often be seen resting upon the leaves. limbs, and trunks of trees or<br />

hovering about the hosts. The eggs are scattered on the bark of the trunks.<br />

limbs, and crowns. The larVa! feed in the crowns and small twigs or under the<br />

bark of trunks and larger limbs. A number of species are serious pests of wild<br />

and cultivated plants. Pupation occurs in a cocoon constructed of silk, frass.<br />

and refuse within, at the entrance of, or just outside the burrows.<br />

The family is a relatively small one and is well represented in the forested<br />

areas of the tropical and temperate regions. The taxonomy of the family is in a<br />

state of some confusion owing to a lack of agreement concerning the genera<br />

and the species included. The most important genera and species are &gerz'a<br />

Fab.: A. apiformis (Clerck), 15-20 rum. expanse, black and brownish with<br />

yellow markings on the head and thorax and yellow bands on the reddish abdomen.<br />

The larVa! infest chiefly poplars and willows throughout much of Europe,<br />

Asia, and North America. Bembicia Hubner: B. hyheiformis (Laspeyres)<br />

(Palrearctic) and B. 11larginata (Harris) (Nearctic) are common species, the<br />

larvre of which bore into the stems of berries, Rubus spp. Cham;esphecia Beuten·<br />

muller is a large and important genus.<br />

DJE to embrace those species named in the genera /Egeria and Synanthedon. A study of these<br />

various genera and species indicate that the family SESIIDtE was intended to embrace certain<br />

Clear-winged moths now generally included in the family SPHINGIDIE, and it should therefore<br />

be considered a synonym of the latter, whereas the JEGERIIDtE holds precedence as the<br />

proper family name for the clear-winged or glassy-winged moths. This latter name has been<br />

accepted by such authorities as Busck 1909, Rothachild 1911. Le Cerf 1911-1929, Holland<br />

1913, Barnes and McDunnough 1917, Hampson 1919. Zukowsky 1921-1929, Forbes 1923.<br />

Dalla Tone and Strand 1925, Tillyard 1926, Ga'ldc 1929, Seitz 1930, Matsumura 1931, Brues<br />

and Melander 1932, and Hering 1932. The arrangement of species ia that of Dalla Torre<br />

and Strand.

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