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Ocelli generally present in family as now restricted. Proboscis well developed.<br />

Falpi normal or short; labial paJpi upturned with segment III at right angles<br />

to II and blunt or fusiform; maxillary palpi three-segmented, porrect, reduced,<br />

or absent. Wings without aculere or microtrichia; fore wings narrow and sometimes<br />

drawn out into a long point and without stigma; hind wings narrower.<br />

The larva; are of two types, the young and the older forms. The young have<br />

the head flat, ocellame very small and variable in number, being reduced even<br />

to just a single pair; rarely apodous; prolegs vestigial or absent when thoracic<br />

legs are present, always absent on abdominal segment VI. Crochets uni- or<br />

biordinaI. Mature caterpillars are cylindrical, with normal head, minute body<br />

setre, and prolegs well developed on segments III to V and last.<br />

The young caterpillars are usually miners of leaves, bark, or fruits, and puncture<br />

the plant cells with their flat mandibles to suck up the sap. Later stages<br />

feed normally upon the green tissues within the mines, or they may fold, web,<br />

and skeletonize or devour the leaves. Certain ones mine the stems and fruit,<br />

and the members of the oriental genus Epicephala Meyrick feed on seeds.<br />

Pupation occurs in thin cocoons within the mines or rarely in rolled leaves or<br />

elsewhere outside the mines. The pupre protrude from the cocoons upon emergence<br />

of the adults.<br />

The family is widely distributed throughout the world. The most primitive<br />

genus is Gracilaria Haworth with about 120 described species. One of the best<br />

known species is the European lilac leaf miner, G. syringelia (Fab.), which has<br />

been introduced into parts of North America. The azalea leaf miner, G. azalere<br />

Busck, introduced from Japan into North America, is a pest in greenhouses.<br />

G. coffeifcliella Motschulsky attacks coffee in western Africa, and G. theivora<br />

Walsingham infests tea in Malay. The genus Lithocolletis Hubner is the largest<br />

and most important in the family and includes more than 200 species, many of<br />

which are quite destructive to forest, ornamental, and cultivated shrubs and<br />

trees particularly of the north temperate regions. It is believed to have originated<br />

recently in North America. Needham, Frost, and Tothill (1928) list<br />

94 leaf-mining species in this country, and Forbes (1923) describes 73 from<br />

New York and neighboring states. The larvre mine mostly the foliage of broadleaved<br />

deciduous trees.<br />

Members of the genus Marmara Clemens are important because the minute<br />

fiat larval of certain species, notably M. pomonella Busck of North America,<br />

mine the outer epidermis of fruits while other species mine both fruits and the<br />

stems, shoots, and branches of shrubs and trees. Pupation occurs in a thin<br />

cocoon outside the mine which in the case of M. arbutiella Busck is decorated<br />

by small white translucent globules excreted from the anus.<br />

Family LYONETIIDlE Stainton 1854 (Ly'o-net-i'i-dre, named for the Dutch<br />

entomologist and naturalist, P. Lyonet, who published a remarkable work<br />

on the anatomy of the European goat moth in 1760). Ribbed-case Bearers.<br />

A small family of widely distributed minute moths scarcely larger than<br />

those in the family NEPTICULIDiE. The adults are often brilliantly colored.

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