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424<br />


edible one, (2) Mullerian mimicry in which two or more distasteful species<br />

mimic each other so that the benefits formerly held by each might be more<br />

or less evenly enjoyed by all the members of both. Both of these types may<br />

be classed as purposeful mimicry. Other types which are difficult to define<br />

in so small a space also occur in nature.<br />

Eggs - among the marvels of biology because of their innumerable sizes,<br />

shapes, sculpturings, colors, designs, and arrangements. Usually with tough,<br />

hard shells. Form - spherical, subglobular, flattened or disk-like, conical,<br />

hemispherical, cylindrical, ovoid, fusiform, barrel-shaped, angular, and<br />

innumerable other types. Surface - smooth and shining or variously traced<br />

and sculptured; ribbed, striated, punctured, reticulated, tuberculate, and<br />

otherwise ornamented. Covering - sometimes covered with silk, cement, and<br />

hairs from the body of the female or deposited within a matrix of cement<br />

which serves to protect them through the winter. Colors - green, white, and<br />

yellow predominating, but also brown, red, blue, purple, and various combinations;<br />

sometimes brilliant and metallic; more often cryptic or spotted.<br />

Micropyle, or microscopic opening for the entrance of the sperm - present.<br />

In some species a lid is formed which is pushed off by the emerging caterpillar.<br />

Laid - singly, scattered, in rows, regular, or irregular masses, short<br />

suspended chains, in matrices of cement, and in other ways; usually attached<br />

to the host but may be deposited indiscriminately by some species in the<br />

vicinity of the host.<br />


Size - minute, from 3-5 mm. up to the large sphinx caterpillars, 130-150 mm.<br />

in length. Others may be shorter, more robust, and therefore bulkier and<br />

heavier.<br />

Shape - usually elongate-cylindrical, slender or robust; some very short and<br />

oval; leaf miners decidedly flattened and elongated. Certain forms resemble<br />

twigs to a remarkable degree.<br />

Colors - predominately green or otherwise cryptic; many are brightly ornamented<br />

and may have a wide variety of patterns and unique designs. Some<br />

pass through a series of color patterns and others have different color phases.<br />

Surfa.ce Md vestiture - very many are naked, smooth or wrinkled, and with<br />

indistinct setre; others are hairy and spiny, some having compound spines<br />

(verruc.:e and scoli) in a wide variety of arrangements; hairs and spines often<br />

stinging and nettle-like; naked or spined tubercules and processes may also<br />

be present. Hollow poisonous glandular hairs occur in a few species.<br />

Integument - thin, elastic, sometimes very delicate, or tough, leathery and<br />

partly chitinized; composed of head, three thoracic. and 13 body segments.<br />

Head - usually hypognathous; prominent; hard, chitinous, smooth or with<br />

horn-like projections; globular, conical, hemispherical, bilobed; free and<br />

readily mobile; with ad frontal areas (narrow sc1erites along the epicranial<br />


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