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which occur in the Miocene of Colorado no longer exist in the New World, but<br />

are confined to the Palearctic region, one (Fibla) being restricted to the southern<br />

part of Europe. This is strong evidence that the present snake-fly fauna of<br />

North America has been newly formed since the Miocene, the Mid-Tertiary<br />

fauna having been exterminated. The restriction of the recent genera in North<br />

America to the Rocky Mountain and Californian regions points to the conclusion<br />

that the present snake-fly fauna of North America has been derived<br />

from eastern Asia through Alaska. This migration could easily have extended<br />

southward along the Pacific coast into South America, giving rise to the two<br />

isolated species of Agulla which occur in Central America and Chile."<br />


(After Carpenter 1936)<br />

1. Ocelli present; pterostigma bisected by a veinlet; antennal segments<br />

smaller at bases . . .. .. RAPHIDIIDlE<br />

2. Ocelli absent; pterostigma not bisected by a veinlet, antennal segments<br />

cylindrical. INOCELLIIDJE<br />

Family RAPHIDIIDJE Stephens 1836 (Raph/i-di/i-dre: see meaning under<br />

order name). Long-necked snaketlies.<br />

This, the dominant family, includes the genera Raphidia Linnreus 1758, the<br />

first to be described and for many years the only genus and "catch-aU" for all<br />

the various species described: Erma 1 Navas 1918; and Aguila Navas 1914, the<br />

most widely distributed genus, which now includes nearly all species that were<br />

placed in Raphidia.<br />

The common raphidian, Agulla adnixa (Hagen) (Raphidia), is the commonest<br />

and one of the most widely distributed species in North America, and yet<br />

very little is known as to its biology. It ranges from the Pacific seashore to the<br />

crests of the Sierra Nevada and of the Rocky Mountains to an elevation of at<br />

least 9,000 it;<br />

Agulla arizonica (Banks) and A. unicolor Carpenter also have a similarly<br />

wide distribution in western North America.<br />

There are at least 12 species of Rapkidia in Europe.<br />

Raphidia hermandi Navas occurs in Japan.<br />

Family INOCELLIIDlE Nav4s 1916 (In'o-cell-i/i-dre, from the Latin; meaning<br />

without ocelli). Inocellids.<br />

This family embraces but two genera, Inocellia Schneider 1843. which is Nearctic<br />

and Palrearctic, and Fibla Navas, which is European.<br />

The American species, Inocellia inflata (Hagen) (Raphidia) and I. longicornis<br />

Albarda, have been collected only along the Pacific coast from southern British<br />

Columbia to southern California and to western Nevada.<br />

Inoceltia crassicornis Schummel is a Japanese species.<br />

I The genus Erma was placed in a separate family. ERMIDiE. by Lestage 1928.

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