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NEUROPTERA 379<br />

cat a (Fab.), S. dahlii McL., S. terminalis Curtis, and S. jutlandica E. Petersen.<br />

S. brunneus Banks is the best known species in Australia, S. nikkoana Navas<br />

in Japan, and S. vicaria Walker in North America. It is well to call attention to<br />

the fact that these insects are nowhere very abundant and are therefore rarely<br />

met with either in insect collections or in books.<br />

Family OSMYLIDJE Brauer 1868 (Os-rny'li-d;;e, from the Greek oO'JJ,-q, a smell<br />

or odor; referring perhaps to odors of some species). Osmylid Flies.<br />

Medium to large, slender, beautiful species with marked wings. The fore<br />

wings are somewhat. larger than the hind wings, the discal areas have very<br />

many cross veins, and the marginal area is without cross veins but with many<br />

forked veinlets. The head is wider than long, the antennre filiform and shorter<br />

than the wings; three ocelli near the frons; the claws many toothed (four or five<br />

or 10-12). The body and legs are clothed with a few long hairs. It comprises<br />

a widespread group of about 20 genera and 50 species which do not occur in North<br />

America, but are known in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia.<br />

The most important genera are Osmylus Latr., Spilosmylus Kolbe, Kalosmylus<br />

Kriiger, Rhipidosmylus Kruger, and Stenosmylus McLachlan.<br />

Osmylus chrysops (Linn.) with a wing expanse of 37-52 mm. is the largest<br />

neuropteran in Great Britain. The larVa! are long, slender, and dark, live under<br />

stones, leaves, moss, and debris near the water, and have long, nearly straight,<br />

needle"like mandibles and maxillre. They feed upon maggots and on larvre of<br />

other insects living in their habitat. Pupation occurs in a soft cocoon. Their<br />

elongate"oval eggs ate laid near the water.<br />

CUmacia areotaris Hagen of the Canary Islands has a wing expanse of only<br />

7mm.<br />

Family HEMEROBIIDlE Westwood, 1840 (Hem'er-o-bi'i"dre, from the Greek<br />

TJMEprJ., day, + /3Lo" life; meaning living [or a day, a false conception<br />

concerning the true biology of these insects). German, BlattlauslOwen.<br />

French, Hemerobiides. Hemerobiids, Brown Lacewings, Aphis Wolves.<br />

These small lacewings are usually brownish, and often with golden and other<br />

iridescent colors; ocelli absent; antennre long and moniliform; wings similar,<br />

sometimes with irregular margins at tips, brown, hairy, with many small cells,<br />

the costal area being crossed by many numerous branched veinlets, and without<br />

a pterostigma. The adults are fragile in appearance, slow,crawling, and llave an<br />

erratic flight. They occur on nearly all types of vegetation and are often taken<br />

at lights by night.<br />

The eggs are regularly elongate-oval and 0.5-1.0 mm. long, the surface<br />

smooth, pitted, or pebbled and with micropylar knob. They are deposited<br />

singly or in groups, attached by their sides.<br />

The larvre are similar to those of the CHRYSOPIDiE but are smooth, without<br />

tubercles, and have only fine hairs. The mandibles and maxillre are curved<br />

but short. There are two claws and, in the first instar only, a trumpet-shaped

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