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378<br />


The eggs, as observed by Withycombe (1924), are large, oval, smooth, with<br />

a disk-like micropylar knob, creamy white in color, and covered with an adhesive<br />

fluid to which particles of the soil adhere.<br />

The larvre, described by Withycombe (1924) and Tillyard (1926), are cruciform<br />

and curved and are similar in appearance to the white grubs of scarabreid<br />

beetles. They have small heads, no eyes, and microtrichia and macrotrichia<br />

over the surface. The legs are strong and adapted to digging in the sand and<br />

soil. The tibire and tarsi of all legs are fused into one segment. The short,<br />

straight, piercing mouth parts are unusual because of the great enlargement of<br />

the maxillre. There are one pair of prothoracic and eight pairs of abdominal<br />

spiracles. An odor similar to citronella, the common mosquito repellent, is<br />

emitted. The lnrvre prey upon white grubs, which they closely resemble, as<br />

well as upon other soil-inhabiting insects, and are therefore considered beneficial.<br />

They pass thrOl.1gh five instars.<br />

This very small family is composed of at least five genera and about 13 species.<br />

Three genera, including It/zone Newman, and six species occur in Australia.<br />

A genus and single species, Oliarces clara Banks, inhabits California,<br />

and the genus Rapisma the Himalaya Mountains of Asia.<br />

Family SISYRIDJE Handlirsch 1906 (Sis-yr'i-dre, from the Greek O'LU(Jpo.,<br />

fur, goat's hair; referring to the hirsute covering of the body and wings).<br />

Spongilla Flies.<br />

The spongilla flies, as the adults are called, are small species measuring 6-<br />

8 mm. in length and are usually fuscous or brownish in color, with a few long<br />

hairs on the legs and body. The compound eyes are large, oceIIi absent, the<br />

antennre about half as long as the fore wings, the mandibles and maxillre setiform,<br />

labial palpi absent, and the claws single. The wing venation is simple<br />

with few cross veins.<br />

The eggs of Sisyra are very small, elongated, and somewhat resemble those<br />

of Hemerobius. They ate laid in masses on objects standing in or overhanging<br />

fresh water and may be covered with a silken web.<br />

The larvre differ from most of the other species in the order in being aquatic<br />

and in feeding upon living fresh-water sponges of the genera Spongilla, Ephydatia,<br />

and probably others. They may also be fotmd on bryozoans and algre.<br />

They may be greenish or brownish in color, with two rows of dorsal and two<br />

rows of long lateral groups of hairs arising from body tubercles and seven pairs<br />

of segmented abdominal gills. The mouth parts, long, needle-like, and slightly<br />

recurved apically, serve well to pierce the bodies of the sponges upon which<br />

they subsist. When mature the larvre seek the shore above the water line<br />

and pupate in an oval loose double cocoon in the soil or under stones and<br />

debris.<br />

The family consists of some six genera and 20 species distributed throughout<br />

the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, North America, and South<br />

America. The dominent genus, Sisyra Burmeister, is Holarctic, and Climacia<br />

McLachlan is Nearctic, There are at least four species in Europe: Sisyra jus-

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