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26<br />


vidual cells are derived from the vein along the anterior margins of each, and<br />

they are therefore identical with vein names. The common names are somewhat<br />

variable, as shown in the list on page 25:<br />

Abdomen - the third and usually the largest region of the body; composed<br />

of a series of similar segments variable in number, usually 11 in the more primitive<br />

forms. In the higher insects there arc normally nine or 10 vh,ible !'legments,<br />

but they may coalesce, telescope, or be reduced in numbers so that only<br />

three or four may be seen. The abdomen may be rigid in 11l0sL beetles and weevils<br />

but is normally quite elastic, and the terminal segments, at. least, are freely<br />

movable owing to their own resilience and to the thinner ,md lllore flexible texture<br />

of the connective tissues between them. The abdomen is broadly or narrowly<br />

aUached to the thorax. In the latter case the first segment may be closely<br />

fused to the metathorax so as to become more a part of it than of the abdomen.<br />

This fused member, known as the jJropodewn, is common among muny of the<br />

HYMENOPTERA. One or two segments following the propodeum may be<br />

extremely narrow and form a j)edl:cel, while the remainder of the abdomen,<br />

which is more or less globular, triangular, or elongated, is called the gaster.<br />

This condition occurs among hymenopterous parasites, anls, and wasps.<br />

Certain flies have a more or less pedicellate abdomen but lack the propodeum.<br />

On the venter of each of segments II to IX of Machilis, and VIII and IX of<br />

Lepisma in the THYSANURA and I to VII of I aj)yx in APTERA is a pair<br />

of plates, the coxites or coxosterna, each of which bears a single small twosegmented<br />

finger,like stylus, also thought to be rudimentary abdominal legs.<br />

Smaller similar appendages occur on abdominal segments I to III in the<br />

PROTURA. The prolegs of larvre are pseudopods: paired, unsegmented, short<br />

legs which are important organs of locomotion and attachment, varying in<br />

number from two to 10 pairs. In the caterpillars they are furnished with apical<br />

crochets or claws which are absent in the sawflies.<br />

In the COLLEMBOLA there are two organs not found in other insects:<br />

the collophore or ventral tube, a simple or bifid process with eversible sacs which<br />

exude a sticky fluid to help in adhering to objects, and the spring, a small but<br />

powerful two-segmented posterior forked appendage for leaping.<br />

The posterior region of the abdomen is modified in many ways both as to the<br />

character of the terminal segments and of the appendages attached thereto.<br />

Some of these parts are: The cercus (pI. cerci) - a pair of simple or segmented,<br />

antennre-like, tactile organs arising from the lateral posterior margins of seg.<br />

ments X or XI; extremely long in mayflies; modified into a pair of pincers in<br />

earwigs and japygicls. The cercoids - cerci-like appendages arising from segments<br />

IX or X of larvre, are "of a problematical nature" according to Imms<br />

(1937). Median caudal filament - a long cercus-like tactile organ between the<br />

cerci in THYSANURA. Pygidium (pI. pygidia), suranal plate or e/Jiproct - the<br />

last exposed abdominal tergite in beeUes; the terminal unsegmented region in<br />

armored coccids. Propygidium - the tergite (VII) preceding the pygidium in<br />

beetles with short elytra (Dalla Torre).

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