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24. Order NEUROPTERA I Linnreus 1758<br />

(Neu-rop/ter-a, from the Greek IIfupa, nerves, + 7rTepa, wings:<br />

referring to the many veins in the wings.) German, Echte Netzfiiigler.<br />

French, Les neuropteres.<br />

Nerve-winged Insects, Lacewings.<br />

Minute to medium-sized or rarely large; mostly terrestrial, carnivorous insects with<br />

complex metamorphosis; biting mouth parts; head hypognathous, free; compound eyes<br />

large and widely separated; ocelli three or wanting; antennre variable, but usually filiform;<br />

legs long and slender, tarsi five-segmented; wings two pairs, normally simUar in<br />

shape, size, and venation with a network of veins, sometimes hairy and moth-like;<br />

cerci absent; ovipositor not exserted.<br />

Larvre terrestrial excepting the aquatic SISYRIDJE; carnivorous; thysanuriform, or<br />

rarely eruciform j mouth parts piercing and sucking but of biting type; antennre setiform;<br />

legs short and stout; cerci absent.<br />

Although reclassified many times and its number of genera greatly reduced,<br />

the insects of this order are still far from homogenous in structure and are widely<br />

separated in their biology. For practically every statement made concerning<br />

the order there is an exception which serves to indicate the difficulties of summarizing<br />

the character and habits of the group as a whole.<br />


External<br />

Si:z;e - minute or medium to large.<br />

Shape - mostly slender, a few robust.<br />

Exoskeleton - thin and often fragile,<br />

smooth or hairy; some covered with<br />

Whitish powdery wax.<br />

Color - cryptic, dusky, brown, gray,<br />

green, and some brightly colored.<br />

Head - hypognathous, free, rather small.<br />

Eyes - compound eyes large and widely<br />

separated; ocelli - absent except in<br />


which have three.<br />

A.ntennre - variable, short or long, setiform,<br />

filiform, moniliform, pectinate,<br />

clavate, or capitate; often manysegmented.<br />

Mouth parts - simple, typically biting.<br />

Internal<br />

Digestive System.<br />

Mouth with fairly large buccal cavity<br />

leading to pharynx.<br />

Pharynx - with a modified pharyngeal<br />

pump.<br />

(Esophagus - annulated, dilated somewhat<br />

through the thorax and widened<br />

in the anterior part of the abdomen<br />

into a large food sac.<br />

Proventriculus - funnel-shaped, lined<br />

with spines and bars; arises from under<br />

side of cesophagus in the third abdominal<br />

segment and leads· into the<br />

mid-intestine through an cesophageal<br />

valve.<br />

Mid·intestine - extends nearly to apex<br />

of abdomen,<br />

l The Linnrean order NEUROPTERA has undergone many revisions since it was first<br />


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