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HEMIPTERA 349<br />

The tamarisk manna scale, Trabutina mannipara (Ehrenberg) [Gossyparia<br />

mannifera (Hardwick), Coccus manniparus Ehrenb., (Chermes)], is a notable<br />

member of the family and famous in Biblical accounts because it produced the<br />

"manna of the wilderness." This coccid feeds upon Tamarix mannifera and<br />

C<br />

FIG. 121. The Indian lac insect. Laccijer lacca (Kern). A. normal appearance of a colony of<br />

lac on a living tree; B. stick lac; C, stick lac with section removed from twig to show incrusta·<br />

tlOn of lac over and around the bodies of the insecta and the twig w)l.ich are obliterated from<br />

vIew; D and E, different aspects of the female bodies removed from the lac. (D and E. after<br />

Green.)<br />

T. gallica in parts of Asia Minor and in Iraq. The females secrete quantities<br />

of honeydew. In arid regions, this material accumulated, stratified with the<br />

leaves of the host plant, and solidified throughout the ages to form the sweet<br />

food called manna 1 or gift of God by the Israelites wandering in the Sinai<br />

wilderness. The material is still collected and used for sugar by the Arabs in<br />

the Sinai Mountains and by certain natives of Iraq. ,<br />

Members of the genus Eriococcus are often completely or partially enclosed<br />

in felt·like sacs.<br />

tAccording to Weber (Bioi. dur Hemipt6'fen. Springer, Serlin, 1930) manpa is compoi\ed of<br />

55 per cent cane sugar, 25 per cent invert sugar, and 19.3 per cent deJl:trin (Wigglesworth,<br />


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