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Uhler, Empicoris Wolff, Gardena Dohrn, GhiUanella Spinola, Barce SUtl, and<br />

Sienolemus Signoret.<br />

Ploiaria culicifornzis DeGeer is a common species in Europe and extends<br />

into western Asia and northern Africa. Four species occur in North America,<br />

of which P. errabunda (Say) is the best known.<br />

Ploiaria brellipennis (Say) is a very common species throughout much of<br />

North America and Barce annulipes SHU and B. fraterna (Say) are widely<br />

distributed east of the Rocky Mountains. Ploiaria huttoni (Scott) is a wingless<br />

species in New Zealand and in Juan Fernandez Island off the central coast of<br />

Chile.<br />

Empicoris rubromaculatus (Blackburn) is our commonest species, occurring<br />

in North and South America and in Hawaii.<br />

Family NABIDlE 1 (Costa 1852) (Nab/i-dre, from the Latin nabis, a giraffe:<br />

referring to the elongated prothorax and head or the long rostrum).<br />

Damsel Bugs.<br />

Medium-sized, slender, predacious bugs; gray, brown, black, or reddish in<br />

color; dull, shining, pubescent or hairy. Head elongate. Antennre long, slender,<br />

normally four-segmented; five-segmented in certain exotic forms; a supplementary<br />

ring segment may be present at base of II. Eyes well developed.<br />

Ocelli present, normal or reduced. Rostrum long, four-segmented, rarely<br />

three-segmented. Prothorax long and narrow; pronotum with anterior impression<br />

and prosternum without stridulatory groove. Wings normal or greatly<br />

reduced, some forms dimorphic. Hemelytra with corium, large clavus, membrane,<br />

and sometimes an embolium; cuneus absent; membrane with two or<br />

three large elongated cells and radiating veins with few connecting cross veins.<br />

Legs slender; fore pair raptorial. Tarsi three-segmented. Claws without<br />

arolia. Abdomen slender or wide. Female with ovipositor. Male with abdominal<br />

segment IX enlarged and with copulatory hooks.<br />

The members of this family are largely predacious on plant bugs and other<br />

smaller insects and are therefore considered beneficial. They occur generally<br />

upon vegetation.<br />

The family is closely related to the REDUVIIDiE, with which it was<br />

formerly combined. It is widely distributed and consists of about 350 species.<br />

The important genera are Arbela Stal, Nabis Latr., and Pagasa Stat The<br />

genus N abis is most widely distributed and is practically cosmopolitan.<br />

There are eight common species in Europe, 50 in North America, one in<br />

Australia, and two in New Zealand. Nabz's ferus Linn. is the commonest<br />

species and one of the best known members of the order. It is a dull-gray<br />

bug,8 mm. long, which occurs throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The<br />

brachypterous N. apterus Fab. is Palrearctic and does not occur in North<br />

America.<br />

1 The correct spelling NABID..-E was met used by Donrn 1859. Hedicke 1935 spells the<br />

Jlatnl) NABIJ)lDJE,

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