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cotton bug of Australia; and D. nigroJasciatus Stal and seven other species<br />

occur on cotton in Africa.<br />

The genus Euryophthalmus contains seven North American species. The<br />

bordered plant bugs, E. cinctus CR. S.) and E. succinctus (Linn.), are the most<br />

important. Pyrrhocoris has two common European species: P. apterus Linn.<br />

and P. EEgyptilts Linn. The former is brachypterous and occurs in Europe,<br />

Africa, Asia. Dindymus !'ersicolor H. S. is listed as a pest of fruits in Australia<br />

and New Zealand by Tillyard (1926). The Sumatran species, Lahiia grandis<br />

Gray, a large, conspicuous red and black bug, measures over 50 mm. in length.<br />

It also feeds on cotton in India (Sharp, 1899).<br />

Family TINGIDlE 1 (Laporte 1832) (Ting'i-dre, from Tingi, ancient name of<br />

Tangiers, a village in Morocco 2). German, Gitterwanzen. French,<br />

Tingidides. Lace Bugs, Tingids.<br />

Minute to small bizarre bugs, scarcely more than 4-5 mm. long, with the<br />

dorsum of the head, prothorax, and hemelytra reticulated in frame-like raised<br />

and sunken pattern somewhat resembling lace. 3 Bodies small, thin, flattened,<br />

and frequently spiny in the immature forms and often covered by a much<br />

wider dorsal armature in the adult stage. Head much narrower than or as wide<br />

as the prothorax. Antennre short, four-segmented, segment III longest, segment<br />

IV frequently clavate or capitate. Eyes well developed. Ocelli absent.<br />

Rostrum short, four-segmented. Pronoium sometimes greatly modified to<br />

form a raised hood concealing the head and with disk-like lateral lobes (paranota)<br />

extending far beyond the margins of the prothorax. Wings fully or<br />

partially developed even within the species. Hemelytra transparent or pigmented,<br />

just covering the abdomen or greatly expanded and extending far<br />

beyond the margins of the body, variously raised in ridges and depressions or<br />

nearly flat; the surface divided by veins into costal, subcostal, and discoidal<br />

areas and many areoles. The margins of the paranota and hemelytra may be<br />

fringed with spines. Legs normal. Fore coxre near base of prosternum. Tarsi<br />

two-segmented. Claws without aralia.<br />

These remarkable insects are thought to be wholly plant feeders, and some<br />

species greatly injure wild and cultivated plants. The eggs are frequently<br />

1 The proper spelling of the family name of these insects has long been the subject of much<br />

debate and controversy. The difficulty has arisen from the transliteration of the Greek root<br />

from which the generic name Tingis was erected by Fabricius in 1803. Some of the opinions<br />

are: TINGIDITES Laporte 1832, Spinola 1837; TINGIDtE Westwood 1840, Lethierry and<br />

Severin 1896, Kirkaldy 1908, Osborn and Drake 1917, Drake 1919, Parshley 1923, Butler<br />

1923. Tillyard 1926, Imms 1930, Hedicke 1935. Perrier 1935; TINGIDITtE Spinola 1850;<br />

TINGIDID.tE Fieber 1860. Distant 1903, Oshanin 1908, Schroder 1925, Weber 1930, Brues<br />

and Melander 1932; TINGITIDJE Still 1873, Uhler 1886, Champion 1897, Horvath 1906,<br />

Osborn and Drake 1916, Holland 1924, Horvath and Parshley 1927. The matter has been<br />

fully discussed by W. J. Holland (Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 17: 95-96, 1924).<br />

'Perrier, Remy, La Faune de la France 4: 39, 1935.<br />

• Memhers of the closely related family PIESMIDA3: Amyot and Serville 1843 have a similar<br />

reticulated surface structure but have ocelli. larger wing cells or areoles. and exposed scutel·<br />

lum. The ARADIDJE are also similar, but the reticulations neither are so lace-like nor hide<br />

the body sO completely.

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